Tourist in my own city – Oslo. 

Today have walked around in Oslo with a new friend.  She is a Couchsurfer from Ireland/Brazil and stay with me this weekend.

We have explored the park around the Castle/Palace in Oslo and here are some pictures.

Queen Sonja’s park..

Sculpture in the park ⤴️⤵️

Outside the Castle/Palace one of three path’s to catch the train to or from Oslo at The National Theater.
Me and my new friend Thaysa split our ways here. She wanted to explore more of Oslo and I went down to Aker Brygge and the Farmers market. Here are the picture of my walk alone.

Street musician ⤴️

The Farmers market ⤴️

The city hall ⤵️


How do you think when the Spring comes?

Since my last blog has the Spring🌱 really come forward. ☺ Take today..It’s not just sunshine ☉ it’s a bit warm 🌡 too ☺ and during the night we went from ⛄-time to 🏖-time. 

It’s even more then pluss four degrees during the nights now. That is a Spring Sign 😃 Flowers coming slowly up and our rubarbs (!) 

I’ve got into a good rhytm of workout and got new shifts at PS Hotel 😉 som it works better with my body. Free Day’s = workout time for me.

(On the picture I’m back home and get my suger up with dates and suger peas)

 The Media Free week was for me all about to do other things then watch TV or be out on Facebook. And I did do other things. ☺☺ l picked up a book to read on the bus, did some creative cards with old nailpolish and on the fourth day into my Media Free Week was the first day’s I watched a tv program. 

 Thursday and Friday was my free day’s off the Hotel and I planen to go to the gym on Friday but my back got locked 🤐🤐 Sadly the whole weekend 🤐 which off course was work related 🤐🤐.. Not even high heels 👠 helped me this time (which it normally do). My weekend shift ended on Monday (because I don’t work Friday) but before, I had to go to the chiropractor = the only solution …

All the snow is finally gone unfortunally the Pollen is here… I have to say som far hasn’t bother me much more then itchie eyes but you never know from year to year how bad it will be. 

Two day’s ago had I my first PThour at the gym. It was challenging but fun! I like challenges when I know I can learn something out of it. And to be able to keep with the PT-traing I need a job soon! 


Some say, you can change your habits.

Last week was the last week at the hotel before the Christmas Holiday and I was planning to post this.. Like many other here in Oslo I take the bus most places. I’m back on the morning busses again  (0549 – 0615 am and 0711-0742 am this week ) to the Hotel and no day is like the other in my head. But the thing to get up at 0510 am isn’t me. Some say, you can change your habits and I agree to that you can change in some areas in your life. But when it comes to when your body is ready to fall asleep / wake up is at least in my life an other story.

I am just not a morning person! I  can forse my body to gwt up and going to “work”early but I get a heavy feeling in my body if I do that more than few days 😦 it does get better by the years as someone says. I have tryed. I “hit the wall” totally outburning in -03 and after that my body doesn’t really like changes and most of the changes goes slowly…But I am Thankful for whatever my body are able to! 

And I appreciate what I have, a place to go to after several years without a job. And I appreciate to live here.

 It’s not far away to Sweden but without a job the challenges came one by one to be able to visit…  Just like the thing that my parents celabrate 50 years anniversary  (!) and I can’t make it… my dad just don’t understand why. But when you don’t have the license or a car it cost to much to travel by flight and train and it can take up to 11 hours to go from Oslo to this small country town in Sweden. (In 11 hours I could fly to the states!) It’s not a easy trip and a special with a body that “live its own life” from day to day..

 You know the saying “you can’t change an old dog sit” I would say that about my dad. Even if he in one way wants to understand my situation he doesn’t oon the other hand. He can ask me the same question several times and I answer and still he doesn’t gets the point… old folks isn’t always as understanding as they think or they don’t understand as much as they think about how we younger live our life’s . 
Merry Christmas everyone !


I like to plan and have overview.

I’ll be in my city Oslo this Christmas too but this Christmas will I both do things and afford to do things. 😍 Last year I had to stay in Oslo because I didn’t afford to go away for X-mas. I made it and survived. 

I have a plan.

