Like the fog can be thick, is my faith strong.

… if it’s time or just life I don’t know, but something has hit me. (Not so hard thankfully.)

It’s like the fog on the picture above, it’s something beautiful and scarry in the same time.

I have, since I moved back to Oslo area ten years ago (2011) this month, been missing the West coast of Norway.

I moved to Stavanger in september 2010, after the Lord open up a job in a kindergarten. I felt how the Lord was talking to me and how He led me. But I did not stay as long as planned…

I lived there for 6,5months. The plan was a year, I thought. The years here on the East side have had the purpose and the Lord has worked within me and with me. And I would not be who I am if I had not moved back!

And the Lord gave me the reason why I needed to moved back to Oslo area, so I did not just move just becauce I did not like the job in Stavanger. Oh no, it was deeper than that.

But now, ten years later things are different again. And once again I have peace from the Lord about moving. Where? Well I do not now. 🤪.

So I apply for the jobs I have enough knowledge for and trusting the Lord in this too. 🙏 ✝️.


Be thankful over what you have.

09am, December 23, 16 hours to Christmas eve.

We should all be thankful over what we have, this Christmas. What ever we have or will be gifted. The Lord is bigger than us and will be providing us with what we need.

If it is to be creative or that someone are creative for us. Have Faith in this pandemic can be harder for us all Yet the Lord is bigger than us and will give us just what we need.

To do it ” my way ” or the Lords way ? Are you still waiting on what the Lord gonna say? Than talk to Him and trust Him and He will answer you.

✝️ ❤

I can’t say how the Lord will or when He will answer you, I can tell you that He will if you trust Him.

Your life might be a mess or you don’t experence the Lord close enough, Yet, He is with you. And maybe feels like those words are just are words without meaning, but, you try to believe them and they might touch you. Maybe you need to read it twice or loud. Yet, the Lord wants to have a bigger space in your life.

Let Him in, in to your life. Let Him in to your Heart. Let Him be a part of You.

He is the Light in our Darkness. He is the creative inspiration to our creativity. He is with US when everything feels even harder. He Wants to Walk with You.

He is Our Light. Our Path.

My experence is that, if I don’t trust Him to Walk with me or that He is the creative inspiration in my life, my life would be boring. If I don’t talk to Him, He will not answering me. If I don’t have Faith in is Power and Love how will I feel any of it? I would not. My life would be boring, sad, I would start to be bitter the opposite of what I want and need in my life.

With those words, not just from me but also as a greeting from the Lord while I was going this, hets through my thoughts inspired me I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

And remember, the words in the picture below.


To jump – different.

To jump – different, for me doesn’t necassary mean to actually jump. In one way it is a jump. Emotional. Jump.

To dear to take the step. The Emotionals Step. The Emotional Jump. To be scared. To feel. To get into a roller coaster. To share. To be. To trust. To live. To be able to focus…

To let someone in. Let a male in (for me). To get to know me.

Something most people take quite easily on. Not me. I have burned to many bridges.

My bridges in my own life.

To jump on the emotionals train… To let feelings pop up, to trust the feeling. To trust not just the Lord.

And than comes those other things in my life… where I am right now. Am I ready? Can I ever be ready again? Or will I do the same mistakes again? Have I learned enough about me to take this jump? Do I know myself enough to do this huge thing that scares myself? Slowly is good isn’it? To figured out things on the way…

I know I have started the ride with a train. That I have jumped.

Where will this lead? Can I trust it? How do I react on my own feelings? Chaos in my head…

What I have learn so far? To trust the Lord. ❤ No matter what I feel, I need the guidance from the Lord to know I am on the right path! And from Day one I have had peace and I know from where this is for me. 😊✝️😊 To have Faith and Believe. To stay on the track with Him.

I have since Day one put the whole situation in the hands of the Lord. 😊 and He shows me daily and through the whole day that He the Lord loves me and is guiding my steps. 😊

I am trying to not doubt this thing for once. It’s hard! But I’m trying.

