He take care of it all.

I just love the job as a janitor. To be able to just walk around in the garden and cut branches, that need a cut, and talk to the Lord about everything and nothing. ❤

To clear my thoughts. To put my burden on Him and knowing He take care of it all. ❤

All my worries will be all gone inside me and He fills me with peace. ❤

Whatever my issues are He take care of it all. ✝️

Whatever troubles my mind, He fills me with Love. ❤

I feel so Blessed with this sparetime job as a janitor. ✝️

Even those Days my body isn’t in good enough place, He blesses me in other areas. ❤

Today’s issue (July 23), cauesed by myself. I put it in the hands of the Lord. And straight ahead I recived Peace. ❤

To be outdoors in fresh air and just breath the air and be close to the Lord. ❤

I just feel so loved by Him.

I just know I am in the right place in the right time. ✝️


John 15 verses 16-17.

Thoughts after house church meeting on zoom, June 6th. Where the theme was John 14 & 15. And those who were leading the house church a couple they started to read those chapters each by them selfs and than together. This was as much as I recall of what I manage to follow before I ” fell out “..

I started to read JOHN 15 and I kind of fell off or out of the ” meeting ” while I read v. 8, v.16-17 and v. 26. They spoke to me. In different ways. How the Lord is Vine and I am a branch (v.8), How HE chose me (v.16-17) & at last HE will send the Spirit & Truth to me (v.26).

Does it speak to you? What are your thoughts about this?

What is my thoughts about the fruit that John is talking about? Have I (you) been in a situation where the Father (the Lord) is the gardener and cuts of the branches of mine that doesn’t produce fruit?

Maybe. I can’t recall any situations right now. But I probobly have. How will I otherwice grow as a Christian person? How does he do it? How does he cut the branches while I still live? Well he doesn’t do it physical it’s a metafor or picture. And what is the fruit? How do I know it is a fruit from the Lord?

I recall one of the others talk about how they were thinking of the fruits. Like being a helping person or testify about what I/you belive. How Jesus is a part of my/your life.

Am I that kind of person, that talks about what I belive to those I meet? No, and I have never been. But I have a tattoo that for me is my testify of my faith. I have chosen to do it this way mostly becauce I have easily to chat with new unknown people.

In John 15 vers 8, Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remaine in me and I in them, will produce much fruit.

How to stay and be the good branches? How to produce more fruit? That is my questions after reading this. How can I produce more fruit in my life as a Christian while I am who I am? He is the vine I am the branch. 😍 ✝️

In John 15 verses 16-17; You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.

HE, Jesus chose me. ✝️

He chose me to Love each other!

To do things out of love, no matter what it is You do for others.

John 15 vers 26; “But I will send you the Advocate —the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”

This vers talked to me in the way that ” the advocate will come to me from the Father.. ” Whatever happends I will be able to recive this as a believing Christian. I need to seek and read and talk to him who chose me. He has given me this. He has given me the Spirit of thruth! WOW what a gift to recive!! This is big!

How I sharing my faith with those I meet daily. As I wrote above, I have chosen to do it by tattoos (I will finish the one tattoo I started on in 2008 (P.U.S.H.)). Which for other people is just a symbol or letters has a bigger and deeper meaning for me and I know what it stands for and than I tell them my story. How I became a Christian and how those 4 letters is how Christian people around me prayed for me. How theirs prayers became my new path in life. The continuing of this tattoo is F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God. My way to the Christian I am today.


When the Lord is guideing you.

Every second Saturday I meet up on Zoom with my house church. Something I look forward every time it getting closer.

This Saturday May 23, the sharing was about ” to have faith and do what you believe “.

In Luke 6:46-49; ” you find the words about, how to build your house or Christian life on a good fundation so when the storm comes you wont fall or your house wont be destroyed.

Is it enough to ” just ” read the Bible or Worship? How do you Live, and how do you Do it in action, what the Lord telling you to do?

Many good veres was shared!

You can have Faith in your heart, but it’s not before your Faith in your heart and that you do something in Action that the Lord can act in you!

In Matthew 12:34; ” You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say “.

When the Lord guideing you, You need to listen to His voice and Walk in Faith.

In 2 Corinthians 9:10‭-‬11 it says;

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.

And it was when this was reading load for the group the Lord was talking to me. He asked me to get in contact with an other person of this group. And to ask if she needed something. When she answered she said, yes. And she explained her situation and that she had asked the Lord how to do in the situation. To have faith.

I listen to the Lord and I could bless her. Me who have been blessed in similar situations. The Lord knows us and what we need to do is to walk in faith and just do.

I have been struggling with my financial situation for many years, but the Lord knows how to bless me bless others ❤. HE has blessed me with a job I love and with money when I need it. I am SO Thankful for all the things that has started in this season. And knowing HE is still guideing my feets ❤❤❤. And he knows what and when things gonna happend. 😊

Have Faith.

Be encourage.

Walk with the Lord.