I will go on a day trip to Sweden and by typical Christmas food I like and grow up with, before the Christmas weekend. It will be nice to “get away” just for a day too. I am already looking forward that and planing. But first I have to finish for the Christmas Holiday in the Hotel. I have Holiday from the 18th of December until the 2nd of January. I don’t think I have had such long Holiday since school-time, ten years ago or longer! 😍

The smartphone was a early X-mas gift to myself but I will also finally by a kitchen machine I have been wanting for at least the last 3 years and not been able to by. Looking forward to be able to bake more again! (Not the most expensive but it’s a start). I ordered it yesterday (the 5th of December). 😍😍

I will join some Christmas party, go to the cinema by myself or maybe with friends, watch movies on the television, bake, live, enjoy life, relax, sewing and I have to apply for jobs… but I believe time will fly fast ☺ and I have my cats so I am not alone 😍

It’s a bit sad in one way that I can’t celebrate Christmas with my own family (brothers and kids because of my cat’s 😯) but I’ve done it before… I will and have to stay focused and positive.

To you who read my post or blog, I wish you a Great time in December and in all the preparation for Christmas!


October..November.. have past…

Some time has past since last blog post.. It’s been a bit like a roller coaster of things that’s I’ve done, tryed and didn’t work. Some might say I should have try it longer but I know my body and brain.

I got an opportunity in the beginning of November, I start a new work experience outside Oslo, in Drammen. I started. But I got a “bug” in my body that same night and was sick for totally seven days.. Got out of it realising that job didn’t fit me. Maybe the hard experience but I am Thankful for the opportunity I got and learned something about myself. 

So here I am going back to my old work experience place and I’m pleased with it.
I have also updated myself with a new smartphone (with the opportunity to write on my phone here in wordpress). The old one started to do things I didn’t like, like turning the volume on by its self… So now I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge with a lot of gigabytes! 

I will now be able to post blogs more often -Yay! ;;-)

I made a  Birthday gift during November and send it to Sweden, to my nephew I’ll post the picture next time just because I don’t know yet if he got it. Cotton fabric letters in making and gonna be sewed on a pillowcase. This was the start.

December is here and everyone is so “in to” gifts and decoration . I have 2 cat’s at home …and that’s a challenging to decorate! But I have started ☺ 

High enough away for them, in the top of the window . 

The Christmas church haven’t they tryed to do anything with. ☺

But the Christmas tree is very interesting! Because it’s plastic and my cat girl P-Sussi loves to chew on everything that is plastic…. she also Love to sit in a bags… 

Happy 2nd Advent! 


The Northern wind has arrived.

Some time has flayed since last blog post..

…In the end of September I got the  opportunity to start walking beside the night-shift at the Hotel where I have my trainee-time. It was the “dream-moment” I’ve had for a long time in all kind of jobs I’ve had. In the same time everything felt a bit unreal. I mean I was happy I’ve got this opportunity! This was my thoughts: “what will I do when I am awake, will I sleep my seven hours I normally sleep, without any problem?”

Signs right outside PS:Hotell. Night picture.

And I have to say it’s been like normal time at home. I do things as anyone else it is just an other time on the day then most of my friends “daytime”. The toughest is to go from a free day to start 6.30 am and get early enough in bed to get up at 5.00 am!

I had my first night-shift the 26th of September. The most of the tasks are the same but I’ve learn some new. During the night you have to send reports to the bosses of the Hotel, and in the Hotel (the different ares like housekeeping, restaurant and reception), which you only do on the night.. An other of the tasks is to clean the barista machine and the coffee Thermoses. You check all the bookings a month ahead and cash settlement.

“..the difficult again is to get to the gym.”

So far I’ve done seven night-shifts and I’m loving it! It fits me more then anything I ever worked with. It takes time to adjust to this too, to see how much I need to sleep and what I’ll have energy to do.

The difficult again is to get in to a good rhythm to go to the gym. I have realized that I have to do the normal monthly work-out payment to be able to get my work-out I need because my work schedule isn’t even close to five days in a row. Sometimes  my free-days are only the weekend other times it’s in the middle of the week, and with a normal gym-set-up you go whenever you want any time. But I go through something called “active in the daytime” only during the week 9.00 am to 14.00 pm. It just doesn’t work for me. 😥

Winter in Oslo in October.

During the last week has the Northern wind arrived to Oslo and the winter feather jacket got out of the suitcase for me and more wool cloths out of the dresser. Something I like to try to not do until the middle of October but not this year apparently.. But I rather be warm with good clothing and stay in the fashion mote.

“..alone to many hours, played less and slept more..”

