Christmas Day -22.

Remember to enjoy this day no matter if you are with friends, family or alone at home or away! It’s a day for us all no matter where we are in life! Jesus was born for you.

I am home alone, almost, my cat is with with me…

Listening to the sound from the TV service..

I am watching the early morning Christmas Day service, which in Sweden is called ‘julotta’ and in Norway called ‘julemesse’. This was something I gladly did every year as an aduldt with my mom, and now 2 years after ahe died I do it with thoughts of her ❤Mom❤.

With one of my favorite songs during Christmas “Holly night” 💜. I need to hear it at least once on Christmas Day.

Christmas is often said “to spend time with family & friends” probably becauce it’s a long tradition and what most people are used to do. But my question is; why can’t you or me be alone in this time and celebert Christmas? I like being alone at home and just be, doing nothing or being creative. No stress, no must’s, just me 😊. I don’t say I don’t like being with friends during Christmas. I like the mix of both. Yet, I think it’s interesting how most people thinks ” you must/should not be alone during Christmas “. Why?

I am curious about what you think, please write your thoghts if you like this post.

I have to say I have been like this since I were a child, so those thought are not new. I don’t say I don’t miss having “my own family and spend time with them” even during Christmas or any other Holiday. I guess I am saying I like my Quality time to do what I like 😉. Anyway, I am never alone cauce the Lord is always with me no matter where I am or what I do 😊✝️.

Maybe you work this weekend, then you are with co-workers, not alone all the time yet you will have time to be alone and / or a chose to be with your loved once. Maybe you don’t have a family and spend most of your days alone and need to spend time with friends this weekend, then do! As long as you enjoy it ❤. We all have different life and we all have different needs in life and it’s okay 😉.

So back to the first line of this post remember to enjoy this time of Christmas alone or with friends or family. Do it your way and Enjoy it.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas eve, 24th of December 22.

A resume of today to you all.

I woke up with headache 🤪 07:30am, but that is now almost over 10am. I’ve just been dribking my coffee and watching “the Christmas story for kids” on the television, which they send from 1st of December to the 24th every year. A new story every year, it’s more like a drama play. And often some kind of action in the story.

I am going to fulfill the Christmas decoration of the Christmas tree 🎄 with lights and go for a walk with Silver before I heading out.

🎄💝☃️10am 😍💝🎄
Dinner with a co-worker and her family. 7pm.
Decoration at dinner.
Merry Christmas.
Christmas tree, as it should be. 🤩.

And at home I just had to watch Home alone the original.

How do you prepare your heart and life for Christmas and Jesus?

I went to my house church yesterday (9th of December) and the topic of the theme was ‘ how do you prepare your heart & life for Christmas and Jesus?’

One of the leader read a text about a family here in Norway and how they got in contact with an other family in Canada. How They prepared for this family to visit them. How they lesernes about their culture, country etc. How the cleaned theire home, garden and how this effects their thinking of what they prepared for Christmas and Jesus.

And than asked us, we who were gathered, what we do? Are we just focusing on the outside, the lighting on the house or in the garden? Are we just focusing on the gifts or are we taking it in into our relationship with whom who saved us?

As a singel lady without family or kids I don’t have the same type of traditions as when I grow up. Some of them I do miss other of them I feel are hard to do.

But, this year I am trying something new for me. I hanged the Christmas curtains up to the first of Advent. During the next week I got my Christmas tree up and few day’s later the ornaments. I haven’t found the lights yet…

I am working on the Christmas gifts, for my family, that I thought I could send to my brother here in Norway but now I don’t know if the rest of the family will be able to travel over the border…

I need to buy some red candle lights. I am playing Christmas music every day this December and trying to invite the Lord after work at home and if I forget I at least pray for the next day and say thanks for the day I’ve had before I fall a sleep.

I have to say I haven’t been focusing as much as probably should to Him who saved me… I think I lost it on the way. The way of being a singel, the way when life means I haven’t been able to visit my family over Chistmast for some years now. 😔. Or just the fact that we lost mother into demensia over ten years ago… The one in my family who was excited to decorate for this season. ❤.

I would love to have a family that I could call mine, it doesn’t mean the kids are mine. But to have a boyfriend, a hubby someone to share life with, Christmas and everything else with! I know it will come. But yet, that’s my Christmas wish and have been for the last ten or more years…

Is it easier when you have someone to share Christmas with?

What are you doing?

How do you prepare?

I am blessed to be able to celebrate Chistmast Eve and Christmas Day with some families from my house church ❤🎄❤🎄 ❤ something I am looking forward to! And with that I will try harder to invite the Lord into my home and whatever I do before Christmas.

Be thankful over what you have.

09am, December 23, 16 hours to Christmas eve.

We should all be thankful over what we have, this Christmas. What ever we have or will be gifted. The Lord is bigger than us and will be providing us with what we need.

If it is to be creative or that someone are creative for us. Have Faith in this pandemic can be harder for us all Yet the Lord is bigger than us and will give us just what we need.

To do it ” my way ” or the Lords way ? Are you still waiting on what the Lord gonna say? Than talk to Him and trust Him and He will answer you.

✝️ ❤

I can’t say how the Lord will or when He will answer you, I can tell you that He will if you trust Him.

