2023 – is it possible to have such bad luck in a year?!

Injury plus sickleave in January and February.

Psycholigical sad health for months and wierd feelings towards work and the staff there ( Bore school 22-23).

Some happiness in the middle of everything. April23. And I got few new friends through the job at Bore.

A good summer πŸ™‚ . Some walks nearby Ganddal/Sandnes. Some day’s inside but Happy.

June was okay and Aslan wanted to stay but Silver wanted to be alone….and I got allergic to Aslan 😦 .

July23 – Summer and exploring Rogaland by bus. πŸ™‚

August was a mix of lots of deny on job’s but I stayed positive and like the flower here bright full of colors and reaching to the sun, I stayed on my feets and

filled my life with more colors.

…but sad September….

October become good πŸ™‚β€‚with the move back to Stavanger, more jobs and more good routines. Good athmospher at work, like I really don’t want to be sick’n’home good! And walking distance!!

Walking in Faith-month! Concussion-month…. = November.

December. Snowy Winter weeks and then rain (which is the normal), a cold but also a lot of good work πŸ™‚

I think I have had more then enough bad luck in one year! So I’ll do my very best to stay on my both feets all the way in 2024!!

Buy I have also been blessed in different ways during the Year which I am thankful for.

I spent Christmas Eve alone with my cat, but have enjoyed it! I bought two gifts to myself this year thanks to the blessing in beginning of December 🀩. One of the xmas gifts was a newer smartphone and the other was a memory foam seat pillow for my sore and often sad back. And how happy I am for it! It helps my back a lot!! I even think I might buy an extra.

With the new pillow I have today, both tryed to sew for more then 30min (and it worked) I was sewing for two hours! 😍😍. And I have almost finished my sewing projects from 2020.

I only need to sew buttons and one seam.

I am looking forward to 2024. I really do. I have plans and I’ll do my very best to keep them come true. I am curious on what the Lord has for me in 2024! I am in a good place and I am planning to stay here as long as the Lord can use me.

Have a blessed 2024 all of you who following my blog. And keep sharing the posts you like or the posts that somehow have helped you forward.

How the Lord can meet us and Heal us wherever we are when we come with Expectations.

November 12th to 18th.

I have been laying in my couch since Tuesday 7th (which you can read in the post before this one), been dizzy every day. Got an appointment with my GP on Friday (November 10th) a not so good day cause everything was spinning around. Both at the GP and after when I got home. Yesterday (Saturday) I managed to walk upright around in my home, first time since Monday 6th when I was working, but I had to support myself to walls or furnitures, dizzy every time I turned or turned my head normal = to fast.

Sunday 12th I have just been llistening to preaching from my home church on their podcast (between 11am to 12pm), about miricales when we come with expectations on what God can do when we pray.(while hearing those words I said in my head Β«I come with expectations on healing here and nowΒ»). How I felt God doing things in my head while I just listen to the preaching (I still have concussion when I type this) about healing. When I started to listen to that preaching I was dizzy in my head and I couldn’t whatch a screen and now approxy 30 minutes later am I typinging on my laptop. Doesn’t feel dizzy at all πŸ™‚ . Amen.

How God’s power can touch us wherever we are when we hear about miricales and what God can do. When we believe on what God can do when we come with expectations towards him.

Hear I am in my couch, 12:30 pm Sunday, and the dizziness isn’t so intense as it was one and half hour ago! How God can heal when I come with expectations! I am looking forward to get up, not to fast, just be careful, and believe God has heald my head. That I will be able to walk normal and not feel dizzy or that everything is spinning. I am looking forward to be able to go outdoors for some fresh air, to be able to wear my glasses I haven’t wear since Monday (trying them on right now, I think it will take a bit time for my eyes to adjust. I will not force my eyes with glasses here and now. I will take in small steps during the day).

Monday 13th. The dizzieness is gone. Thank You Lord! From dizzieness to wobbly walking indoors, stumbling on my own feets… but have been able to walk each Day since last Sunday πŸ™‚ . I managed to watch a movie on Monday with glasses on – a really good feeling – some good things has started to happend. But on Tuesday I was tired all day 😦 . Constantly tired. I even reacted on the light outside through the window. Until Tuesday I have had the blinds down cause it has been to light outside, but on Tuesday I wanted to try and get use to the light and get more daylight in.

