Advents calender 16th December.

Here comes the verse for Sunday, 3rd advendt, from Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in ny mouth.

To have Faith and stand in Faith. To praise Him who I believe on.


Advents calender 14th December.

An other day of a lot I did…

Met my shoe doctor, got my new “Winter shoes”, took the train to the course I_m in (to get back to work). Was walking and eating in negative 8°C.

Sat down inside, searching for jobs btw 10am – 12:30pm, had lunch, catched the tram home forty min later. Got Home, switched shoes, socks and out again.

To meet a girl-friend and do dine xmas shopping and catch-up over a good strong coffee/chai latte.

Back home around 5:30pm completely exhausted. Tired brain and body! I did not do much but I did take both my cats out for a walk, which isn’t normal!

Here is Silver 🐈 boy exploring the snow ❄️ for the very first time. .

And, here is the verse of Friday the 14th;

Proverbs 13:14

The law of the wice is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.


Advents calender 13th December.

This Day startet earlier then all other days. I had an interview 0800 am. Had an americano and a safron bun at a coffee place for breakfast,

07:48 am startet I to walk towords the school for the interview.

Rush back to the School I have my internship / work at.

Was thinking I have to remember to blog this evening.

In all this, the 13th of December is the Day we celebrate the Lucia day. Lucia stands for lighting up the dark Winter.

Came Home normal time. Got my second coffee, started to vacuum clean, made dinner, fed the cats and on my way to the bed I saw my advents calender thinking, I am not awake anymore I just need to sleep and did not blog.

So here is the verse from the 13ths.

Proverbs 10:29

The way of the Lord is strength for the upright, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity.


Advents calender 12th December.


These last days have been crazy and gone in one, so I post three today. Sorry about this.

Verse of the 12th;

Proverbs 12:17

He who speaks truth declares righteouness, But false witness deceit.

Good Words! This verse reminds us of how important it is to listen to God’s voice. And follow his will what he wants us to say, speak, do when He call on us.


Advents calender 11th December.

As you seen I like to have different backgrounds of “today’s verse”. Today it’s needles 📍📍📍 because I am working with a zipper.

When you walk your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.

It is so good to know that when I run ny steps wont be hindered 😊 or stumble. God is watching our steps no matter running or just walking. 😊


Active waiting & learning as an Christian.

My plan was to go to Church today, be there to 11 o’clock (am). On my way out of bed I realizes my back hurts and I can nearly walk. Not a good sign! So instead I decided I to read more in the bible app I have. To study the word. To continue on my good habit.

I have started 2 new bible plans, 1,Wisdom and 2, Exploring your gifts.

I try to read one “chapter” each day before I start my day and heading to work or before I sleep depending on how tired I am when I woke up. Did I oversleep in the morning, then I read in the evening.

I have had a long learning curve off how to get a good habit of reading the Bible. It has taking me until this year and this Easter… but I am doing so much better now. ☺

I am learning more each day of all the different things about what the Bible is teaching us.

I must say that those bible plans has helped me yo get in to a good habit and rythem. Without them I would be in my “not reading bible place”.

In the Wisdom plan today, one question was “where do you spend time? In the social media or with God?” And here I am in one part of social media sharing my thoughts in life about how to spend time with God. Kind of ironic in one way.

In Exploring your gifts plan, one question was “How can you cultivate your gift if you’re not currently in a place where you can act your passion?”

I know one of my gifts from God but is that all? Do I have more gifts or is it just a passion? This is something I would like to explore. Can I combinde those? I just have to ask God for guidance and widsom to understand how this works. I also need to get involved in a Church and ask friends to pray for this with me.

I don’t know how God is speaking to you but I know he is. You just need to listen. I just know that if I don’t talk to God my Father every day my relationship gets weaker with him and it will be even harder to listen to what he has to tell me.

I am doing this to understand more and get a better relationship with him who is my Father in my life. He who can guide me in all directions and areas.


When you can’t wait no longer..

You know the feeling you have when you are looking forward something. You can not wait to get it done.. ✔

I have been waiting for today to come and now it’s here and I have my haircut ✂✂✂ a lovely feeling! 

When you have short hair it feels like it grows faster but I don’t know if it’s true.  But then to actually get it cut 😉😉 to just sit there on a chair and someone else take care of your hair. I love it! ✂

Picture before;

I have found this group on Facebook- hairdressers in learning and  most of them cut for free just became yhey are in-learning. It’s perfect for everyone who can’t afford a haircut (in Oslo) doesn’t matter if you have a job or not. Because it is expensive  to get a haircut in Oslo! 

