Cat sitter, Easter Break , and more 22🤩

I have been & am still until tmrw “sitting” a cat from Thursday this Easter. It’s mainly letting the cat in or out of his home, make sure he has enough food and water.

Simba is his name.

Yesterday, Easter Saturday, I came to let him in and this was the first time he showed me how playful he was. We cuddle and played. 💙🐈💙.

I spend 20 minutes with him instead of 10, like the day before. 💙.

It has for sure been an interesting Easter in many ways! Not just becauce of Simba. No, I have been walking more and you would say walking is good for a sad back, not mine 🤐. My back got worse from the walking 😔🤨, yet I have explored more of the island I live on 🙂. And got massive time with the Lord on my walks.

It’s been an Easter Break where I have started a new sewing project but not have had the back I needed to finish it 😔 Yet I have had good day’s listening to preaching and the bible app 🙂. We have had mostly good Weather 🙂.

And I have to say that, even if the Easter isn’t over yet I have been enjoying this Easter! It has been a blessing so far. Just do whetever I managed to do and not stress 🙂🙂. I have been able to do my back exercise almost every day 🙂🤩🙂. And today has all been about relaxing & some regular cleaning of my home.

April 14th, Easter Break, Easter Thursday-22

What did I do? Let me think… I woke up late, around 10 am, did some exercise for my back and yes arms😊💪, had coffee & breakfast as my start of any day.

Sat in the couch (cause sad back). Wanted to sew so I did.

Carry my sewing machine from where it stand when I don’t use it to the couch table. Got all things I needed for sewing. Started by fixing the pockets in one of my 3 newest par of Jeans. Love the Jeans but isn’t a fan of tiny pockets 😡. Why have pockets at all if you can’t use them? Front pocket!

Continuing with a blouse, “red with white dots”, tryed to upcycling it. Can’t say I am totally pleased yet…

Last I picked up my pitchwork from small fabric pices that I have been sewing together to a pitchwork and my goal is to use it on th inside of my home made smaller backpacker for work. Which also was my goal to finish this Easter… That will not happend cause of my sad back 😔😔.

In the evening I went out cause I am a ” cat sitter ” meaning letting a cat in or out and make sur the cat have enough food and water.

But b4 I could do that I needed to get there, finding the house (I had been there two day’s b4 during day light) in evening light. Started by running to the bus (which only comes every 30 minutes during Holidays), catched it, got off to soon 🤪🤪🤪, walked for 7 minutes, found the house and cat. Let the 🐈 in fed it, gave it new water and I headed out.


And realizing that nxt bus would “show up” 20 min later… So instead of waiting in the chilly wind I walked back home. A 30 min walk and approxy 2,5 km. A nice walk! Picture above shows it all and the lovely sunset!

April 7th, 22, ❄🌨🌧☁️☀️…😂

My week before Easter Break is here and this is some of the things I’ve done so far. I am sew embroidery on my favorite sweater on top of stains I’ve tryed to get rid of for many tears without luck. So some upcycling and updating was needed here. Becauce I love this sweater.

I bought me my first ice cream for this year becauce of ☀️ after a morning of ❄🤪.

I sprained🤬🤬🤬 my ankel at work and walk on it with so much pain 😔😔😔. Had a good night with no pain 🙂 but after I woke up and had to walk on it the pain came back 🤬🤬🤬 so I’ve used crutches today and will do it tmrw too. Resting in the couch now. Walking as little as possible today.

….If it is slow internet or a bug here at wp today I don’t know, but slow is it….

My Easter break starts this Saturday, April 9th. And my plan is still to catch some busses and train and explore more of Rogaland county. See places I wanted to explore last time but never took the time to do.

I’m broke until Tuesday, which means I have to wait to buy something for Easter decoration & flowers outdoors next week. Which probably is smart with my sprained ankel.

It’s all about which path you choose…

…for me I never know where the Lord wants me

I have also started my job-hunt onece again…

I am looking & applying for a new job, wish to work “in the next level” from high school. The Scandinavian School system; it’s called High school when we translet it, it’s the age of 16-19 y.o. students.

What you call it I don’t know I guess it depence on where in the world you live it has different names names.

April Challenge

Or do you want to stand on the same place becauce it bruings comfort? That’s how I felt when I asked the Lord about this journey.