In the mean time of this new experience I had bad conscience for my cat Silver. He was alone for to many hours, slept more and more, played less and less. It was time for Silver to get a play-friend. So I started my “hunt” of a new adult cat to keep him company. And the 10th of October I got a castrated female cat called Pus (which means cat here in Norway) so I started to calling her Pussi (also normal animal name here in Scandinavia). But an other day this week I received a text msg from the old owner that her name actually is Selma which is so so far away from the name I gave her. So I’ll try Selma and see if she responds. In the mean time I use her nickname.

Selma 5 y.o.

I can’t say they were friends from the beginning. They have had there fights but now after one and a half week they do play together, have an eye on each other, don’t sleep near each other but they can sit on the desk kind of together with some distance. It took about a week for Selma to “I want to be near you, my new owner”. But since day 5 she sleep in my bed on top of my legs and not besides my legs!


Life and Lost.

The last days has been different at “work”.

On Sunday I got an allergy reaction in my throat after I ate some food-snacks and I realized it must been nut in it.


Bad bad bad.



I had a similar reaction in my throat fifteen years ago on chic-peas. In that time a deathly reaction.

This was nearly the same feeling but I didn’t go to the ER as I probably should have done…

I went from “work” one hour before I was suppose too. Send an email to my boss about what happen on my way home. I just went home cause I thought I had medicine at home, didn’t find it but luckily the swelling went down by my normally allergy medicine.

Monday morning when I woke up the itching was still there so I phoned my doctor, got an appointment. Got there and got good medicine that was helping fast. 🙂 Went to “work” did my hours and everything was finally fine again.

Tuesday came and now I woke up with a bad red, swollen foot.. I thought it would go down during the day but it didn’t, so after the busy time on Tuesday between 7.30pm and 9pm my foot was so red and swollen I just had to call the hospital I had my knee surgery at (in February-13). They told me that I should go to the ER asap so I asked my co-worker if it was okay and he said “health first work always survive” and the night staff would be there quite soon anyway.

So I went to the ER. It didn’t take as long time as I thought it would (which it normally does). But when I met the doctor at ER the foot wasn’t so red any-more. The blood test was negative which was good cause then I could leave and try to get home. I knew that “my bus” didn’t go any more cause of the time of the night but I catch the tram to the central station and then the metro to the closest stop of walking distance. I had a good walk back home and a good chat with God.

Even if those days has been different I am thankful for the health system here in Norway and that I can get help when I need it without high bills.

Today Wednesday was my relaxing day and recharge my battery. And I have.

But when I checked Facebook I got a chock. A quite close friend have just past away. He and his wife was one of the first couple I got to know when I moved to Norway nine years ago. They kind of become extra parents to me. I have been looking up to them as Christians and as marriage couple. And now he is gone. He became 50+… I can’t really understand it. A cording to what his wife wrote on Facebook he was injured at his work in his head and brain.

R.I.P Danny Danson.

Prayers goes to the families. Lots of LOVE to everyone close to this family!


I just had to go for a walk, clear my brain and talk to God. I am still a bit in chock.


Clean your home – Clean your heart and soul.



Clean your home.

cleaning pic

“Cleaning my home for me, is when I know I can feel the sent of green soap afterwards.”

I grow up with Thursday as the cleaning day at home and it was always mom that did most of if at least when I was a child. As I grow into a teenager I started to help mom and when I moved out of home as 16 y.o. I brought this cleaning tradition with me. It was naturally for me. I have had some “thinking” about it but I kind of never changed it until for few y.o. It’s been cleaning day on Thursdays so many years of my life that it was a bit weird to suddenly clean the house/home, wash cloths an other day in the week. I have just bought a robot vacuum cleaner to safe my back from more issues and I am pleased with it so far. It is so easy that I only need to sit down, help it to no t “run” into the mat on the floor but my cat – Silver – is as skeptic to the robot “Rob” as to the more common one. Today I took the floor,  washing with green soap. That the perfect end of cleaning at home.

“Is traditions we grow up with that important? Or is it just that we realizing about those tradition’s as adults and just bring them on?”

My mom’s thinking was this, if you clean the house on a Thursday you will have it clean and nice the whole weekend and you can come home from work on the Friday knowing you don’t need to think about cleaning.

