The freedom,You can choose your type of wings.

I started this post in April 2020…have been editing it now and than…for the right moment to release it.

Writers comes in different shapes and from different genres and we all write different. I blog as you know, but it did not start there. For me it started as most kids. I wrote stories with a wild fantasy. Long and short ones, some has still not been finished and they are still waiting to be continued others I have forgotten.

My inspiration was (still is) my Mom.

My mother was a teacher and a believing Christian, she left us in November 2020, she taught med to write my name early. I think I was three and a half or maybe closer to age four when I could spell my name and write short sentences. I grew up with 2 biologic brothers, and to foster brothers during the 1980’s. And the impact they had on me as a child has for sure made who I am today!

On the “top of this” I have Journalists in my family, which also are writers. But they do it in another league! But yet they are writers. So I am not the only one that writes and other people read it, that’s what I mean.

Even though we moved around a bit during my childhood and I had to switch Schools and was bulled I have good memories of writing a lot! Yet the best part was how much my mother teached us to write in a early age. She put effort into traditions and taught us all kind of stuff. And now when she is in heaven I just want to share as much as possible from her life and what she gave me.

How are you expressing your creativity? And where?

I remember that I climb up to one of the house roof to find a good “study-spot” to sit and read books to get inspired to write. 😉 Something I would love to be able to today as an adult. But I can not do that for several reasons. The height is not one of them.

I had a happy childhood and wrote as much as I had time to until I was a teenagers, which was when I took a break. A bit longer break than I thought was possible. My mother was my biggest inspirations to write stories with lots of fantasy. I remember she once said “write it all down, one day you might have a book”, or she could say ” You should write down what you see and make a story”. Her imagination was rich, big and sometimes also wild. She loved to read books with excitement, adventure like in a thriller or crime book. That, she past on to me. I love a good crime book.

And I am so lucky to have had the chance to spend every Summer in the Northen part of Sweden (the picture gallery), in our cottage, until I was fifteen or sixteen. I loved to write stories at least in elementary school, after School, in the Summer break, wherever I had the chance (my dad did not like it at all). I have memories, where I sat in a barn with itching hay with a pen and paper. 🙂 Or in the grass watching the calfs and cows and horses on pasture and getting pictures and words in my head.

The write-break, I did not take up the pen to write stories again until I was above twentyfive! Why I do not know. I mean I have always written on something here and there. And it has never been like it is now. The Lord gave me big inspirations, prophetic Words and kept helping me about what to share and how to share it.

To be creative is a part of my life. I can not say how old I was when I started to do other creative things. I do remember I was maybe 5, the first time I was woven something. Did I like it? I do not know. And do not remember what I made. Sorry.

The biggest change in my blogging came in 2019 after I recived a message from God, three times during a time line of (I think) 6 months.

Before (lets see… 🤔🤔🤔 …) December 2018, did I use my blog as an ” ventilation ” to clear my thoughts. Nowdays the Lord gives me something to share. Most the times I ask Him “how is this useful to share?”. And you know what?, I always recive the peace inside. Like ” just becauce you do not understand does it not mean someone else does not need it, just the opposite”.

I still write about “this and that” to clear my brain, but nowdays it’s more with a guide from the Lord.

To reach out wherever in the world with my blog.

My blog started small and it has grown just like me and my writing.


You who are following my blog comes from all around the world. Just like the picture above the smile. And what’s amazes me probably the most is how many of you who writes about traveling.

Opportunity to write, share, encourage other people I never would be able to meet.

Opportunities comes in different forms, different times and different types.

2020; I don’t know if this means that my blog will be even bigger, reaching even more people. Maybe.

2022; For sure it has happend! Today, June 2022, I am writing more and more often and I am paying for my blogsite which I never thought about to do when I started! But the Lord have made it clear. This is how he want me to touch other people.

The freedom just like a flight. You can choose your type of wings.

Hope you have found your way of being creative just like the way the Lord has given you Your gift into your life.

I am thankful for who I am, what I become and for I am not walking alone in this world!

Find Your Joy in Your Life and Journey.

The Lord is my inspiration to write and I pray the Lord will help you with your creative side

What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Summer memories

Today the 11th of July isn’t the best day for me in the way I did something stupid yesterday and back locked it self… But hey I’m not sad for that I could if I didn’t know better. No, I’m quite happy anyway! I can write, read a book or nearly do anything. 🙂

I got happy news from dad on txt. Mom has been up & dressed and sitting in the sitting-room for 45 min today !! That’s big!! She mostly been laying bed since she got back from ER about 3 weeks ago. Dad also told me, when I talked to him yesterday, that mom just close her eyes but is awake and if someone sings for her she wants to sing along but can’t find the words. She is still with us, just in her own way. ❤

Music has been a part of her life many many years. She was a part of the church choir. She didn’t sing good but she sang because she liked it. She didn’t care what other people thought about her voice. Funny mom. 🙂 And I think it is very important for those who can’t talk as they get sick and old, that music or a pet should be more around them so they can feel and recognize something they have had around them so many years of life.

I googled “summer pictures” like those …

This is home for me.

sommar i norra sverige
It’s as normal in the summer as in the winter.


and thought why do I google it when I have my own summer pictures I can use? And what is a good summer picture for me? Is it memories with mom just because she is sick now? or is it because we had so many summers together alone without the rest of the family? Or because we did a lot of things together like berry-hunting or long walks or all those days we spend on “our” beach? Whatever it s, it is good memories with ❤ mom ❤ . I’ll find some of them! I just have to dig into my external-hard disc or maybe even into one of the boxes with photographic… But I will find them!

My own pic with Mom.

skylt v örträsk
This sign, is more home feeling then anything else..

Hilduinen, a sculpture of the man that came to our village in 1678.

And how many times hasn’t we been there, looked at this sculpture and talked about how he walked through Poland, up through the Baltic countries, Finland and in to Russland and back to Finland over the border to Sweden and to our small village. This man married a girl named Katarina from the area and I am the 5th girl after her that carries the middle-name Katarina. Isn’t that fascinating!

Both Moose and reindeer and brown bear is quite common where we have the cottage, where both me and my mother are born. We have respect for those animals. But I can’t say I am afraid of them. I’m summer grown up with wild animals in the forest, deer, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries but no apples because it’s to north up to survive the winter.

I could write so much more about this. Maybe an other time.