Quite the same life Easter or not. πŸ˜‰

Easter is here again. What’s different? Not much. Still Corona, same weather today as it was the same date last year. β˜οΈβ›… windy7m/s, 🌑+11Β°C .

I’ve just been out for a very short walk with Silver 🐈 who didn’t like the wind either.

It’s Good Friday today and I guess most Christian go to Church normally and in this Corona pandemic you maybe go for a walk with the preaching in your ears or if you live where you can get together in a home do that. πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰.

This Wednesday me and a girl friend went on a day trip to a place called Horten, it’s approxy 1,5 hour drive South from HΓΈvik, BΓ¦rum. Coast town. Pretty small-town in Norway!

We were not lucky with the weather. It started to rain on out way in to the town but it didn’t matter us. We just wanted to do something πŸ˜‰ . So we did.

Yesterday April 1st, I had a day in. Started on my mom’s Summer dress. Redesign. Mom was as highest 5″10 and I am 6″2, so you migth understand that the clothes I got after my mom they become too short or wrong proportions on me… πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

How would you say you did Easter before the Corona pandemic?

I have to say that I don’t have had to change much. I am still singel, with friends who are married and don’t have the same time to spend with me. Before and in the pandemic. Sad yes. Biologic family still most of them in Sweden, Norwegian family still in Norway, but as I wrote, most of them with less time. Why? Well that’s life.

I live my life quite the same as before the Corona pandemic. And it’s fine!πŸ˜‰

I have to say life is good even in this pandemic!! 😊😊😊 I have what I need. I am blessed with much.

I wish you all have and will have A Great Easter wherever you are in the World.

πŸ’›πŸ£βœοΈHappy Easter βœοΈπŸ£πŸ’›

Like the fog can be thick, is my faith strong.

… if it’s time or just life I don’t know, but something has hit me. (Not so hard thankfully.)

It’s like the fog on the picture above, it’s something beautiful and scarry in the same time.

I have, since I moved back to Oslo area ten years ago (2011) this month, been missing the West coast of Norway.

I moved to Stavanger in september 2010, after the Lord open up a job in a kindergarten. I felt how the Lord was talking to me and how He led me. But I did not stay as long as planned…

I lived there for 6,5months. The plan was a year, I thought. The years here on the East side have had the purpose and the Lord has worked within me and with me. And I would not be who I am if I had not moved back!

And the Lord gave me the reason why I needed to moved back to Oslo area, so I did not just move just becauce I did not like the job in Stavanger. Oh no, it was deeper than that.

But now, ten years later things are different again. And once again I have peace from the Lord about moving. Where? Well I do not now. πŸ€ͺ.

So I apply for the jobs I have enough knowledge for and trusting the Lord in this too. πŸ™ ✝️.


I have been given peace for 2021.

Okay I am gonna try to think about all things that has happend since last blog. And see if I can maybe encourage someone or however this blog ends up as.

And yes, I ended the thing with the guy in november 2020, jumped with faith into an other app of dating-opportunities in mid December. πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚πŸ€© and with all new Corona measures and rules πŸ€ͺ.

January came and past too fast. School started, still Corona but now with the two new mutations… from UK and the other from Africa.

Here in Norway we still have had the Schools open for the students up to age 19 more than less. Which means I go to work ever Monday to Friday. I travel by region bus. One of them starts in Oslo, crossing the community border into my community. Which means that it is potensial more Corona bugs traveling my way to work. ☹.

Sandvika bus hub.

We have had a quite cold Winter with lots of snow negative 19Β°C, but also 3 day’s of rain and positive degrees ☹ where the snow dicapared some places like where I live. I did managed to make a snow angel just before the rain.

February came with more Winter. Back to negative degrees. 😍. The coldest has been negative 17°C I think.

Outside my school.

I have been given peace from the Lord that I will apply for a new job (that’s starts in the autumn), after my principal said that they do not know if they can keep me. As I only have an extended one-year contract. Thank you Lord for peace.

So now I am back in a situation to search for a job, the different part is I have peace about it. Like it’s gonna be a good period of applying. I know and trust the Lord in this. Whatever door He will open for me will be good, and I will be able to get even more experence in this field.

I have also recived peace to not apply for a University.

About my future hubby, I recived peace to not stress ” he, the hubby, will come when it’s time “. 😍. I am so greatful for those things! The Lord is really showing me step by step what is on it’s way. And to fully trust that He knows what is the right thing or time will be worth the waiting on all levels!

Frozen river.

I am now typing this in my bed, the night into Wednesday 24th of February, 01am… after a great day with friends. Where I have helped them with some practical things. Including tools πŸ”¨πŸ”§. 😍😍. I am cleaning my brain so it will be easier to sleep. And hoping that someone of all of you who following my blog will be touch by the Lord through my post.

