“Why not just move the shelf?”

Then I thought “why not move the shelf” from the livingroom (where it anyway just was filled up with things) to the sewing room where I can use it for a purpose of sewing stuff?!? So I did! 😍

This is where the shelf was standing, now I’ve got a green corner.
The door I want to become my Kitchen Iceland is still just standing in my livingroom, but now where it gives me both Inspiration and a good feeling of interiour. 🤩.

My sewing ✂️📍room is taking the form and with the colours I want. It is still some storage I need and shelfs on the wall or floor-storage. I need to buy colour 🟠🧊🖌🎨 and it all will take time – becauce it needs to feel right. And I am not in stress, and I don’t like to rush and I’m not rich. And this is my project right now & to make sure I have fun while doing it.

[The best time for me to write in this blog is whole I am listening to a preaching from Elevaton Church online.]

This room will have a wibe of orange & turquoise 🤩 the colours that have become two motiovation colours for me to be even more Creative.

A prophetic greeting, January 27th-22.

A prophetic greeting I recived this evening in my house church, to you who need it.

A picture from the Lord;

A bathing jetty. Strong wind around you. Stormy sea. Steady ground. The mountains in the background. The rays of the sun which are the light of Jesus. The clouds that create shadow in your life. The faith you have in me your Father. The cross that is your security and your reason for your faith. The flowers that give you the positive energy for the day. The stones around the pier that can provide support for tired legs. The waves around the pier that calm down when it clears up. The benches that are worn, so that we can recognize ourselves in how life can be.

A picture, where the words trying to give you a picture from the Lord about how you can feel like life is.

A picture ment like support and guidness, wisdom and love.

Inspiration and the Love from God. How good foundation you have in Him, the Cross and your Faith.

The rain and the storm can clean your thoughts, wondering and how you after can stand fri and feel like you have a new Body, Soul and Head.

Be blessed. Be Encourged.

Uplifting words.

I just have to share with you all the uplifting prophetic words I recived on my e-mail this week.

I hope it will uplift you too.

Monday, June 14th; “Dreams and visions are going to increase.”

Tuesday, June 15th; “You might have to battle, but things are going to work out great.”

Wednesday, June 16th; “Being kind and patient will go a long way.”

Thursday, June 17th; “It will be important not to worry. God has things covered.”

Friday, June 18th; “God is moving outside your understanding.”

Saturday, June 19th; “There is new freedom being released in the Spirit.”

Be blessed!