July 23rd, trying something new.

Hi guys ,you who following my blog. This is me. Not just text from me in person but actually few shorter videos. šŸ˜‰

I want to share something with you in an other way this time.

High level of frustration…

But just the fact of sharing this with you all, the frustration is almost gone. šŸ˜Š

Now I am more annoyed.

How is this related to my Christian life? Well it’s the daily life experience to deal with things in the same time talk to the Lord about it. Don’t let it sink in so it’s hurting you.

You still have the chance to recive peace in your mind before you do something stupid. I can still believe the Lord will help me and take the frustration away from my soul, brain and thoughts. šŸ™.

I am not aloud to post more videos šŸ˜­ so I’ll just type what I want share with you all.

I am thankful for being a Christian becauce I can then just talk out loud my thoughts to the Lord. And knowing he listening. And that freedom is huge! Knowing He will take care of my feelings no matter what I feel. šŸ˜Š. And I will do my best to have a great weekend and not just ” survive ” the weekend.

I am letting Him in to my heart, brain and soul to clean it. And knowing He still loves me and that He wants the best for me is good enough.

So what my life brings on right now is bigger challenges than I thought I needed. But it’s okay becauce I trust the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers. šŸ™.

ā¤ to you all.

And remember to believe āœļø.

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Welcome to my blog. I am a creative young lady who comes from the northern part of Sweden and moved to Norway in 2007. This blog is about my dailylife, my faith, being creative in different ways, take challenges, share thoughts. I write to share, cause my heavenly Father told me so. And you SHARE to them around you. I mostly sewing, knit or write but I do a lot of other things to. I love to inspire others. ..and I love coffee!

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