Zig-zag, sewing day.

It’s the Winter break and I have had two good day’s of sewing and hoping to finish up my ” 12 par of jeans project ” I started on in mid January.

Happiness and energyboost is the sewing for me.

With love to the all of you. And hoping the Lord will speak to everyone of you often this year.


Love you Mom and will always do. β€.

My mothers last day in life, has past.

Mom became 80 years old the 17th of November this year. ❀.

On Wednesday the 18th of November I called the head nurse, at mom’s home for the last 6 or 7 years, to check with her what was going on becauce I recived a wierd text message from our dad.

She answered that the function of swallowing food had dissapared. One step closer to not be here on earth with us.  A step in the process of the end of demensia. Which was the first day without food and water for mom. 😒.

Me and Mom 2015.

A sickness she got approxy 13,5 years ago. The same year I moved to Norway…

On Saturday the 21st I phoned mom’s home at 7.30pm and everything was ‘ normal ‘ which doesn’t say much when you as a family member don’t know much of the end of this sickness…


Monday the 23rd was okay. She was breathing normal, she was still piing. Which means some of the organs was still working. 😊.

Tuesday the 24th, mom or her body was starting to show symptoms that the end was getting even closer. Restlessness in the body and coughing efforts were worse. So then she got a syringe against it. And it made her calm. ❀.

2012 I think.

Wednesday 25th was okay stable. Not much of a changed. ❀. Dad went to visit her in the afternoon.


Thursday 26th did not start well. 😒. For none of us. My brother T had phoned early in the morning and her breath was changed during the night. 😒😒😒.

Thursday 26 07:42am did I recive the first message. Glad I was awake. Preparing for work and eating breakfast. I became sad and tankful knowing ‘this is the very end’. I went to work and on the bus I called the head nurse to hear what the facts was there and than.

She told me Mom could stop Breathe at lunchtime or later that day. Hard to say. I told her that my brother T was on his way up to Mom. 08.45am ish. I came to work a bit sad inside. Had my classes with the students I normally have on Thursday.

A close friend of mine texted me during class telling me I should call my brother asking him to hold the phone close to mom’s ear and give her my last greeting to her for the last time. And I did, in my lunch break. Glad I did. ❀.

This was when the tears came.

A reviled momemt of tears and love to Mom. A moment of realizing that from now are just waiting, stay in touch with each other. A moment of feeling alone. A moment of where the only thing I wanted was a physical hug from anyone. A moment where I wished I wasn’t singel.

Mom in Norway 2011.

Trying to eat lunch was easier said than done. And I didn’t managed to have the class I was supose to have. Gave the information to the student on what to do and I tryed to pull myself together, stop the tears and preparing me for the last one and a half hour of assistent. Which I managed. And such a boost for me.

On the bus way home I got a message from my brother 4.56pm “shorter breathing”. 😒😒😒. This was next step in the process.

We siblings was online on Messenger between 4pm to 6pm. Following mom’s breathing process to the very end. She stopp her breathing 6pm on the clock. 😭❀.

She is now in Heaven 😊 with no more pain and no more sickness ❀.

And December 11, will we all be in Sweden for the funeral. 🌹. We will be able to say Good Bye in an other way. 🌹. Grieve in our own way. 🌹. Let the tears flow. 🌹. And just be and maybe feel close to her.

I know she is in heaven. She is in a place she has talked about many times.

She was a believer.

She was saved.

One of few favorite flowers Mom had. November cactus.

I started my grieving process around Mom’s 75th Birthday in 2015, knowing she would not become better. And two years later was the last time I talked to her on the phone becauce she did not recognize my voice anymore. πŸ₯Ί. I have had peace since. Knowing she would end up with the angels in heaven with the Lord. ❀.

It feels wrong to say ” I am find ” but I am. I am not in the first grieving process I am some steps ahead. I will always miss her. But we did not live close for the last 13years… But we had a bond. After the Summer I had turned 16, we had a figth and cleanced the air and got a stronger bond. A bond of love and faith. And we both walked a lot after work and becauce of distance between us, we talked ” to each other ” as the other person was a part of the walk. And I am going to continue that. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Šβ€.


Corona/ Convid-19

How to stay positive and have faith that I did not have/ got the virus. No matter how many have asked me or friends who has prayed. I just knew I only have fever and probably some kind of infection in the system.

Light through the window by night.

I have trusted and believed that I only have an infection in the system.

Monday this week, the 14th, when I got home after work I started to sneez. A very normal sign on a cold. And it is the time now especially for all of us who works in Schools. So I sneezed and texted my leader asking if I should stay home becauce of the roles here in Norway about Convid-19/Corona & working in a school.