Yesterday (April 13) I had a chat with God, said that I haven’t found a job of interest in Trøndelag county only in Rogaland county. Therefore, I focus on continuing apply for a job there. & that God will show me what job it will be.

Tonight (nigth between April 13 & 14) I dreamed that I had 2 interviews on Teams or Zoom. 😉
& I have peace. 😊.
So it seems like it becomes Rogaland 😉 on me.

All situations!!

No matter if I have confedence or not in this He will be there with me!

He will help me.

He is my compass, GPS, life.

It is both scary and like an adventure. 🤪😍

I want to be able to live closer ti the sea on the west coast of Norway. 😍.
Is what’s needed here.

I just have this smile in my face and the peace og this is the next step.

I don’t have a clue of the future but I am trusting my peace I have. I have made up my mind. Focusing on one area geografic is enough. I just now He helps me hold on to the road or path that will lead my steps to the job that is ment for me. 😊.

He, the Lord will guide my steps and open up the right door. It’s hard some day’s to stay on track. But He guides me in all areas in my life.

I have to trust for both a new home will show up where my cat also can live, will be cheap enough for this year and the years a head and the right new job.

I am moving back to the county, the only place in Norway, I felt at home. The area I have been missing for the last ten years… The area I have told friends I want back to “one day”. That day is getting closer 🤩🤩🤩 every day 😍😍 ✝️.

A new opportunity, a new chance.

And this weekend (23rd – 25th) I have written two applications and need to write a third (!)🤪🤪.

This is my new life at the moment. Hectic but I choose it. On top of this, I was substitute for two teachers this last week at work on top of my regular hours 🤪🤪 but fun!!

What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Quite the same life Easter or not. 😉

Easter is here again. What’s different? Not much. Still Corona, same weather today as it was the same date last year. ☁️⛅ windy7m/s, 🌡+11°C .

I’ve just been out for a very short walk with Silver 🐈 who didn’t like the wind either.

It’s Good Friday today and I guess most Christian go to Church normally and in this Corona pandemic you maybe go for a walk with the preaching in your ears or if you live where you can get together in a home do that. 🙂😉.

This Wednesday me and a girl friend went on a day trip to a place called Horten, it’s approxy 1,5 hour drive South from Høvik, Bærum. Coast town. Pretty small-town in Norway!

We were not lucky with the weather. It started to rain on out way in to the town but it didn’t matter us. We just wanted to do something 😉 . So we did.

Yesterday April 1st, I had a day in. Started on my mom’s Summer dress. Redesign. Mom was as highest 5″10 and I am 6″2, so you migth understand that the clothes I got after my mom they become too short or wrong proportions on me… 😆😆.

How would you say you did Easter before the Corona pandemic?

I have to say that I don’t have had to change much. I am still singel, with friends who are married and don’t have the same time to spend with me. Before and in the pandemic. Sad yes. Biologic family still most of them in Sweden, Norwegian family still in Norway, but as I wrote, most of them with less time. Why? Well that’s life.

I live my life quite the same as before the Corona pandemic. And it’s fine!😉

I have to say life is good even in this pandemic!! 😊😊😊 I have what I need. I am blessed with much.

I wish you all have and will have A Great Easter wherever you are in the World.

💛🐣✝️Happy Easter ✝️🐣💛


Oh my, it’s been forever since I wrote here. 😣😕 It’s been happening so much… Where shall I start?

Gathering boxes for the move.

I’ve moved. From Oslo to Bærum, Høvik = West of Oslo. It’s closer to work from here. The 21st of March with a blessing of friends helping me. We made the whole moved in 3,5 hours!

From March 16 have I had homeoffice 🏠💻. All becauce of CONVID-19. All schools in Norway closed March 13.

Went and bought some flowers for my outside, b4 the Easter.

This week we just past 6 weeks (!) with homeoffice / homeschool.. The last two weeks I’ve been 2 hours at the school (my workplace) in combination og homeoffice, to help students that struggling the most with the digital homeschool situation. It’s been working fine. 😊

It feels good to help those who struggle the most. 💜


Here comes some pictures from this periode and my new neighbourhood.

The street to the train station.
My cat-boy Silver exploring the parkinglot.

After the move, I felt like I was swimming in piles of laundry. I still almost all the durty sheets unwashed. 😣

But how lovely it is to dry the laundry in the garden when it’s sunny!

