From cat on trial to perment staying – Aslan.

So we had Aslan (Gardfiled) on trial for 3 day’s in April. After those 3 day’s he stayed. Silver and Aslan (becuase he is orange and walks like a lion) become friends. they have there moments where Aslan is trying to show Silver he wants to be in charge but Silver answers with a small fight and winning by Aslan laying down on the floor “I give up for now”.

Time flies by and Aslan has now been with us for almost 4 months (!) He has becoming an indoor cat and accepting it, he were more of an outdoor cat before we got him. He will be able to learn to walk in leach just like Silver does, but his first issue was to let me put a “neckless” on him that he wouldn’t take off as fast as it got on ^^haha^^. He has been learning a lot this time here and he is young (only 3 years old) so he will be able to learn even more.

The nxt thing for him was to learn is to not eat up all the food, cause Silver also need food! He or both get less food now, I do have one bowl with dry food out all day but more important is it’s always water.

They are friends most the time but in the between they fight, Aslan still trying to set Silver to not be the oldest, the boss etc. But Aslan is the younger will always be more playful, have more energy, talk more because it’s his personality. Silver trying his best to adapt too, he was the only cat for 4 years, it’s not easy for him neither.

We all do our best to adapt ❤ the life we have. I couldn’t leave Aslan to not be able to live a life with us therefor I let him stay. He was probobly a Corona-Cat, left to himself to survive. He has his issues, but overall he is a very cozy cat. Loves to sleep in my bed, next to my back. He wakes me up in the morning, if he can decide 05am… But yet he has managed to go to bed my time approxy 11pm, and that I do pull down the blinds for the night (first of all for Silver so he wouldn’t start to play around 03am and wake me up) but also now with 2 cat’s.

A lot to learn but he is young our Aslan.