Bikini 2024.

My challenge last week was to sew a bikini that fits my tall body. A challenge I took. And it took me six days to finish. I am pleased to finally feel good in a bikini that looks different and good on me.

Before I started.

This is the first step to find out what size I would need. A stretchy material but not good enough for swimsuit.
An old training top I haven’t used much.
An other traning top I only used few times.

Both training tops was perfect for upcycling and make the bikini buttom.

The process.

This is more for myself if I sew another 😊.
Finished bikini top.
Bikini buttom. And yes I wanted to have a higher edge infront.

Here you see I’ve used the fabric from the apricot colour top’s on both pieces.
This is the front side of the bikini buttom,  just like I wanted them. 

As you may know I am 6’2 and it is hard to buy clothes that actually fits my tall body!  A bikini isn’t any difference. As the fashion is everything “shall be as little as possible ” well that doesn’t look good on all bodies!

And I am not super pleased with every curve I have, not uncommon for any woman around the world. Yet I have found my style and therefore I sew  😊.  Exploring in different pattern that hopefully will fit me and also look good on my tall body 😊.

Hope you will be inspired by my sewing to challenge yourself πŸ˜‰. Good luck!Β  And thank you for reading my blog@

The re-design of the bead-dress (2023-2024), part one.

I got this dress after some of my old colleagues, last years work place (Bore school) when they had a ‘Change your wardrobe Day with clothes you don’t want but maybe your colleague like’

Which I got for free in June 23.

I took it out of my sewing project box yesterday (1st of January 24) to get some ideas of what kind of fabric could work on it.

After trying the dress on I figured I needed to change the fabric around the arms.
Second fabric… could work even more but…

And they both could work for sure! But it was not what I wanted. I wanted something more fun & crazy like me πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

And today (second of January) I went to my favorite fabric store to buy new needles πŸ“ and there it was! The cool fabric 🀩🀩🀩 and enough (2,8 meters) and on sale 🀩🀩🀩.

This will be so fun! I will do it so asymetric as possible. Orange and black is perfect! Playful, crazy and fun!

I bought this fabric in January and still in June haven’t I found the pattern I want πŸ˜”πŸ€ͺ for this dress. I will use the undergown (the inside dress) because it fit’s me.

How the Lord can meet us and Heal us wherever we are when we come with Expectations.

November 12th to 18th.

I have been laying in my couch since Tuesday 7th (which you can read in the post before this one), been dizzy every day. Got an appointment with my GP on Friday (November 10th) a not so good day cause everything was spinning around. Both at the GP and after when I got home. Yesterday (Saturday) I managed to walk upright around in my home, first time since Monday 6th when I was working, but I had to support myself to walls or furnitures, dizzy every time I turned or turned my head normal = to fast.

Sunday 12th I have just been llistening to preaching from my home church on their podcast (between 11am to 12pm), about miricales when we come with expectations on what God can do when we pray.(while hearing those words I said in my head Β«I come with expectations on healing here and nowΒ»). How I felt God doing things in my head while I just listen to the preaching (I still have concussion when I type this) about healing. When I started to listen to that preaching I was dizzy in my head and I couldn’t whatch a screen and now approxy 30 minutes later am I typinging on my laptop. Doesn’t feel dizzy at all πŸ™‚ . Amen.

How God’s power can touch us wherever we are when we hear about miricales and what God can do. When we believe on what God can do when we come with expectations towards him.

Hear I am in my couch, 12:30 pm Sunday, and the dizziness isn’t so intense as it was one and half hour ago! How God can heal when I come with expectations! I am looking forward to get up, not to fast, just be careful, and believe God has heald my head. That I will be able to walk normal and not feel dizzy or that everything is spinning. I am looking forward to be able to go outdoors for some fresh air, to be able to wear my glasses I haven’t wear since Monday (trying them on right now, I think it will take a bit time for my eyes to adjust. I will not force my eyes with glasses here and now. I will take in small steps during the day).