Offcourse do they offer other things like colouring but then you have to pay but you only pay 25% of the original price of the colour ☺☺  

Totally a good deal

During the cut;

Happy me. 💜👍

After picture;

“When you can’t wait…” just become double up! I missed a phone call so I called up and do you know what?!? I’m going to a interview tomorrow! 

Happy happy 😄😄😄 


Temptations in my daily life.

I’ve taken this year to read more in the bible and stay away as much as possible from all kinds of sex-temptations on social media, television and books. So far so good. I wanted to see for myself if I could and how I would managed it. I am not sin-free as a Christian, I have lusts as much as any other human but I can chose to not have lust and I can chose to not get deep into it as much as I can chose to not do or eat certain things in life.

In the beginning of this year I took a stand against “sex & the city” -series just because the hole series is about sex. How to get “one-night-stand” etc. I love the series out of Carries life even if it’s not even close to the actors life. I get inspirited out of how “Carrie” writes the column and how it shows that life isn’t as easy as many other series wants us the watchers to think. But it’s a lot in this series I do not like, so therefore I stopped watching for a year, to see how I might react to it if I watch it again (now in about six months).

When I read this;

lust and normal sexual attraction are not the same thing. Lust is a form of selfishness and a dangerous ingredient to sexual temptation. Significantly, this kind of temptation can rear its ugly head both inside and outside of marriage.”

I knew I need to write, I needed to vent, I needed to get all my thoughts out somehow… So here I am writing out of my life.

So what is temptation…well everything you want to do but probably should not do. Like if you are in a relationship, you should not look at other guys/girls. You should focus on what you have! Your boy/girlfriend or husband/wife or partner you are living with or are engaged to.

I am still single but have since few years back (not all my life as most girls) got a desire to get married and the fact I want to be a mom (witch also is not something I have always wanted) (!) I do want to meet the guy that fits me, can balance me and in the end have sex and start a family. And until I meet this guy I know I have had lust (or as this line express it; “It might be more helpful to set aside the concept of lust in this context and to think instead in terms of insensitivity or disregard for the needs, preferences, and desires of one’s partner. This, is a serious form of sexual temptation”, in my life for years.

I know that even after the day I got Christian those thoughts was still there mostly because no-one told me how to get them out of my life or my brain. I had to find it out of my own… I have done stupid things even as a Christian but what I have learn the last year is that, if I know I sin (as a Christian) God forgives me. How? Well as long as I know I do something wrong I can confess it with my tongue and heart. And when I confess, God forgives me. It does not mean I should continue doing it! It’s a long walk of learning!





Summer 2016, lost sewing projects.

This blog-post will be repeated more then once but with new pictures and new text during this summer as an update of “what I found and finished up”.

I wanted to sew a skirt or a jacket but I have to keep my budget strict this month, but during my search of an interesting pattern and not to complicated I found a bag of what I thought was just fabric. But oh so wrong I was, it was a start of a par of pants I stared on I think last Summer. Linen fabric, just so nice a warm Summer! Also something I have been thinking of “do I have any linen fabric at home?” And there it was. Such a nice feeling! I think I stopped those projects most because of lacking space and now I do have just that. Space. I have a hobby-room! 🙂

So I found my iron and started the new “face” of those pants. Iron them, sewing them together as far as I manage before my back “said” pain.

So this blog will be about all kind of “lost projects” I will find in all the hidden bags or boxes of fabric, which is quite much. I’ll also try to build a cloths-hanger during June because lack of space to hang my cloths, to my walk-in-closet by re-used parts from a bookshelf from the -50’s in metallic.

Lost-and-found project 8th of June;

Linen pants a part of each other…

It start to look like pants.

build a cloths-hanger parts 8th of June;


bookshelf’s parts, drill, measure-band.




/Mia-Simone Svenberg

Like life’s staircase…

Here is my inspiration in life to get up every morning, to do what I manage, to live, to get through the day. My staircase..




The gym.
Silver – my cute cat.

Life on a stick, isn’t that what the saying says? It’s a short line and expression of how life is…

Life is like a staircase. You walk up and some days you walk back. But to get up to the top is the best, because there you’ll see what’s hiding from you. You’ll see the light, all the things you know and don’t know.

