To stand up straight.

To stand up straight in a battle. Your battle. To find tools and trust what you know. To have faith. To have patience. To believe.

To stand up straight in what you belive is the right for you. In this moment. This periode. To feel the present of the Lord in your prayers.

To stand up straight for your faith. To pray for advice from the Lord. To have patience with the Lord. Knowing He take care of your burden. Your prayers. Your life. He and only he who knows you and can give you the love you need in your battle.

To stand up.

Not fall apart.


Listen to His voice. Obey when you need to. And just relax in His big arms. Knowing He take care of it all. Knowing He care for you. Knowing He carring you. Knowing His love to you.




To stand up straight. Against the enymy. Knowing your faith. Relax in faith. Relax in His big arms of love.


Summer with Doubts & Peace.

I have been going through a summer full of different feelings. Issues to actually Trust the Lord about this situation. Learning it doesn’t help to try by myself. Only helps to Trust the Lord.

The front picture is my symbol for how narrow my space has felt. How narrow the Lord has been. How narrow my mind has been. Yet, I can only see Gods Love through this Summer for me.

3 hours of creativity the other Day this week. ❤

How the Lord has given me time to be creative to not think to much. Given me time with friends or to start at the gym, to not think to much.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for the peace in my weard situation. Only you know what I am going through. Only you can give me what I need. Only you know what’s coming. How my future look like. Only you know how to hlp me get through this. Thank you GOD for the peace, grace, patience, love you given me in this & for this. “

I use this picture to describes my longing for a man in my life. I stand on the road far away from the mountain which for me is a symbol of my future hubby/ husband.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for helping me understand on the way. Thank you GOD for given me this.  Thank you GOD for your blessings. Guide my steps. Guide my future hubby. “

My doubts is there, not 24/7, but close. Is this the right time? Is this what you wants for me? How can I trust? Well GOD has given me peace lots of it every day I doubt. ❤ Every time I wonder the peace gets bigger and deeper. And his love! WOW!!

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for this day, tmrw and the coming week and weeks. Thank you for taking care of me and my thoughts, prayers and life. ✝️ Guide him, guide me. Lead us. Bless us where we are and in what we are doing. Bless the times we will have together when that time comes.

My prayers; ” Surprice me by given me patince & knowlegde. “

And the Lord does!🙂😍❤✝️

God allowed me to try something I was sceptical to; Tinder. You have heard about it I know that. You can find all different types of websides or app’s to find love now day’s. So I ended up on Tinder. Where it’s a lot of weard people for sure! But it is also some, meaning few!, who are more interesting!

I’ve been chatting with few more interesting guys this Summer. I ended up with one (good!) And this guy is the one I have had doubts about. All this blog is about him and God... This guy have I prayed for since day one,and I believe God is with Him. He is still a bit of a mysterious person but GOD has given me peace about him. And I trust GOD about him. I don’t have a clue where this will go or lead but just the fact I have Peace for him and whatever happends is good enough for me. ✝️❤✝️

Our path is God’s path. He will LEAD US when WE trust Him.


My blog-journey.

When I started to blog I did it clear my head, not really to get people to start following my blog for sure! But here I am, few years later with around twenty followers!

It’s been a Journey, my Journey to figure things out. A positive exploring journey. Where I have had to trust Dad’s Word to me, to listen to what He says and understand that this is what He want me to do not just for me but also for you who read.

It’s about to share the good and fun

and bad or sad

things in life.

God has given me the gift of greetings to other people. He gives me uplifting words, pictures or Bibleverses. He has also given me prophetic words back to me through friends this year – 2018.

*The first greeting I got this year was; the 28th of April.

I did not really understand, so I Said “Dad if you give me the same message 3 times I know it is from you, but you also have to show me clearly what this is about.”

*The second greeting came in June and *the third in November.

All with the same message:

“I will make your Creativity bigger”.

Was I or Am I up for a new challenge?

In November and December I started to see clearly and understand what Dad wanted for me and this blog. When more and more of you who are now following my blog. I understood this is my challenge, my gift from Dad my Lord. This is what He wants for me.

This is the greeting “I will make your Creativity bigger“.

To share.

My Dad, our heavenly Father, has spoken to me, to share my Christian life, my Daily life to inspire others. To follow Him and let Him guide me.

I do not know my future but I know He will guide me and give me the right words.

I am not good to read the bible… But Dad has pointed this out to me;

“You are willing to hear my voice and do what I ask you to do, which for me is better then to read and not understand the words.”

Not that I don’t want to not read the bible. No no no. I want it but I fall a sleep ☹️ no matter what time it is. It is all about to get good habits. Which for me is to read through the Bible-app and read uplifting week-plans.

So now I’m looking 4ward to next year and the year after that! With Dad and this blog. 😊

I wish you all a Happy New Year🎇, Happy life🎉🎉, a good relationship with Dad our heavenly Father where ever you are around the 🌏🌎🌍.

