From cat on trial to perment staying – Aslan.

So we had Aslan (Gardfiled) on trial for 3 day’s in April. After those 3 day’s he stayed. Silver and Aslan (becuase he is orange and walks like a lion) become friends. they have there moments where Aslan is trying to show Silver he wants to be in charge but Silver answers with a small fight and winning by Aslan laying down on the floor “I give up for now”.

Time flies by and Aslan has now been with us for almost 4 months (!) He has becoming an indoor cat and accepting it, he were more of an outdoor cat before we got him. He will be able to learn to walk in leach just like Silver does, but his first issue was to let me put a “neckless” on him that he wouldn’t take off as fast as it got on ^^haha^^. He has been learning a lot this time here and he is young (only 3 years old) so he will be able to learn even more.

The nxt thing for him was to learn is to not eat up all the food, cause Silver also need food! He or both get less food now, I do have one bowl with dry food out all day but more important is it’s always water.

They are friends most the time but in the between they fight, Aslan still trying to set Silver to not be the oldest, the boss etc. But Aslan is the younger will always be more playful, have more energy, talk more because it’s his personality. Silver trying his best to adapt too, he was the only cat for 4 years, it’s not easy for him neither.

We all do our best to adapt ❤ the life we have. I couldn’t leave Aslan to not be able to live a life with us therefor I let him stay. He was probobly a Corona-Cat, left to himself to survive. He has his issues, but overall he is a very cozy cat. Loves to sleep in my bed, next to my back. He wakes me up in the morning, if he can decide 05am… But yet he has managed to go to bed my time approxy 11pm, and that I do pull down the blinds for the night (first of all for Silver so he wouldn’t start to play around 03am and wake me up) but also now with 2 cat’s.

A lot to learn but he is young our Aslan.

Short update about life July23

This is a short update about life. Lot’s have happend yet no job. But I trust the Lord for the right job and will not stress about it. I have made up my mind to relax, look for job every second day and the other day’s I’ll have summer Holiday. I will explore my county, my local area, Islands in Rogaland (county) or just sit home and sew. Learn new patterns, new types to sew.

Butterflies stands for changes. And I believe a good change will come, that the Lord are providing me a new good change. And I can for sure say He is works with my patience in this specific area!

Christian music – what I wish I would listen to it more often!! How much strength it is there! In my house the radio stands on for my cat’s, but this Summer I have to remind myself to listen to Christian music more!!

Tomorrow (8th of July) I am planing to go for a day trip to one Island called Kvitsøy, cause the weather should be nice and to windy for an island. Cross fingers here. And if I have more energy I’ll sew if not I’ll be sketching and paint clothes – something I figured out helps my brain – I literally enjoying it.

But that’s tomorrow.

A good week with exercise.

…which has been one of my biggest struggles for a long time. I love when I have a good week, enjoying it a lot and know how good it is for my body. 😊💪…

And it’s not a New Year resolution! I just trying to do what I need – exercise.

The app I have helps a lot 😊😊 and this last week I mostly done reverse crunch 10*3, butt bridge 10*3 and arms. 😊💪.

New Year’s eve 2022 & 1st of January 2023

What happend in 2022? Well a lot! But I won’t write about it here, if you are curious, well read my blog.

New Years eve 2022 will be most like most other new year eve’s at home with my cat that are afraid of rakets and fireworks.

2 hours b4 midnight (10pm, 22).

I wish for a good, interesting, fun year of 2023 and that I managed to do my “to-do-list” for my body and that the Lord continue to guide my steps wherever that leads me. I am agaist those New Year’s resolutions lists. I have never managed to hold on to the kind of list and I have never understood why they are so popular. I am looking 4ward a New Year and what will come with it. Up’s and down’s. Time when I don’t understand or doubt, time when life is good and fun and everything in between. Becauce I trust the Lord.

Let’s celebrate 2023 all the way and not forget what we got from the Lord in life to actually be here!

Let’s enjoy life no matter how it turn.

Let’s stay positive through rough times 💝.

Let’s enjoy the small things in life different then other things in life.

Be happy, Trust the Lord, Walk with Him not away, Enjoy Life, Have fun, be sad when you need or cry, Sing worship to Him who given you a New life, be Creative, drink Coffee if that helps you to stay focused 😉, Love life and those you have around you, be Thankful, get angry if it helps you to move on but don’t stay angry, Enjoy the small things in life, do things you never tryed b4, keep calm, Laugh and have fun with friends, Live, dream big, show others you care, be inspired by others & inspire, Bake if it makes you happy, be with those you get energy from, Be Blessed!