It’s been almost three months of searching on my own to find a place where I could have a new work-experience, with no luck. It’s been a journey of it’s own. It’s been fun most days.I challenge myself and made it. But I have now come to an end and gonna apply for part-time jobs which is what I can manage with this body today. If I in the future will manage a full-time job is not in my head right now, but will see maybe I’ll be there again. I hope so. Right now I just need to focus on the gym twice a week and then get in to a good job-routine with structure.

I am still walking my staircase. It’s an interesting climbing to reach my future. And I am still looking forward to see what this year have to give me and what it will bring me even after five month into 2016. I am still as curious what new things I’ll learn on the way!

So today is the first day in three months I am gonna look for and hopefully apply for a job. In the meantime my consult at NAV will try to help me to get me a work-experience place that can lead to a job. So every day I have enough energy I’ll look for a job and I’ll have my breaks, I’ll find something that fits me! I haven’t given up! I see the light in the tunnel.


March updates and Easter.

But now it is almost Easter I will have a perfect time for a blog with updates because I will try to have a Non Media Easter as much as possible.
I just have been in my packing mode... and still am.
This is how I feel.


So, what have I’ve done since last blog… well that is a good question! I have been sewing a lot for customers, for myself and I’ve been packing more then less every day and I have been going to the gym twice a week.

Re-sewed tiny baggypants to really baggypants.
what I’ve sewed in February.


Re-sewed 2ndhand cloths.
to the left, “when you only need one pocket” & a mini toilette bag.

In January I started this «non media fasting» because I got challenge to do that. February was not a month where I was «away» from media as in a week or not even seven days in a row. But I was not checking Facebook or Instagram every day which is in the right direction I want. I don’t have the need to post new things and I don’t have a need to check what’s happening on Facebook every day, which is the most often places I visit. And to realize that I don’t have a «need» is so relaxing! But I will try my best to not be on media this Easter, which I wrote in the beginning of this blog-post.


relaxing cup of tea.

Ten years back I was a very social person. I just had to be social with friends, later-on I was «hooked» on Facebook which isn’t good either. Now I just enjoy to be home take it easy, sew when I feel for it or read a good book. I don’t «hang» with friends more often then twice a month and those times are most likely a movie night during the dark part of the year or a rainy summer-day. I meet friends from Church every week except when it’s Easter or and other Holiday because I have a House Church I’ll join. (House Church is a smaller group of people that meets from Church once a week in someone’s home, we share the last week with each other, praying for each other and sometimes we also sing.)

smile  little things

March came and is nearly gone… and I can’t really say what I have done more then I’ve got in to a good rhythm with going to the gym… I was a part of a Christian Conference for Woman that is called Jesus Woman (Jesus Kvinner Nordisk 2016) in Oslo, Norway 


and then few days later my back «crashed» because I was overdoing what my back could handle a pertinently… But I am doing fine now and trying to walk a bit more now when the snow and ice is gone.

It is for real Springtime outside. I love it even if I have some problems with the pollen.. And the rest of this month, I’ll actually pack the rest of the boxes and all that’s left to pack because I’m moving next weekend. I’m not moving far, but I upgrade from the basement apartment (on 25sqm) where I live now to the loft apartment and 15sqm bigger. 🙂 where I will be able to have a room just for my creativity! 🙂 and I will also go to Sweden and get a cat from my bonus baby-sister. And I haven’t had a cat in 19 years (!) but it will be nice to come home to something I’ll get feedback from when I say something.

My tower of boxes…
Cat-carrier and Silver I receive during Easter.

What are we looking for in life?

What are we looking for in life?

Love? Faith? Job? Satisfactory?

Whatever we looking for in life, most of us have it around us or are going to get it on day. Like love and a job, it will come. Maybe we just need to have extra much patience in life, but for most of us we will find a job and we will meet the person that fits our life.


I am in the job-application situations right now. I am applying for a certain type of job that I really like to get. I am not applying for “what ever random job” just to get a job. I just know I will get the job one day. But yes, its hard and it takes quite much time to be in this faze of life. I am just longing to get the interview and hear the word “you got the job” or “we want to hire you”. I am to stubborn to get lazy and give up but some days are more challenging then other days. And those days I prefer to do other things. To set my mind-focus on something more creative or just hang out with friends.


What are we looking for in a person ?

I got that question yesterday. “What kind of personality am I looking for?”

I would say its a hard question in one way, it all depends on who you are. If you know what you want in life you probably know what “you are missing” and the person you are looking for might “need” to have those personalities so you will complete each other.



