The latest sewing,  creativity & energy – May24.

I love when I have time and energy to fix what has been laying and waiting for some time!

New earnings  from upcycling paper clips & safety pins with beads from the floor in the art&craft room at work.

I am thankful for work, life and sparetime! The Lord has both showing me things in life and in dreams of my future and I keep trusting him in what will come that I yet don’t know. I enjoying every moment if I have more or less energy!  Those last day’s has been a mix of both and yet I am smiling because life is good and I am trying to embrace it as much as possible.

The Lord keep guiding my steps, give me inspiration to new things and ideas 😊. And even after a tough work day I have energy to be creative at home 😊. And interesting enough it feels like I have more energy to be creative now than when I had Silver   πŸ€”  πŸ€ͺ … maybe I was more allergic ti him than I thought…?

November 17, moms biRthDaY πŸŽ‰

The woman that has inspired me in many ways had biRthDaY yesterday. She became 79 yesterday πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰. She is ill with dementia and Alzheimer and she is my mom. She has learned me a lot of life, how cook food, how spend or not spend money. She is the person I look up to. She has been my inspiration in many ways.

Many people is surpriced she is still with us becauce of her illness and becauce she has been really sick twice in 13 months. Both times didn’t the doctors think she wouldn’t survive. But she is a strong woman. A lot of people was praying for her and she came back stronger. πŸ™βœοΈ

I am Thankful even though I have not seen her for the last four years. I love her even more now, than what I said or showed her when she wasn’t sick.

And I miss her.

I just want to hear her voice again…πŸ’–

She was the one that learned me to prepare food, wash clothes and make easy dinner with one of my brothers when I was 8 y.o. She nagged on me to clean my room as I become a teenager and she have helped me to move so many times πŸ’– (!) She has always been there even if we lived on a distance πŸ’– of minimum 350km to maximum 1200km for many years.

As long as I can remember she has been on a bycycle, to work or to the grocery store or prayer meeting. She loved to do easy exercice. She stoped using her bycycle about a year after she stoped to drive the car. We didn’t aloud her for safety of her self and others in trafic. But she’s been able to walk for many years. Even if it only were for 20minutes in the end, she walked. She had a small route she walked daily. πŸ’œ She liked to be outside, she loved the forest, she went to the forest to pick wild berries and learned me where and how to find it.

This picture is from 2011 that Summer she and dad came visit me here in Norway. That was the last time she visit me. πŸ’– Her sickness had escalated this year and when they visit me I had to enjoy every minute I got with her being able to talk and walk. I miss that part of my mom πŸ’–

Every year I pray I will have the opportunity to go and visit her for the last time before she is gone. πŸ’–

I hope I make the trip in 2020 both financial and with someone that can watch my cat 🐈.

My mom was saved as a teenager and she had a relationship to the Lord. Now I πŸ™ the Lord is with her every Day.

HaPPy biRthDaY Mom πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Love you!!

πŸ’–You have helped me in many ways in life! I can’t say it to many times, I love you Mom. πŸ’–
