A breakdown that made me see new about where I am.

car problems


Few nights ago I had a breakdown. I was crying out my fear, my emptiness, my frustration in my life to God. It was good! It helped me so much after.

It helped me so much that I was Brain Storming out in »my garden» the same day (just later) with the sound from the stream we have in the end of the garden.

It helped me to clear my brain and to think new.

breakthrough for new results

It’s like God has given me something invisible I can’t touch but use. It’s like finding new path’s, road’s, street’s of how to find a job, search and think. I have peace. I still don’t have the motivation I had but I can see the light in the tunnel again. I am willing to find my way.


new light

light in the tunnel

Last evening which ended into late night or earlie morning I was actually on my LinkedIn profile. Reading about «how to make your self more attractive» for the employers. What to write to attract. Very interesting reading!

– That gave me inspiration and hope.


I think a breakdown for me was just what I needed to see clear again and see new light into what I am doing. To explore new paths and enjoy life more. To take one day in the week to just do some fun stuff with a friend. To re-start.

little things

I want to be hungry to learn more about my areas, about administration, find literature in this area. I want to be hungry on God. Trust him. Walk that specific street with him.

eye opener

This breakdown was an eye-opener for me.

A good one!

Like, what do I want in a job? What am I looking for? Do I put my faith first in life? What do I do with the days? What would be a benefit for me?


So far have I already learned to watch myself from the sideline in a positive way. It have helped me to understand myself more. Good lesson.


/Mia-Simone Svenberg

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Welcome to my blog. I am a creative young lady who comes from the northern part of Sweden and moved to Norway in 2007. This blog is about my dailylife, my faith, being creative in different ways, take challenges, share thoughts. I write to share, cause my heavenly Father told me so. And you SHARE to them around you. I mostly sewing, knit or write but I do a lot of other things to. I love to inspire others. ..and I love coffee!

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