The latest sewing,  creativity & energy – May24.

I love when I have time and energy to fix what has been laying and waiting for some time!

New earnings  from upcycling paper clips & safety pins with beads from the floor in the art&craft room at work.

I am thankful for work, life and sparetime! The Lord has both showing me things in life and in dreams of my future and I keep trusting him in what will come that I yet don’t know. I enjoying every moment if I have more or less energy!  Those last day’s has been a mix of both and yet I am smiling because life is good and I am trying to embrace it as much as possible.

The Lord keep guiding my steps, give me inspiration to new things and ideas 😊. And even after a tough work day I have energy to be creative at home 😊. And interesting enough it feels like I have more energy to be creative now than when I had Silver   πŸ€”  πŸ€ͺ … maybe I was more allergic ti him than I thought…?

“Why not just move the shelf?”

Then I thought “why not move the shelf” from the livingroom (where it anyway just was filled up with things) to the sewing room where I can use it for a purpose of sewing stuff?!? So I did! 😍

This is where the shelf was standing, now I’ve got a green corner.
The door I want to become my Kitchen Iceland is still just standing in my livingroom, but now where it gives me both Inspiration and a good feeling of interiour. 🀩.

My sewing βœ‚οΈπŸ“room is taking the form and with the colours I want. It is still some storage I need and shelfs on the wall or floor-storage. I need to buy colour πŸŸ πŸ§ŠπŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨ and it all will take time – becauce it needs to feel right. And I am not in stress, and I don’t like to rush and I’m not rich. And this is my project right now & to make sure I have fun while doing it.

[The best time for me to write in this blog is whole I am listening to a preaching from Elevaton Church online.]

This room will have a wibe of orange & turquoise 🀩 the colours that have become two motiovation colours for me to be even more Creative.

What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Quite the same life Easter or not. πŸ˜‰

Easter is here again. What’s different? Not much. Still Corona, same weather today as it was the same date last year. β˜οΈβ›… windy7m/s, 🌑+11Β°C .

I’ve just been out for a very short walk with Silver 🐈 who didn’t like the wind either.

It’s Good Friday today and I guess most Christian go to Church normally and in this Corona pandemic you maybe go for a walk with the preaching in your ears or if you live where you can get together in a home do that. πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰.

This Wednesday me and a girl friend went on a day trip to a place called Horten, it’s approxy 1,5 hour drive South from HΓΈvik, BΓ¦rum. Coast town. Pretty small-town in Norway!

We were not lucky with the weather. It started to rain on out way in to the town but it didn’t matter us. We just wanted to do something πŸ˜‰ . So we did.

Yesterday April 1st, I had a day in. Started on my mom’s Summer dress. Redesign. Mom was as highest 5″10 and I am 6″2, so you migth understand that the clothes I got after my mom they become too short or wrong proportions on me… πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

How would you say you did Easter before the Corona pandemic?

I have to say that I don’t have had to change much. I am still singel, with friends who are married and don’t have the same time to spend with me. Before and in the pandemic. Sad yes. Biologic family still most of them in Sweden, Norwegian family still in Norway, but as I wrote, most of them with less time. Why? Well that’s life.

I live my life quite the same as before the Corona pandemic. And it’s fine!πŸ˜‰

I have to say life is good even in this pandemic!! 😊😊😊 I have what I need. I am blessed with much.

I wish you all have and will have A Great Easter wherever you are in the World.

πŸ’›πŸ£βœοΈHappy Easter βœοΈπŸ£πŸ’›

Be Creative, use YOUR gift.

You can be creative in all different ways. I am most practical creative when I sew or knitt but I am also creative when I write. I love to sew becauce than I can redesign what I had into something I know I actually will use, put on and be proud of.

This was a par of pants my mom loved when I was a teenager (!) Which is a long time ago. No I made a simple skirt of them. High waist, not my favorite but I’ll get used to it.

I am also creative when I knitt. This picture gonna be a sweater….

…when I have gotten my new circular needles I can continue. 😊

My next project to finish, which I started on last fall/ Autumn is also a skirt. This skirt has also been a par of pants/Jeans. Which I bought in the late teens (!) Been using the a lot and therefor is the cotton fabric very thin.