Wednesday 15th.Today I managed to walk, wobbly, out to my mailbox and pick up the mail. A good feeling. I even went out with garbage. I was thinking to go and grab my cruches just in case I would try to go for a slow walk. But I neither got the cruches or went for a slow walk. I managed to order food from the online store (the only one who has that service where I live) with delivering on Friday. YAY.

Thursday 16th. Constantly tired again… Didn’t manged much. Sat in the couch all day. Watch some movie and series but not much. I did managed eat and drink coffee and juice othervice I was just in the couch. Got in bed around 10pm. Slept bad. We had snow coming down today, it didn’t really stay, but just the fact we had snow is happiness for me. How I “suddenly” could turn my head normally without feeling wobbly in my head – Yay! And how I have been healing in small steps! How the Lord provides for me in small steps! How thankful I am for every new Day with all “new” things I managed to do πŸ™‚ .

Friday 17th a much better day! More productive Day! I woke around 9am, had coffee and breakfast, got food delivered 10.15am. Ran the washing machine. Was creative on the floor – YAY. Went out (Yes you read right), for a slow walk in my neighbourhood. Walked approxy 20m had a break for few minutes and try to enjoy the sunlight but it was a bit to bright for me. Went on walking slowly 20 more meters, a small break counting to ten, kept walking. Repeating my 20m with a break counting to ten. Walked approxy 100m in total, up the small hill (street) from me. Standing there trying to get used to the brightness. Waited maybe 2 minutes before i walked the same hill (street) down back home repeating walking 20m with a break. I was out for approxy 15-20 minutes. Totally worth it!!

Later that Day I got more and more energy to be creative πŸ™‚ . I was creative in my couch until i Β«fell onto bedΒ» around 11pm. I was finally tired by myself – happiness!!

Saturday 18th has started good! I just had my coffee and will have breakfast just now. And I will go for a slow walk after. Imy goal is to be able to walk to the nearest grocery store, which normally take me 7 minutes one way. Which now probably take me 21 minutes and that is okay. The grocery store in just few minutes from where I normally work as a substitutet teacher and where I will go on Monday. So I have to managed this.

My goal today is to get out and walk at least twice.

And he has blessed me with new friendship and food.

He helps us when we ask for help. He is with us when we ask him to be close.

Every evening before falling a sleep have I prayed
Β«Thank you Lord today. 
Thank Lord for the healing gift, 
thank you for letting me recieve it and 
thank you lord for healing me.Β» 
And Β«I come with expectations for healing me, 
thanking you for what you do with and within me, 
thank you for protecting my brain, heart and soul.

I believe that the Lord is with me when I pray this, that he is happy I am asking for healing and not just take it for granted. I believe God want us to come with expectations when we pray so he can do more in our lifes and that we can see he is with us when we ask with expectations.

And the goal for tomorrow Sunday is at least one walk and catch the local bus to Church. If I managed that I am really Happy.

August 29th an other deny/refusal of work…

…made me feeling low yesterday and today. But you know what? I talked out loud my frustration to the Lord and …

Some food.
Some painting.
And then application (s) πŸ˜‰.
I just needed to be a bit low to be able to rise up again. With new energy and motivation β€πŸ™βœοΈ.

The Lord knows us to well to know what we need ❀😊.

What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Be thankful over what you have.

09am, December 23, 16 hours to Christmas eve.

We should all be thankful over what we have, this Christmas. What ever we have or will be gifted. The Lord is bigger than us and will be providing us with what we need.

If it is to be creative or that someone are creative for us. Have Faith in this pandemic can be harder for us all Yet the Lord is bigger than us and will give us just what we need.

To do it ” my way ” or the Lords way ? Are you still waiting on what the Lord gonna say? Than talk to Him and trust Him and He will answer you.

✝️ ❀

I can’t say how the Lord will or when He will answer you, I can tell you that He will if you trust Him.

Your life might be a mess or you don’t experence the Lord close enough, Yet, He is with you. And maybe feels like those words are just are words without meaning, but, you try to believe them and they might touch you. Maybe you need to read it twice or loud. Yet, the Lord wants to have a bigger space in your life.

Let Him in, in to your life. Let Him in to your Heart. Let Him be a part of You.

He is the Light in our Darkness. He is the creative inspiration to our creativity. He is with US when everything feels even harder. He Wants to Walk with You.

He is Our Light. Our Path.