🎆🎊🎊HaPPy NeW YeaR🎊🎊🎆

Christmas Day -22.

Remember to enjoy this day no matter if you are with friends, family or alone at home or away! It’s a day for us all no matter where we are in life! Jesus was born for you.

I am home alone, almost, my cat is with with me…

Listening to the sound from the TV service..

I am watching the early morning Christmas Day service, which in Sweden is called ‘julotta’ and in Norway called ‘julemesse’. This was something I gladly did every year as an aduldt with my mom, and now 2 years after ahe died I do it with thoughts of her ❤Mom❤.

With one of my favorite songs during Christmas “Holly night” 💜. I need to hear it at least once on Christmas Day.

Christmas is often said “to spend time with family & friends” probably becauce it’s a long tradition and what most people are used to do. But my question is; why can’t you or me be alone in this time and celebert Christmas? I like being alone at home and just be, doing nothing or being creative. No stress, no must’s, just me 😊. I don’t say I don’t like being with friends during Christmas. I like the mix of both. Yet, I think it’s interesting how most people thinks ” you must/should not be alone during Christmas “. Why?

I am curious about what you think, please write your thoghts if you like this post.

I have to say I have been like this since I were a child, so those thought are not new. I don’t say I don’t miss having “my own family and spend time with them” even during Christmas or any other Holiday. I guess I am saying I like my Quality time to do what I like 😉. Anyway, I am never alone cauce the Lord is always with me no matter where I am or what I do 😊✝️.

Maybe you work this weekend, then you are with co-workers, not alone all the time yet you will have time to be alone and / or a chose to be with your loved once. Maybe you don’t have a family and spend most of your days alone and need to spend time with friends this weekend, then do! As long as you enjoy it ❤. We all have different life and we all have different needs in life and it’s okay 😉.

So back to the first line of this post remember to enjoy this time of Christmas alone or with friends or family. Do it your way and Enjoy it.

Merry Christmas!

online dating (annoying or not) part 4.

The 2nd date was nice too. I wont give you details becauce that’s private. But I can tell you, we watched a movie he liked and was too predictable action for me… We thought we liked the same kind of movies, now I’m not so sure anymore 🤣🤣.

Here and now the day after the date evening, I’m not so sure we gonna go on a 3rd date. I don’t have a good feeling that we actually have so much in commen… but hey! Two dates with the same man is more then I have had in a year 😊😊. And I am actually quite okay with that! 😊

I’ll trust the Lord and my inner voice that telling me “maybe not more dates with him, we might not look for the same things in life”. And that is fine for me!

I have had two fun dates and I’m very okay with that. 😊.

To know when enough is enough with the one you date. And focus on other fun things. Now it’s time to focus on Advent 😊🤩 . Maybe I go on other dates maybe not until after New Year. Who knows?!? I don’t and I am fibd with that! 😉.

Continue reading online dating (annoying or not) part 4.

Inspired of another blogger.

Home’n’sick. With fever and coughing 😔🤒. A never ending coughing 😔. I usally don’t share about this becauce I don’t think it’s important. But I thought, this blog is about my Daily life. And being home and sick is Daily life when it’s been more then two day’s.

I get Exhauseted just to go from my bedrom to the bathroom 🤪😥 but I will not give up!! And checking my mail today (October 27th) I had got an encouraged mail. Clicked on the link to the blog.

Screen shot picture from the blog.

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Screen shot picture from the blog.

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Screen shot picture from the blog.

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Screen shot picture from the blog.

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Screen shot picture from the blog.

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Screen shot picture from the blog.

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From Dough Addison’s blog and podcast.

Just what I needed to read and I hope it encouraged you too! ❤🙏✝️

Online dating (is annoying)…

Right now I am just frustrated and annoyed…You know how life can “kick your as” sometimes… My is like that today. Got very annoyed already yesterday cause of a man I’ve started to talk to on a dating app and than on messanger on Friday evening. He very keen on a date and than 24 hours later no respond at all. Why and how come? Well I don’t know. Have no clue. Therefor am I very annoyed and frustrated. An I thought if I wrote about it (and maybe someone have been where I am could give me any kind of feedback) I would feel a bit better. Because thats how I work.