It’s nice. But when you as I work weekends that doesn’t really work. I prefer to wash a Sunday if I am free or a Monday. Most times I wash cloths one day and clean the home an other day. It works for now.  And it was during that I started to think more about this of “if we clean our home, then we need to clean our heart and mind and soul too”.


Clean your heart and soul.

It’s not just our homes that needs to be cleaned. Our heart and soul needs it too. I realized that I have been missing to listen to worship for the last week or so, when I started my play-list on Spotify yesterday. I have been feeling emptiness inside. To fill my ears and heart with good Christian music is as much important as to have a cleaned home. In one way I am surprised that I kind of  lost track of the good things after I started the work-experience. In an other way I can understand it, because when I get home after a day or evening from the Hotel I am so exhausted that the only thing that is in my mind is to relax in-front of the television, which I do. It is only when I am free for more then two days I realizing that it is something missing. For me it is my way to clean my soul, to listen to worship or sit by the water and just clear my thoughts. It’s the best way to re-fill my soul, heart and mind with good words. It is easier for me to talk to God, to read an encouraging book or pray with Christian worship in the background. I am the girl that loves hard core and instrumentally heavy metal normally. But this year I have forced myself to listen to more common worship to see if I feel different or if God can speak to me in an other way. So far (nine months in to  it) I can’t say it’s any difference’s of what kind of Christian music I listen to.

hembygdsgårn örträsk


As a Christian I need thing that lift me up. I need a Christian fellowship where I can re-fill. To have a fellowship with Christians has become so much more important now when my week is Friday to Tuesday and not Monday to Friday. When Sunday’s isn’t a church-day in the same way as before August..


But I found my Christian fellowship in June, when I went to Torp, Norway. I have now started to be a part of this group on a more regular basis. I can go to church every second Sunday or join the Christian fellowship group on every second Saturday’s. I will see what it will be, this Sunday (the 4th of September) it’s church-day. When it fits I even manage to join my house church too on Thursday’s. I know I need it and I want it. Since I became a Christian the Christian Fellowship is the most important then go to church on a Sunday. The worship, shearing  daily life and praying. Talk about life in a small or bigger group where I feel at home is the thing. Knowing that I have friends that will pray for me when I need it there in the group, when I am in the Hotel or have free and that I can be a part of the prayer for my friends. That’s when God can show us all his power.

A new journey has started in my Christian life, to found out what fits with work, what is the next step about my Christian fellowship and which church is mine? And I know God has a plan that fit’s my life!

I am as curious now as before the 1st of August or even more about what God has for me the rest of this year. 2016.

Do you remember to clean your heart, soul, thoughts and mind?


August – Prayer answer.

patince,faith, trust


August Prayer-answer.

Time flies fast, when you have fun or have something to do.

It was first of August just now, well at lest in my head, life, world. But it is the twenty-first! That’s more then half the month. Where did those days and weeks go?

I started as a trainee in a hotel here in Oslo the first of August and I love it! It is a big prayer-answer! Friends have been with me in prayer for this for so may years! It has been a journey with God, where he has tout me how to trust him on 100% and not less. How God has provide my life, financially, with food, with getting to a doctor when I was to sick to catch a bus and a friend drove me. It is so much God has shown me and how great it is when I trust God.

It has been my journey I needed to learn to trust God more.

To understand that this is my foundation for my faith in life. Most people would maybe get mad or crazy to not have a job over five years. It has been a journey with tears, joy, struggles, “whys”, many prayers of “open the right door” and “close those doors that shall not even show some lights”. But I have to say, I have always something to do, one of the things is my customers and secondly is every project I start where I live. And I have been taking some courses during those years, but manly I have trusted God to get into some-kind of work-experience where God wants me, can use me. And here it is. The answer.

As I said above, I have started as a trainee in a Hotel here in Oslo. I love it! It’s fun even those days when we do not have so much to do. Even if my wish was that it would be more that happen during those days I guess that in one way it is good to be here as a trainee in Oslo’s smallest Hotel in the way that it does not take long time to get in to the Hotel-routines, but and yes I have to say but. But I wish it was more going on manly because I need it. I am the kind of person that need the “busy time” to refill my battery (energy) I get energy of meeting and helping people, and here at this Hotel does it feel like everything goes in s-l-o-w-m-o-t-i-o-n or a better description is that when the guests are arriving do they not come everyone in the same time (which is normal) or not even close to each other. A normal day few guest comes maybe around 3pm when we start the in-check and then its a long gap (more then an hour) until next group of guest comes, it can even pasting more then two hours before next guest…

In the same time these days going so fast and I only do four hours per day.

