January 15th, Success.

In today’s devtional Lord, give me success today. The text is about when the Lord talks about success not in the way of popularity as many today think is the same thing.

No, in the old testament, it talks about success as something good. And the word success occurs at least five times in the old testament. Every time as something positive.

Success is a blessing from the Lord.

Psalm 8, verses 1-9; Praise God for the success of his creation. In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant. “Davis starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation. As he stares into the night sky, David says, I look up at your marco-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellary. Moon and stars mounted in their setting. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? David marvels at the fact that a human begins are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. …”

Reading and listen to this text, gave me a deeper knowledge of those words. I started to listen to this devotional on my way out of my house on Saturday January 15th, but I didn’t end it. I got distracted but started it again today, Sunday 16th. And While I listen on the audio on my phone (cellphone) I am reading/following through the text on my laptop and can reflect. What does it say? What is the point on the text?

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

In the word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. – this is what Jesus-style-success looks like.

*To achieve Jesus-stule success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision. 1, The need is urgent. 2, The motive is love. 3, The trigger is prayer. 4, The potential is vast. Pray for success in guidance. Abraham’s servant wasn’t embarrassed to pray for success. No, He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate; ‘ Give me success today.’ *

We shouldn’t be embarrassed to pray for success in our lifes! If, as we can read in the old testamnet, God has given us success. We should ask for it. Success is a blessing from God. Why should we then be embarrassed? We should not think like the World thinks about the word but Thank God for what he ment it to be!

You know, I’ve learned so far those few (15) day listening to the script that if I don’t implement the Word into my life as I should I feel some kind of emptiness, but not like a hole no more like I have been missing out of something really good for a long time. It has occurred to me that I can do a lot of things and feel happiness. And I know “I’ve sholud have read the Bible as my Christian intake of food” but haven’t until this year… And now I start to see what friends has been trying to tell me. I know I know, “you want to say I told you so” and that is okay. At least I understand! I wont feel the presence from the Lord in the same way if I don’t read or listen to the script. I have got an eye-opener for this πŸ™‚ . It took maybe a bit longer time then needed, but hey! I got it.

Maybe I needed this time in my life to understand God’s way and part in my life as an Christian. I don’t know. But here I am and I understand things πŸ™‚ . And for me this bible app and blog kind of goes hand-in-hand. It might be an other part of how Jesus wants me to share my struggles as a Christian some day’s, to share with others that are struggling as Christians how to get through a day, a week a mounth or ever a year. I would be surprised if I am the only one that have those struggles in my life! The Lord has been challenge me with this blog for the last 4-5 years. And I believe this is an other part of sharing my life, struggles, happiness with you all. His way of using me the way He gave me the gift of writing. ❀

…or He just wants to use me showing you that everyone has there own time to figure stuff out. ^^haha^^. Anyway. Here I am sharing my thoughts with you about a text I never read before or got inputs I never heard before. It’s like all the preaching I have heard isn’t even close to this. And I am happy I did listen even to this devonational!

I do hope you got something out of both my thougts and from the text in the devotional. ❀


Keep pooring, when you feel empty.

Keep pooring, when you feel empty. Because the blessings will come. Don’t be afraid of the empty spaces, because empty is where God does his best work.

Revelation 3:8; I know your deeds. See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strenght, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

This is my inspiration when I feel empty, to watch Elevation Church on youtube.

And this post is glimps from what Elevation Church 2021.

2 Corintians 2:11; in order that satan might not outwit us.For we are not unaware of his schemes.

It’s not about the strenght it’s about the stradegy.

John 16:33; “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

It’s not about the trouble infront of you! It’s not about the trouble in your lift. It’s not about who is stronger, it’s about who is smarter.

John 4:4; You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (Eveletion Church, Better Than Ever:2021 Year In Review.)

I hope you get as inspired as I got.


2021 Advent verses, December 6th.

James 3, vers 17-18

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (NIV)

James 3:17

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap

a harvest of righteousness.

James 3:18

2021 Advent verses, December 1st.

I just read some verses that some friends are sharing as an advent calender, which is comman here in Scandinavia. And thought I’ll repeet the one I made in 2018 or 2019.

So, I will take one note kind of random and make sure it’s not the same date as last time so it will not be the same. πŸ˜‰

Here we go. 😊

December 1st; Proverbs 2, vers 8-9; He guards the paths of justice And pereserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.

John 15 verses 16-17.

Thoughts after house church meeting on zoom, June 6th. Where the theme was John 14 & 15. And those who were leading the house church a couple they started to read those chapters each by them selfs and than together. This was as much as I recall of what I manage to follow before I ” fell out “..

I started to read JOHN 15 and I kind of fell off or out of the ” meeting ” while I read v. 8, v.16-17 and v. 26. They spoke to me. In different ways. How the Lord is Vine and I am a branch (v.8), How HE chose me (v.16-17) & at last HE will send the Spirit & Truth to me (v.26).

Does it speak to you? What are your thoughts about this?

What is my thoughts about the fruit that John is talking about? Have I (you) been in a situation where the Father (the Lord) is the gardener and cuts of the branches of mine that doesn’t produce fruit?

Maybe. I can’t recall any situations right now. But I probobly have. How will I otherwice grow as a Christian person? How does he do it? How does he cut the branches while I still live? Well he doesn’t do it physical it’s a metafor or picture. And what is the fruit? How do I know it is a fruit from the Lord?