And I have to say it already helps. 🙂 Just typing it helps. But offcourse if you give me any feedback I would love that too!! 🙂

Why is it so that most people on a dating app are so not polite? Just because one write something the other person you write to, doesn’t like what you wrote, than it’s fine to totally ignore that and in worst case block that person? Since when is that polite? And if you met in real life??? I just don’t understand!!

Just because you are online, does that mean you can be rude to everyone?? It’s not just on a dating app, it’s others blog or other type of social media. Since when??

I doubt you would do that if you met the person. I wouldn’t. Am I trying to be “to polite” online? Am I rased in an other world, I am not rased by to beliving Christian folks so I can’t say my childhood is or was very different than most.

How do you think about this? Do you have any experience? And what would you do?

Anyway, I got an other date, today. And I am looking forward that. We have planned to just walk along the seaside and get to know each other. I might tell you how it went after. It’s not just about to date someone to see if you fit each other for me, some of them is worth a date just to get to know the other person. Maybe I get a new friend I can hang with who knows?

I will not say “offcourse I am looking for a man for the rest of my life” because I can’t say “for the rest of my life” cause I don’t know how long I live or if I’ll meet the “right person” now or later. I think most people should use other words even if I totally understand why people use the term. I have since I moved to Norway wanted to meet a man, yet haven’t that happend. I have been living here for fifteen years in September. Maybe I haven’t been ready as a person. Whatever reason I haven’t met the “right man” yet I guess is only the lord who knows. And I have come to peace with that fact, that whenever I do meet this man, I will be ready both as who I am and as a Christian. Wheneever it happends life will be good, I will be in a good place and mostly I am not stressed about it as I actually have been… And annoying family members has been more stressed. The different between me and my family is that they have been wanting a “good man who can give me kids” without asking me if thats what I wanted. They have just been assuming that’s what I wanted because “I am a christian” or because “I am a woman”. Which sucks!! I have since I don’t know, been wanted to meet a man with kids from before and not get my own once for years and years.

I am just whishing for a man with kids from an other relationship, sorry if you don’t like that. But the Lord have given me peace so I live with that.

Some of my bonus family totally undestands me others don’t and that’s okay. I live my life.

Small taste of my daily life.

Here comes a small taste from this week so far. Today I ‘m home from work with a bad heavy headache caised by the coming weather change 😔😔😔. And the only thing I can do is to knitt 🧶 not to much for my head.

1st picture; today 24th. 2nd; last night Silver was cl7mbing the wardrobe. 3rd & 4th;we walked yesterday after I was dobe working in a good temperature of +10°C. 5th & 6th; Spring signs. 7th; yesterday’s temperature from the morning. 8th; Mo4ning light.

Sunday, March 20.
Saturday, March 19th evening walk back from the store.

A secret project.

I started on a project in November 2021, which I won’t let you know more than this. So why am I writing about it you might ask yourself.

Well the reason is that, it’s not a sewing project, it’s something totally different, take more energy and time after work.

And can be the reason to why I won’t post here as often as I have done until now.

And it might make my head more tired than normal but when the project is totally finished I will let you know both in txt and pictures.

An other thing is that I will start to go to the gym again, hopefully this weekend. 🙂. Even thought I have been doing some exersices at home for the last two months, but missing some of the things I have access to in the gym. And now when my back is okay I’ll go.

I have had a okay rythm to listen to the bible app on the weeldays, slide out of it during the weekend 😔. And after the Winter break I slide a bit to much 😔😔 but I dp what I managed.

On my way home today (Tuesday) I needed music to stay awake on the bus ride 🤪🤪 so I choosed 🎧🎶 Kirk Franklin 🎶🎧.

January 15th, Success.

In today’s devtional Lord, give me success today. The text is about when the Lord talks about success not in the way of popularity as many today think is the same thing.

No, in the old testament, it talks about success as something good. And the word success occurs at least five times in the old testament. Every time as something positive.

Success is a blessing from the Lord.

Psalm 8, verses 1-9; Praise God for the success of his creation. In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant. “Davis starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation. As he stares into the night sky, David says, I look up at your marco-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellary. Moon and stars mounted in their setting. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? David marvels at the fact that a human begins are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. …”

Reading and listen to this text, gave me a deeper knowledge of those words. I started to listen to this devotional on my way out of my house on Saturday January 15th, but I didn’t end it. I got distracted but started it again today, Sunday 16th. And While I listen on the audio on my phone (cellphone) I am reading/following through the text on my laptop and can reflect. What does it say? What is the point on the text?

