Butterfly stands for change – something my life is about now.


Life has started to become less painful and I have started some new routines that helps the rest of the day to go easier πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•. I still say “good night” in the evenings and “I’m awake” in the mornings to Silver-boy πŸ’• and I think I will do that for some time.


But I have started to smile again and feel so grateful and thankful for those 8 years I got with him πŸ’•. So many good and fun memories with him. 😊.


As time flies I am lucky to be able to work as a teacher in art&craft because of sickleave in in those classes. And I am working 100% at least this week (8th to 12th of April). I am responsible for the planing of the classes and motivation in the classroom. I also have the theoretical classes in art&craft too in 5th grade. And here I learn a lot myself 😊.


I now know this is my future. I finally know “what I will be when I grow up”. The apple 🍏 doesn’t fall far from the tree 🌳, πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.Β  What does that mean for you, well my mother was a teacher for 40 years! I will never be able to be a teacher for that long! But the fact that I finally have figured out what I want to do, means that I will walk in my mothers footsteps of becoming a teacher. Something I have denied for many years πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.


I have started to smile again and life is getting easier each day πŸ’•.

Made up my mind – get healthy.

I have made up my mind to start at a gym again becauce I need it so badly. My body is so out of shape and I need my muscles back!

Walking the body warm works fine. But I still can’t do the machines I love πŸ˜₯ all becauce I went to the chiropractor on this Monday (July 20.) and he actually made my back werse 😭😭.

So today’s workout is all about streching my back, hips and legs.

I could sit on this ball 4ever..

I’m in my own head when I’m at the gym. I don’t care much for the others which is a good feeling! I don’t care if someone look at me and what I’m doing.

Which right now maybe could be an issue…

Boxing corner just ahead of me.

This is my second time here. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😊 As for me as probably most people, the thing to get out is the hard part. But I have to say that today I kind of woke up with the “Exercise mood”. Which made it easier!

This is my motivation.

To be in the shape, especially my back without pain. To be able to push legs around 80-90kg. Knowing I have strong legs. Being able to push my arms on 40-50kg.

Knowing that my core muscles are back where they should be & holding me. Motivation to be able to once again be able to do push-ups & sit-ups normally. Motivation to be able to go for a run in the forest & on the runing machine at the gym without any pain in the back. That is my motivation in life.

I’m gonna do my best to reach my motivation goals. And by reaching them I need to forse myself to attend the gym at least twice a week. If I’m good I’ll go three times a week. 😊

And all this wouldn’t been able to if the Lord didn’t blessed me and my life.

I can only Thank Him. For making sure my financial situation is back on good terms. That He blesses me in other areas too. ✝️



My life gets better with details specially when it comes to something I make. Just like God is all about details in our lifes.

I ordered a new year diary, a calender for this year. I ordered a blue and recieve a pink. I dislike pink.

I had a saying many years; “Nothing that is pink will get into my house. Mostly because I hate/dislike that colour. I have never liked it. It doesn’t fit me.” But as the years went by I have realized that, sometimes I will get it into my house rather I like it or not. Then it’s up to me to change the details if I can.

Yesterday I placed my sewingmachine on a table, found a fabric I like and started to sew.

This is a bad picture (above) I know. I took it for a reason. To show you how the details are importent. You can if you look closely see the details. How we are the mirrow of our faith or how blurry we might be infront of Dad. !But Dad can show us our details in our lifes if we want that.

The old cover is pink and made off a soft material quite easy to sew fabric on. 😊

Above here, you see the contrast between my fabric and the soft plastic-silicon material.

And under … You see my first round of sewing…

…a straight line and realizing that wouldn’t hold so I had to use zick-zack. Above is the inside belove is the outside.

This pattern is so me I don’t just like the pattern in this fabric I like the color combination and the fact that it is nature-friendly and eco-friendly.

The material is linen. 😍😍

I like to think that Dad made us in a “good material” so He can help us to use the material/fabric that fits whatever weather we have around us. To help us find the details He wants to give us.

Is it a sewingmachine to everyone? Probably not.

But we have and can find knowledge and inspiration for our lifes when we are with Him. We just need to ask for help and guideness toward where He wants us or ask Him for those details He has for us.

Dad has given me lots of creativity and I love it. Even on a “bad body day” can I be creative. I can write about it like I do now, I can find inspiration and keep it in my scrapbook. On a “good body day” I sew. 😍

If you want inspiration ask Dad for it. Ask Him for your details.

It can be things you already know but maybe got forgotten or things you are waiting on. Have patience and trust Him WHO are guiding your life.


Hair changes May-18

It’s time for a change. The hair is growing but not as fast as I could wish for. Normally I would not complain which I don’t in that sense but right now I couldn’t be more happy if it was a bit longer. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

So to make it as close as I wish I have to bleach it… which I haven’t done in years! It’s to redbrownish and I need it to be more blond..

Here we go… here it is step by step 😊 from the top with my old outgrown haircut and red-brownish hair colour to after the bleaching.

Done πŸ˜‰ it’s perfect! Not to orange not to blond 😍

Next step in this changing will happend on May 5th…. step by step from excited to all hair in. I will go from haveing short hair to long by putting extentions in. 😊 First time ever for that 😲. But I have since January wanted long hair again.

It’s 3 years since I cut off my long hair and went for all kind of shorter haircut. I was tired on my long hair. Tired of looking the same, having the thick hair I do get.

It has hit me that I have some kind of habbit to grow out my hair for 2 maximum 3 years. Let it be and not doing much and the cut it, have short for 3 or maximum 5 years and then it starts again… πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