My experence is that, if I don’t trust Him to Walk with me or that He is the creative inspiration in my life, my life would be boring. If I don’t talk to Him, He will not answering me. If I don’t have Faith in is Power and Love how will I feel any of it? I would not. My life would be boring, sad, I would start to be bitter the opposite of what I want and need in my life.

With those words, not just from me but also as a greeting from the Lord while I was going this, hets through my thoughts inspired me I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

And remember, the words in the picture below.



Through Norway by train to Sweden and back home.

The trip to Sweden through Norway in pictures.

I loved the Winter landscape the train went through. ❀❀❄❄.

The funeral was beautiful. And sad. I am thankful I went. Had a chance to meet people my Mom knew that I have not seen in approxy 15years.

The funeral, December 11th in Orsa, Sweden.

I had time to spend with my family. Maybe most with the “kids” which are two teenagers and one on eleven. But it is still quality time with them. πŸ’œ.

I brought some of Mom back home to my place. Some of mom’s clothes. πŸ’œ. My way to not just remember her but also let her be a part of my life. Continuing being with me. ❀❀.

This picture symbolizes mom becauce she often sat outdoors and drank her morning-coffee.

So many good memories from mom… drinking coffee together any time of the year. Outdoors or indoors. Building jigsaw puzzle at least 500 pieces, walk, our Summer house, go on our bicycles, cooking food, learn to wash (laundry) clothes when I was 6 or 7 years old, learn to cook as an 8years old kid, pikking berries with the mosquitos πŸ˜†, to have good routines and structuer at home, to love and appreciate the nature. ❀mom ❀, you will always be with me!

Back home, I have been and still are in quartine becauce of the trip to Sweden… But I have had Homeoffice, been produtive and efficion at work. And I have been knitting after work. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ§ΆπŸ§Ά.

Christmas gifts.

I am now on day 8 og 10 in quartine. And can not wait until the 22nd and that it is after 3pm…when I finally can go to the stores I need to buy the very last things for Christmas to just like I want it!!!

Been able to finish up with my shelf-project πŸ’œπŸ–ŒπŸ˜Š.

It has so far been a really good December even if I want the ❄ to come and stay for a month.

In all the sad time I have had been both blessed with enough money for the trip and blessed with good energy. Blessed with good health no Corona in me. And good friends, family and colleages! And Peace. ✝️.

The Lord is both showing me love and giving me hints on what’s good og bad for me. ❀ ✝️.


Love you Mom and will always do. β€.

My mothers last day in life, has past.

Mom became 80 years old the 17th of November this year. ❀.

On Wednesday the 18th of November I called the head nurse, at mom’s home for the last 6 or 7 years, to check with her what was going on becauce I recived a wierd text message from our dad.

She answered that the function of swallowing food had dissapared. One step closer to not be here on earth with us.  A step in the process of the end of demensia. Which was the first day without food and water for mom. 😒.

Me and Mom 2015.

A sickness she got approxy 13,5 years ago. The same year I moved to Norway…

On Saturday the 21st I phoned mom’s home at 7.30pm and everything was ‘ normal ‘ which doesn’t say much when you as a family member don’t know much of the end of this sickness…


Monday the 23rd was okay. She was breathing normal, she was still piing. Which means some of the organs was still working. 😊.

Tuesday the 24th, mom or her body was starting to show symptoms that the end was getting even closer. Restlessness in the body and coughing efforts were worse. So then she got a syringe against it. And it made her calm. ❀.

2012 I think.

Wednesday 25th was okay stable. Not much of a changed. ❀. Dad went to visit her in the afternoon.


Thursday 26th did not start well. 😒. For none of us. My brother T had phoned early in the morning and her breath was changed during the night. 😒😒😒.

Thursday 26 07:42am did I recive the first message. Glad I was awake. Preparing for work and eating breakfast. I became sad and tankful knowing ‘this is the very end’. I went to work and on the bus I called the head nurse to hear what the facts was there and than.

She told me Mom could stop Breathe at lunchtime or later that day. Hard to say. I told her that my brother T was on his way up to Mom. 08.45am ish. I came to work a bit sad inside. Had my classes with the students I normally have on Thursday.

A close friend of mine texted me during class telling me I should call my brother asking him to hold the phone close to mom’s ear and give her my last greeting to her for the last time. And I did, in my lunch break. Glad I did. ❀.

This was when the tears came.

