What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Little Christmas the 23rd.

Christmas for me is spending time with family. This Christmas is in Norway, with both my biologic brothers. My oldest brother has three kids, two teenagers and one on eight y.o. What a lovely combination

When we woke up at 08.30 am we had breakfast and then we started with ginger bread baking.

I prefer teenagers where ever I am where I can help or work with. So to do things with my nephew on thirteen and my niece on fifhteen make my life easier and happy. 

The little Christmas, the 23rd, went we out to play in the snow. The brothers started to make a fort/castle and me and my niece tried to slide in the  new fallen snow.. haha what a joke! It did not work! But I figured out that if we asked the neigbor we might get it by sliding down the slope from the hay barn. (Picture below)

We played games inside, my middle brother and youngest nephew went out for a Christmas three…

Making candy…

We spent time together doing different things in the afternoon and me and my niece went for a walk to the grocery store to be able to bake safron bread.

In the evening, I think we where done with the safron bread at eleven pm.. They taste so good! 

A good day with lots of fun and nice things happen. 