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

In the word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. – this is what Jesus-style-success looks like.

*To achieve Jesus-stule success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision. 1, The need is urgent. 2, The motive is love. 3, The trigger is prayer. 4, The potential is vast. Pray for success in guidance. Abraham’s servant wasn’t embarrassed to pray for success. No, He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate; ‘ Give me success today.’ *

We shouldn’t be embarrassed to pray for success in our lifes! If, as we can read in the old testamnet, God has given us success. We should ask for it. Success is a blessing from God. Why should we then be embarrassed? We should not think like the World thinks about the word but Thank God for what he ment it to be!

You know, I’ve learned so far those few (15) day listening to the script that if I don’t implement the Word into my life as I should I feel some kind of emptiness, but not like a hole no more like I have been missing out of something really good for a long time. It has occurred to me that I can do a lot of things and feel happiness. And I know “I’ve sholud have read the Bible as my Christian intake of food” but haven’t until this year… And now I start to see what friends has been trying to tell me. I know I know, “you want to say I told you so” and that is okay. At least I understand! I wont feel the presence from the Lord in the same way if I don’t read or listen to the script. I have got an eye-opener for this 🙂 . It took maybe a bit longer time then needed, but hey! I got it.

Maybe I needed this time in my life to understand God’s way and part in my life as an Christian. I don’t know. But here I am and I understand things 🙂 . And for me this bible app and blog kind of goes hand-in-hand. It might be an other part of how Jesus wants me to share my struggles as a Christian some day’s, to share with others that are struggling as Christians how to get through a day, a week a mounth or ever a year. I would be surprised if I am the only one that have those struggles in my life! The Lord has been challenge me with this blog for the last 4-5 years. And I believe this is an other part of sharing my life, struggles, happiness with you all. His way of using me the way He gave me the gift of writing. ❤

…or He just wants to use me showing you that everyone has there own time to figure stuff out. ^^haha^^. Anyway. Here I am sharing my thoughts with you about a text I never read before or got inputs I never heard before. It’s like all the preaching I have heard isn’t even close to this. And I am happy I did listen even to this devonational!

I do hope you got something out of both my thougts and from the text in the devotional. ❤


Resume of my “reading”.

January 10th, Devotional was about Directions for life. Knowing what’s the importance of getting good directions. To follow God’s directions for life, and you will enjoy his blessing. The words that got stuck in my brain from this devotional was: wisdom, love and talk the truth.

January 11th, Devotional was about Your Double Blessing. William Shakespeare captured something of the wonder of mercy in Portia’s speech in *The Merchant of Venice*. The quality of mercy is not strain’d. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is *twice blest*. It blessedd him that gives and him that takes. You and I are blessed when we recieve mercy and you are blessed when you are merciful to others. The words that got stuck with me was: Are there times in your life, when you are really struggling and nothing seems to be right?

January 13th, Devotional was about Trust God to Put Things Right. Crosswords are somethings easy and sometimes we get stuck on one clue we can’t give up. Yet we move on to the next clue. And every time we find an answer it helpt us in resolving some of the other clues. In the end we are sometimes able to solve most of the puzzle. In one way, reading some difficult parts of the Bible is like trying to solve a crossword puzzle. Rather than getting bogged down in a tricky section, you can use the passages you do understand to help you resolve some of the more difficult ones. The best part is that *God will put things right*.

My thoughts from today (13ths) is this fits me and how I have tryed to read the Bible not understanding what I have been reading. And I’ve got in to a morning habit, a good one. While I walk to the (public) bus, sitting on the bus towards work I listen to the Devotional. So far so good. I can’t say I remember everything or a lot but some words get stucked. And if “today’s devotional” is over before I reached work I listen to worship to be filled up with God and knowing I am his child where he has put me – my job.

Today january 13th, I felt for listen to my favorite encouring preacher Chad Veach of Zoe Church on Spotify (I think you can find him and his Church on youtube too). He was preaching about *Highs and lows* in life with one of the questions “Do you want a vision, a prophetic vision for 2022?”. How to resch out to the Lord and ask for my prophetic vision for 2022.