To live where I live includes a lot of work in the garden, which I like. It’s like therapy for me. And It’s easy to spend two hours outside and not just take care of all the trees but also talk to the Lord.

But it’s also so much beautiful things like those buds.

Today is 1st of May.

Yesterday evening was rainy, continuing the whole night and I think it still was raining this morning while I was sleeping.

It’s Labor day today in Norway, stores are closed, people are out and I am gonna explore more of my neighbourhood and beach area.

I started my day with coffee & breakfast and listening to my favorite pod cast with two famous people in Sweden. #wahlgren&wistam. I love it becauce it’s funny and I guess it’s becauce it’s Swedish.

Time to log out and let you read.


It’s been Easter…

Easter has past…

I were on my way to blog about it but now it’s long gone and over…

Work is back as normal. And Spring is in full blooming.

We had some rain this last weekend, which for me was very welcome! Pollen season is here…which started in late February here in Oslo.

It’s a blessing with good weather and with temperatur above Twentydegrees. ☀️🌡️Like today. Even though I struggle to feel alive…

It’s *writing-aplication season for me. Which is okay now after Easter when it is many jobs out. 🙂

I have also been knitting and here is the result of the slippers.

Until next time folks! 😉

…and soon it’s May and my birthday again…


The Spring of 2019.

The Spring of 2019 has arrived.

One sign of Spring is that Silver is curious on what’s outside and I let him explore.

Other signs are all the new buds, pollen and flowers.

New walking paths for me with the students I work with.

Melting snow.

Coffee, or the first Ice cream or the first Strawberries for the season.

Even Silver likes Strawberries.

The morning light… 😊 even though some mornings still have negative degrees.

The fresh colours.

It’s all new again.

The contrast between durty soil and green leafs.

The bright morning Sun light.

The new life in the nature is conrast to all the snow we have had and that makes me happy!

How a tree can grow out of a rock..

And all of this is made by our heavenly Father. He knows his thing about Colours, Fashion, Nature and what apeels to us human.



Active waiting & learning as an Christian.

My plan was to go to Church today, be there to 11 o’clock (am). On my way out of bed I realizes my back hurts and I can nearly walk. Not a good sign! So instead I decided I to read more in the bible app I have. To study the word. To continue on my good habit.

I have started 2 new bible plans, 1,Wisdom and 2, Exploring your gifts.

I try to read one “chapter” each day before I start my day and heading to work or before I sleep depending on how tired I am when I woke up. Did I oversleep in the morning, then I read in the evening.

I have had a long learning curve off how to get a good habit of reading the Bible. It has taking me until this year and this Easter… but I am doing so much better now. ☺

I am learning more each day of all the different things about what the Bible is teaching us.

I must say that those bible plans has helped me yo get in to a good habit and rythem. Without them I would be in my “not reading bible place”.

In the Wisdom plan today, one question was “where do you spend time? In the social media or with God?” And here I am in one part of social media sharing my thoughts in life about how to spend time with God. Kind of ironic in one way.

In Exploring your gifts plan, one question was “How can you cultivate your gift if you’re not currently in a place where you can act your passion?”

I know one of my gifts from God but is that all? Do I have more gifts or is it just a passion? This is something I would like to explore. Can I combinde those? I just have to ask God for guidance and widsom to understand how this works. I also need to get involved in a Church and ask friends to pray for this with me.

I don’t know how God is speaking to you but I know he is. You just need to listen. I just know that if I don’t talk to God my Father every day my relationship gets weaker with him and it will be even harder to listen to what he has to tell me.

I am doing this to understand more and get a better relationship with him who is my Father in my life. He who can guide me in all directions and areas.


Those day’s are life.

Life goes on whatever you do in life that is fact. We do all have day’s when we have more or less things to do. We all have day’s when we do not want to do a tiny thing but we have to because we have a job or family we can not just delete. But the feeling are there.

We have day’s when we want to be more social then other day’s or when we actully are spontanious social because we met someone we have not seen in a long while.

Those day’s are life. They are there.

Do I have this life? Yes! Am I happy every day? No, but I can try to be positiv. Positiv for friends, co-workers and family or neighbors.

I went to church today and there did the pastor talk about our daily life and challenges God askes us to do for him. One of them I reflected pver was “do we see our neighbors need for things in their daily life?” Are we a part of anything they need help with? What can we do practicly for them? How do we get to know our neighbors if we do not know them?