It’s hard to jump and not knowing the outcome 🤪🥴. And ” they ” say it’s Love.

Whatever I feel, I need to trust the Lord. He knows whats best for me. He knows my life. He has been a part of my life for at least 13 years. He has been there in my roller coaster of feelings.

And my experence is that when I talk to Him, He is near.

Whatever I feel I know He care for me. He will guide me. He will surround me and I will be protected by His grace. And He will bless my life. ❤✝️


John 15 verses 16-17.

Thoughts after house church meeting on zoom, June 6th. Where the theme was John 14 & 15. And those who were leading the house church a couple they started to read those chapters each by them selfs and than together. This was as much as I recall of what I manage to follow before I ” fell out “..

I started to read JOHN 15 and I kind of fell off or out of the ” meeting ” while I read v. 8, v.16-17 and v. 26. They spoke to me. In different ways. How the Lord is Vine and I am a branch (v.8), How HE chose me (v.16-17) & at last HE will send the Spirit & Truth to me (v.26).

Does it speak to you? What are your thoughts about this?

What is my thoughts about the fruit that John is talking about? Have I (you) been in a situation where the Father (the Lord) is the gardener and cuts of the branches of mine that doesn’t produce fruit?

Maybe. I can’t recall any situations right now. But I probobly have. How will I otherwice grow as a Christian person? How does he do it? How does he cut the branches while I still live? Well he doesn’t do it physical it’s a metafor or picture. And what is the fruit? How do I know it is a fruit from the Lord?

I recall one of the others talk about how they were thinking of the fruits. Like being a helping person or testify about what I/you belive. How Jesus is a part of my/your life.

Am I that kind of person, that talks about what I belive to those I meet? No, and I have never been. But I have a tattoo that for me is my testify of my faith. I have chosen to do it this way mostly becauce I have easily to chat with new unknown people.

In John 15 vers 8, Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remaine in me and I in them, will produce much fruit.

How to stay and be the good branches? How to produce more fruit? That is my questions after reading this. How can I produce more fruit in my life as a Christian while I am who I am? He is the vine I am the branch. 😍 ✝️

In John 15 verses 16-17; You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.

HE, Jesus chose me. ✝️

He chose me to Love each other!

To do things out of love, no matter what it is You do for others.

John 15 vers 26; “But I will send you the Advocate —the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”

This vers talked to me in the way that ” the advocate will come to me from the Father.. ” Whatever happends I will be able to recive this as a believing Christian. I need to seek and read and talk to him who chose me. He has given me this. He has given me the Spirit of thruth! WOW what a gift to recive!! This is big!

How I sharing my faith with those I meet daily. As I wrote above, I have chosen to do it by tattoos (I will finish the one tattoo I started on in 2008 (P.U.S.H.)). Which for other people is just a symbol or letters has a bigger and deeper meaning for me and I know what it stands for and than I tell them my story. How I became a Christian and how those 4 letters is how Christian people around me prayed for me. How theirs prayers became my new path in life. The continuing of this tattoo is F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God. My way to the Christian I am today.


When the Lord is guideing you.

Every second Saturday I meet up on Zoom with my house church. Something I look forward every time it getting closer.

This Saturday May 23, the sharing was about ” to have faith and do what you believe “.

In Luke 6:46-49; ” you find the words about, how to build your house or Christian life on a good fundation so when the storm comes you wont fall or your house wont be destroyed.

Is it enough to ” just ” read the Bible or Worship? How do you Live, and how do you Do it in action, what the Lord telling you to do?

Many good veres was shared!

You can have Faith in your heart, but it’s not before your Faith in your heart and that you do something in Action that the Lord can act in you!

In Matthew 12:34; ” You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say “.

When the Lord guideing you, You need to listen to His voice and Walk in Faith.

In 2 Corinthians 9:10‭-‬11 it says;

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.