Monday 13th. The dizzieness is gone. Thank You Lord! From dizzieness to wobbly walking indoors, stumbling on my own feets… but have been able to walk each Day since last Sunday πŸ™‚ . I managed to watch a movie on Monday with glasses on – a really good feeling – some good things has started to happend. But on Tuesday I was tired all day 😦 . Constantly tired. I even reacted on the light outside through the window. Until Tuesday I have had the blinds down cause it has been to light outside, but on Tuesday I wanted to try and get use to the light and get more daylight in.

Wednesday 15th.Today I managed to walk, wobbly, out to my mailbox and pick up the mail. A good feeling. I even went out with garbage. I was thinking to go and grab my cruches just in case I would try to go for a slow walk. But I neither got the cruches or went for a slow walk. I managed to order food from the online store (the only one who has that service where I live) with delivering on Friday. YAY.

Thursday 16th. Constantly tired again… Didn’t manged much. Sat in the couch all day. Watch some movie and series but not much. I did managed eat and drink coffee and juice othervice I was just in the couch. Got in bed around 10pm. Slept bad. We had snow coming down today, it didn’t really stay, but just the fact we had snow is happiness for me. How I “suddenly” could turn my head normally without feeling wobbly in my head – Yay! And how I have been healing in small steps! How the Lord provides for me in small steps! How thankful I am for every new Day with all “new” things I managed to do πŸ™‚ .

Friday 17th a much better day! More productive Day! I woke around 9am, had coffee and breakfast, got food delivered 10.15am. Ran the washing machine. Was creative on the floor – YAY. Went out (Yes you read right), for a slow walk in my neighbourhood. Walked approxy 20m had a break for few minutes and try to enjoy the sunlight but it was a bit to bright for me. Went on walking slowly 20 more meters, a small break counting to ten, kept walking. Repeating my 20m with a break counting to ten. Walked approxy 100m in total, up the small hill (street) from me. Standing there trying to get used to the brightness. Waited maybe 2 minutes before i walked the same hill (street) down back home repeating walking 20m with a break. I was out for approxy 15-20 minutes. Totally worth it!!

Later that Day I got more and more energy to be creative πŸ™‚ . I was creative in my couch until i Β«fell onto bedΒ» around 11pm. I was finally tired by myself – happiness!!

Saturday 18th has started good! I just had my coffee and will have breakfast just now. And I will go for a slow walk after. Imy goal is to be able to walk to the nearest grocery store, which normally take me 7 minutes one way. Which now probably take me 21 minutes and that is okay. The grocery store in just few minutes from where I normally work as a substitutet teacher and where I will go on Monday. So I have to managed this.

My goal today is to get out and walk at least twice.

And he has blessed me with new friendship and food.

He helps us when we ask for help. He is with us when we ask him to be close.

Every evening before falling a sleep have I prayed
Β«Thank you Lord today. 
Thank Lord for the healing gift, 
thank you for letting me recieve it and 
thank you lord for healing me.Β» 
And Β«I come with expectations for healing me, 
thanking you for what you do with and within me, 
thank you for protecting my brain, heart and soul.

I believe that the Lord is with me when I pray this, that he is happy I am asking for healing and not just take it for granted. I believe God want us to come with expectations when we pray so he can do more in our lifes and that we can see he is with us when we ask with expectations.

And the goal for tomorrow Sunday is at least one walk and catch the local bus to Church. If I managed that I am really Happy.

Halloween or just the 31st of October?

I don’t know you guys who are following me, where you come from, what your thoughts are about Halloween or if it’s just a date?! But I know I did change my thoughts about 20 years back when I was working in a yought club in Sweden and Halloween got closer. What the yought thought about Halloween and what they thought was the truth, which it wasn’t. Because what they though was what they had learn from social media at that time and not the background. Where does the halloween fenomen comes from? And how was is it before Americans changed it? Well I asked the youth and told them to search. And learn about the orignial halloween day or weekend when that happends.