A reviled momemt of tears and love to Mom. A moment of realizing that from now are just waiting, stay in touch with each other. A moment of feeling alone. A moment of where the only thing I wanted was a physical hug from anyone. A moment where I wished I wasn’t singel.

Mom in Norway 2011.

Trying to eat lunch was easier said than done. And I didn’t managed to have the class I was supose to have. Gave the information to the student on what to do and I tryed to pull myself together, stop the tears and preparing me for the last one and a half hour of assistent. Which I managed. And such a boost for me.

On the bus way home I got a message from my brother 4.56pm “shorter breathing”. 😒😒😒. This was next step in the process.

We siblings was online on Messenger between 4pm to 6pm. Following mom’s breathing process to the very end. She stopp her breathing 6pm on the clock. 😭❀.

She is now in Heaven 😊 with no more pain and no more sickness ❀.

And December 11, will we all be in Sweden for the funeral. 🌹. We will be able to say Good Bye in an other way. 🌹. Grieve in our own way. 🌹. Let the tears flow. 🌹. And just be and maybe feel close to her.

I know she is in heaven. She is in a place she has talked about many times.

She was a believer.

She was saved.

One of few favorite flowers Mom had. November cactus.

I started my grieving process around Mom’s 75th Birthday in 2015, knowing she would not become better. And two years later was the last time I talked to her on the phone becauce she did not recognize my voice anymore. πŸ₯Ί. I have had peace since. Knowing she would end up with the angels in heaven with the Lord. ❀.

It feels wrong to say ” I am find ” but I am. I am not in the first grieving process I am some steps ahead. I will always miss her. But we did not live close for the last 13years… But we had a bond. After the Summer I had turned 16, we had a figth and cleanced the air and got a stronger bond. A bond of love and faith. And we both walked a lot after work and becauce of distance between us, we talked ” to each other ” as the other person was a part of the walk. And I am going to continue that. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Šβ€.


Stay positive, be Happy and Thankful in this pandemic.

This pandemic…

I don’t know what to think about it. This pandemic is hard and not much to do anything about more than to follow the rules and orders the government gives us with in whatever country we lives. What I can do is to think positive and be happy for everything I get.

Here in Norway we have had this recomand of using facemask on public transport for some weeks and I have used it every workday and every time I needed to catch the bus. How it is outside Norway I don’t really know. 😟. Just what I see on social media or read on the news.

Stay positive even in the darkest. ❀.

Now, the last two weeks, the virus has “exploded”. It’s like a ticking bomb. 😒😒. I am lucky I still can go to work, meet co-workers and students which not everybody can. That I still haven’t got the virus in me. Still living my life normal. Some schools are closing becauce of the virus. And whenever my school isn’t open anymore we are back in home-scholing just like it was in this Spring. 😟. Nothing I can say I look forward to for many reasons.

But right now I Enjoy the fact that I can sit in the library. Enjoy the noices. Be happy for no reason or one reason. Do nearly whatever I want long as I just remember to waer a facemask 😷. 😊.

The only downside these day’s has for me right now, is the fact that I can’t go to the place I want most of all things. Well I could but I chose to not, becauce I don’t want to be the one spreadig the virus from one are to my area. I do have asthma and therefor I’m really in the risk group and need to remember that… But for the last one and a half month the only thing I want to do is to visit the town where “he” works… meet him and get to know him even more. … it shall not be easy…

✝️I feel Thankful for how the Lord is guideing me in this pandemi. Thankful for how the Lord is providing for me. Thankful for how the Lord is challenges me. And Thankful for how the Lord is blessing my life. ✝️


We have a choise in life.

I have just been listening to a preaching from my Church and wanted to share with you some of the parts I felt was related to us. Questions in the preaching and some of my thoughts.

How can I be a better version of myself in the world I live in today? Like an interveiw and the most comman question ” where will you be in 5 years?”

Are you and I like Epaphras friend who adding Jesus on the top of all other Gods in your life? Are you and I looking for a easy fix in your / my life? (Colossians 3: 5-11)

New clothing. How can you get those new cloths? We can have good things in life, a job, family etc. The only thing is All this is temporary. It is a challenge for us Christian people. What happends if you don’t have all those temporary things around you? What happends when you loose someone or something like a job? Like the society is today with the Virus the whole World got a taste off in 2020. What do you have left in life? Well if you have Jesus in your life, you still have Him when everything else of the temporary is gone. If you don’t have the Lord in your life what do you have than? Do you know your base? Your foundation? I do know mine.