Life, being a Christian, challenges, being a woman…

My challenge as a Christian right now is to remember to listen to the audio bible studdy during the weekends, when time flies away on a totally other way and I forget to listen. While I was listening to today’s devotional, I did some checking online, and realized I did not hear the devotional, so I listen one more time. And got it. Maybe it also was so that I didn’t hear it the first time because my brain wasn’t enough awake.

Anyhow, I am proud of myself to remember and to listen to it and knowing what it was about. Most things I listen to and just listening without listening propper I don’t remember afterwards what it actually was about. It’s a bit like working in the school, you see the students “listening” without getting the context.

I can’t say I have got in to a good routine yet, cause I’ve only done this now since January 5th. 4 day’s isn’t a habit. But it gives me hope! Normally I manage things like this for maximum a week. Which offcourse this is my goal to past more than a week!! My goal is to do this for the coming 4-6 weeks!

My challenge as a woman right now is…to get past my latest pain. Which started yesterday January 7th. from/after a new birth controll apointment. To have constant pain that I didn’t know I could get, is really here now. The whole point was to get less pain, better control of things you girls/women understands. Yet, here I am with a constant pain. It’s not as bad as it was at the doctor which was 10 of 10 on a scale, no now it’s maybe 1,5-2. Livable.

Which also makes it painful to move around, walk and carrie things like food from the grocery shop… Which I need to accomplish today (you know foodstores aren’t open on Sunday’s here).

To be able to sleep during the nigth, not wake up in pain..Yesterday or actually this morning I went a bed around 03.30am, woke up late even if I didn’t sleep more then six and a half hour.

My challenge in life is manage with “all the things” I haved plan for this Spring and Summer. To actually manage it, have the time for it and not just survive.

Enjoy life and not stress at all. Have late breakfast in the weekends, sew, knit, maybe even the futher offers me a boyfriend, that would be nice. And not turn my sleep all around again which is harder. Stay allert.

Helping out with Birthday gift cards to an other familymember, being good with administrion helps to fix stuff like this. To get credit from familymembers cause I do what they ask me to do it’s also quite nice.

To coop with work and sparetime, go for my walks I need, stay healthy and don’t get corona (!), have a good Christian life. Church.

Stay in contact with friends in Oslo area while I’m here. Enjoy the time here and now and not think so much of what will come yet just knowing what is coming. Just have some controll. Try to be more spontanies about things. Get me “out there” discover places in this county.

An other Challenge is to get back to the gym which I miss and need. My hope was to do it this weekend, but that will not happend as long as I have this annoing pain. 😦

Now it’s time for dinner or maybe it actually is late lunch?!? I had late breakfast should I then skip lunch just because of what time it is? Whatever, i need to cook something and I want to go for a small walk. I’ll guess I’ll see what and when I do things today…


January the 5th-22

On my way to the bus this morning I thought I should try something else than just one of the podcasts I normally listen to on the way to work. So I found one of those app’s on my Bible app. This one, Bible in One Year 2022 with Nicky Gumbel – Classic.

To read the Bible in one year have never worked for me, but I think that if I listen to one Devotional with bible verse each Day. I have a bigger chance to actually manage this.

So here I am, have listen to Day One.

This isn’t one of those “New Year Revolutions” oh no! I will try it and I’ll hope I don’t drop out. I didn’t fall a sleep while I was listening. That’s a good start! Some of it was Josef’s family-tree (Which I never before manage to understand but did better with this time!)


Overlocker, can’t wait to start my new season on sewing.

I have just ordered my first overlocker. Something I have been wanted since 2007-2008 and which will help me more with the sewing. =) =) =) =) Happiness!!! So mmany new options in the future. Thanks to my mom in heaven ❤ and the Christmas gift via dad, this was possible. ❤

Singer 14SH654 Overlocker

Can’t wait to get it delivered, but before that I will be needed to go and buy some thread and some other sewing equipment that I miss out having at home for my next sewing projects. =)

This is a really good start on a new year for me!!

In the meanstime I’ll start working again tomorrow January 3rd and I’ll be back into my normally routines, yay. I’ll also see if I can find a good office chair for my back so I actually can start sew when my overlocker arrives.

Just the thought of be able to finish up some long on going sewingprojects, yes! Oh, I am so glad, happy and joyful for this.