And it was when this was reading load for the group the Lord was talking to me. He asked me to get in contact with an other person of this group. And to ask if she needed something. When she answered she said, yes. And she explained her situation and that she had asked the Lord how to do in the situation. To have faith.

I listen to the Lord and I could bless her. Me who have been blessed in similar situations. The Lord knows us and what we need to do is to walk in faith and just do.

I have been struggling with my financial situation for many years, but the Lord knows how to bless me bless others ❤. HE has blessed me with a job I love and with money when I need it. I am SO Thankful for all the things that has started in this season. And knowing HE is still guideing my feets ❤❤❤. And he knows what and when things gonna happend. 😊

Have Faith.

Be encourage.

Walk with the Lord.


Prayer answers 2020.

I have recived prayer answers since January this year. One by one over two months. ✝️

It has been both prayer requests from years ago and newer requests. And the Lord is just opening up new doors and windows.

HE who knows my life knows when and what I need!

I have put my life and requests in HIS hands. I trust HIM. Cause I know HE wants the best for me.

This vers came on my email today; As you reach out for wisdom, you will gain the insight you need on financial issues.

And it is just like that!

My financial situation has been a struggle for years! But the Lord has started to Bless me and my financial. ❤✝️


Fully Rely On God. To rely on the Lord is the key to recive answers cause he knows my life.

This is one thing I just have to trust our heavenly Father. My broken teeths. 😕


Pray Until Something Happends. Becauce if I don’t pray nothing will happen.

P.U.S.H. & F.R.O.G. goes hand-in-hand in my life. I even have my own reminder of p.u.s.h. as a tattoo on my leg. 😉

Key words; trust and let him guide your steps.



An comman word this last two weeks both in Church and with my transdermal cell group is; FORGIVENESS. We have been sharing our thoughts and experence about forgiveness, about how to be able to move forward .

What have you been through in life that has given you a bitter taste or bitterness or maybe even depretion?

How can you Forgive those around you so you will be free and forgiven?

How to trust our heavenly Father?

How to change a pattern you have had for years?

Well, what I did was. I made up my mind. Made a decition. I had a conversation with the Lord about what I wanted to change, years ago. I have been forgiven many old classmates that bullied me as a teenager. I have forgiven my dad who hurt me for many years menthally. I have forgiven people who for some reason have hurt me.

And by forgiven them all I recieved a peace inside of me.

I steped out in faith.

I hope you get inspired to do the same. God, our heavenly Father want to help you the whole way and through the whole process it will take for you.

❤ ✝️ 🙏


HaPPy New Year – Walk in Faith.

I want to share this. And experence I’ve just had. How the Lord answering when I trust Him and when I walk in faith.

I just have to use this picture again.

I was contacted by friends to me about the place they renting right now. It’s a bit outside on the West side of Oslo but still closer to my work. Before I had resinged my rented place. (!)

They told me they gonna move into the house they bought two years ago. Which means that the place they renting will be emtpy and they thought about me.

It’s a good two room with kitchen and livingroom and a space outdoors, which could fit me and my cat 🐈.

It made me think a bit more on “what does the Lord want for me ” rather than “what do I want”.

Since I moved back to Oslo 8 years ago I always wanted to move out of Oslo cause I am not a City girl!


I talked with the Lord a lot(!) in a short week.

“Is this the right place?”, “is this a part of what God put on my heart about twenty years ago?”, “Am I ready?”

I have had friends with me in prayer if this was what God wants for me.

It is an apartment next to a Mission center so it comes with some tasks. It didn’t make me unsure. It actually made me more sure that if the Lord opened up this door He knew and knows why.

So, this Tuesday I went there for a interview-chat. I met two older men in theirs 70’s and they did interviewed me! Than they asked me to go next door – to my friends “for a visit” and check the house propper and ask them questions.

After the interview they told me they gonna talk to the rest of the Mission center board.

On Thursday January 9, one of men texted me “We have decided to offer you the caretaker possion & the caretaker’s recidence”.

= that’s our prayeranswer!

P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happends.

To trust Him & Believe.

