The Northern wind has arrived.

Some time has flayed since last blog post..

…In the end of September I got the  opportunity to start walking beside the night-shift at the Hotel where I have my trainee-time. It was the “dream-moment” I’ve had for a long time in all kind of jobs I’ve had. In the same time everything felt a bit unreal. I mean I was happy I’ve got this opportunity! This was my thoughts: “what will I do when I am awake, will I sleep my seven hours I normally sleep, without any problem?”

Signs right outside PS:Hotell. Night picture.

And I have to say it’s been like normal time at home. I do things as anyone else it is just an other time on the day then most of my friends “daytime”. The toughest is to go from a free day to start 6.30 am and get early enough in bed to get up at 5.00 am!

I had my first night-shift the 26th of September. The most of the tasks are the same but I’ve learn some new. During the night you have to send reports to the bosses of the Hotel, and in the Hotel (the different ares like housekeeping, restaurant and reception), which you only do on the night.. An other of the tasks is to clean the barista machine and the coffee Thermoses. You check all the bookings a month ahead and cash settlement.

“..the difficult again is to get to the gym.”

So far I’ve done seven night-shifts and I’m loving it! It fits me more then anything I ever worked with. It takes time to adjust to this too, to see how much I need to sleep and what I’ll have energy to do.

The difficult again is to get in to a good rhythm to go to the gym. I have realized that I have to do the normal monthly work-out payment to be able to get my work-out I need because my work schedule isn’t even close to five days in a row. Sometimes  my free-days are only the weekend other times it’s in the middle of the week, and with a normal gym-set-up you go whenever you want any time. But I go through something called “active in the daytime” only during the week 9.00 am to 14.00 pm. It just doesn’t work for me. 😥

Winter in Oslo in October.

During the last week has the Northern wind arrived to Oslo and the winter feather jacket got out of the suitcase for me and more wool cloths out of the dresser. Something I like to try to not do until the middle of October but not this year apparently.. But I rather be warm with good clothing and stay in the fashion mote.

“..alone to many hours, played less and slept more..”

In the mean time of this new experience I had bad conscience for my cat Silver. He was alone for to many hours, slept more and more, played less and less. It was time for Silver to get a play-friend. So I started my “hunt” of a new adult cat to keep him company. And the 10th of October I got a castrated female cat called Pus (which means cat here in Norway) so I started to calling her Pussi (also normal animal name here in Scandinavia). But an other day this week I received a text msg from the old owner that her name actually is Selma which is so so far away from the name I gave her. So I’ll try Selma and see if she responds. In the mean time I use her nickname.

Selma 5 y.o.

I can’t say they were friends from the beginning. They have had there fights but now after one and a half week they do play together, have an eye on each other, don’t sleep near each other but they can sit on the desk kind of together with some distance. It took about a week for Selma to “I want to be near you, my new owner”. But since day 5 she sleep in my bed on top of my legs and not besides my legs!