Your life might be a mess or you don’t experence the Lord close enough, Yet, He is with you. And maybe feels like those words are just are words without meaning, but, you try to believe them and they might touch you. Maybe you need to read it twice or loud. Yet, the Lord wants to have a bigger space in your life.

Let Him in, in to your life. Let Him in to your Heart. Let Him be a part of You.

He is the Light in our Darkness. He is the creative inspiration to our creativity. He is with US when everything feels even harder. He Wants to Walk with You.

He is Our Light. Our Path.

My experence is that, if I don’t trust Him to Walk with me or that He is the creative inspiration in my life, my life would be boring. If I don’t talk to Him, He will not answering me. If I don’t have Faith in is Power and Love how will I feel any of it? I would not. My life would be boring, sad, I would start to be bitter the opposite of what I want and need in my life.

With those words, not just from me but also as a greeting from the Lord while I was going this, hets through my thoughts inspired me I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

And remember, the words in the picture below.


Advents calender, 24th December-18.

It’s Christmas eve 🎄 it’s finally here. The Day I have been waiting on.

Here comes the verse for today; Psalm 37:21

The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

This verse is just like what Christmas is all about. To show mercy and be giving.

We celebrate the newborn son that came to this World for us. Our Father gave us a son, to be able to show mercy to others. And we have the oppurtunity to give, show love and mercy.

Merry Christmas.


Little Christmas the 23rd.

Christmas for me is spending time with family. This Christmas is in Norway, with both my biologic brothers. My oldest brother has three kids, two teenagers and one on eight y.o. What a lovely combination

When we woke up at 08.30 am we had breakfast and then we started with ginger bread baking.

I prefer teenagers where ever I am where I can help or work with. So to do things with my nephew on thirteen and my niece on fifhteen make my life easier and happy. 

The little Christmas, the 23rd, went we out to play in the snow. The brothers started to make a fort/castle and me and my niece tried to slide in the  new fallen snow.. haha what a joke! It did not work! But I figured out that if we asked the neigbor we might get it by sliding down the slope from the hay barn. (Picture below)

We played games inside, my middle brother and youngest nephew went out for a Christmas three…

Making candy…

We spent time together doing different things in the afternoon and me and my niece went for a walk to the grocery store to be able to bake safron bread.

In the evening, I think we where done with the safron bread at eleven pm.. They taste so good! 

A good day with lots of fun and nice things happen. 


Cellphone, 2 books and family time 4 X-mas.

Before I catched the train I started my traveling with a good cup of americano from Esspresso House in Lysaker.  I’m in my way to Sør-Trøndelag for Christmas. First time ever and I’ve lived in Norway for a bit more then ten years.. funny how it can be. 

I took the train from Oslo to Hamar and shifted there to the next. I knew it would be a lot of people but it was like a surprise it was so many from Oslo that traveling the same way as me.

(I had to do something about my hair and this is the result)  But here I am. On the train. Only my cellphone and books with me. I will not be on Facebook at all for five days and I am looking forward that. To spend time with family or go for a walk in the snow. Tired as normal when I get on a train.. Normally I fell a sleep just after the ticked is checked but not this time. Maybe because I’m blogging.. but I could easy fall a sleep! Anyway.. after five and a half hours of traveling by train I’ll see my older brother which I have not seen for two years (!) Live in his home and enjoy whatever he is doing and also be with my second brother and his family when they are coming tomorrow the 22nd of December. 

We are all (exept my brother who lives there) traveling away from home to celebrate Christmas. It was two tears ago since last time (!) or maybe even three years (even wers!) Anyhow, I will enjoy spending time with my family. 

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! And I hope you will have a good time off work, time of Joy with your family or close friends. And enjoy Christmas with all it comes with!

I will probably blog about Christmas in Haltdalen, Trøndelag so you also can see and made get your curiousity of traveling in Norway and Trøndelag. 


I like to plan and have overview.

I’ll be in my city Oslo this Christmas too but this Christmas will I both do things and afford to do things. 😍 Last year I had to stay in Oslo because I didn’t afford to go away for X-mas. I made it and survived. 

I have a plan.

I will go on a day trip to Sweden and by typical Christmas food I like and grow up with, before the Christmas weekend. It will be nice to “get away” just for a day too. I am already looking forward that and planing. But first I have to finish for the Christmas Holiday in the Hotel. I have Holiday from the 18th of December until the 2nd of January. I don’t think I have had such long Holiday since school-time, ten years ago or longer! 😍

The smartphone was a early X-mas gift to myself but I will also finally by a kitchen machine I have been wanting for at least the last 3 years and not been able to by. Looking forward to be able to bake more again! (Not the most expensive but it’s a start). I ordered it yesterday (the 5th of December). 😍😍

I will join some Christmas party, go to the cinema by myself or maybe with friends, watch movies on the television, bake, live, enjoy life, relax, sewing and I have to apply for jobs… but I believe time will fly fast ☺ and I have my cats so I am not alone 😍

It’s a bit sad in one way that I can’t celebrate Christmas with my own family (brothers and kids because of my cat’s 😯) but I’ve done it before… I will and have to stay focused and positive.

To you who read my post or blog, I wish you a Great time in December and in all the preparation for Christmas!