“In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.”
Colossians 3:11 NLT

… How we are changing through what the Bible says. Where will you be in 5 years? Will you have the New or old cloths on? Good and important questions to ask. We can chose where we want to be. We have a choise to sort out of things in our life. By trusting the Lord and live a closer life with Him. We can put on the new clothing by choosing Jesus into our lifes. And with Jesus Christ as our foundation. Or we can those to still wear the old clothing and continue with what we think is the best for our life. We have a choise.

With Jesus Christ as our foundation we know where we are, where we are going. Maybe not the same overview as the Lord has for our life. But we know our direction. Whereever we comes from, whatever we have done, whatever we want in our lifes, the Lord is with us as long as we are with Him.


The small things matters.

To be happy for the small things in life. I talked to a friend over msg yesterday – a small thing to be happy for – you might wondering why. Well we have missed eacher cause of work. We have not in touch for weeks. πŸ˜₯. But yesterday we had or took time to kind of catch-up and planned a friend-date. And I was creative at work today. πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ–Œ.

An other small thing to be happy for, is to know that friends you may not talk to every week are still there and you just need to send a txt msg and you are back in the ” game “. 😊😊.


Or to see that “the someone ” has read or watched what you send two weeks ago. 😊😊.

Or to take that call knowing you making a person HaPPy just becauce you took the phone. 😊😊.

Or to send something that maybe isn’t ” a big deal ” for you but for the receiver. 😊😊.

The small things matters. And it can make happy just in that moment or for the rest of the Day. 🀩🀩.

Remember that. 😊😊.


Encourage greeting.


How often do you trust your feelings before you trust the Lord? When it comes to listen to His voice, knowing his voice or obey Him?

How often do you trust your feelings and not believe it is the Lord speaking to you and no it’s not your own thoughts?

Is it like this in all your things in life, that you doubt on the Faith you took you become one of the Lords πŸ‘πŸ‘? When you received Jesus into your life, you where probably eager to do your best, be the best Christian and then later life and duties came… where are you now in your Faith?

Faith. Is it not as big as it was before? Feel. Do you prioritize your feelings before in other things in life and don’t understand how the Lord can be a part of it? Or are you where you think that Jesus has forgotten you? He will never forget you! And He is closer than you think! He draws himself closer to us when we feel like he is far far away.

Look up, Talk to Him like is in the room or walking beside you to work, or is in the car with you. Talk to Him as He really is your best friend! Have faith in what He can do! Listen to His voice. Trust what He has started in you.

He gave us feelings to feel but He also gave us trust to trust. ✝️. To trust Him when we need it at most. ❀. And to love him no matter what. And to talk/ pray to him whenever we need. πŸ™.

No matter where you are in your spiritual life with the Lord He loves you and will never ever leave you, becauce you are His Child.

Words I recived for you who feel you struggling in your faith.



We all wait on something. It can be the bus or the train, it can be the mail or a interview, or kids after a school day. You got the picture.

But how do you wait? Do you feel you do not have enough patience for your waiting? Do you think someone else should be the one that should be the waiting person? Do you just sit ” up-side-down “and do nothing else while you’re waiting? Or do you use the time to something else?

I am waiting. Waiting to know when the next step comes. Waiting on to be able to meet “the guy “. Waiting with excitment on what will happend after we met. Waiting could be exhausting but the Lord is giving me so much patience that I am overwelmed.

The patience does not end, no it’s continuing every day. And I have to say that most people had probably already given up by now. And here I am still waiting on what the Lord wants with this. I still don’t have a clue what the Lord will bring me, of this journey.

But I know, and have learned the long way, that if I stick to this, God will not just bless me on the way but also the whole way! ❀✝️

To stay on the sea with the Lord. Be in the boat.

I went for a walk with the Lord yesterday, Saturday, down to the fjord. The marina, a place where I feel comfortable to just be, breath, think and talk to the Lord. Asking the Lord about this waiting. And thanking Him for all the patience He is giving me.

Lights far away.

To be the light in an other persons life without really knowing that person or not really knowing that persons life just few pieces. To be able to pray for that persons life every day. πŸ’œ That is a Joy I haven’t thought much about before yesterday. ✝️ How my prayers can bless is one thing. But how the prayers for an other person can give me a new level of patience and calmness. That is what I recive. A new level of fresh air from the Lord.