I will start with eight hours next week, which is a bit scary for me. Manly because I have not been working for the last five years, have had back-issues since the summer of 2000 and the worst pain the most recently in the last two years.

But I am to curious to start on those eight hours per day. I am curious and anxiety in the same time about how it will go. And I am to stubborn to not try.

The 17th was my free day – off work. A day I priority to go to the gym, for my health. A routine I got out of during summer, a routine I now struggle to get back into. I miss it so much! But I guess it is normal with new routines in life whatever it is a new job or studies, to get the time to reach to do those things that makes you happy or build up your life in a long term. I guess it is normal when your weeks looks different.

Anyway… I am looking forward to get into a work-routine my body manage.

I received a message from a friend through messenger on Thursday this week, where I had told here about my struggle to get a new routine in my life. And she answered that “it’s normal before all new things get into routines about everything in life” It was just so nice to “hear it” from someone I know and someone who has been in the situation quiet recently.

An ironic detail happen on Thursday.. I managed to get off work thirty minutes before I was suppose to get off. I guess I just was just tired in my head or that I had an other day in my mind. I realized that on my way to the bus so I called the Hotel and talked to the guy in charge. Which in my mind made it normal to think I will start thirty minutes earlier on Friday. Something weird happen there, I can still not say what happen.

During those days at the Hotel have I learn out-check, in-check, double-checking the booking system the hotel is using, where all the rooms are, how many it is, how many conference rooms we have, overbooking, where the fire signs are and some more. How close everyone in the hotel is working together no matter if you are in the housekeeping or in the restaurant. Which also means that “your routine” is not always the original routine, it can be to help someone else in an other ares. Quite many new things, I have got to know around twenty-five new colleges and started to walk much much. All good things in life.

This is how to Relax!

Today is it Sunday, laundry-day and relaxing, charge my energy-day. I have realized that when I am at the Hotel I do not have enough energy when I get home to do more then necessary like eat, maybe check my email, maybe order things that I need (that other people rather buy in the store) to keep up in life. But it is okay for me. Life is to short to think about what other people think I should or could do so I do not do that.

For the future, I really hope and wish I will be able to start to go next to the night-shift worker in a sooner future then I had in mind when I started three weeks ago, and that the night-shift will fit me as much as I think it will. Because that has been my dream so many years now…


Single or Get Married? Part two of three.

So I have finally picked up the book again. Trying to finishing it. My motivation isn’t really there but I will make it through! The book of Marriage. A very interesting book (!) for us women. It is called “get married, What Woman Can Do To Help It Happen”and it is a lot to both read, adjust and get into the get into everyday life as a single girl/lady (whatever you like to call your self). It is a help in the way most of us woman think and act to get involved in a relationship with a man and NOT how to be his friend.

the book

It is easy to be the girl  that is always hanging with the guys (for me that’s who I’ve been more then less my whole life). This book goes deeper then that. This book lets us know how we manage to “jump” over that part of just stay as friends and how we will act to not get into the friend-relationship and actually get “under his skin” and understand how he is thinking and what he appreciate, what he likes to hear from us. It gives us “the key” or “tools” how to be and say to reach his interest. 

It also talks about..

“Mentors – how great value it is”… Paul in the bible provided a remedy in the advice he gave in Titus 2. Speaking about the range of ages in any church body, he encouraged the older  believers  to counsel the younger ones. Getting wisdom from someone who’s further down the road is invaluable. ..maybe even more so – they’re better able to provide scouting than your peers. It’s far trendier, and less awkward, to seek advice and help of your friends. But when it comes to finding a husband, older woman and couples, have a lot more to offer.


Get someone that can challenge you, get you to a higher standard, how to dress like a lady, eating better and exercising.

up for the challenge


If you only spend time with people in the same season of your life you’re in, the competition for available men likely be fierce. But if your friends span the generations, it’s probable they will know or be related to eligible men.

“Relationships ebb and flow; what’s important is that this guy carries the qualities and characteristics of a godly man you’ve been waiting for.” (words from the authors pastor.)


Where are the men? And are they actually interested in marriage?