I recall one of the others talk about how they were thinking of the fruits. Like being a helping person or testify about what I/you belive. How Jesus is a part of my/your life.

Am I that kind of person, that talks about what I belive to those I meet? No, and I have never been. But I have a tattoo that for me is my testify of my faith. I have chosen to do it this way mostly becauce I have easily to chat with new unknown people.

In John 15 vers 8, Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remaine in me and I in them, will produce much fruit.

How to stay and be the good branches? How to produce more fruit? That is my questions after reading this. How can I produce more fruit in my life as a Christian while I am who I am? He is the vine I am the branch. 😍 ✝️

In John 15 verses 16-17; You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.

HE, Jesus chose me. ✝️

He chose me to Love each other!

To do things out of love, no matter what it is You do for others.

John 15 vers 26; β€œBut I will send you the Advocate β€”the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”

This vers talked to me in the way that ” the advocate will come to me from the Father.. ” Whatever happends I will be able to recive this as a believing Christian. I need to seek and read and talk to him who chose me. He has given me this. He has given me the Spirit of thruth! WOW what a gift to recive!! This is big!

How I sharing my faith with those I meet daily. As I wrote above, I have chosen to do it by tattoos (I will finish the one tattoo I started on in 2008 (P.U.S.H.)). Which for other people is just a symbol or letters has a bigger and deeper meaning for me and I know what it stands for and than I tell them my story. How I became a Christian and how those 4 letters is how Christian people around me prayed for me. How theirs prayers became my new path in life. The continuing of this tattoo is F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God. My way to the Christian I am today.


How aware are we of what we saying?

Sustainable Life: Relationships

The tongue has power over death and life.

We need to think of how and what we saying in the meeting with friends, new people, Church and family. We need to think what is coming out is it positive or negative?

Presence of positive moments.

Make sure you make positive moments with whomever you meet.

We must take care to replenish with positive words in the day, do not use negative words. Be conscious of what I said.

Why fails to stumble? What is it that makes me repeat things, words, situations without thinking about what was done?

Do they (I) mean everything they (I) say or do they (I) just say something to have something to say?

How aware are we of WHAT we say when we speak?


If we want a change we must GO to the source!

What the heart is full of what the mouth is talking about.

I hope this is as inspiring for you as it is for me. We always need to be reminded of this! To be able to live close to the Lord we need to open up our mind.


Wait and see 2

Have you ever felt God calling you to something?

This is the text;

Have you ever felt God calling you to something? How did you react? You could do one of two things: with good intentions, you could try everything in your power to fulfill the calling … or you could wait for God to give you specific directions. There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk. It’s all about finding the balance between the two. Think of waiting as controlled preparation, like getting ready to have a baby.

The same is true for God’s timing and our preparation. Our job is to not run ahead of Him or lag behind. We should take natural, commonsense steps that are in line with His Word so we will be ready when He delivers our heart’s desire.

As we step out in faith, He will show us the way by either opening doors or closing them. Sometimes that will require we do a new thing, and sometimes it means doing what we already know to do.

Waiting in the pasture and tending sheep are difficult when we feel God has called us to something different. Many of us Jesus girls are doers, created with a nature to fix, nurture, and make things happen. Therefore, we don’t easily accept an assignment to hang out in our pastures and do the same old things when new things need to be done. And some of us Jesus girls are more cautious, created with timid hearts that seek confirmation.

let’s revisit James 1:2: β€œSo don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let [a test or challenge] do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (THE MESSAGE).

I have to say, this was interesting reading! I hope you like it too.


Advents calender, 24th December-18.

It’s Christmas eve πŸŽ„ it’s finally here. The Day I have been waiting on.

Here comes the verse for today; Psalm 37:21

The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

This verse is just like what Christmas is all about. To show mercy and be giving.

We celebrate the newborn son that came to this World for us. Our Father gave us a son, to be able to show mercy to others. And we have the oppurtunity to give, show love and mercy.

Merry Christmas.


Advents calender, 23rd December-18.

It’s the 23rd of December and the 4th Advent.

It’s little Christmas eve, the last day to shop the very last things.

Here is the verse of today;

Psalm 31:7-8

I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, For You have considered ny trouble; You have known my soul in adversities,
And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place.

And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place.

It is the time to recieve, to enjoy with friends and family, to love and forgive. I hope you will be with someone you love or care for tomorrow and the Day after that.

Spend time is better then gifts you rap in paper. Remember, you can’t buy time but you spend time. πŸ˜‰

I wish you all a Happy Merry Christmas.


Advents calender, 22nd December.

Psalm 9:11;

Sing praise to the Lord, who dwells in Zion. Declare His deeds among his people.

We are getting closer to Christmas eve only two days away.

I celebrate xmas the 24th. I would like to say, normally I celebrate with family, but I can not.

This year I’m home in Oslo, celebrate with friends and taking care of my sick cat Sussi-P 🐈.

Christmas πŸŽ„ is all about love, family and a newborn child.

Family is what you make it to, if you can’t be with your biolodgic be with those that sees you, knows you and cares for you.


Be nice and friendly, show love no matter what.


Advents calender, 21st December.

Here we go few minutes after the 21st past..

With hearts in the background I give this Bibleverses to you, from Psalm 15:1-2

Lord, who may abide in your taernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?

He who walks uprightly, and works righteouness, and speaks the truth in his heart.

What a wonderful verse. Take this verses with you or maybe read the whole chapter.