Before I started make a skirt out of this jeans.
Trying out fabrics, get the feeling of ” is this the combination I really want?”

How you are creative is important for you. God has given you a gift of how to express yourself! What it is, I don’t know. But remember to let God guide you in your creative zone. It can be an instrument you play or that you take good photos or maybe you are a writer, a baker, a singer. Whatever it is, He gave it to you! Becauce He knows how to use you and your gift! He knows how important this gift is for you and me. To express something and maybe even touch other people with what you do! 😊

So go out and explore your gifts with the Lord and create something new. Make sure you have fun while you doing it.


My blog-journey.

When I started to blog I did it clear my head, not really to get people to start following my blog for sure! But here I am, few years later with around twenty followers!

It’s been a Journey, my Journey to figure things out. A positive exploring journey. Where I have had to trust Dad’s Word to me, to listen to what He says and understand that this is what He want me to do not just for me but also for you who read.

It’s about to share the good and fun

and bad or sad

things in life.

God has given me the gift of greetings to other people. He gives me uplifting words, pictures or Bibleverses. He has also given me prophetic words back to me through friends this year – 2018.

*The first greeting I got this year was; the 28th of April.

I did not really understand, so I Said “Dad if you give me the same message 3 times I know it is from you, but you also have to show me clearly what this is about.”

*The second greeting came in June and *the third in November.

All with the same message:

“I will make your Creativity bigger”.

Was I or Am I up for a new challenge?

In November and December I started to see clearly and understand what Dad wanted for me and this blog. When more and more of you who are now following my blog. I understood this is my challenge, my gift from Dad my Lord. This is what He wants for me.

This is the greeting “I will make your Creativity bigger“.

To share.

My Dad, our heavenly Father, has spoken to me, to share my Christian life, my Daily life to inspire others. To follow Him and let Him guide me.

I do not know my future but I know He will guide me and give me the right words.

I am not good to read the bible… But Dad has pointed this out to me;

“You are willing to hear my voice and do what I ask you to do, which for me is better then to read and not understand the words.”

Not that I don’t want to not read the bible. No no no. I want it but I fall a sleep ☹️ no matter what time it is. It is all about to get good habits. Which for me is to read through the Bible-app and read uplifting week-plans.

So now I’m looking 4ward to next year and the year after that! With Dad and this blog. 😊

I wish you all a Happy New YearπŸŽ‡, Happy lifeπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰, a good relationship with Dad our heavenly Father where ever you are around the 🌏🌎🌍.

I will Try to post more often then until December-18, which was special. I hope my blog will be full of inspiration and that you will let your network know about me, if you like it. πŸ˜‰


Homemade re-cycled paper.

With the school and my internship we have had for the last two weeks been working on “to make homemade paper”. It’s fun! So I will show you what and how I did it at home.

This is what you need.

1/2 a tee spoon off caoline to make the re-circle paper thicker (you can also use potato flour).

The paper should be in water at least 24 hours. Mine has had a water bath 5 day’s.

You can’t use old paper with food stuff on!


Mix it in your mixer with as much water that fits. My mixer isn’t that big so I added water in the between of mixing it.

It should look like a paper-smoothie-mix. Make sure you have a good and big enough water-bath for the size of your frame.



Here is some oregano getting into the paper-smoothie-mix (above).


Here is cake color getting into the paper-smoothie-mix (above).


You can use herbs, sparkly, cake color, flowers, grass, leafs or what ever you have at home or outside. πŸ˜‰

You can go for a walk and see what you can find in your neighborhood or in a forest. Sort and press it. In a news paper for few day’s.


This is what you need!

1. A frame with net and one without. 2. Cotton cloth. 3. Swamp. 4. Something to sture the paper-smoothie-mix.

******* ******* *******

Put the frame on a cotton cloth upsidedown. Use a swamp to get out as much water as possible before you lift the frame up.


Let the re-circled paper dry for 12 – 24 hours as horizontal as possible.


You can hang them vertical after 12 – 24 hours and after that when they are completely dry you can put them under something heavy and make them flatter.

Good luck!

This is a good Christmas gift to those who like to write. πŸ˜‰