To put my life in His hands was the key.

He has a path for me and if I don’t trust Him to open up or close doors he can’t use me.

F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God.



Do you trust Him or do you rather making your decitions?

Do you dare to always trust Him?


Encourage Word.

I got this vers on my email today and for me this was just what I needed right now.What would have taken years to accomplish is now coming together quickly.For me this is about something the Lord put on my heart about twenty years ago. So yes “…have taken years to accomplish is now coming together..” is so true!

What does Advent mean for you?

What does advent actually stands for?

It’s the waiting time to Christmas. And why is Christmas so important for us Christian? You probobly know most of it.

But if you think like this, if you don’t have the fundation to the Christian life, you can picture yourself on a hiking and as closer to top you get as more fogg it is. It’s the same if you don’t have the fundation to Christ.

In John 3.16-21 you can read about how Jesus came to save us from sin in this world and how He is the 🕯.

The next question is, Why did Jesus come?

In John 1:1 &14, you can read about how we need to believe. Have Faith.

The 3rd question, What does this mean for me, you, us?

In John 3:1-4 you can read; how I can see of the World?, what is the truth? U need to think different, of me and them around me.

If you going for a hiking-day or to the caben every thing needs tobe packed and you need to have the right gas in your car to be able to drive! The same thing is it this time, advent. We are waiting for Christmas, the time of fellowship and love to the World.


Focus. Challenge. Keep reading.

I have to say it isn’t as easy to stay on the reading track as I had hope it to be.

But I am not giving up I continue to challenge myself to read as soon as I am on a bus, tram or metro for more than just two stops.

Keep reading.

Challenge yourself.

Seek the good words.

Have faith.


Only you can change your habbit.

Only you know how to get on the right reading track!

I challenge myself and you to stay focus.

The water is from the Lord.

We need to drink and eat, we hear it often being preached. And it’s truth.

How are we living without food and water? Noone does. So how to survive without the food from the Word?

That is my question for myself when I haven’t read as I wanted.


How aware are we of what we saying?

Sustainable Life: Relationships

The tongue has power over death and life.

We need to think of how and what we saying in the meeting with friends, new people, Church and family. We need to think what is coming out is it positive or negative?

Presence of positive moments.

Make sure you make positive moments with whomever you meet.

We must take care to replenish with positive words in the day, do not use negative words. Be conscious of what I said.

Why fails to stumble? What is it that makes me repeat things, words, situations without thinking about what was done?

Do they (I) mean everything they (I) say or do they (I) just say something to have something to say?

How aware are we of WHAT we say when we speak?


If we want a change we must GO to the source!

What the heart is full of what the mouth is talking about.

I hope this is as inspiring for you as it is for me. We always need to be reminded of this! To be able to live close to the Lord we need to open up our mind.


Good News 🤩🤩🤩

God has given me lots of patience over the last 8 years!

In 2011 I had to stop working because of a accident where I was working (kindergarten). I had a bad felt backwards with my back to the ground, the “forest floor”. I hurt my back badly.
I could not work for about 2 years. 😢
In 2013, February had I mine knee surgery. I had to learn to walk from scrach. Had rehab for 11month!
In September 2014, I started a coures to further educate me within Office and administration. I had a desire to use the knowledge I carried with me in this profession. Despite having two years of practice i this profession, I never got into a job…☹️
In August 2016, was the year I started to have internship/work-experience. The first lasted a year and led to another internship in a Hotel(in back office) which didn’t lead anywhere but it led to an other internship (also office). Forth time of internship, which is the one I have had until today the 28th of February.
And tomorrow 1 of March I start working, first time in 8 years!!

Woop woop. 🤩🤩🤩

I have worked hard and tried to find a Job I thought was in the right field but God showed me what He wanted for me last May (2018).
Most people and friends I know, don’t understand how I could live in this situation/ have this life. I only trusted my heavenly Father to lead my steps.
I have asked myself “what do I want to work with?” Many times in life and the answer has always ended in “I want to work with youth”.
Now I will. 💖
From internship at the School (college) to job 😊 at the same School.