I woke up with fever the next morning and stayed home. I phoned the Corona place in my community and got an home-appointment which means a nurce comes home to you, take the scary test and than you just have to wait. If you work in the School they make a prio to give you the result in 1-2 days other people has to wait 2-4 days.

I took the test on Thursday, still just fever. Starting recive more energy πŸ™Œ moved my couch on Wednesday evening from one wall to infront of a shelf with the view of looking out my big windows.

A lovely view! Any time of the DAY. Friday came, I got even more energy, all glory to the Lord, made dinner. Homemade dinner first time this week 😊😊 and later on Friday I even made pai πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ. So, I have been home all week. With fever nothing else. No other symptoms πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ. Getting stronger each day.

First homemade dinner this week.
Berry pai.

I log in to the site online for health, here in Norway we have a good health system, checking for a result nothing there at 09.10am or at 2pm. So I thought okay I’ll just check it before I go to bed. Which I did, and there it was. Negative/not detected πŸ™ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ™Œ

Thank you Lord for once again care for me and my life and blessing me with a negative result on such a bad virus. I am also very happy that it is 8 month since last time I had fever. Even here is the Lord watching over my body and imunesystem. (For you who reasonly started to follow my blog, I have had so many years of bad immune system where I could get a cold and have fever up to 16 days in a row. )

And during those day’s at home have I forced myself to ” have enough energy ” to do something with my hair. I was So tired on my bad hair I did this on Wednesday…

I might not be perfect but I am not perfect so I live with it. πŸ˜‰

Last thing, today Saturday my goal is a shower and fresh air and a short walk with my cat Silver. He has been so keen to go out and he has had such good patience!! 🐈πŸ₯°πŸˆ and now first of all Coffee & breakfast. πŸ˜‰


Blessed time in the Corona situation.

A part of my job those last two and a half weeks has been to go to work and help students that struggling with the digital homeschool situation.

It’s been an interesting time so far! In the same time I can feel how the Lord is protecting me both from the virus of Convid-19 and spirital.

I also see how good this opportunities for the students is, to be able to come to the School and be able to focus on the tasks and consentrate on homeworks.

This strange situation we all are into has the challenges to help each other where ever we are or what ever we are doing.

Even more important to trust Him who loves us .

It’s a blessing to work with teenagers in the school. It’s a blessing to have good co-workers and a good leading staff.

To stay healthy.

To trust the Lord.

To have faith in this corona situation.

Remember that what ever you are struggling with, the Lord is besides you! He walks with you and don’t leave you!

Remember that fear doesn’t belong to the Lord.

Continue to walk on the path from the Lord.


35 again πŸ˜‰

Last Monday I thought about how I could celebrate my biRthDaY… than I didn’t think much about it. Until May 1st when a friend asked me “what do you wish for your biRthDaY?”

My answer was “I guess with friends coming over and maybe Γ₯ buqette of flowers”.

24 hours before we had 5 seasons in an hour (!). We had πŸŒ§β›ˆβ˜€οΈπŸŒ¨ and hagel…. and I had just finished moving around my furnitures on my patio and walked my cat when this weard weather came.. see the picture below.

5 seasons in 1 hour (!)

As I started above here I had not put much thought into this day becauce of the Corona situation we have. But, I did invite my closest friends.

“You are welcome to come and celebrate me on My biRthDaY πŸ₯³πŸ₯³. Bring what you want to eat & drink and maybe flowers. I will be awake from 10am. This is the adress xxx. Welcome!”

My fitst guest, not to close friend but she’s been my neighbour for 4 years. She came between 12 & 1pm. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

I started to bake a cheesecake after the first visit… πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

An hour later did those 3 (of my 8est) closest friends knock on my door. πŸ™‚πŸ₯³

πŸ₯³πŸ₯³They stayed between 2pm & 5pm πŸ™‚πŸ’œπŸ™‚ We ate a good cake they brought. Had good biRthDaY. And I got this beautiful buqette!πŸ₯³β€

Around 5.pm when they had left, ate I dinner (and nothing else) after my breakfast at 9.40am NOT good!! I was very starving.

This beautiful flower was my 3rd gift.

During my dinner the 3rd visit came πŸ™‚πŸ₯³ also as surprice 😊😊 just like I wanted it to be. They stayed for about 25 minutes.

πŸ₯³πŸ₯³And almost an hour later when I kind of thought no one else would come the 4th guests knocked on my door and gave me something that at the first sight looked like a buqette flowers. But as more as I got the paper off I could see, it was something more soft and hairy πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ it was a nice piece from a sheep to have on my bench on my patio. πŸ’œ

So, even if I didn’t think much about how to celebrate, the biRthDaY πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ became Awsome!!

I am so Thankful for my friends!! So even if we still live with restrictions from the guverment of how to act in the time of CONVID-19/ Corona, they came. ❀