Cat sitter, Easter Break , and more 22🀩

I have been & am still until tmrw “sitting” a cat from Thursday this Easter. It’s mainly letting the cat in or out of his home, make sure he has enough food and water.

Simba is his name.

Yesterday, Easter Saturday, I came to let him in and this was the first time he showed me how playful he was. We cuddle and played. πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™.

I spend 20 minutes with him instead of 10, like the day before. πŸ’™.

It has for sure been an interesting Easter in many ways! Not just becauce of Simba. No, I have been walking more and you would say walking is good for a sad back, not mine 🀐. My back got worse from the walking πŸ˜”πŸ€¨, yet I have explored more of the island I live on πŸ™‚. And got massive time with the Lord on my walks.

It’s been an Easter Break where I have started a new sewing project but not have had the back I needed to finish it πŸ˜” Yet I have had good day’s listening to preaching and the bible app πŸ™‚. We have had mostly good Weather πŸ™‚.

And I have to say that, even if the Easter isn’t over yet I have been enjoying this Easter! It has been a blessing so far. Just do whetever I managed to do and not stress πŸ™‚πŸ™‚. I have been able to do my back exercise almost every day πŸ™‚πŸ€©πŸ™‚. And today has all been about relaxing & some regular cleaning of my home.

April 14th, Easter Break, Easter Thursday-22

What did I do? Let me think… I woke up late, around 10 am, did some exercise for my back and yes arms😊πŸ’ͺ, had coffee & breakfast as my start of any day.

Sat in the couch (cause sad back). Wanted to sew so I did.

Carry my sewing machine from where it stand when I don’t use it to the couch table. Got all things I needed for sewing. Started by fixing the pockets in one of my 3 newest par of Jeans. Love the Jeans but isn’t a fan of tiny pockets 😑. Why have pockets at all if you can’t use them? Front pocket!

Continuing with a blouse, “red with white dots”, tryed to upcycling it. Can’t say I am totally pleased yet…

Last I picked up my pitchwork from small fabric pices that I have been sewing together to a pitchwork and my goal is to use it on th inside of my home made smaller backpacker for work. Which also was my goal to finish this Easter… That will not happend cause of my sad back πŸ˜”πŸ˜”.

In the evening I went out cause I am a ” cat sitter ” meaning letting a cat in or out and make sur the cat have enough food and water.

But b4 I could do that I needed to get there, finding the house (I had been there two day’s b4 during day light) in evening light. Started by running to the bus (which only comes every 30 minutes during Holidays), catched it, got off to soon πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ, walked for 7 minutes, found the house and cat. Let the 🐈 in fed it, gave it new water and I headed out.


And realizing that nxt bus would “show up” 20 min later… So instead of waiting in the chilly wind I walked back home. A 30 min walk and approxy 2,5 km. A nice walk! Picture above shows it all and the lovely sunset!

April 13th, Easter Break -22

As I probably told once before, the grocery store close when all Holy Church Day’s comes. Which would happend also this Easter Thursday. Which ment I had to go to the grocery store on Wednesday.

In the store, I wanted something but not sweets. Oh no, my brain wanted water and grapes. (Picture).

More than going to the grocery store I was a bit creative 😊 but mostly relaxing cause sad back… But ended up having a good Easter Thursday!

April 12th-22, Easter Break.

April 12th I had good 4 hours down town 😊. I had an apointment to check my eyes, and than I ended up walking around, got a Caffe latte and talking to my Seattle friend who live in Oslo 😊. Shopping only things I needed 😊. And enjoying life.

The fact my foot wasn’t painful while walking was really nice. 😊

April 7th, 22, β„πŸŒ¨πŸŒ§β˜οΈβ˜€οΈ…πŸ˜‚

My week before Easter Break is here and this is some of the things I’ve done so far. I am sew embroidery on my favorite sweater on top of stains I’ve tryed to get rid of for many tears without luck. So some upcycling and updating was needed here. Becauce I love this sweater.

I bought me my first ice cream for this year becauce of β˜€οΈ after a morning of ❄πŸ€ͺ.

I sprained🀬🀬🀬 my ankel at work and walk on it with so much pain πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”. Had a good night with no pain πŸ™‚ but after I woke up and had to walk on it the pain came back 🀬🀬🀬 so I’ve used crutches today and will do it tmrw too. Resting in the couch now. Walking as little as possible today.

….If it is slow internet or a bug here at wp today I don’t know, but slow is it….

My Easter break starts this Saturday, April 9th. And my plan is still to catch some busses and train and explore more of Rogaland county. See places I wanted to explore last time but never took the time to do.

I’m broke until Tuesday, which means I have to wait to buy something for Easter decoration & flowers outdoors next week. Which probably is smart with my sprained ankel.

It’s all about which path you choose…

…for me I never know where the Lord wants me

I have also started my job-hunt onece again…

I am looking & applying for a new job, wish to work “in the next level” from high school. The Scandinavian School system; it’s called High school when we translet it, it’s the age of 16-19 y.o. students.

What you call it I don’t know I guess it depence on where in the world you live it has different names names.