Exploring my county, July 19th.

Left home 09:40am, bus 09:52am towards Sandnes bus & train hub. To catch a new bus at 10:13am.

Today I’ve been exploring 😊, walked in residential areas I never been b4. I’ve taken busses I just seen in Sandnes or Stavanger bushub. Seen where, e.g. Forus Arena is located (where most major concerts for Stavanger and nearby municipalities take place). And I haven’t been stressed just smiling.

Sola municipality, 10.30am.

The rain or wind wasn’t a bad thing. If I weren’t on a bus I found shelter 😉

On a bus between Sola and Randaberg.

I did all this both becauce I have been wanting this since I moved back but also becauce I found cheap books online (via a website here in Norway where you can buy used things, a common website for the whole of Norway) for my upcoming studies which start in mid-August.

Randaberg square, not much here. 12.30 to 13pm.

When I got off the bus I knew I had to eat b4 I headed home-over.


PizzaBakeren (the pizza chain that started here in Rogaland) is my favorite and today it was a pizza with a thin crust.

I catched an other bus back in to Stavanger train station (13:05pm) waited maybe 20 min at the train station (13:20ish pm) and sat on the train home to Ganddal. On the train it was raining but my walk home were not 😊.

So I’ve got to see and explore and buy non-fiction / subject literature during 4.5 hours 😊😊😊 .

What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

The feeling of turning on the music and the television off…

The feeling of turning the music on and the television off. 🙂

This weekend is that just what I have enjoyed. I spent some hours in my couch on Friday evening more because I couldn’t be on my computer after a migraine attack. But I can’t say I watched the programs on the television, no it was more in the background.

So what better isn’t to just turn it off?!?

Time out for a good book.

Yesterday did I sew some and fix some with the sewing-machine and no TV 🙂 after that I went out to be social and celebrate a friend on her birthday. A good decision!


Today I woke up with some ache in my body so I had the TV on in the background, it was some interesting sports and then some boring sports.. haha but after that I had vacuum cleaned my place I felt for some piece and quite.


So music on and I reached for a book, where I am in the end but it’s like I never end it no I rather start a new book..but now I’m gonna finish it! 🙂 So I peacefully can start a new “fourth book” or maybe it’s just a “third book”..

I think it’s okay to read more then one book as long as you know the different and what’s in which book. I usually read 3-4 books parallel with each other. Therefor can’t I read 5 books (well technical I can) but I don’t think it’s so smart. I had a discussion about this with a friend last week, she can’t read more then two parallel of each book and she is fascinate about people like me who read more then that and I am fascinate over those whom only read one book. My mom rad only one book at the time but she also “swallowed” the books she read and she had a hard time to put them away. i am a bit of the opposite of that in my reading.

Men are from Mars women are from Venus (gonna start to read it. Millennium, Wedding dress and Summer breeze.

For me it’s more of a thing to read different genres/type of books and get a better vocabulary because I love to read both in Norwegian and Swedish and English. And when you read more than one book and in more than one language you should be able to increase the vocabulary. 🙂


Summer holiday is the time for books.

sommer og boker

For me has summer holiday as long as I can remember been to enjoy reading a good book when it is a rainy day.

Me and my mom was small teasing about whom of us who would lie of the kitchen couch and read when we where in the cabin. My mom has been a teacher whole my life, so for her it was a mix of read a book to relax and get away from work except for those books she really needed to read for work. So every summer brought she at least 20 books of reading and there I were with maybe 5 books to read for the whole summer holiday..

It sometimes felt like I was competing with her, because I have learned from home that as more you read as bigger vocabulary you get. So I wanted to read as much as I could. As older I got as more books I brought with me to our summer cabin. But it was also here, where I started to write.

hembygdsgårn örträsk (heritage center -hembygdsgården Örträsk)

Summer holiday for me is contacted with our summer cabin in the northern part of Sweden in Västerbotten. A good size of a house. Not so big kitchen but with a iron stove, a small bedroom inside the kitchen. A good size of living-room with both a couch-corner and a big dinner table and a play area and the loft where we slept. But still big enough for us. Those days when we just didn’t want to anything and it didn’t rain, we went out on our veranda or where lying in the grass in the sun and read a book.

From day to day, life was easy going but we had always something to do and we still have when we comes there.. But the point is, I don’t understand this “haste” about traveling to see as much possible during the summer. I have never understood that part. Maybe I am “to much of an northerner” and just that thing that I went to the cabin and where there all summer. I don’t say I don’t like to travel. But for me summer is the time of the year when I relax, don’t want to so much. Catch up with friends over a coffee or a dinner or BBQ that’s okay and fun.

But read and write is relaxing. And summer should be just like that.

Like the picture below. I wish you will be inspired of the picture and do something you like to do when you have summer holiday!


bench in the grden