Through sickness we get stronger.

Through sickness we get stronger day by day, that’s how we get out of bed and back to work. (And it can be all kinds of sickness, mine not so big/hard.) With me?!

I have just been home’n sick. It all started as a normal cold with sore throat and fever. But this cold was Covid-19 virus. 😔😔. I got the heavy headache on Friday, the only thing that I normally don’t get with a cold. I tested positive on Saturday the 19th.

Covid-19 rapid test.

So what did I get out of those day’s at home? Well I have been knitting, finished projects and watch to many not good movies.

Knitted a baby blancet to a friend.
February 22nd.

Thought I could go back on Monday but oh no that was the day of setback. Yet Wednesday I and today I have. 😊😊.

I am on my way back 😊.

Yesterday I went through five day’s in my bible for a year, the five day’s I didn’t have energy to anything less go between the bed and the couch.

I also started, no that’s not the right word. I picked up to listen to the pod with Evelation Church and pastor Steven Furtick. Both towards and back from work. Variation is something I need in life. Instead of any of the other non Christian pods.

It doesn’t matter what I do. Variation is needed. One of those variations can help me get stronger in my faith or in a hobby or spending time with friends, new or old. I do know, that with Him I get stronger each day in life with or without sickness.

We get stronger.

Devotional January 21st to January 26th.

5 ways to fulfill ur potentional.

We can become so caught up in everyday that it easier to continue in old patterns rather than change.

I have been here. I am proud of myself that step by step I am changing my reading habbits.

Your potentional is not about being driven by amition or success , it is about recognising who you are in God.

As you seek him & live your life according to his purpose , you will bear much fruit. The more you begin to fulfill your God-given potential, the more he entrusts to you. You have the potential to live a life of even greater blessing than those you read about in the Old Testament. Jesus says, ‘Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

How to Navigate Life;

Wisdom has been defined as ‘*the art of steering’*. As you go through life, you will need to navigate many tight situations that require great wisdom in order to avoid damaging yourself or others. And how do we do that?

Unfaithfulness is an example of a wrong turn. Wisdom will ‘keep you from making wrong turns, or following the bad directions. (Proverbs 2:12-22). Where are all those than? Well in your life. You probably know them all or you know about them but don’t recognize them.

A binding agreement that should not be broken, like marriage. Are you married then you know and understand thus better then me who isn’t, yet I hope I’ll get there one day. But I do understand the meaning of what the Bible want me to understand.

Choose the good path

Difficult times in your life can take you off course in the wrong direction. But if you stay on the right course it will lead to greater compassion and wisdom. (Matthew 14:1-21).

To know where your focus are. Knowing your direction in life, is it studdies or work or get to know the Lord more? How do we know when it’s starting to go a bit to the left or right? And which direction is right? If you don’t ask the Lord for direction how will you know you are going in the right direction? So how will you then know how to get greater compassion and wisdom?

Fear of rejection can also lead us into trouble. Make sure you don’t allow what others think of you to matter more than what is right.

As an aduldt it might be easier but yet you can be rejected. It can be from someone you like, a job you want or maybe a trip you would like to go on. I work with youth, an age where many are unsecure on them selfs. It’s hormons and changes most all the time. And during this age it’s fast to get rejected just becauce ‘ you are not like everyone else ‘ which basicly no one is becauce of the hormons. But ‘ no one ‘ think about that. And how to guide the youth to feel they don’t get rejected or feel fear is hard. I can only talk about myself when I was a teenager. I hated the school mainly becauce my schoolmates were awfull to me. I was bullied. I had a lot of fear against my schoolmates. And the only one that helped me to not take it all in was my middle big brother.

Later as an aduldt I’ve recived support, wisdom, no fear, love and blessing into my life from the Lord. And learned how to be able to not fear most things.

Allow God to interrupt your plans.  This is so important. If you don’t let Him interrupt you will easier both get more lost in your own planing but also get the feeling of some kind of lacking or that He is further away from you and your Faith. I know that feeling.

Navigate through the challenges of life. Have you ever been rejected, treated unjustly, let down by a friend or found yourself in some other frustrating situation?

