There I was, while waiting…

Today’s devotional as most other day’s I start as I walk out of my house. Today wasn’t much different than yesterday until I had to stop and wait for the local bus to come.

There I was waiting and the words I needed was read. The words of Gods love no matter what is going on in my life. All my struggles He is a part of them too.

What is impossible in human terms is possible with God.

All my daily worries is also His.

It might be a relationship that seems to have broken down irretrievably, or an issue to do with health, finances or something else where change seems impossible. With God there is always hope, no matter how bad things look. Nothing is impossible with God.  (The text is from Matthew 19:16-30.)

This text helped me through the first part of today! It gave me peace over an situation in my life I made bigger than needed. I got hope back. Just knowing the Lord is with me in this mess I made, and He will help me through with His Love to me.

2021 Advent verses, December 7th.

Romans 5, verses 3‭-‬5 (NIV)

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Encourage greeting.


How often do you trust your feelings before you trust the Lord? When it comes to listen to His voice, knowing his voice or obey Him?

How often do you trust your feelings and not believe it is the Lord speaking to you and no it’s not your own thoughts?

Is it like this in all your things in life, that you doubt on the Faith you took you become one of the Lords 🐑🐑? When you received Jesus into your life, you where probably eager to do your best, be the best Christian and then later life and duties came… where are you now in your Faith?

Faith. Is it not as big as it was before? Feel. Do you prioritize your feelings before in other things in life and don’t understand how the Lord can be a part of it? Or are you where you think that Jesus has forgotten you? He will never forget you! And He is closer than you think! He draws himself closer to us when we feel like he is far far away.

Look up, Talk to Him like is in the room or walking beside you to work, or is in the car with you. Talk to Him as He really is your best friend! Have faith in what He can do! Listen to His voice. Trust what He has started in you.

He gave us feelings to feel but He also gave us trust to trust. ✝️. To trust Him when we need it at most. ❤. And to love him no matter what. And to talk/ pray to him whenever we need. 🙏.

No matter where you are in your spiritual life with the Lord He loves you and will never ever leave you, becauce you are His Child.

Words I recived for you who feel you struggling in your faith.


Encourage Word.

I got this vers on my email today and for me this was just what I needed right now.What would have taken years to accomplish is now coming together quickly.For me this is about something the Lord put on my heart about twenty years ago. So yes “…have taken years to accomplish is now coming together..” is so true!

How aware are we of what we saying?

Sustainable Life: Relationships

The tongue has power over death and life.

We need to think of how and what we saying in the meeting with friends, new people, Church and family. We need to think what is coming out is it positive or negative?

Presence of positive moments.

Make sure you make positive moments with whomever you meet.

We must take care to replenish with positive words in the day, do not use negative words. Be conscious of what I said.

Why fails to stumble? What is it that makes me repeat things, words, situations without thinking about what was done?

Do they (I) mean everything they (I) say or do they (I) just say something to have something to say?

How aware are we of WHAT we say when we speak?


If we want a change we must GO to the source!

What the heart is full of what the mouth is talking about.

I hope this is as inspiring for you as it is for me. We always need to be reminded of this! To be able to live close to the Lord we need to open up our mind.



I just want to encourage you with few words.I have started to read the Acts. I was challenged by a preaching about two weeks ago.I started to read on the tram both towards work and while heading home from work.I can not say that I understood the first chapters I were reading but as more as I read and as more as I asked the Lord to help me understand. As more the words got an other meaning.If I only read, it’s just any other text. But if I ask the Lord to let me understand, let the Holy Spirit help me understand then it’s not just word’s.So I hope this will help some of my readers.Have faith and let the Lord help you with your reading. Let the Holy Spirit help you.


The World Most Important Habits.

This is a resume from the preaching from May 19th from my Church.



  • To do things automatically as God had done it.
  • Emotions are both good habits and bad habits.



  • Living purely, gives better visibility in life, and then you know where you are going.
  • If you walk in the fog, you often get lost.



  • To make a choice in Life with God and You can serve in another way. Connect the heat to what God has given you.



  • To serve is all about finding the Balance in your life.
  • Make choices. Uncovering habits. Don’t think so much about the feelings when the choice is made.


  • What you are doing over time turns into good habits.
  • See people around you. Put away what makes you self-absorbed.


I hope you get some positive input from this post. 😉



Wait and see 4

Fighting Discouragement

The psalmist’s words became my personal prayer. Help me stay planted by the streams of Your water, God. Keep me from wickedness. Help me meditate on Your law day and night. Oh, how I longed to delight in God rather than wallow with Discouragement.

Every day started in His Word. Most days I didn’t understand what I read, but I believed in God’s faithfulness, and I noticed how Bible verses started to repeat in my head more than Discouragement’s voice.

Determined to stay refreshed by God’s Word, like a tree planted by streams of water, I started to keep a Bible always within arm’s reach: in the car, beside my bed, on the end table by the couch, in the kitchen.

At one point, I had verses taped on nearly every doorframe in my house. I’m not sharing this to make myself sound super spiritual. I’m sharing this to show how desperate I was to defeat Discouragement, Negativity, and Rejection.

My victory has taken years to realize. The battle has been slow, but every time I read and meditate on Scripture, I gain ground. Every now and then, Discouragement sets a trap; however, with God’s wisdom, I am able to avoid it. I shout my victory chant, “No weapon formed against me will prosper.” The bullies flee. I praise. Why don’t you shout the victory chant aloud right now? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

David dealt with criticism from his wife and negativity from his brothers, but he didn’t allow Discouragement to defeat him. He stayed close to God, and he cried out every time he needed help. We are blessed to be able to cry out to God for help and search His Word for inspiration.

Sometimes the totality and enormity of God’s Word can be overwhelming. Have you ever felt this way? You know encouragement will come from Scripture, but when you open the Bible, you don’t know how to find the encouragement that awaits. When I have this feeling, I create my own mini-Bible.

Using my Bible’s concordance, I look up a word that has something to do with my current state of mind and circumstances. For example, if I am feeling rejected, I find the word love and look up verses about God’s love. Then, in a small spiral-bound notebook, I record every verse that lifts my heart. This mini-Bible becomes my go-to place for quick encouragement.

God was faithful to David. God will be faithful to you and me as well.

This was better than I thought it would be when I started to read this. I have to say, I’ve learn something here.

To believe in Dad’s help for me, when I struggle to understand what I read. 🙏😊 AS what I wrote in the 2nd picture in this blog. I have to start and believe in that!

I hope this encourage you in your faith, life and relation with our heavenly Father.
