The move 22, during and after 😊.

The moved went well. My friends from my house church came with two trailers, which we filled up.

Saturday the 27th of August 22.

We went twice between Hundvåg and Ganddal with things, boxrs and furnitures before we were done but it only took 3 hours 🤩🤩

Me and Silver in the couch after the move aroun 5pm watching the “mountain” of boxes in the kitchen 🤣🤣

And the clean out on Sunday the 28th, went also okay, but I have made up my mind. This was for sure the last time I did it myself!! My body can’t do it anymore.

Bye bye Hundvåg and thanks for those 13 months!

New chapter, new home, new suburb, new municipality, same county.

The hallway.
I have never had such big kitchen ever where ever I’ve lived. Love it!

I have more than enough space 😊😊 so now I “just” need to fill it up with furnitures… I’ll start my furniture hunt this coming week online and later at 2nd hand stores later in September. I’ll buy something hopefully I find something I like but it’s okay if I don’t. 😉.

I have written a list of the most important furnitures I need and everything will just get there when ever I have time and money 😊.

Be thankful over what you have.

09am, December 23, 16 hours to Christmas eve.

We should all be thankful over what we have, this Christmas. What ever we have or will be gifted. The Lord is bigger than us and will be providing us with what we need.

If it is to be creative or that someone are creative for us. Have Faith in this pandemic can be harder for us all Yet the Lord is bigger than us and will give us just what we need.

To do it ” my way ” or the Lords way ? Are you still waiting on what the Lord gonna say? Than talk to Him and trust Him and He will answer you.

✝️ ❤

I can’t say how the Lord will or when He will answer you, I can tell you that He will if you trust Him.

Your life might be a mess or you don’t experence the Lord close enough, Yet, He is with you. And maybe feels like those words are just are words without meaning, but, you try to believe them and they might touch you. Maybe you need to read it twice or loud. Yet, the Lord wants to have a bigger space in your life.

Let Him in, in to your life. Let Him in to your Heart. Let Him be a part of You.

He is the Light in our Darkness. He is the creative inspiration to our creativity. He is with US when everything feels even harder. He Wants to Walk with You.

He is Our Light. Our Path.

My experence is that, if I don’t trust Him to Walk with me or that He is the creative inspiration in my life, my life would be boring. If I don’t talk to Him, He will not answering me. If I don’t have Faith in is Power and Love how will I feel any of it? I would not. My life would be boring, sad, I would start to be bitter the opposite of what I want and need in my life.

With those words, not just from me but also as a greeting from the Lord while I was going this, hets through my thoughts inspired me I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

And remember, the words in the picture below.


Summer with Doubts & Peace.

I have been going through a summer full of different feelings. Issues to actually Trust the Lord about this situation. Learning it doesn’t help to try by myself. Only helps to Trust the Lord.

The front picture is my symbol for how narrow my space has felt. How narrow the Lord has been. How narrow my mind has been. Yet, I can only see Gods Love through this Summer for me.

3 hours of creativity the other Day this week. ❤

How the Lord has given me time to be creative to not think to much. Given me time with friends or to start at the gym, to not think to much.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for the peace in my weard situation. Only you know what I am going through. Only you can give me what I need. Only you know what’s coming. How my future look like. Only you know how to hlp me get through this. Thank you GOD for the peace, grace, patience, love you given me in this & for this. “

I use this picture to describes my longing for a man in my life. I stand on the road far away from the mountain which for me is a symbol of my future hubby/ husband.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for helping me understand on the way. Thank you GOD for given me this.  Thank you GOD for your blessings. Guide my steps. Guide my future hubby. “

My doubts is there, not 24/7, but close. Is this the right time? Is this what you wants for me? How can I trust? Well GOD has given me peace lots of it every day I doubt. ❤ Every time I wonder the peace gets bigger and deeper. And his love! WOW!!

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for this day, tmrw and the coming week and weeks. Thank you for taking care of me and my thoughts, prayers and life. ✝️ Guide him, guide me. Lead us. Bless us where we are and in what we are doing. Bless the times we will have together when that time comes.

My prayers; ” Surprice me by given me patince & knowlegde. “

And the Lord does!🙂😍❤✝️

God allowed me to try something I was sceptical to; Tinder. You have heard about it I know that. You can find all different types of websides or app’s to find love now day’s. So I ended up on Tinder. Where it’s a lot of weard people for sure! But it is also some, meaning few!, who are more interesting!

