A secret project.

I started on a project in November 2021, which I won’t let you know more than this. So why am I writing about it you might ask yourself.

Well the reason is that, it’s not a sewing project, it’s something totally different, take more energy and time after work.

And can be the reason to why I won’t post here as often as I have done until now.

And it might make my head more tired than normal but when the project is totally finished I will let you know both in txt and pictures.

An other thing is that I will start to go to the gym again, hopefully this weekend. 🙂. Even thought I have been doing some exersices at home for the last two months, but missing some of the things I have access to in the gym. And now when my back is okay I’ll go.

I have had a okay rythm to listen to the bible app on the weeldays, slide out of it during the weekend 😔. And after the Winter break I slide a bit to much 😔😔 but I dp what I managed.

On my way home today (Tuesday) I needed music to stay awake on the bus ride 🤪🤪 so I choosed 🎧🎶 Kirk Franklin 🎶🎧.

January 15th, Success.

In today’s devtional Lord, give me success today. The text is about when the Lord talks about success not in the way of popularity as many today think is the same thing.

No, in the old testament, it talks about success as something good. And the word success occurs at least five times in the old testament. Every time as something positive.

Success is a blessing from the Lord.

Psalm 8, verses 1-9; Praise God for the success of his creation. In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant. “Davis starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation. As he stares into the night sky, David says, I look up at your marco-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellary. Moon and stars mounted in their setting. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? David marvels at the fact that a human begins are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. …”

Reading and listen to this text, gave me a deeper knowledge of those words. I started to listen to this devotional on my way out of my house on Saturday January 15th, but I didn’t end it. I got distracted but started it again today, Sunday 16th. And While I listen on the audio on my phone (cellphone) I am reading/following through the text on my laptop and can reflect. What does it say? What is the point on the text?

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

In the word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. – this is what Jesus-style-success looks like.

*To achieve Jesus-stule success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision. 1, The need is urgent. 2, The motive is love. 3, The trigger is prayer. 4, The potential is vast. Pray for success in guidance. Abraham’s servant wasn’t embarrassed to pray for success. No, He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate; ‘ Give me success today.’ *

We shouldn’t be embarrassed to pray for success in our lifes! If, as we can read in the old testamnet, God has given us success. We should ask for it. Success is a blessing from God. Why should we then be embarrassed? We should not think like the World thinks about the word but Thank God for what he ment it to be!

You know, I’ve learned so far those few (15) day listening to the script that if I don’t implement the Word into my life as I should I feel some kind of emptiness, but not like a hole no more like I have been missing out of something really good for a long time. It has occurred to me that I can do a lot of things and feel happiness. And I know “I’ve sholud have read the Bible as my Christian intake of food” but haven’t until this year… And now I start to see what friends has been trying to tell me. I know I know, “you want to say I told you so” and that is okay. At least I understand! I wont feel the presence from the Lord in the same way if I don’t read or listen to the script. I have got an eye-opener for this 🙂 . It took maybe a bit longer time then needed, but hey! I got it.

Maybe I needed this time in my life to understand God’s way and part in my life as an Christian. I don’t know. But here I am and I understand things 🙂 . And for me this bible app and blog kind of goes hand-in-hand. It might be an other part of how Jesus wants me to share my struggles as a Christian some day’s, to share with others that are struggling as Christians how to get through a day, a week a mounth or ever a year. I would be surprised if I am the only one that have those struggles in my life! The Lord has been challenge me with this blog for the last 4-5 years. And I believe this is an other part of sharing my life, struggles, happiness with you all. His way of using me the way He gave me the gift of writing. ❤

…or He just wants to use me showing you that everyone has there own time to figure stuff out. ^^haha^^. Anyway. Here I am sharing my thoughts with you about a text I never read before or got inputs I never heard before. It’s like all the preaching I have heard isn’t even close to this. And I am happy I did listen even to this devonational!

I do hope you got something out of both my thougts and from the text in the devotional. ❤


When the Lord is guideing you.

Every second Saturday I meet up on Zoom with my house church. Something I look forward every time it getting closer.

This Saturday May 23, the sharing was about ” to have faith and do what you believe “.

In Luke 6:46-49; ” you find the words about, how to build your house or Christian life on a good fundation so when the storm comes you wont fall or your house wont be destroyed.

Is it enough to ” just ” read the Bible or Worship? How do you Live, and how do you Do it in action, what the Lord telling you to do?

Many good veres was shared!

You can have Faith in your heart, but it’s not before your Faith in your heart and that you do something in Action that the Lord can act in you!

In Matthew 12:34; ” You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say “.

When the Lord guideing you, You need to listen to His voice and Walk in Faith.

In 2 Corinthians 9:10‭-‬11 it says;

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.