I am lucky to know most of my neighbors where I live, because I needed to get to know them few years ago. I am blessed to live where I live. I have not earned it but God have given me that.

Have you thought about why you are living where you are living? Are you blessed where you live? Cam you get to know your neighbors? Daily thoughts in life.



Frustration comes from nowhere most the time. It pops up. Mostly it disapare as fast as it came for me. But right now it’s still on my mind. 😐

Nothing is fun or feel positive right now. It’s more “how will I survive the rest of this month”- feeling with lots of frustration. ☹

My frustration is my life-situation. It’s the lack of getting a job. Lack of a better income. Lack of be able to have some money over in the end of the month.

The picture show my refridge. What I have and no more until the 20th this month.

I am not the kind of person that get depressed but this situation is close to that state of mind… Life isn’t easier just because I am a Christian (if you thought so). I have the same challenges in life as anyone else. I can through it on God and knowing I don’t need to think about it. Which if you who don’t believe, probably struggel with challenges.

I did struggel a lot about most thinking of economics before I started to believe on what the bible says.

I just have to trust God for a miracle to be able to take one day in the time. At least my cat’s have what they need.


Thoughts in and about life.

Different thoughts has past my brain the last two weeks about what I could write as a blog this time. Thoughts like how my moving-day went, how it is to do a re-start to get to the gym again, what my thoughts are if a guy shows me interests and how I react or not react to how fun it is to have enough space and a cat. I am not sure yet how this blog will end, but it will be one. Maybe a bit more random blog then most of them.


The moving-day went well and we were done after four hours of carrying all my stuff from the basement to the attic. 60 stair steps up and down.

A good workout that day!


I had to put my cat Silver in the bathroom until we were done, just so he would not be in the way. I do not think he was happy with that, but SO happy when I let him out.

It was kind of cool to watch Silver when he starts to wander around, a discovery tour of the apartment nosy as he is (he is a cat). But it was not as popular from his his side when I started moving furniture. But then here one and a half weeks later, after we moved in here, he is as usual. He feels at home.


An other thing that have past my brain is how grateful and thankful I am for the moving! How thankful I am to have such a good bunch of friends that could help me with my moving. I feel blessed for those friends.

I am also thankful for my land lord he is a great man! He has blessed me every-time I am late to pay my rent, only late because I have not received my monthly money from the government support-system.

I am so blessed to live here! In so many ways. Good neighbors. Generosity from neighbors etc. The house it self is not in the best stand but the neighbors are awesome! Easy to talk to and get along with.


It is definitely more space for Silver too, which is the noise of his play I wakes up to around 02.30 am… but he also sleeps on top of my legs when he sleeps a hole night.


He loves to sit in the window when it is open by approximately 10 cm. He does not try to get out but love to smell everything he’s not used to.

He is so curious to watch what happens in the courtyard. For example, he likes to sit and watch when Greta (landlady) runs out her car from the garage, walk out of the car, shutting the garage door and go back to the car to then reverse out of the courtyard. This takes maybe 5 minutes, but Silver find it so funny to watch.


As I wrote above have I thought about how I react and what I do if some guy trying to show that he is interested in me. I have been hurt before as many others, and I think that I would love to just drown in his eyes whenever the guy trying to get in contact with me. But I also know that if it is other friends around I don not dare to do drown. I know that’s the only thing I would love to do, to sit there and just sink into his eyes.

The look of love.

So how do I react then?

Well I trying to meet his look for few seconds and then I go back to the others like nothing Happened. But inside of me I am happy and insecure of «is he really interested in me?»

I know me. I need something specific from the guy to understand he is interested in me. Like a card with few words, text-MSG with a smile of love, coffee-date or similarity were he put words on what he thinks or likes with me. And the best is also if that also fit’s him as a person to do.


Why am I so sky when it comes to like someone? Why can’t just be myself when I am such an outgoing person the rest of the time? Why is it so difficult to see how love looks like in different people? And why is most Christian guys so careful and slow?

I mean it is great they are careful to make sure but how am I supposed to understand what a guy means when I need some specific words or «hands up» to understand. I am not that kind of girl that analyzes every tiny word or detail or eye-contact that a guy do or say. No. I am to realistic there. I see the situation and try understand the situation and if I don’t understand I leave it to God.

The things that helps me is bible verse like those (below)…