I’ve been chatting with few more interesting guys this Summer. I ended up with one (good!) And this guy is the one I have had doubts about. All this blog is about him and God... This guy have I prayed for since day one,and I believe God is with Him. He is still a bit of a mysterious person but GOD has given me peace about him. And I trust GOD about him. I don’t have a clue where this will go or lead but just the fact I have Peace for him and whatever happends is good enough for me. ✝️❤✝️

Our path is God’s path. He will LEAD US when WE trust Him.


He take care of it all.

I just love the job as a janitor. To be able to just walk around in the garden and cut branches, that need a cut, and talk to the Lord about everything and nothing. ❤

To clear my thoughts. To put my burden on Him and knowing He take care of it all. ❤

All my worries will be all gone inside me and He fills me with peace. ❤

Whatever my issues are He take care of it all. ✝️

Whatever troubles my mind, He fills me with Love. ❤

I feel so Blessed with this sparetime job as a janitor. ✝️

Even those Days my body isn’t in good enough place, He blesses me in other areas. ❤

Today’s issue (July 23), cauesed by myself. I put it in the hands of the Lord. And straight ahead I recived Peace. ❤

To be outdoors in fresh air and just breath the air and be close to the Lord. ❤

I just feel so loved by Him.

I just know I am in the right place in the right time. ✝️


Blessed time in the Corona situation.

A part of my job those last two and a half weeks has been to go to work and help students that struggling with the digital homeschool situation.

It’s been an interesting time so far! In the same time I can feel how the Lord is protecting me both from the virus of Convid-19 and spirital.

I also see how good this opportunities for the students is, to be able to come to the School and be able to focus on the tasks and consentrate on homeworks.

This strange situation we all are into has the challenges to help each other where ever we are or what ever we are doing.

Even more important to trust Him who loves us .

It’s a blessing to work with teenagers in the school. It’s a blessing to have good co-workers and a good leading staff.

To stay healthy.

To trust the Lord.

To have faith in this corona situation.

Remember that what ever you are struggling with, the Lord is besides you! He walks with you and don’t leave you!

Remember that fear doesn’t belong to the Lord.

Continue to walk on the path from the Lord.


Time with a friend.

To share life with a friend once in a while. To grab a coffee or a cup of tea. Take time – make time.

My challenge this year is to be more social with friends after work. I have not had that kind of energy before and I am doing my best to force myself to more social after work. How can I do that?

Today Tuesday I woke up one hour earlier than normal and I’ve been tired all day and I said to myself that “it’s better to go and grab a coffee with my friend and stay at home and fall a sleep in the 🛋”

I went, and I am happy I did!

To share time, life, thoughts and things we Christians experince is both encourging and good to do. To listen to the other person. To just be in the situation.

To talk with the Lord and ask for what I wish for in life after the meeting was also something we talked about over the ☕. And I reminded myself to do that. And asked to be reminded about it every day. Becauce it doesn’t matter where we talk or when as long as we do it! ✝️

To take time is to care for the other person.


Wait and see 2

Have you ever felt God calling you to something?

This is the text;

Have you ever felt God calling you to something? How did you react? You could do one of two things: with good intentions, you could try everything in your power to fulfill the calling … or you could wait for God to give you specific directions. There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk. It’s all about finding the balance between the two. Think of waiting as controlled preparation, like getting ready to have a baby.

The same is true for God’s timing and our preparation. Our job is to not run ahead of Him or lag behind. We should take natural, commonsense steps that are in line with His Word so we will be ready when He delivers our heart’s desire.

As we step out in faith, He will show us the way by either opening doors or closing them. Sometimes that will require we do a new thing, and sometimes it means doing what we already know to do.

Waiting in the pasture and tending sheep are difficult when we feel God has called us to something different. Many of us Jesus girls are doers, created with a nature to fix, nurture, and make things happen. Therefore, we don’t easily accept an assignment to hang out in our pastures and do the same old things when new things need to be done. And some of us Jesus girls are more cautious, created with timid hearts that seek confirmation.

let’s revisit James 1:2: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let [a test or challenge] do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (THE MESSAGE).

I have to say, this was interesting reading! I hope you like it too.
