Reflection, thankfulness, the emptiness & wistful March 25th

I don’t feel happy or sad.Β  I feel wistful like someone has cut something off.Β  I feel empty.Β  But I am grateful for the 8 years I got with Silver and all the good memories.Β  It helps to talk to him as if he hears me ❀️.

I am thankful the Lord is with me in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to go through this alone! ✝️

It’s now all about to make new routines and find out how my life without Silver will look like… but I am not alone on this path πŸ™‚βœοΈπŸ’ž

I am grateful for the peace I have in me. I have hope for the future to become better  ❀️. I just need time and look on what kind of priorities I am going to make.

Reposting some pictures from the years I got with Silver πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™.   See you in heaven my boy πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™

My 2021 ends here and tomorrow it’s 2022.

So here I am, in the couch, on New Years eve. The radio is on, the cat is asleep and I enjoying a half glass with white wine. Have been updating myself on whats new on my county’s webpage for my area, went for a walk to the nearest pharmacy to be ready to test myself at home for Covid-19 whenever needed and I also went by the nearest grocery store. Bought what I need for the coming next day’s (here we do not have open grocery stores during the Holiday’s days). So I am as prepared as I can.

The stars are shining in the windows, the dark has come and bangs from fireworks have I heard since last night…

I am still editing my blog…sorting all my posts into “new” categories and I actually enjoing it believe it or not. Listening to two kids running around on the floor upstairs (my land lord and land ladies aparment). One of the kids are 2,5 years old the other I have no clue.

Defrosting what’s gonna be my dinner today, nothing fancy.

Been texting friends “Happy New Year” so I don’t need to remember that ^^haha^^ for later today. Gonna enjoy “the quiet” until later when the fireworks starts when I might need to calm down my cat.

When I woke up this morning, I read a post from one of you who are following me, read about if it is any point in giving New Year’s reolutions for 2022. When we all know the first part probobly will most likely look a bit like last year with corona and infections… Where most of us most likely need to keep one meter distance to each other… and stay home from work or have homeoffice. But then I thought, why not?! Wouldn’t it been interesting to see/ read about new varieties of New Year’s resolutions and if we have all learned something about what we might be wise to try to promise or “in 2022 will I try to…” ?

Those pictures are a small part of my 2021, from Eastern Norway, HΓΈvik to Western Norway, Rogaland county. The ones I like the most. And maybe they tell you a story or maye it’s just some pictures with no meaning. For me, those pictures stands for freedom and time with the Lord. What He have created for us to enjoy, for us to explore, share and love.

Whatever you are planing for 2022, I know the Lord will walk with us who believe in Him. And he has a plan for us all, we just need to ask Him and let him guide us on His path, not the one we think is the right one.

/Mia-Simone.Svenberg.2021.December 31st.

Blessed last week from December 22nd.

It’s been some interesting day’s this last week. My entire last salary went to pay the rent and bills, so I saw no other way than to ask some of my Christians friends if anyone had the oppotunity and peace from the Lord to bless my finances. And I was blessed with much more than I had in my mind but the Lord knew how much I needed. Because I thought if someone wanted to bless me it was to be able to have food on my table or in my fridge, but the Lord knew the other things I needded and hadn’t been able to fill up in months. Because of this blessing I was able to order a new robot vacuum cleaner before the Christmas weekend. ❀ I haven’t had a vacuum cleaner since February this year, which isn’t so smart to live without when you have a pet! It gets so dusty!!! One other of those things I ordered was vitamines from the States. That I today (December 28th) will go and pick up. πŸ™‚

With the blessed money I could alsi buy a cube light holder, on sale. Somthing I have been wanted the last four or five years.

cube light holder.

December 24th to lunch-time yesterday the 27th, have I already told you about so I skip that. So I can continue with the rest of the day yesterday (27th).

Because I locked my smartphone I got annoied on myself and cause of that I kept stay up past midnight every night after the twenty-fourth… Which led to sleep-in, coffee between nine and ten am. My Land Lady was nice enough to borrow her smartphone to call this company I have a mobile subscription with, to get into my smartphone. ❀ Logged into my phone did I wrote down all my passwords in a clever place asap. Made dinner, cleaned out some drawers and I logged into the blog and some other places online.

Around nine pm was it movietime but, during the movie I suddenly wanted to look, serch and see if I could find jeans online and order which I did after the movie. πŸ™‚ This is also from the blessed money before Christmas.