In one word, sleeping. Most of the men in our culture haven’t had any high expectations to meet. …so they’re passive. But you can encourage them, by the greatest motivation, your belief. They need a women who see in them, and encourage, what God designed men to be. Your respect is what leads to his pursuit.

“I gives me things to think of.

I’ve read this verse before, but it has never hit me like it does in this context. It has open up my eyes of “what a man looking for in me” and how I should start to act and be and say things to a man. In the beginning of this book I thought “I will just read it” but now when I still haven’t got further then half of the book I realize this book is much heavier then I thought! In a good way thou. I gives me things to think of. How am I acting with a man? Am I actually encouraging him? should I skip some things when I am mumbling? I have to say I like this book more and more as deeper I get and as further I read in it. It challenging me!

sunset.wake up


In this chapter “waking up a great sleeper” the author who been in the same situation her self, talks about her experience and how she met her husband. What her mentor challenged her to do in the same time how she learn to be more lady-like in her mind, what she was wearing  and also how important it actually is to take care of our body in a physical way – to go to the gym. She talks about Discern His Charater, Assess His Potential, Ask the Right Questions, Encourage His Spiritual Maturity and Dream With Him. The last part of “dream with Him” is more in the sentence of when you actually got him on some dating. I have just read this chapter and I have say, it have open up new ways, thoughts how I will try it out in real life!


Friendship, gifts, rain and inspiration.

“went to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks

I went to my Aussie friend yesterday Wednesday to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks and to give them the “Birth-annonsment” I’ve made in cross-stitching during the last month (and I haven’t done cross-stitching in ten years!). They were thankful for the gift and it was cool to see them! 🙂


I also got a gift from her

The two of us, me and my Aussie friend went to our South African friend to “say good bye, see you later have a great year”-evening with some other International friends. Thankful I went! Not just that I had the chance to meet her again before she fly’s home to her mom in South Africa in two day, I also got a gift from her. A purse. A red purse! Some fancy brand also.


Red makes me happy.

So Happy for the purse!

A week ago when I met her she asked me if I would like some more movies at home. Well I can’t say no to watch a dvd-movie or more. I like to watch something else I haven’t already seen three times! So when I arrived to her (yesterday) she say, hey before I forget “here is the movies”.

it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven

Some hours later I was heading home, got a ride with two friends heading the same direction it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven during the time we where all inside, so it was a bit of a chock that the sky “was open” and it poured out on us. On the way home-ish in the car it was really bad raining! They left me in a spot close to my regular bus. Oh so wet I went in few minutes! I would say I was wet through all my cloths. Anyway, I made it home. I don’t know how you are when you been out in the rain you didn’t know of to come. But I am like this, If I get soaked wet I really want to watch a movie. Doesn’t really matter what time of the day it is. I think I was home around 11pm, and in the mood to watch a movie! That I did. And of all the movies I could choose from I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Fun movie! And you can learn something from it too.

“even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!”

I guess it gave me inspiration to see if I had something I could give away, because that was what I did (even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!). It is so often that I see something in my wardrobe and think “when did I use this the last time?”.  I have to say this is the first time in a very loooooong time I’ve done something just because I just seen a movie!

And I did find cloths I haven’t used in a long while and today it will go and put into the 2ndstore – Fretex container. What a good feeling when it’s more space!


What a good feeling to give away.


Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!


The phone-call about my future..

Yesterday I received a phone-call about my future. In my head I thought I would received a letter, but hey a phone-call is better and quicker.

I woke up of my phone vibrating in my bed, my consultant from NAV was calling because I send her a msg yesterday. …So today I’m sitting here in front of my lap top thinking about “who am I?” and “what is my qualities?” with my coffee on my left side of me in the mean time my cat Silver playing around with some paper. It’s not an interview it’s a small meeting with information about what they can offer and what kind of expectations I have.

Lets go back in time so I can explain what’s this is about.

SO I took a course in office and administration two years ago. A really good course I would say. I learned a lot new stuff I didn’t know and it went over 30 weeks and then it was a period of work-experience over 90 days or three months depending ho you want to express your self. I had three months of work-experience in the same building as I took the course, which for me wasn’t a problem. The problem was that I didn’t get a job there after the three months and I didn’t get the experience I needed to work in the field I wanted. I have had a year of applying to jobs with no luck because I don’t have what’s requested. But God has given me a new term of patience in my life and he let me be myself and enjoy life in a way I haven’t enjoyed it before.

