Interesting greeting, panic, all my thoughts?,where is my faith? doubting, grace…

It’s interesting how the Lord works! Ten years ago before I moved back to Oslo area the Lord gave me some hints about why I needed to move to Oslo area. What I needed to wait for, when living there, before being able to move back to the west coast.

Sunday April 18th, I went through some online preaching I haven’t listen to just “added” to my list to “some day I will start to listen to them”. And in one of the podcast’s they had questions in the end. One of the question where “what are you waiting on?” And I thought, this is perfect to this blog! What are you waiting on,haven’t the Lord answered your question or is it something else you waiting on? You who following my blog.

Two of my closest girl friends needed to get married and become pregnet or even have a child before I could move. An interesting sentence   from the Lord to recive. What about me? Should I wait even longer before I met “my hubby”???

An other thing was that the Lord needed to work within me and with me. Which He has. As one of the things ” a hubby “. When I was 19 y.o. I told everyone who asked me about life that I didn’t wanna have my own kids, which probably was a bit wierd to most people,sadly most of them were Christians. ” it will past ” they said. Like it was a cold or something… ๐Ÿ˜”. But I haven’t ever had a feeling of “need to become pregnet” becauce I would rather have fosterkids or helping families who needs it with their kids when the time comrs for that. I just wanted ” a hubby “.

It was a new journey a head of me. And I have to say a lot of things has happend with me, my faith and my friends those years.

We are all waiting on something.

A short story from those last ten years…

In 2011 I had to find something to do…

In 2012 I took an other course becauce I could not go back and work in kindergarten after November 2010, when I injured my back.

2013 I had a knee surgery and eleven months of physiotherapy. I had to learn to walk again.

In 2014, still no work, still a bad back. New longer course. But it didn’t leed to a job…

2015 – 2017, different types of administration and Hotel. BUT in 2015 I asked the Lord about moving and the thing I recived was “wait”. And in 2017 one of my closest friends got married. Was this an other sign?

2018 the year of many changes! My first job I kind of liked for 5 months. In May I started the fifth course (during those last seven years) which actually was of interest!!   May 18th, the other close friend got married ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Now I knew time would not be to far away for ” the move back to the west coast ” In August I got my foot in to my first propper work in years ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜Š. The first school job, was this the job I had “been looking for all those years of waiting ?” It was a open door from the Lord. But it wasn’t ” the job “. I also knew other things needed to get in place…

2019 came, I got a new job, where I am now. And I know the Lord wanted me here.

In 2020 came Corona and my contract was extended until 2021. ๐Ÿคฉ. I moved from Oslo community to Bรฆrum community. A start on getting out of Oslo, the City I never liked but stayed there becauce the Lord wanted to use me there. In March I started as a janitor beside my orginal job. The first girl friend got pregnet (YAY the move getting even more closer).

This last fall (Autumn-20) I knew that I wouldn’t stay in Bรฆrum community longer then next summer (which is now). I also recived a new sentence.

Those two girl friends are now married ๐Ÿคฉ. And I have been applying for jobs in Rogaland community since february ๐Ÿคช still no job. And now have I started to get panic!! Where will I move? Where will I work?? Gaaaa! The whole point of all this becauce I want and need to work more than 70%. I have so much panic and start to think “was I so wrong understanding the greetings?” Was it just me, who wants to move back to the only place I ever felt like home in Norway? am I moving back to Rogaland community? Or not?

I need to move out where I am living now July 31st!! It’s not to late to get a job theoreticly but I am starting to doubt on the whole thing…๐Ÿ˜” the panic is getting bigger. God give me one interview with a job-offer!! Or give me a hint on what I am doing wrong!!

I don’t know what to do more than apply.

But, is the Lord on my side in this?? I’m panicking and have started to doubt. I just want to cry!! is the Lord guiding me steps? I have been trusting the Lord so far but now?

I am missing to have a propper housechurch and meet & pray with, if not in person at least online. I have this last year lost some part of my faith becauce of where I live and the Corona. ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”. I miss the Church IMI in Stavanger, Rogaland. It feels like I have lost myself a bit to… I don’t know where to go, look, do…

On the other hand has GOD used me and blessed me a lot this last year…

November 17, moms biRthDaY ๐ŸŽ‰

The woman that has inspired me in many ways had biRthDaY yesterday. She became 79 yesterday ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰. She is ill with dementia and Alzheimer and she is my mom. She has learned me a lot of life, how cook food, how spend or not spend money. She is the person I look up to. She has been my inspiration in many ways.

Many people is surpriced she is still with us becauce of her illness and becauce she has been really sick twice in 13 months. Both times didn’t the doctors think she wouldn’t survive. But she is a strong woman. A lot of people was praying for her and she came back stronger. ๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธ

I am Thankful even though I have not seen her for the last four years. I love her even more now, than what I said or showed her when she wasn’t sick.