The conclution was, “Oh it isn’t from America!”. No it isn’t. So where does it comes from? Well, the tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain – marked the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of the new one – were people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts, in the 8th century. And November 1 is designated to honor saints. October 31st was known as All Hallows eve and later become Halloween. Over time Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick.or.treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. October 31st is also marked as the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of the year that was often associated with human death.

So you can choose how or what you do on October 31st! I choose “Harvesting” and celebrating that the summer is over and the winter is coming. I decorate with things that is for me Autumn or connected to harvest. I have been working on farms so I have the knowledge of what we can harvest this time of the year. This year – which is the first for me – I bought a pumpkin and did a very easy carving decoration mostly for fun cause I have never done it before. I also bought a typical autumn flower Heather flower which I have outside my door on a small table. I will put up the rest of my decoration this evening and put a sign on my door tomorrow. “DO NOT RING THE DOORBELL, SCARRED CAT INSIDE & I’M OUT.” because I will be out tomorrow evening. I don’t think that will be popular…

Have a blast October 31st!

Sketching, drawing and just relaxing my brain.

This last week I have spend more time with my sketch pad then on social media :-). It helps a lot for my brain in those day’s when work hasn’t been the best place to be. To not focus on anything and just sketch whatever comes to mind – wow what a relife feeling! It’s been dresses and shoe designs lately. And here is a taste of what I’ve done. Hope you enjoy it.

Every sketch is in color but you’ll just get one. Mostly cause I don’t want to spoil to much. Hope you’ll understan. πŸ˜‰

Happiness in small dozes.

It’s May 9th today. I went to work with the 9 o’clock bus and got 15 min at work before I started. And were done 11:45 am. Not a very long day, which was perfect for me today. My “dear” Aslan (cat boy that was here on trial and was lucky to stay) woke me up 04:20 am this morning starting to play in my bed and later on the floor. I got angry cause I were tired and just wanted to sleep. He kept me awake for 30 minutes… I did fell a sleep again, but when my alarm clock woke me up I were so tired!!!!!!!! Not fun!

So when I finally were done at work, I knew I had to do something to stay awake for the rest of today. So I catched the train to Sandnes. Walked the few hundred meters to one of my favorited stores that sells mostly things to the household and some creative things. I used one hour in that store πŸ™‚ Happiness!! All I needed. Found just what I had in mind. Some tubes with acryl paint, painting canvas one white and one black, one thin paintbrush, a small notebook with flowers on the front and a sketchpad, tiny tiny white pearls to my yellow dress πŸ™‚ some kitchen tools, a flower pot for “the garden” and a tiny embroidery frame.

This is (the canvas) what I have spend time on since I came home today around 3 pm πŸ™‚ .

I hope that I can use this notebook to write down both what makes me happy and sad to be able to get back to the person I am. But I need time! How my faith up in all this are effected and how to be more inspired through Christian music, bibleverses and more? How to get out well on “the other side” of this depression? How did I loose myself? Well this is what I hope I’ll manage to write down in this notebook that made me smile when I saw it.

Only by grace from the Lord will I be able to move forward and find myself again?!?

Different week, different tasks in the after-school-program.

This week has been different! I’ve been moved from working with the students in the after-school-program to do practical things just because two of my co-workers can’t handle how I do my job with the one student with Autism… They have complained and think I am afraid of conflict which I’m not but that is how they see it… My body isn’t fit to stand and walk a lot without a rest on a chair after the blod cloth I had ten years back, and my back isn’t pleased either with the tasks. But I stand in it just because I know I will not continue work here after this Summer. That’s the only thing that keeps me going right now. Sad. Yes.

An other sad part in this situation, while the boy who needs predictability because his autism, he just has to come to terms with the fact that suddenly someone else is with him… 😦

But what can I do? My leader in after-school-program think I have the qualities and are the right person because I am creative, to sort the storage and make a structure that will be easy to continue. Which is nice to hear. But just the fact that I have to do other things when my co-workers can’t deal with how I work… well I can only say I think that is the wrong way to do it.

