Advents calender, 20th December.

I lost my homemade advents calender ☹️😒 Therefor I have to post the 20th on the end of the 21st…

Psalm 98:1

OH, sing to the Lord a new song! For HE has done marvelos things

To dare to sing to the Lord, to try to sing, whatever or however it sounds, just do it. Because that’s what it says. HE our heavenly Father will do marvelos things!

Believe and have faith.

Try and don’t care what other people think of your voice.

Sing to God not to people.

Be proud of your voice.


Advents calender 19th December.

For who is God except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?

Psalm 18:31

This is good questions! Important questions. Where in your Faith are you standing? Are you taking your faith for granted or are you updating your faith now and then?

Who is your rock? Do you know that? Or are you asking the questions to your self? Where do you want to be? Do you have a goal?

I know my rock. I know what I believe. For me isn’t this a question, for me is God my Lord and my rock.


Advents calender 18th December.

Psalm 33:1-5

REJOICE in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.

Praise the Lord with the hatp: Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings.

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

For the worf of the Lord is right. And all His work is done in truth.

He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.


Advents calender 17th December.

Here is the verse for the 17th, Monday.

Psalm 17:5;

Uphold ny steps in ny paths, That my footsteps my not slip.

I believe that our Lord, Heavenly Father and God, always will protect my feets. That whereever I go He will not let my footsteps slip. Whatever I do He is there. 😊


Advents calender 16th December.

Here comes the verse for Sunday, 3rd advendt, from Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in ny mouth.

To have Faith and stand in Faith. To praise Him who I believe on.


Advents calender 15th December.

Here comes the verse for 15th of December …

Proverbs 10:7;

This is about being wise or a fool.

I’m trying to understand the verses before and after … I do not get it, sorry

Maybe you who following my blog does, and if you do pls make a comment. πŸ˜‰


Advents calender 13th December.

This Day startet earlier then all other days. I had an interview 0800 am. Had an americano and a safron bun at a coffee place for breakfast,

07:48 am startet I to walk towords the school for the interview.

Rush back to the School I have my internship / work at.

Was thinking I have to remember to blog this evening.

In all this, the 13th of December is the Day we celebrate the Lucia day. Lucia stands for lighting up the dark Winter.

Came Home normal time. Got my second coffee, started to vacuum clean, made dinner, fed the cats and on my way to the bed I saw my advents calender thinking, I am not awake anymore I just need to sleep and did not blog.

So here is the verse from the 13ths.

Proverbs 10:29

The way of the Lord is strength for the upright, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity.


Advents calender 12th December.


These last days have been crazy and gone in one, so I post three today. Sorry about this.

Verse of the 12th;

Proverbs 12:17

He who speaks truth declares righteouness, But false witness deceit.

Good Words! This verse reminds us of how important it is to listen to God’s voice. And follow his will what he wants us to say, speak, do when He call on us.


Advents calender 11th December.

As you seen I like to have different backgrounds of “today’s verse”. Today it’s needles πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ because I am working with a zipper.

When you walk your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.

It is so good to know that when I run ny steps wont be hindered 😊 or stumble. God is watching our steps no matter running or just walking. 😊


Advents calender 10th December

Sorry that the verse of 10th of December coming today the 11th. I was a bit to tired and honnestly, I forgot.

Proverbs 4:5b

Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

A good reminder to us all.


Advents calender, 9th December

Today’s verse comes from Proverbs 10:23

The verse says it all. When God is blessing us He do it rich!

My experience is that a blessing is never small. It’s always the right type and enough when it comes.


Advents calender, 8th December

It’s white outside and bread baking view inside.

Today’s verse comes from Proverbs 8:35

For whoever finds me finds life. And obatains favor from the Lord.

…for whoever finds me ‘gains mercy’ with the Lord. …an other translation of ‘obtains favor’.

To gain mercy with the lord, is for me kind of big.

Just think about it.

As His child you gain mercy when you find Him. You have to say you want to follow Him, to keep a relationship with Him. And with that you are His child.



Advents calender, 7th December

This last 24 hours have we gotten snow 😍😍 and those last 16 hours have I been both extreme tired and buzzy to remember to post. Sorry!

But here it is, the verse of the 7th December;

Proverbs 3:7

Right now I’m to tired to write any thoughts. I guess I have to sleep on it.


Advents calender, 6th December

Today’s verse;

Proverbs 9:10

How good isn’t this?! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge … This is good news and a good reminder!

Happy December and happy Christian life.


Advents calender, 5th December

It’s the 5th 😊 and today’s verse comes from Proverbs 2:8-9

To understand how our heavenly Father watching over us, how He helps us to be righteousness in our life. He helps us to find justice in all our paths.

God loves us so much.

He wants the best for us but we also need to understand how or when He is talking to is and corrects us. πŸ’œ