So in December last year I had an appointment with my consultant at NAV about what this KVP (Qualifying Program) is and how to apply to it, what I needed from my doctor and if it was something else we needed to think of. I got the appointment with my doctor, got the paper to my consultant and the process was there.

In March I started a process to “pick up the phone” and ring all kinds of Hotel’s because that’s my dream. I want to work with booking and in the reception in a Hotel, I would fit perfect to work during the night. (For those who knows me, they would say yes, that’s where you belong. Because I am so much a night-owl.) Unlucky no Hotel’s could give me a spot. One of the reasons was they went all out on strike in April and during May. So when June came along I felt this is over and I texted my consultant and we started the process we are in now.

In the end of May we applied for me to get a spot in this Hotel, (PS: Hotel in Oslo) to have work-experience. And yesterday as I said before, I received the phone-call and will have a meeting tomorrow.




utsikt fra PS_Hotel

I am now looking forward to start asap even though I would like to have some-kind of Holiday before. Well I guess I’ll know after tomorrow when I can start and how soon I’ll have Holiday.


This lovely Summer-time….

I been thinking about what I’ve done for the last few month since I moved in here…It’s actually been quite much.

Since I moved in here I’ve met new people from an ecumenical Christians group, the 3rd of June I took my first swim in the Fjord, it was at least +20 C in the water. Lovely! (but I have not done it since…)

(The trip went the 18th of June with two male friends from my Church, I’ve been writing of this before so I skip it.) This week was also a creative week at home. I made some hanging baskets for my flowers, fixed some pants and made a home-made pizza.

The 11th of June had the ecumenical group a new gathering with this group. An evening in the team of “prophetic gives”. Very interesting!

The Monday after I had dinner with my friend (who been to Bible-school) and catch up time for the last year and shared with her a bit from the Saturday evening. Lovely time!

And how much that have been happening during this year in both her and my life! Good stuff!!

I went back to the same area the day after but to visit my friend with the twine’s. Great time to spend with them!!

A bit more then a moth ago now, got I a summer-haircut, a bit to short for my taste but hey my hair grows like grass. So now one and a half month later I have the length I like. 🙂

before and after.

Two days after the Sweden-trip a friend of mine came to visit me in this apartment. We had some good few hours just chatting and catching up what’s going on in each others life’s. It was nice!

I’ve been cooking both soup and dinner that now is in the freezer, I love it when I have the energy to do that and fill up my freezer.

I would love to have a bigger freezer but hey, I can’t have everything at once.

In the boxes (from Sweden) I have found so many things that I both didn’t know I was missing until I found them and off-course things I do have been missing. One of those thing was the mop-set to clean my apartment with the green soap.

I love that scent!

I found the cross-stitching box so I started to make something to a friend (I can’t write what because she hasn’t got it get).

In the end of June I had a friend (who lives in Seattle) staying in my home. Nice, cool and fun. She stayed four days. Lovely time to have! I have to get a job so I can go and stay in her home!

Bobbi Jo from Seattle.

About two weeks ago I realized I needed and wanted new shoes, some kind of boots that I could use during Spring-Summer-Autumn. A shoe I actually been looking for, for some time. So I went into a store just looking around to see if I could find something I liked. And I didn’t want something “normal” like brown or black. No I wanted something more colorful (because that’s me). But what did I buy? Brown boots. Haha moment! But I realized brown is good. They match my two brown purses I have perfectly.


I’ve been creative with fabric colors, screen print and shoe-pattern. I have not been sewing as much I’d hope for but hey I’ll do it later.

I’m on Instagram as well. By name; creativemiasimone.

new earrings for the moment.

I made pie of cherries from the garden and forest berries from the freezer yesterday. Yummy!

I’ve been to the island Bygdøy here in Oslo with a friend, to chill, talk and walk, I’ve been social with other friends on a movie (which I normally do twice a year).


I enjoy life!

So far has this summer showed us a mix of weather like thunder-storms, sun and rain still with summer-temperature between +13 C to +24 degrees C. Which I think is totally fine.

I’ve been reading books on the nights – just the thing I love to do during the summer!!! I gives me Summer-feeling maximum. A happy feeling.

I want to have a Holiday-feeling which I haven’t had since my last job…which is more then five years ago.. So maybe I’ll get some-kind of Holiday this Summer.
