Faith in the hard time.

Me & Mom Summer 2014 and lots of love.

To have faith on God in the hard time can be difficult. Why am I writing this? Well, my mom has for the last two weeks been in and out of the hospital.. She has Alzheimer (AD) and the end getting closer more then ever.

It started with some cramps and she went to the ER by ambulance Monday the 29th of May.  She stayed there for about 12 hours, then they send her up to IVA (intensive care section) and from there to section 61 (Medical care). She had got a lung-infection and she got antibiotics.  She went stable and they could send her home to here Dementia service provider, Stenudden (see picture below).

Exactly one week later she went back by ambulance to the ER with new cramps, but this time it wasn’t the lungs. Thank God for that! But still… And both me and my brothers living far away from our Mom, my oldest biologic brother lives only 80km away but he has his family. And I don’t think it’s such big point for us to go and visit here in this last period. Cause we can’t really do nothing more then sit by her side. I don’t think Mom want us there either, cause that’s how she’s been saying all the years when she was healthy. We don’t know if she’s recognize us anymore… I makes all the calls to the different sections on the hospital and making sure that everyone has the right and newest information. Why, well I am such a copy of my mom and her personalities. I am a realistic person and have heard that through my whole life but the thing is that I like it too. I like to know the facts and to let to know that my family knows whats going on. 🙂 It just my way to show care and love.


I guess it helps me to believe I am doing the right thing for mom. I like to coordinate things and help out my way. It helps me believe God is leading me to help others. My faith on the small thing like “let mom not have too much pain” or “let her live a bit more healthy from physical pain”. My faith also get stronger by knowing we have others standing in prayer for us as a family. I think its harder for my dad and brothers. The “hard part” for me is that she will not be there in the future, meeting new grand-kids or celebrate different things happening in life. The sad part I think is that she will never be apart of my future wedding, family and if children comes into the picture. But I know she will stay with me forever and she will be watching over each of us siblings. ❤

My ventilation is this blog. I clear my head and thoughts. I have faith on God to do what’s best for Mom here and now.

The nurses I’ve been in contact with on section61 is adorable! They care for mom ❤ they really wants to do the best for her and they let us know everything we asks for. I would like to send some flowers to them just saying “You helped us so much during those days of wonder. Thank you all”. I would like to go and meet them in person nest time I’m up there!

Mora Hospital.

I don’t think we as a family could go through this whole process without all the prayers that we have around us. It is so many friends, family and others around us that prays for mom to not have to much pain in this last period in life with the sickness and for us as family to not “fall a part” but to get strength through this and love to each other.

I am SO Thankful for every-ones prayers!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

I pray for mom every evening before I fall asleep and I know whenever mom is leaving us, she will get it better! She has been an Christian believer in many years and she believes in Heaven and I know she will get it better up there. She will be healthy again and she will not have any pain. ❤ She will watch over us from above. ❤



I love you Mom. I know you knew that before you got too sick. ❤


Moms place, since 2015.

Life and Lost.

The last days has been different at “work”.

On Sunday I got an allergy reaction in my throat after I ate some food-snacks and I realized it must been nut in it.


Bad bad bad.



I had a similar reaction in my throat fifteen years ago on chic-peas. In that time a deathly reaction.

This was nearly the same feeling but I didn’t go to the ER as I probably should have done…

I went from “work” one hour before I was suppose too. Send an email to my boss about what happen on my way home. I just went home cause I thought I had medicine at home, didn’t find it but luckily the swelling went down by my normally allergy medicine.

Monday morning when I woke up the itching was still there so I phoned my doctor, got an appointment. Got there and got good medicine that was helping fast. 🙂 Went to “work” did my hours and everything was finally fine again.

Tuesday came and now I woke up with a bad red, swollen foot.. I thought it would go down during the day but it didn’t, so after the busy time on Tuesday between 7.30pm and 9pm my foot was so red and swollen I just had to call the hospital I had my knee surgery at (in February-13). They told me that I should go to the ER asap so I asked my co-worker if it was okay and he said “health first work always survive” and the night staff would be there quite soon anyway.

So I went to the ER. It didn’t take as long time as I thought it would (which it normally does). But when I met the doctor at ER the foot wasn’t so red any-more. The blood test was negative which was good cause then I could leave and try to get home. I knew that “my bus” didn’t go any more cause of the time of the night but I catch the tram to the central station and then the metro to the closest stop of walking distance. I had a good walk back home and a good chat with God.

Even if those days has been different I am thankful for the health system here in Norway and that I can get help when I need it without high bills.

Today Wednesday was my relaxing day and recharge my battery. And I have.

But when I checked Facebook I got a chock. A quite close friend have just past away. He and his wife was one of the first couple I got to know when I moved to Norway nine years ago. They kind of become extra parents to me. I have been looking up to them as Christians and as marriage couple. And now he is gone. He became 50+… I can’t really understand it. A cording to what his wife wrote on Facebook he was injured at his work in his head and brain.

R.I.P Danny Danson.

Prayers goes to the families. Lots of LOVE to everyone close to this family!


I just had to go for a walk, clear my brain and talk to God. I am still a bit in chock.
