Advents calender, 24th December-18.

It’s Christmas eve 🎄 it’s finally here. The Day I have been waiting on.

Here comes the verse for today; Psalm 37:21

The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

This verse is just like what Christmas is all about. To show mercy and be giving.

We celebrate the newborn son that came to this World for us. Our Father gave us a son, to be able to show mercy to others. And we have the oppurtunity to give, show love and mercy.

Merry Christmas.


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Welcome to my blog. I am a creative young lady who comes from the northern part of Sweden and moved to Norway in 2007. This blog is about my dailylife, my faith, being creative in different ways, take challenges, share thoughts. I write to share, cause my heavenly Father told me so. And you SHARE to them around you. I mostly sewing, knit or write but I do a lot of other things to. I love to inspire others. ..and I love coffee!

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