So I have talked out loud to the Lord about this and next time I meet my House Church I’ll ask for prayers.

I’ve felt an empthiness inside me for a while and now it’s even bigger. I haven’t been liking what I do in the School since October and now this… I only go to work because I can’t afford to stop. I don’t feel joy for work anymore. The only Joy I have now, when I have enough energy, is at home when I sew…. Which is sad!

Last year, when I worked with the yought I felt “done” already in February but this year has been worse!! To not feel joy at work at all is the worsed part of all things for me! To feel empthiness every day you go to work makes it hard to smile to those you work with! It makes it hard to force yourself to go to work.

My motivation is to look for a new job and apply when I find something I know I have experience from and know I can handle. But it is always the question, will I get to an interveiw? And when I got the job, how will it be with the co-workers?

Right now, my head is “groggy” after medication from migraine few hours back. So I only write to “vent” my brain. To get rid of all my thoughts. Empty my brain. But I just want to sleep or relax cause of the side-effects from the medication… which I will do after.

To be a Christian, to believe in this situation is rough. But I know my Lord wants the best for me so I stay in my path. I also know He will open up the right door or window for the next job. He always do. That is my comfort. My believe is on the rocks and I know and have to believe that He will help me.

Silver gives me comfort in all the ways he can <3. I don’t know what I would have done without him. Therefor is he in the featured image for this blog.

Project December 22.

I finally found the old doors I have dreamed about for years, this December.

Hoe the old doors look like when I bought them.
Sanded, first layer of colour on one side.
Golden door with one layer of black.
Table legs, 2nd hand, perfect.
2 of the legs screwed into the door, temporary solution with reused plastic bags from coffee as a temporary cover until I bought the plexiglas I need to protect the paint.

I can now finally sew. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ§΅πŸ“βœ‚οΈ

What to do on a Sunday…

…when the back is sad. Well I have been fried meatballs and chops in the oven while I have spooled bobbin thread for all future sewing projects.

And now when the food is done I’m going to pop up the elastic band in a skirt that has worn too little πŸ˜†πŸ˜† or I’ve gained weight since I bought it πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. And then I will reuse it in a wool coat after ❀Mom❀.

I do want to go to Church but my back is not in a good shape πŸ˜”πŸ˜” so I’ll stay home and being creative.

While I’m doing this I’ll be listening to preaching whether it’s on youtube or podcast it remains to be seen πŸ˜‰. Anyway is it a big chance the Lord gives me something I need.

I have learned the last ten years, that I need to listen to my body first no matter what my head wants and I have peace for that I stay home some Sundays. Even if I both like and enjoy go to Church and trying to find new friends I just have to take it as it comes. πŸ˜‰. And the Lord will still be with me wherever I am, home or at Church.

I am thankful for this weekend, I’ve managed much more than I thought I would. 😊.

Enjoy your Sunday wherever you are and let the Lord be a part of what you are doing. βœοΈπŸ’’πŸ™ŒπŸ™.

Sewing, sustainability, Creative brain.

A small break from headache and I have been creative πŸ˜ŠπŸ§΅πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“βœ‚οΈπŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

My on going sewing project…

This skirt is made out of fourteen par of old jeans. #sustainability #upcycling I’ve got from a friend outside Oslo.

A sewing project that started in January 2021, had a resting break on eight months before new ideas needed to be tryed out.

I am hoping I am on the end now, March 2022. It all is a combination of a good body, a good day and energy πŸ˜‰.

One of few things to add now is a zipper and a waist… one or two pockets in the front.

And sew this part…πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

And I’m done 🀩. I do know it will take some time, spmething I have lots of. In the mean time I’ll start on something else as always. If I don’t have more than few projects going on my brain works slower. I need few projects parallell with each other its just a fact of trying to just have one, which I didn’t finished until I started on nuber two πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

Happines comes in different ways.

Maybe you remember the post where I told you about my newest machine, the overlocker.