This is the daily struggle for most of us. Who hasn’t felt lost? Who hasn’t had challenges in the daily life? Or treated unjustly? Been let down by a friend? We all have been there!

So, how can we Navigate in life without being challenged every day? Well I would say through the Bible we get many answers. Read or listen, like I do, to the script we get guidense to navigate! We get patience to all the challenges we go through. And tons of love to make it. <3.

January 15th, Success.

In today’s devtional Lord, give me success today. The text is about when the Lord talks about success not in the way of popularity as many today think is the same thing.

No, in the old testament, it talks about success as something good. And the word success occurs at least five times in the old testament. Every time as something positive.

Success is a blessing from the Lord.

Psalm 8, verses 1-9; Praise God for the success of his creation. In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant. “Davis starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation. As he stares into the night sky, David says, I look up at your marco-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellary. Moon and stars mounted in their setting. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? David marvels at the fact that a human begins are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. …”

Reading and listen to this text, gave me a deeper knowledge of those words. I started to listen to this devotional on my way out of my house on Saturday January 15th, but I didn’t end it. I got distracted but started it again today, Sunday 16th. And While I listen on the audio on my phone (cellphone) I am reading/following through the text on my laptop and can reflect. What does it say? What is the point on the text?

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

In the word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. – this is what Jesus-style-success looks like.

*To achieve Jesus-stule success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision. 1, The need is urgent. 2, The motive is love. 3, The trigger is prayer. 4, The potential is vast. Pray for success in guidance. Abraham’s servant wasn’t embarrassed to pray for success. No, He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate; ‘ Give me success today.’ *

We shouldn’t be embarrassed to pray for success in our lifes! If, as we can read in the old testamnet, God has given us success. We should ask for it. Success is a blessing from God. Why should we then be embarrassed? We should not think like the World thinks about the word but Thank God for what he ment it to be!

You know, I’ve learned so far those few (15) day listening to the script that if I don’t implement the Word into my life as I should I feel some kind of emptiness, but not like a hole no more like I have been missing out of something really good for a long time. It has occurred to me that I can do a lot of things and feel happiness. And I know “I’ve sholud have read the Bible as my Christian intake of food” but haven’t until this year… And now I start to see what friends has been trying to tell me. I know I know, “you want to say I told you so” and that is okay. At least I understand! I wont feel the presence from the Lord in the same way if I don’t read or listen to the script. I have got an eye-opener for this 🙂 . It took maybe a bit longer time then needed, but hey! I got it.

Maybe I needed this time in my life to understand God’s way and part in my life as an Christian. I don’t know. But here I am and I understand things 🙂 . And for me this bible app and blog kind of goes hand-in-hand. It might be an other part of how Jesus wants me to share my struggles as a Christian some day’s, to share with others that are struggling as Christians how to get through a day, a week a mounth or ever a year. I would be surprised if I am the only one that have those struggles in my life! The Lord has been challenge me with this blog for the last 4-5 years. And I believe this is an other part of sharing my life, struggles, happiness with you all. His way of using me the way He gave me the gift of writing. ❤

…or He just wants to use me showing you that everyone has there own time to figure stuff out. ^^haha^^. Anyway. Here I am sharing my thoughts with you about a text I never read before or got inputs I never heard before. It’s like all the preaching I have heard isn’t even close to this. And I am happy I did listen even to this devonational!

I do hope you got something out of both my thougts and from the text in the devotional. ❤


January the 5th-22

On my way to the bus this morning I thought I should try something else than just one of the podcasts I normally listen to on the way to work. So I found one of those app’s on my Bible app. This one, Bible in One Year 2022 with Nicky Gumbel – Classic.

To read the Bible in one year have never worked for me, but I think that if I listen to one Devotional with bible verse each Day. I have a bigger chance to actually manage this.

So here I am, have listen to Day One.

This isn’t one of those “New Year Revolutions” oh no! I will try it and I’ll hope I don’t drop out. I didn’t fall a sleep while I was listening. That’s a good start! Some of it was Josef’s family-tree (Which I never before manage to understand but did better with this time!)