And I miss her.

I just want to hear her voice again…๐Ÿ’–

She was the one that learned me to prepare food, wash clothes and make easy dinner with one of my brothers when I was 8 y.o. She nagged on me to clean my room as I become a teenager and she have helped me to move so many times ๐Ÿ’– (!) She has always been there even if we lived on a distance ๐Ÿ’– of minimum 350km to maximum 1200km for many years.

As long as I can remember she has been on a bycycle, to work or to the grocery store or prayer meeting. She loved to do easy exercice. She stoped using her bycycle about a year after she stoped to drive the car. We didn’t aloud her for safety of her self and others in trafic. But she’s been able to walk for many years. Even if it only were for 20minutes in the end, she walked. She had a small route she walked daily. ๐Ÿ’œ She liked to be outside, she loved the forest, she went to the forest to pick wild berries and learned me where and how to find it.

This picture is from 2011 that Summer she and dad came visit me here in Norway. That was the last time she visit me. ๐Ÿ’– Her sickness had escalated this year and when they visit me I had to enjoy every minute I got with her being able to talk and walk. I miss that part of my mom ๐Ÿ’–

Every year I pray I will have the opportunity to go and visit her for the last time before she is gone. ๐Ÿ’–

I hope I make the trip in 2020 both financial and with someone that can watch my cat ๐Ÿˆ.

My mom was saved as a teenager and she had a relationship to the Lord. Now I ๐Ÿ™ the Lord is with her every Day.

HaPPy biRthDaY Mom ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Love you!!

๐Ÿ’–You have helped me in many ways in life! I can’t say it to many times, I love you Mom. ๐Ÿ’–


Single or Get Married? Part two of three.

So I have finally picked up the book again. Trying to finishing it. My motivation isn’t really there but I will make it through! The book of Marriage. A very interesting book (!) for us women. It is called “get married, What Woman Can Do To Help It Happen”and it is a lot to both read, adjust and get into the get into everyday life as a single girl/lady (whatever you like to call your self). It is a help in the way most of us woman think and act to get involved in a relationship with a man and NOT how to be his friend.

the book

It is easy to be the girlย  that is always hanging with the guys (for me that’s who I’ve been more then less my whole life). This book goes deeper then that. This book lets us know how we manage to “jump” over that part of just stay as friends and how we will act to not get into the friend-relationship and actually get “under his skin” and understand how he is thinking and what he appreciate, what he likes to hear from us. It gives us “the key” or “tools” how to be and say to reach his interest.ย 

It also talks about..

“Mentors – how great value it is”… Paul in the bible provided a remedy in the advice he gave in Titus 2. Speaking about the range of ages in any church body, he encouraged the olderย  believersย  to counsel the younger ones. Getting wisdom from someone who’s further down the road is invaluable. ..maybe even more so – they’re better able to provide scouting than your peers. It’s far trendier, and less awkward, to seek advice and help of your friends. But when it comes to finding a husband, older woman and couples, have a lot more to offer.


Get someone that can challenge you, get you to a higher standard, how to dress like a lady, eating better and exercising.

up for the challenge


If you only spend time with people in the same season of your life you’re in, the competition for available men likely be fierce. But if your friends span the generations, it’s probable they will know or be related to eligible men.

“Relationships ebb and flow; what’s important is that this guy carries the qualities and characteristics of a godly man you’ve been waiting for.” (words from the authors pastor.)


Where are the men? And are they actually interested in marriage?

In one word, sleeping. Most of the men in our culture haven’t had any high expectations to meet. …so they’re passive. But you can encourage them, by the greatest motivation, your belief. They need a women who see in them, and encourage, what God designed men to be. Your respect is what leads to his pursuit.

“I gives me things to think of.

I’ve read this verse before, but it has never hit me like it does in this context. It has open up my eyes of “what a man looking for in me” and how I should start to act and be and say things to a man. In the beginning of this book I thought “I will just read it” but now when I still haven’t got further then half of the book I realize this book is much heavier then I thought! In a good way thou. I gives me things to think of. How am I acting with a man? Am I actually encouraging him? should I skip some things when I am mumbling? I have to say I like this book more and more as deeper I get and as further I read in it. It challenging me!

sunset.wake up


In this chapter “waking up a great sleeper” the author who been in the same situation her self, talks about her experience and how she met her husband. What her mentor challenged her to do in the same time how she learn to be more lady-like in her mind, what she was wearingย  and also how important it actually is to take care of our body in a physical way – to go to the gym. She talks about Discern His Charater, Assess His Potential, Ask the Right Questions, Encourage His Spiritual Maturity and Dream With Him. The last part of “dream with Him” is more in the sentence of when you actually got him on some dating. I have just read this chapter and I have say, it have open up new ways, thoughts how I will try it out in real life!