And it was when this was reading load for the group the Lord was talking to me. He asked me to get in contact with an other person of this group. And to ask if she needed something. When she answered she said, yes. And she explained her situation and that she had asked the Lord how to do in the situation. To have faith.

I listen to the Lord and I could bless her. Me who have been blessed in similar situations. The Lord knows us and what we need to do is to walk in faith and just do.

I have been struggling with my financial situation for many years, but the Lord knows how to bless me bless others ❤. HE has blessed me with a job I love and with money when I need it. I am SO Thankful for all the things that has started in this season. And knowing HE is still guideing my feets ❤❤❤. And he knows what and when things gonna happend. 😊

Have Faith.

Be encourage.

Walk with the Lord.


Wait and see 5

Eternally With You.

We’ve talked at great length about the wilderness being a place where we feel as though God is no longer interested or active in our wait. As far as we can tell, He’s abandoned us. That’s just not true. Take this to the bank and deposit it for safekeeping: God is always present with you.

This characteristic of God is defined as being omnipresent. It’s a big Bible word we can add to our vocabulary and retrieve when abandonment issues tiptoe into our thought life. Turn the corner of this page down and put a large star by this sentence: Omnipresent means always present; everywhere at the same time. Now, when you feel abandoned, remember to come back here and remind yourself that God is constantly, forever, eternally with you.


He is never not with me. He is never not with you. (English majors and grammar police, please don’t think about the double negatives.) He is next to us in our wilderness, even if we don’t see Him at work.

Even though we feel abandoned by God, we aren’t. God didn’t abandon Abraham and Sarah. God didn’t abandon the Israelites. God has not and will not abandon you. Try singing these words to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”: “God is with me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Though His presence I can’t see, God will not abandon me. Yes, God is with me. Yes, God is with me. Yes, God is with me. The Bible tells me so.”

God didn’t abandon David. He roamed in and out of caves and strongholds. He dodged arrows at the dinner table and fled from the king’s army. For over fifteen years, he wandered and waited for his appointing. But David’s wait did come to an end.

We know we’re waiting well when we truly experience peace in God’s pauses and plans. The peace is demonstrated in the resting of our thoughts and actions. Our real focus becomes a deep and abiding relationship with the Person of our faith, rather than manipulating our circumstances to receive the object of our wait. David waited well by focusing on God, not the problems, the people, or the palace.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

Wait and see 4

Fighting Discouragement

The psalmist’s words became my personal prayer. Help me stay planted by the streams of Your water, God. Keep me from wickedness. Help me meditate on Your law day and night. Oh, how I longed to delight in God rather than wallow with Discouragement.

Every day started in His Word. Most days I didn’t understand what I read, but I believed in God’s faithfulness, and I noticed how Bible verses started to repeat in my head more than Discouragement’s voice.

Determined to stay refreshed by God’s Word, like a tree planted by streams of water, I started to keep a Bible always within arm’s reach: in the car, beside my bed, on the end table by the couch, in the kitchen.

At one point, I had verses taped on nearly every doorframe in my house. I’m not sharing this to make myself sound super spiritual. I’m sharing this to show how desperate I was to defeat Discouragement, Negativity, and Rejection.

My victory has taken years to realize. The battle has been slow, but every time I read and meditate on Scripture, I gain ground. Every now and then, Discouragement sets a trap; however, with God’s wisdom, I am able to avoid it. I shout my victory chant, “No weapon formed against me will prosper.” The bullies flee. I praise. Why don’t you shout the victory chant aloud right now? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

David dealt with criticism from his wife and negativity from his brothers, but he didn’t allow Discouragement to defeat him. He stayed close to God, and he cried out every time he needed help. We are blessed to be able to cry out to God for help and search His Word for inspiration.

Sometimes the totality and enormity of God’s Word can be overwhelming. Have you ever felt this way? You know encouragement will come from Scripture, but when you open the Bible, you don’t know how to find the encouragement that awaits. When I have this feeling, I create my own mini-Bible.

Using my Bible’s concordance, I look up a word that has something to do with my current state of mind and circumstances. For example, if I am feeling rejected, I find the word love and look up verses about God’s love. Then, in a small spiral-bound notebook, I record every verse that lifts my heart. This mini-Bible becomes my go-to place for quick encouragement.

God was faithful to David. God will be faithful to you and me as well.

This was better than I thought it would be when I started to read this. I have to say, I’ve learn something here.

To believe in Dad’s help for me, when I struggle to understand what I read. 🙏😊 AS what I wrote in the 2nd picture in this blog. I have to start and believe in that!

I hope this encourage you in your faith, life and relation with our heavenly Father.