Well, today started with headache but, I managed to get out. And managed to go to one of my favorite stores. A fabric and equipment store (which just have change theire name too) Selfmade (something I hadn’t reflect on until I got into the store)πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Happines comes in different ways.

Mine is sewing. Buy the things I need to sew. It’s like a candy store of happines.

So I bought this. My Christmas gift from ❀Mom❀. So I can start use my overlocker 🀩.

And pattern so I finally can learn to sew after pattern. πŸ˜„πŸ˜†.

To finish up some sewing projects that has been laying around in pails and waiting. And start new projects πŸ€©πŸ˜†.

I still need one important thing– a good chair… But I am getting closer 🀩🀩🀩.

I am HaPPy.

Overlocker, can’t wait to start my new season on sewing.

I have just ordered my first overlocker. Something I have been wanted since 2007-2008 and which will help me more with the sewing. =) =) =) =) Happiness!!! So mmany new options in the future. Thanks to my mom in heaven ❀ and the Christmas gift via dad, this was possible. ❀

Singer 14SH654 Overlocker

Can’t wait to get it delivered, but before that I will be needed to go and buy some thread and some other sewing equipment that I miss out having at home for my next sewing projects. =)

This is a really good start on a new year for me!!

In the meanstime I’ll start working again tomorrow January 3rd and I’ll be back into my normally routines, yay. I’ll also see if I can find a good office chair for my back so I actually can start sew when my overlocker arrives.

Just the thought of be able to finish up some long on going sewingprojects, yes! Oh, I am so glad, happy and joyful for this.


Creative and efficion Easter.

For you who don’t following me on Instagram only here.

As you know I am creative. This Easter I had a goal, to finish some of my sewing projects. Which I now have. 😊😊😊.

The red blouse with dots after a friend.

The black skirt after my mom.

The navy summer dress with pattern.

The second summer dress after my mom. The dress I remember her in, when I was a teenager.

Two or three sewing projects to spend time on, but those can take time. Or I need time on them before I know how I want them to end πŸ˜‰.



My life gets better with details specially when it comes to something I make. Just like God is all about details in our lifes.

I ordered a new year diary, a calender for this year. I ordered a blue and recieve a pink. I dislike pink.

I had a saying many years; “Nothing that is pink will get into my house. Mostly because I hate/dislike that colour. I have never liked it. It doesn’t fit me.” But as the years went by I have realized that, sometimes I will get it into my house rather I like it or not. Then it’s up to me to change the details if I can.

Yesterday I placed my sewingmachine on a table, found a fabric I like and started to sew.

This is a bad picture (above) I know. I took it for a reason. To show you how the details are importent. You can if you look closely see the details. How we are the mirrow of our faith or how blurry we might be infront of Dad. !But Dad can show us our details in our lifes if we want that.

The old cover is pink and made off a soft material quite easy to sew fabric on. 😊

Above here, you see the contrast between my fabric and the soft plastic-silicon material.

And under … You see my first round of sewing…

…a straight line and realizing that wouldn’t hold so I had to use zick-zack. Above is the inside belove is the outside.

This pattern is so me I don’t just like the pattern in this fabric I like the color combination and the fact that it is nature-friendly and eco-friendly.

The material is linen. 😍😍

I like to think that Dad made us in a “good material” so He can help us to use the material/fabric that fits whatever weather we have around us. To help us find the details He wants to give us.

Is it a sewingmachine to everyone? Probably not.

But we have and can find knowledge and inspiration for our lifes when we are with Him. We just need to ask for help and guideness toward where He wants us or ask Him for those details He has for us.

Dad has given me lots of creativity and I love it. Even on a “bad body day” can I be creative. I can write about it like I do now, I can find inspiration and keep it in my scrapbook. On a “good body day” I sew. 😍

If you want inspiration ask Dad for it. Ask Him for your details.

It can be things you already know but maybe got forgotten or things you are waiting on. Have patience and trust Him WHO are guiding your life.
