How do you prepare your heart and life for Christmas and Jesus?

I went to my house church yesterday (9th of December) and the topic of the theme was ‘ how do you prepare your heart & life for Christmas and Jesus?’

One of the leader read a text about a family here in Norway and how they got in contact with an other family in Canada. How They prepared for this family to visit them. How they lesernes about their culture, country etc. How the cleaned theire home, garden and how this effects their thinking of what they prepared for Christmas and Jesus.

And than asked us, we who were gathered, what we do? Are we just focusing on the outside, the lighting on the house or in the garden? Are we just focusing on the gifts or are we taking it in into our relationship with whom who saved us?

As a singel lady without family or kids I don’t have the same type of traditions as when I grow up. Some of them I do miss other of them I feel are hard to do.

But, this year I am trying something new for me. I hanged the Christmas curtains up to the first of Advent. During the next week I got my Christmas tree up and few day’s later the ornaments. I haven’t found the lights yet…

I am working on the Christmas gifts, for my family, that I thought I could send to my brother here in Norway but now I don’t know if the rest of the family will be able to travel over the border…

I need to buy some red candle lights. I am playing Christmas music every day this December and trying to invite the Lord after work at home and if I forget I at least pray for the next day and say thanks for the day I’ve had before I fall a sleep.

I have to say I haven’t been focusing as much as probably should to Him who saved me… I think I lost it on the way. The way of being a singel, the way when life means I haven’t been able to visit my family over Chistmast for some years now. 😔. Or just the fact that we lost mother into demensia over ten years ago… The one in my family who was excited to decorate for this season. ❤.

I would love to have a family that I could call mine, it doesn’t mean the kids are mine. But to have a boyfriend, a hubby someone to share life with, Christmas and everything else with! I know it will come. But yet, that’s my Christmas wish and have been for the last ten or more years…

Is it easier when you have someone to share Christmas with?

What are you doing?

How do you prepare?

I am blessed to be able to celebrate Chistmast Eve and Christmas Day with some families from my house church ❤🎄❤🎄 ❤ something I am looking forward to! And with that I will try harder to invite the Lord into my home and whatever I do before Christmas.