I know who I am and what I kind of personalities I need in my partner. In the same time I know the biggest key is to compromise to get the hole relationship to work. I am so used to live my life with my time of when or what I do, that I know I need to compromise a lot when the day comes when I have a boyfriend. In a relation I have to compromise in everything which is fine because that’s how it is and should be. To go from “just me to be with someone” can be a big step for most people, in the same time that’s what most people wants in life.



Will you be satisfy ?

To inspire others and find inspiration.



A friend of min told me she got more inspired to pick up her writing after I told her about my writing. I like to hear thing like this, that my creativity inspires others.

I got more inspired to write after that.

When my friends tell me that they get inspired of my creativity in life or small things I share with them about life. My first though is “how do I inspire you with my life?” then I think “well I guess that is a good thing”. And when I talk to my nearest friends about this, most of them says “its just how you live that inspires me”.

How do we get inspire in life and what inspires us? Well I know that we all find inspiration in thing we like. Like colors, cars, flowers, interior, houses, garden, music, words, life, nature and more. But how do you make that as a part of your life?

When I, like yesterday was on the beach and read one of my favorite books I had the sea on my left side where I was sitting, heard the water moving and made waves. I got inspired to go and find “floating timber-wood” along the water edge and bring home. And there I was walking around to find those good “floating timber-wood” and I got inspired to pick up some blue shells lying on the beach and bring home.


I get inspired of a lot of different things in life. It can be like yesterday, by the water or to walk into a store full of colorful fabrics or interior store. Its rare that I buy something, but I get home full of ideas in my head with everything I’ve seen and I most the time make something out of what I have home.


And I think its the same for most people. You all get inspired of something in life and you try to do something else out of it. It can be to write about it, paint it, write music, to sing or something else. And I wish you all find your way to be creative in the way that fits you.


Summer rain and reflectations from a preaching.

summer rain 2Today when I woke up I thought this day will be nice maybe some clouds and maybe maybe some sun. Now its this light rain – summer rain. The sound is lovely. I wish I was inside an caravan and not sitting in my bed. Its so much more cozy in a caravan! Well well.

I went to a meeting in an other church then I normally goes to yesterday. FCC – Philippine Church in Oslo. As normal as any other Church I’ve been to the last 8 years of my Christian life. The preaching was in English (also normal for me) and about Submission in our Christian life.


1.Submission is about to honoring others (Romans 12:1) – Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Are we honoring others? If not, why? The preacher said, “we are all rebellions inside” we want to do it our way first. If not my words or will goes first am I not willing to change just so your will gets through. That’s maybe how most people thinks and acts today. How sad if we can’t honoring others.

2. Submission is about putting others first (Philippians 2:4) – not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. How often are you putting others first? – serving others sincerely.

If you working in a office or some other place, do you putting your colleges first in order to do your things first? Do you serving others sincerely ? I like to help other people first when I know I can. I would love to be more awake about this in my life because it is important. I don’t need to put myself first. I know me but mostly I do not know the others need i life as long as they do not tell me.

In my church I serve others first, I have been doing the same task for years and sometimes I think I want to something else so I can grow as an person and to be able to serve God in something else. But I am still doing the same. What do I try to say here? Well I think it can be a challenge for other people in church to see or maybe even understand when its time to move on to other tasks. They think you doing such a good job and don’t see why a new task would be good. I think its human to think like that, so maybe we Christians need to seek God more on this part. To serve others does not always mean do the same thing every Sunday year after year.

3. Submission is about denying ourselfs (Mark 8:34-35) – hindrance in discipleship is making myself first. “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

Do you deny yourself or just other? Have you picked up the cross? How do we deny ourselves in our daily life? I can deny my sins every day and ask for forgiveness but I think its hard from day to day. I want to. I have taken up my cross and I really trying do what God wants me to do.

I don’t know if its easier to get closer to God if you have a job with routines or if you just have to decide when you take time with God. I have been struggling with “PT” – private time with God since I got saved. For me is it easier to talk to God all the way during a day, pray on the bus on my way to work and read the daily verse online.


A month ago when I still had a good routine every day, I did my things to get up of the bed and catch the bus. My routine was to read the bible-verse on the way to my work place. So when I then didn’t have that routine any more it slipped out of my life.. I know I need routines to get around in life including to read the bible. So my daily life today is not as I want it. I applying for jobs a struggle itself. But I do have a positive mind and hope and faith of a new job soon.