Yes, and when I was cleaning out the drawers I found a story I started to write when I was maybe eleven or twelve. So funny to read! So I thought I should continue this story. So I sat and wrote at least three pages yesterday. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ This is something I could do so much more often and it probobly fits best when I have one of those holidays. If it’s Christmas or Summer holiday or any of the school breaks. Which I will try to do on the side of bloging.

The plan for today, yesterday, was to catch a bus and go shopping for important and long-awaited machine such as a kitchen machine and a overlocker, but I’m still in the couch cause my back wasn’t good enough for a trip. 😦 But hey, it’s still time for me to do the shopping tomorrow or the day after that. And the only reason I will be able to buy those expensive and heavy machines that I have been wanted for a long time! Is thanks to a surprise via dad and – Mom who is in heaven now.

So if I will not go shopping today, I can check online for the machines and I will probobly also check for other creative things I have been needed for some months, like needles and thread for sewing.

An other big Blessing is this blog!

Just the fact that I have moved from a free blog to paying now hasn’t been an option until yesterday. I think I can say my Mother would have like it. She was such a creative person, more practical creative but she did write sometimes too.

I feel so blessed. And I am thankful for what the Lord have put on my heart, given me this gift to blog and share with all of you all around the world. This is also a creative gift! Not for everyone yet many people try and some fail. I hope I’ll not fail over time.

Have a blessed time until next post!

December 26th & 27th-21.

My disc is full here on wordpress 😦 which only means I need to upgrade…which I will asap other stuff in life get on track… In the meanwhile I’ll started on this post december 26th. I have to say it’s been an interesting weekend! Smartphone-less reminds me of the time before the smartphones came into our lifes, and what we did than to “kill the time” or bee social. Which is a good reminder!

If I only had a jigsaw puzzle or a good back for wlaks in the good weather…yesterday I didn’t.

But now, december 27th 12.30pm I came back to the world after a phonecall. So Thankful to my Land Lady! That I could borrow her phone and make the call!!

I have also upgraded my blog just now. Looking forward to explore!

Christmas Eve and Day, 2021

I have to say I had a blessed day yesterday. Celebrating Christmas Eve with a family from Church. Felt like I was a part of them. πŸ™‚ A big Christmas tree with lots of gifts both under and around. So cozy. I haven not had that feeling for at least 1 decage.

Isn’t that how it is when you are singel and, as for me haven’t had oppurtunity to visit my family for years, don’t have anyone closeby to celebrate with… Well I had a blast yesterday!

Back at home after 10.30pm, my cat-boy was happy to have me back. ^^haha^^. He does not like when I am out in the evenig. But I think it’s good practice for him. So he learn and I can get friends, maybe in the future meet a guy, have fun after work etc. And back home I wanted to update myself, friands and family by posting pictures (because that’s what I do normally), but than my smartphone was slow…and I thought I should just update the phone. Stupid me! Now it’s locked. 😦 I need a special code to get into it or get into my email account, which I also forgot the password to.:-( 😦 😦 So here I am. writing about my own tradegy caused by myself. On the other hand, it might bee good to not have a smartphone. I mean, I use it so often that it can be good to be without it for some day’s maybe most important to be without it during Christmas.

On Monday, I can call the company I have a subscription with and get the code I need. So until Monday I’ll be smartphone-free. (Gaaaaa).

I do have enough practical and creative things to do so it will not be a bigger issue. It’s just annoying… And I have tryed to find papers in some of the boxes that are still unpacked… I gave up.

Today’s first thing after coffee was a short walk with my cat-boy Silver. Out in the cold, where he met an other cat and a neighbour dog. What a start for him. First time for everything! After 4pm today, I’ll spend time with and other family from my house church, and I think that’s perfect. So I wont think so much about what have happend. I will hopefully be able to appreciate the time with new friends.

HAppY HoliDAy’s to You All!!

December is the month for hacking.

I thought I would recognize a hacking link but I didn’t πŸ˜”πŸ˜” someone has tryed to hack me πŸ˜”πŸ˜” . And the sad part was I wasn’t thinking anyone managed to actually did until I recived an textmessage about how they do it. 😭😭.

It’s all fixed now. I do pray for protection from the Lord everytime I use my internet bank but yet. I was probably hacked 😭😭.

I can only pray they haven’t stolen anything and used it forward.

I am sad. Trust the Lord in this. And keep praying of protection.

Be careful with everything you do online!

You never know who is the bad person!

I’ve learn the hurtful way.