Wait and see 3

The Next Thing

It sounds exciting to “do the next thing” when that next thing is interesting. But if we can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, we may scratch our head and wonder, How is this drawing me closer to the object of my wait? Instead, we should evaluate how the wait is drawing us closer to the Person of our faith.

Let’s be honest—if given the choice, we would all choose the shortest route to the object of our wait. Even though we know God wants to do a new thing, we prefer the fast track with the least resistance. But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.

“But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.”

We hesitate to embrace the next thing and move forward. God knows that. Even AS we’re surrendering, we vacillate with uncertanity. Can I really trust God? The what ifs become louder and louder. He knows our fears, doubts and hesitations.

He knows a longer route (our next thing) will provide opportunities to experience Him and resolve our moving-forward issues.

He uses our next thing to build a faith bank of trust.

My days of writing thank-you notes, coding bills, and caring for monthly givers ended almost twelve years after I accepted God’s invitation to move. Yes, my next thing lasted twele years. Sorry if that rains on your parade. Some seasons of waiting last longer than others.

My cubicle days were rich in character building. As I immersed myself in the study of God’s Word, I fell more in love with God and less in love with me. Greater value was placed on bringing glory to His name rather than fame to mine. The truth of Philippians 2:3 took root deep in the once-rocky soil of my heart: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

My next thing taught me that my purpose is not to stand at center stage, but to support the One who stands at center stage. His plan is always about His book, not mine. The picture finally became abundantly clear to me: it’s only about God.


Once again, really good reading. It’s gave me a new angle to think about this on. I hope it gives you something new too. 😊


Wait and see 2

Have you ever felt God calling you to something?

This is the text;

Have you ever felt God calling you to something? How did you react? You could do one of two things: with good intentions, you could try everything in your power to fulfill the calling … or you could wait for God to give you specific directions. There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk. It’s all about finding the balance between the two. Think of waiting as controlled preparation, like getting ready to have a baby.

The same is true for God’s timing and our preparation. Our job is to not run ahead of Him or lag behind. We should take natural, commonsense steps that are in line with His Word so we will be ready when He delivers our heart’s desire.

As we step out in faith, He will show us the way by either opening doors or closing them. Sometimes that will require we do a new thing, and sometimes it means doing what we already know to do.

Waiting in the pasture and tending sheep are difficult when we feel God has called us to something different. Many of us Jesus girls are doers, created with a nature to fix, nurture, and make things happen. Therefore, we don’t easily accept an assignment to hang out in our pastures and do the same old things when new things need to be done. And some of us Jesus girls are more cautious, created with timid hearts that seek confirmation.

let’s revisit James 1:2: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let [a test or challenge] do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (THE MESSAGE).

I have to say, this was interesting reading! I hope you like it too.


Wait and see.

I’ve just starter to read this plan “wait and see” in my Bible-app. It’s how I read the bible. It helps me understanding the meaning off the verses I would read right from the book, chapter.

Today’s devotional was about “Misconception”.

#1: If I am waiting, I must not have heard God correctly.

This is why it is so important to invite God into our wait from the very beginning, instead of after we have tried everything we know to make things happen. As we spend time with Him and in His Word, we gain confidence in His plans. A quick visit to the past fills us with the peace we need to make it through the pause. Waiting well teaches us to trust His delays rather than doubt His ways.
This is a mile-pile in a Christians life.

To wait right.

#2: If I am waiting, I must desire something not in God’s will for my life.

To ask your family and several close friends to pray with you. You have to committ to taking each step you feel God asking of you—whether that was toward meeting your future spouse or remaining single.

I have friends that pray with me. Maybe we need to change the routines on this I don’t know.

#3: If I am waiting, I must not be praying enough.
You know in your heart God would supply their needs, but you have to keep telling your head. To faithfully followed the teaching of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “Never stop praying” (NLT). Your wait don’t end because you prayed, but you resolve strengthened, helping you to face each day.

I need to tell my head to stay where I am. If it is about waiting or other things.

#4: If I am waiting, I must not have enough faith.
The writers Word, “Here’s the thing—I should have prayed and read my Bible, but not to work my way back into God’s good graces. He is a gracious and merciful God. My praying and Scripture reading do not make Him more gracious. Somewhere along the way, I’d convinced myself otherwise. God makes us wait at times so we can glean valuable lessons. But He never does so out of spite. This is something David taught me as I continued to wait for God to heal my husband.

How often do you ask your self those questions? I ask them.
How or what are you waiting on from God, Dad? Are you the kind of person that needs to write it down and come back to it later and see if Dad has answered you? Or do you remember every question and answer?
I have a “prayers and answers” book where I write down in the moment I have a prayer. I go back when I know Dad has answered it. Then I know it. I can read often ti remind me of the effort of waiting. 😊

To wait is a blessing and s challenge.

I hope this will inspire you too to read others view of the scipt.