
We all wait on something. It can be the bus or the train, it can be the mail or a interview, or kids after a school day. You got the picture.

But how do you wait? Do you feel you do not have enough patience for your waiting? Do you think someone else should be the one that should be the waiting person? Do you just sit ” up-side-down “and do nothing else while you’re waiting? Or do you use the time to something else?

I am waiting. Waiting to know when the next step comes. Waiting on to be able to meet “the guy “. Waiting with excitment on what will happend after we met. Waiting could be exhausting but the Lord is giving me so much patience that I am overwelmed.

The patience does not end, no it’s continuing every day. And I have to say that most people had probably already given up by now. And here I am still waiting on what the Lord wants with this. I still don’t have a clue what the Lord will bring me, of this journey.

But I know, and have learned the long way, that if I stick to this, God will not just bless me on the way but also the whole way! ❀✝️

To stay on the sea with the Lord. Be in the boat.

I went for a walk with the Lord yesterday, Saturday, down to the fjord. The marina, a place where I feel comfortable to just be, breath, think and talk to the Lord. Asking the Lord about this waiting. And thanking Him for all the patience He is giving me.

Lights far away.

To be the light in an other persons life without really knowing that person or not really knowing that persons life just few pieces. To be able to pray for that persons life every day. πŸ’œ That is a Joy I haven’t thought much about before yesterday. ✝️ How my prayers can bless is one thing. But how the prayers for an other person can give me a new level of patience and calmness. That is what I recive. A new level of fresh air from the Lord.

To stand in the waiting and trusting the Lord, who knows how it will end. What a blessing!! To do something different and where I normally would have given up if I just went on my own thoughts and feelings. But how the Lord is showing me how He is guideing me through this when I am putting this in His hands. ✝️

Things on distance.

To have focus on what the Lord wants for me.

My situation with this guy is on distance, which could make it even harder and more frustrarted. Which is where I have been but instead of putting energy on something negative and thinking it could be difficult then I choose to think of it as something exciting and it gives me positive energy.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Positive energy like all the lovely colours we have around us in this season. 😊

I went to Church for the first time in months today. I can’t say that the preaching hit me with anything but the worship!❀ To just stand there listening a bit and sing along on the songs I knew. 😊 To be filled like no other place can give me then in the Church room with the acoustics, rhythm from the drums and guitar 😊😊 that harmony… in my own waiting gave me a calm peace I hardly can explain with words. But very Thankful for the moment I got!!

Which reminds me to play worship at home. Right now. To turn off the radio and turn ON the Channel to the sky and Lord. ❀

Don’t be desperate in your waiting!just becauce you wants something. Let the Lord guide you. Let it take time.


Active waiting & learning as an Christian.

My plan was to go to Church today, be there to 11 o’clock (am). On my way out of bed I realizes my back hurts and I can nearly walk. Not a good sign! So instead I decided I to read more in the bible app I have. To study the word. To continue on my good habit.

I have started 2 new bible plans, 1,Wisdom and 2, Exploring your gifts.

I try to read one “chapter” each day before I start my day and heading to work or before I sleep depending on how tired I am when I woke up. Did I oversleep in the morning, then I read in the evening.

I have had a long learning curve off how to get a good habit of reading the Bible. It has taking me until this year and this Easter… but I am doing so much better now. ☺

I am learning more each day of all the different things about what the Bible is teaching us.

I must say that those bible plans has helped me yo get in to a good habit and rythem. Without them I would be in my “not reading bible place”.

In the Wisdom plan today, one question was “where do you spend time? In the social media or with God?” And here I am in one part of social media sharing my thoughts in life about how to spend time with God. Kind of ironic in one way.

In Exploring your gifts plan, one question was “How can you cultivate your gift if you’re not currently in a place where you can act your passion?”

I know one of my gifts from God but is that all? Do I have more gifts or is it just a passion? This is something I would like to explore. Can I combinde those? I just have to ask God for guidance and widsom to understand how this works. I also need to get involved in a Church and ask friends to pray for this with me.

I don’t know how God is speaking to you but I know he is. You just need to listen. I just know that if I don’t talk to God my Father every day my relationship gets weaker with him and it will be even harder to listen to what he has to tell me.

I am doing this to understand more and get a better relationship with him who is my Father in my life. He who can guide me in all directions and areas.



Relationship is….hard, difficult, not easy no matter if it is to your partner or to your family. It is all about to work on it all the time.

I guess it is simulary in most families. I am just so used to not hear complements from my own family. Sad but true. But from my nearest friends and bonus-family I hear more and I am so thankful for that and those people in my life!

What I do hear is *”have you found anyone yet?” or *”you are old enough to get married if you want a family”. Like that is the easiest thing in the world ?!? And why is it so hard to just respect that “everyone” doesn’t find the life-partner early in life ?!? And “everyone” might not want kids or can have there own.

Why is it like this, “you” are somehow a load ask about sore subject to me but if I ask the same question I am rude ?!

Why is it okay to “assume” that a couple wants kids just because they are engaged or married ? Or why is it okay to ask “aren’t you gonna have kids?” What happen with the private frame, “this space is my – that space is yours”?

Who says everyone wants kids? or for the matter want to let you know? Why is it okay to ask “the question” more then once?

Where is the respect for one and another choices today?

I can’t say I saw myself being single in 2015 few years ago, but that’s how life is. And just because I am single I get *the question every time I meet my family and it is more then just enjoining! All I want is respect and non questions about who or if I have met someone.

If I would tell someone about my private life, I do it to close friends or my two bonus-sisters. Before my mom got sick could I tell her, well I guess I could do it now too just knowing she wont even remember it after ten seconds.

I do dream to get married. And I have realized that when that day come it will not please my family. But in the end it is my life, my dream.
