Grace and new friendship. 

God has humor! 

I thought I just said yes to a random Couchsurfer for this weekend, but he showed me wrong. He sended a girl who needed to here some of my life experience and about my path with God to see positive on her adventure here in Norway. 

She came more then less directly from her brothers Wedding on Friday in Polen to me in Oslo on Saturday (yesterday). Tied and only wanted to rest which she did. 😉 

We had many good conversations about life, faith and how to see what and when God is talking. 😊  We watched tve movie War Room (which I think everyone should see no matter what you believe.) It has humor, lots of things to learn if life and if you are a believer, many good advice of how to grow with God. She told me after the movie that she needed to watch it, that it was good for her. So glad I were to hear that. 

Grace was the word that we talked a lot about those hours she stayed with me and how grace can be a part if our life in different situations of life.   How God has showed me grace in all kind of life-situation and how God has provide me with what I need or how God have closed or open doors in my life when I trust God.  How she can trust God.  How to push emotions aside when the emotions turns into fear instead of the oppisite – happiness or peace in the specific situation there and then.  When we come with high expections from what God can do, he do provide our life just the He lnows we need it. 
Grace, love, trust and faith is some of the things he has given us to have in our relationship with him. 
