Blessed last week from December 22nd.

It’s been some interesting day’s this last week. My entire last salary went to pay the rent and bills, so I saw no other way than to ask some of my Christians friends if anyone had the oppotunity and peace from the Lord to bless my finances. And I was blessed with much more than I had in my mind but the Lord knew how much I needed. Because I thought if someone wanted to bless me it was to be able to have food on my table or in my fridge, but the Lord knew the other things I needded and hadn’t been able to fill up in months. Because of this blessing I was able to order a new robot vacuum cleaner before the Christmas weekend. ❤ I haven’t had a vacuum cleaner since February this year, which isn’t so smart to live without when you have a pet! It gets so dusty!!! One other of those things I ordered was vitamines from the States. That I today (December 28th) will go and pick up. 🙂

With the blessed money I could alsi buy a cube light holder, on sale. Somthing I have been wanted the last four or five years.

cube light holder.

December 24th to lunch-time yesterday the 27th, have I already told you about so I skip that. So I can continue with the rest of the day yesterday (27th).

Because I locked my smartphone I got annoied on myself and cause of that I kept stay up past midnight every night after the twenty-fourth… Which led to sleep-in, coffee between nine and ten am. My Land Lady was nice enough to borrow her smartphone to call this company I have a mobile subscription with, to get into my smartphone. ❤ Logged into my phone did I wrote down all my passwords in a clever place asap. Made dinner, cleaned out some drawers and I logged into the blog and some other places online.

Around nine pm was it movietime but, during the movie I suddenly wanted to look, serch and see if I could find jeans online and order which I did after the movie. 🙂 This is also from the blessed money before Christmas.

Yes, and when I was cleaning out the drawers I found a story I started to write when I was maybe eleven or twelve. So funny to read! So I thought I should continue this story. So I sat and wrote at least three pages yesterday. 🙂 🙂 This is something I could do so much more often and it probobly fits best when I have one of those holidays. If it’s Christmas or Summer holiday or any of the school breaks. Which I will try to do on the side of bloging.

The plan for today, yesterday, was to catch a bus and go shopping for important and long-awaited machine such as a kitchen machine and a overlocker, but I’m still in the couch cause my back wasn’t good enough for a trip. 😦 But hey, it’s still time for me to do the shopping tomorrow or the day after that. And the only reason I will be able to buy those expensive and heavy machines that I have been wanted for a long time! Is thanks to a surprise via dad and – Mom who is in heaven now.

So if I will not go shopping today, I can check online for the machines and I will probobly also check for other creative things I have been needed for some months, like needles and thread for sewing.

An other big Blessing is this blog!

Just the fact that I have moved from a free blog to paying now hasn’t been an option until yesterday. I think I can say my Mother would have like it. She was such a creative person, more practical creative but she did write sometimes too.

I feel so blessed. And I am thankful for what the Lord have put on my heart, given me this gift to blog and share with all of you all around the world. This is also a creative gift! Not for everyone yet many people try and some fail. I hope I’ll not fail over time.

Have a blessed time until next post!