I like to plan and have overview.

I’ll be in my city Oslo this Christmas too but this Christmas will I both do things and afford to do things. 😍 Last year I had to stay in Oslo because I didn’t afford to go away for X-mas. I made it and survived. 

I have a plan.

I will go on a day trip to Sweden and by typical Christmas food I like and grow up with, before the Christmas weekend. It will be nice to “get away” just for a day too. I am already looking forward that and planing. But first I have to finish for the Christmas Holiday in the Hotel. I have Holiday from the 18th of December until the 2nd of January. I don’t think I have had such long Holiday since school-time, ten years ago or longer! 😍

The smartphone was a early X-mas gift to myself but I will also finally by a kitchen machine I have been wanting for at least the last 3 years and not been able to by. Looking forward to be able to bake more again! (Not the most expensive but it’s a start). I ordered it yesterday (the 5th of December). 😍😍

I will join some Christmas party, go to the cinema by myself or maybe with friends, watch movies on the television, bake, live, enjoy life, relax, sewing and I have to apply for jobs… but I believe time will fly fast ☺ and I have my cats so I am not alone 😍

It’s a bit sad in one way that I can’t celebrate Christmas with my own family (brothers and kids because of my cat’s 😯) but I’ve done it before… I will and have to stay focused and positive.

To you who read my post or blog, I wish you a Great time in December and in all the preparation for Christmas!