Wait and see 4

Fighting Discouragement

The psalmist’s words became my personal prayer. Help me stay planted by the streams of Your water, God. Keep me from wickedness. Help me meditate on Your law day and night. Oh, how I longed to delight in God rather than wallow with Discouragement.

Every day started in His Word. Most days I didn’t understand what I read, but I believed in God’s faithfulness, and I noticed how Bible verses started to repeat in my head more than Discouragement’s voice.

Determined to stay refreshed by God’s Word, like a tree planted by streams of water, I started to keep a Bible always within arm’s reach: in the car, beside my bed, on the end table by the couch, in the kitchen.

At one point, I had verses taped on nearly every doorframe in my house. I’m not sharing this to make myself sound super spiritual. I’m sharing this to show how desperate I was to defeat Discouragement, Negativity, and Rejection.

My victory has taken years to realize. The battle has been slow, but every time I read and meditate on Scripture, I gain ground. Every now and then, Discouragement sets a trap; however, with God’s wisdom, I am able to avoid it. I shout my victory chant, “No weapon formed against me will prosper.” The bullies flee. I praise. Why don’t you shout the victory chant aloud right now? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

David dealt with criticism from his wife and negativity from his brothers, but he didn’t allow Discouragement to defeat him. He stayed close to God, and he cried out every time he needed help. We are blessed to be able to cry out to God for help and search His Word for inspiration.

Sometimes the totality and enormity of God’s Word can be overwhelming. Have you ever felt this way? You know encouragement will come from Scripture, but when you open the Bible, you don’t know how to find the encouragement that awaits. When I have this feeling, I create my own mini-Bible.

Using my Bible’s concordance, I look up a word that has something to do with my current state of mind and circumstances. For example, if I am feeling rejected, I find the word love and look up verses about God’s love. Then, in a small spiral-bound notebook, I record every verse that lifts my heart. This mini-Bible becomes my go-to place for quick encouragement.

God was faithful to David. God will be faithful to you and me as well.

This was better than I thought it would be when I started to read this. I have to say, I’ve learn something here.

To believe in Dad’s help for me, when I struggle to understand what I read. 🙏😊 AS what I wrote in the 2nd picture in this blog. I have to start and believe in that!

I hope this encourage you in your faith, life and relation with our heavenly Father.


Wait and see 3

The Next Thing

It sounds exciting to “do the next thing” when that next thing is interesting. But if we can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, we may scratch our head and wonder, How is this drawing me closer to the object of my wait? Instead, we should evaluate how the wait is drawing us closer to the Person of our faith.

Let’s be honest—if given the choice, we would all choose the shortest route to the object of our wait. Even though we know God wants to do a new thing, we prefer the fast track with the least resistance. But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.

“But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.”

We hesitate to embrace the next thing and move forward. God knows that. Even AS we’re surrendering, we vacillate with uncertanity. Can I really trust God? The what ifs become louder and louder. He knows our fears, doubts and hesitations.

He knows a longer route (our next thing) will provide opportunities to experience Him and resolve our moving-forward issues.

He uses our next thing to build a faith bank of trust.

My days of writing thank-you notes, coding bills, and caring for monthly givers ended almost twelve years after I accepted God’s invitation to move. Yes, my next thing lasted twele years. Sorry if that rains on your parade. Some seasons of waiting last longer than others.

My cubicle days were rich in character building. As I immersed myself in the study of God’s Word, I fell more in love with God and less in love with me. Greater value was placed on bringing glory to His name rather than fame to mine. The truth of Philippians 2:3 took root deep in the once-rocky soil of my heart: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

My next thing taught me that my purpose is not to stand at center stage, but to support the One who stands at center stage. His plan is always about His book, not mine. The picture finally became abundantly clear to me: it’s only about God.


Once again, really good reading. It’s gave me a new angle to think about this on. I hope it gives you something new too. 😊