I will Try to post more often then until December-18, which was special. I hope my blog will be full of inspiration and that you will let your network know about me, if you like it. 😉


Advents calender, 23rd December-18.

It’s the 23rd of December and the 4th Advent.

It’s little Christmas eve, the last day to shop the very last things.

Here is the verse of today;

Psalm 31:7-8

I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, For You have considered ny trouble; You have known my soul in adversities,
And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place.

And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place.

It is the time to recieve, to enjoy with friends and family, to love and forgive. I hope you will be with someone you love or care for tomorrow and the Day after that.

Spend time is better then gifts you rap in paper. Remember, you can’t buy time but you spend time. 😉

I wish you all a Happy Merry Christmas.


Faith in the hard time.

Me & Mom Summer 2014 and lots of love.

To have faith on God in the hard time can be difficult. Why am I writing this? Well, my mom has for the last two weeks been in and out of the hospital.. She has Alzheimer (AD) and the end getting closer more then ever.

It started with some cramps and she went to the ER by ambulance Monday the 29th of May.  She stayed there for about 12 hours, then they send her up to IVA (intensive care section) and from there to section 61 (Medical care). She had got a lung-infection and she got antibiotics.  She went stable and they could send her home to here Dementia service provider, Stenudden (see picture below).

Exactly one week later she went back by ambulance to the ER with new cramps, but this time it wasn’t the lungs. Thank God for that! But still… And both me and my brothers living far away from our Mom, my oldest biologic brother lives only 80km away but he has his family. And I don’t think it’s such big point for us to go and visit here in this last period. Cause we can’t really do nothing more then sit by her side. I don’t think Mom want us there either, cause that’s how she’s been saying all the years when she was healthy. We don’t know if she’s recognize us anymore… I makes all the calls to the different sections on the hospital and making sure that everyone has the right and newest information. Why, well I am such a copy of my mom and her personalities. I am a realistic person and have heard that through my whole life but the thing is that I like it too. I like to know the facts and to let to know that my family knows whats going on. 🙂 It just my way to show care and love.


I guess it helps me to believe I am doing the right thing for mom. I like to coordinate things and help out my way. It helps me believe God is leading me to help others. My faith on the small thing like “let mom not have too much pain” or “let her live a bit more healthy from physical pain”. My faith also get stronger by knowing we have others standing in prayer for us as a family. I think its harder for my dad and brothers. The “hard part” for me is that she will not be there in the future, meeting new grand-kids or celebrate different things happening in life. The sad part I think is that she will never be apart of my future wedding, family and if children comes into the picture. But I know she will stay with me forever and she will be watching over each of us siblings. ❤

My ventilation is this blog. I clear my head and thoughts. I have faith on God to do what’s best for Mom here and now.

The nurses I’ve been in contact with on section61 is adorable! They care for mom ❤ they really wants to do the best for her and they let us know everything we asks for. I would like to send some flowers to them just saying “You helped us so much during those days of wonder. Thank you all”. I would like to go and meet them in person nest time I’m up there!

Mora Hospital.

I don’t think we as a family could go through this whole process without all the prayers that we have around us. It is so many friends, family and others around us that prays for mom to not have to much pain in this last period in life with the sickness and for us as family to not “fall a part” but to get strength through this and love to each other.

I am SO Thankful for every-ones prayers!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

I pray for mom every evening before I fall asleep and I know whenever mom is leaving us, she will get it better! She has been an Christian believer in many years and she believes in Heaven and I know she will get it better up there. She will be healthy again and she will not have any pain. ❤ She will watch over us from above. ❤



I love you Mom. I know you knew that before you got too sick. ❤


Moms place, since 2015.

To be there for a friend.




To be there for a friend.

Yesterday was a sad day for one of my girl friends.

She lost a family member… She called me right after she got he sad news and I just said, come over to me. You should not be alone. She came and we just were. We talked a bit, watch the television and she slept over. I just couldn’t let her be alone the first night. And I feel so sorry for her lost. I am sad in my heart for her and her family’s lost. And however she feels when she is back in Oslo, I will be there for her. She will need the support and friendship just more to get through the heavy part and be going, do the daily things feel the meaning and be loved.

The lost.



How important it is to stay close with friends when you live in an other country then your family has been more and more important for me. And especially when a family member dies and you can’t be there when it happens. That just so much more important.

To be there for each other.


Make sure that your friend feel safety. Let whatever feelings to be okay. Take them in even if you don’t feel you have enough food, space or however you feel.

The friend needs you.

And i realized that I am so thankful for closest the friends I have here in Oslo that has become my family. That whenever my mom will not be a part of this world anymore, I know I have friends that will be there for me as I were there just now.

Family is not just the biologic ones. Family is those you have around you. The friends that support you whenever you need it. Family can be your Church, your closest friends, bonus siblings etc. Take care of them!

