Exploring my county, July 19th.

Left home 09:40am, bus 09:52am towards Sandnes bus & train hub. To catch a new bus at 10:13am.

Today I’ve been exploring 😊, walked in residential areas I never been b4. I’ve taken busses I just seen in Sandnes or Stavanger bushub. Seen where, e.g. Forus Arena is located (where most major concerts for Stavanger and nearby municipalities take place). And I haven’t been stressed just smiling.

Sola municipality, 10.30am.

The rain or wind wasn’t a bad thing. If I weren’t on a bus I found shelter πŸ˜‰

On a bus between Sola and Randaberg.

I did all this both becauce I have been wanting this since I moved back but also becauce I found cheap books online (via a website here in Norway where you can buy used things, a common website for the whole of Norway) for my upcoming studies which start in mid-August.

Randaberg square, not much here. 12.30 to 13pm.

When I got off the bus I knew I had to eat b4 I headed home-over.


PizzaBakeren (the pizza chain that started here in Rogaland) is my favorite and today it was a pizza with a thin crust.

I catched an other bus back in to Stavanger train station (13:05pm) waited maybe 20 min at the train station (13:20ish pm) and sat on the train home to Ganddal. On the train it was raining but my walk home were not 😊.

So I’ve got to see and explore and buy non-fiction / subject literature during 4.5 hours 😊😊😊 .

“Why not just move the shelf?”

Then I thought “why not move the shelf” from the livingroom (where it anyway just was filled up with things) to the sewing room where I can use it for a purpose of sewing stuff?!? So I did! 😍

This is where the shelf was standing, now I’ve got a green corner.
The door I want to become my Kitchen Iceland is still just standing in my livingroom, but now where it gives me both Inspiration and a good feeling of interiour. 🀩.

My sewing βœ‚οΈπŸ“room is taking the form and with the colours I want. It is still some storage I need and shelfs on the wall or floor-storage. I need to buy colour πŸŸ πŸ§ŠπŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨ and it all will take time – becauce it needs to feel right. And I am not in stress, and I don’t like to rush and I’m not rich. And this is my project right now & to make sure I have fun while doing it.

[The best time for me to write in this blog is whole I am listening to a preaching from Elevaton Church online.]

This room will have a wibe of orange & turquoise 🀩 the colours that have become two motiovation colours for me to be even more Creative.

Online dating (annoying or not), part 6.

The most annoying part of online dating is all those guys and yes I mean guys! Who just show interesst in me because I look young and have past 40. So tired of them! They only want one thing and still think woman also just want that πŸ˜”πŸ˜”. Pls grow up! And pls understand not all woman wants that.

Or I end up chatting with some okay interesting man that lives far far away and can chat forever… or who has focus on how much you 2 need to have in comman… Sorry that’s not me. I know it takes time and effort to get to know an other person no matter if this person “just” will end becoming my friend or future boyfriend. But it seams like I am quite alone thinking that πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

I don’t say I will give up. No I do believe “someone” is out there for me. So I just have to switch focus. In the meanwhile I am trying to get back to work after one week on sick leave and be thankful for those I do have around me.

2nd annoying r those who don’t understand the point of a profile txt!! Or those who just like “cute” pictures πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ🀬.

I have been on snap with a guy, he thought I was “the right girl” for him. He was convinst I were what he was lo8king for. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. I tryed to get him to understand that it’s a bit smart to be objective when you want to get to know an other person but he was only in his normal track. Wrong track for me. He “showed” some, for me important sides, but they didn’t last πŸ˜”. When he send me pictures I didn’t ask for & I asked him to respect me and what I didn’t want. He didn’t. So I ditched him. I just can’t stand a person who can’t respect me and my values.

Just because “we all” are out on some dating app dosen’t mean we all “just do whatever we want” and “give a shit” about values and not respecting others out there. I do know a lot of people do, give a shit, but I don’t!

Online dating (annoying or not), part 5.

To get 2 know an other person through an app, u need time & patience. U need 2 ‘through’ u out there & write about who u r, post pictures from ur daily life. U need 2 confront ur thinking & more important compromice w/ urself. Why? Well becauce most of the time the person u trying 2 get 2 know living in an other area from u and u can’t just go there. U need 2 through urself out there 2 find someone.

U need 2 write so someone understand what u are looking for, to catch something that is u. U need 2 compromice with urself. What is the most important for u 2 not just beliefs and values?!? And how are u appreciate ur self and other peoples values? How do u talking, writing, txting, blogging mm.

U need 2 have pictures on ur profile if u want someone to get curious on u. U need details from ur life. Make it short but interesting. U can talk 2 more then one but u should not date more then one person at once! And ask as much as u can If u live far away from each other.

Dig into the details as far as u managed to ur values, don’t let other peoples voices hindering u to figuer out what u want to know. Only u know what u are curious about. No question is wrong. If u feel the conversation goes into an area u dont like u only say STOP and explain why u don’t want to talk about it. And if he/she doesn’t listen to u, he/she isn’t worth more txting becauce he/she doesn’t respect u.

In today’s suciety among Christians “u shouldn’t get into certain areas in txting.” I think that is up to u and ur relationship with the Lord. Talk loud to the Lord and pray for guidence.

Only you know you. Your limits. But be careful!! Don’t do or write things you don’t want!! Remeber what you stand for and what you want or not want. He/she can’t say or write things you don’t like and tell you to do it. Then he/she isn’t worth txting with!

And then it comes to how and when you start txting on snap or simular app or start to call each other. What do u share? Where are ur limits? How far are u willing to go to share? Well it’s up to u. But I would not recomand to share intimicy! He/she probably want u to share intimicy… often so πŸ˜” is my experience. I stop b4 that. And if he/she start and continue I block the person becauce then he/she doesn’t listen to my limits. It’s not worth to go there! Something should be private!! No matter what most people do & share. Make sure u show u r different & that u can stand up for urself πŸ’œ.

Stand up for your limits, your values and what you like not like. Remember who you are. It’s okay to take a break and not do a thing too 😊. It shouldn’t be a thing to stress about! Very many are desperate to find a new partner, they are tired to be alone. I don’t even read thoses profiles. They are not enough interesting for me. The last thing I need is a desperate person into my life!

Very important is; have patince. To get know a new person is like to become your new friend, it takes time so why should it go faster to get to know your partner? Take the time, chat, call each other, go on dates, do practical things, have fun and think you are trying to get a new friend . This new friend can end up becoming your best friend in life and walk beside you πŸ’—.