To stand in the waiting and trusting the Lord, who knows how it will end. What a blessing!! To do something different and where I normally would have given up if I just went on my own thoughts and feelings. But how the Lord is showing me how He is guideing me through this when I am putting this in His hands. ✝️

Things on distance.

To have focus on what the Lord wants for me.

My situation with this guy is on distance, which could make it even harder and more frustrarted. Which is where I have been but instead of putting energy on something negative and thinking it could be difficult then I choose to think of it as something exciting and it gives me positive energy.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Positive energy like all the lovely colours we have around us in this season. 😊

I went to Church for the first time in months today. I can’t say that the preaching hit me with anything but the worship!❀ To just stand there listening a bit and sing along on the songs I knew. 😊 To be filled like no other place can give me then in the Church room with the acoustics, rhythm from the drums and guitar 😊😊 that harmony… in my own waiting gave me a calm peace I hardly can explain with words. But very Thankful for the moment I got!!

Which reminds me to play worship at home. Right now. To turn off the radio and turn ON the Channel to the sky and Lord. ❀

Don’t be desperate in your waiting!just becauce you wants something. Let the Lord guide you. Let it take time.


Happy, Thankful ‘n Blessed.

I am so Happy and Thankful right now. I have had so much other things going on i my life that the Lord hasn’t had the first place in my life for a while… And than tonight he used me and reminded me of the biggest thing.

His love.

And how much he loves me.

And how much he care for me.

A small greeting that become so big for me here and now.

Whatever going on in my life, he needs to come first! How will I otherwise be able to do what he wants for me? And how a simple worship song can change the atmosphere and my mood. 😊

The Lord is blessing my life in so many ways now days. One blessing is to write here and knowing that someone of all of you who follow my blog will be blessed or feel God’s present when you read. An other blessing is how he has turned my financial situation to the positive after years of struggling. Or how he has blessed me with a good part time job on 70% and this year as a janitor beside.

Even if I have challenges in my life he blesses me double up. And I can feel his present.

It’s a Joy I haven’t had in long time now.

This year so far is such a blessing!! Some day’s feel crap but in the end of the day when I go to bed and thanking God for the Day I recive peace and love from Him. ✝️

I just needed to share! And pray and hope you will be able to get this amazing walk with the Lord you too! 😊


Be Creative, use YOUR gift.

You can be creative in all different ways. I am most practical creative when I sew or knitt but I am also creative when I write. I love to sew becauce than I can redesign what I had into something I know I actually will use, put on and be proud of.

This was a par of pants my mom loved when I was a teenager (!) Which is a long time ago. No I made a simple skirt of them. High waist, not my favorite but I’ll get used to it.

I am also creative when I knitt. This picture gonna be a sweater….

…when I have gotten my new circular needles I can continue. 😊

My next project to finish, which I started on last fall/ Autumn is also a skirt. This skirt has also been a par of pants/Jeans. Which I bought in the late teens (!) Been using the a lot and therefor is the cotton fabric very thin.

Before I started make a skirt out of this jeans.
Trying out fabrics, get the feeling of ” is this the combination I really want?”

How you are creative is important for you. God has given you a gift of how to express yourself! What it is, I don’t know. But remember to let God guide you in your creative zone. It can be an instrument you play or that you take good photos or maybe you are a writer, a baker, a singer. Whatever it is, He gave it to you! Becauce He knows how to use you and your gift! He knows how important this gift is for you and me. To express something and maybe even touch other people with what you do! 😊

So go out and explore your gifts with the Lord and create something new. Make sure you have fun while you doing it.


To stand up straight.

To stand up straight in a battle. Your battle. To find tools and trust what you know. To have faith. To have patience. To believe.

To stand up straight in what you belive is the right for you. In this moment. This periode. To feel the present of the Lord in your prayers.

To stand up straight for your faith. To pray for advice from the Lord. To have patience with the Lord. Knowing He take care of your burden. Your prayers. Your life. He and only he who knows you and can give you the love you need in your battle.

To stand up.

Not fall apart.


Listen to His voice. Obey when you need to. And just relax in His big arms. Knowing He take care of it all. Knowing He care for you. Knowing He carring you. Knowing His love to you.




To stand up straight. Against the enymy. Knowing your faith. Relax in faith. Relax in His big arms of love.
