Is Faith something unknown? Something you can tuch or just trust?

Questions, answers anda lot more.

In my house church, we r going through an alpha serie, with questions, movie and sharing. How will u discribe faith? And how did u get there?

Repentance & faith is how to get there.

Do u think over this? Do u share it with anyone?

Faith is trust. To trust something u can’t see or the trust u won’t fall off a chair. Faith is the unknown. Like the chair, u don’t know who made it or how u got it. It’s unknown.

Are all Christians wierd? Or can it be something unknown for the people who isn’t christians? How can we be for them around us, and not get the stamp of being wierd?

An other part of faith is, it is an relationship. A relationship to the Lord. To someone who loves u more then u ever can love a child, ur child if u got one (or several). God wants u to understand that he loves u as his child.

If u aren’t a Christian, ask him to get into ur life with a simple prayer. Ask him to forgive ur sins and be able to start a new life with him.

If u have God in ur life, when did u open the door (or window) [a picture of how u met Jesus] to let him in to ur life? How is ur Journey with him? Tell someone u trust or ur house church. It will encourage those u have around u.

How have your faith grown? And how have your journey been from the start to now?

My thoughts, ur thoughts, facts, the thread through the Bible who can help us through life.

Christmas Day -22.

Remember to enjoy this day no matter if you are with friends, family or alone at home or away! It’s a day for us all no matter where we are in life! Jesus was born for you.

I am home alone, almost, my cat is with with me…

Listening to the sound from the TV service..

I am watching the early morning Christmas Day service, which in Sweden is called ‘julotta’ and in Norway called ‘julemesse’. This was something I gladly did every year as an aduldt with my mom, and now 2 years after ahe died I do it with thoughts of her ❤Mom❤.

With one of my favorite songs during Christmas “Holly night” 💜. I need to hear it at least once on Christmas Day.

Christmas is often said “to spend time with family & friends” probably becauce it’s a long tradition and what most people are used to do. But my question is; why can’t you or me be alone in this time and celebert Christmas? I like being alone at home and just be, doing nothing or being creative. No stress, no must’s, just me 😊. I don’t say I don’t like being with friends during Christmas. I like the mix of both. Yet, I think it’s interesting how most people thinks ” you must/should not be alone during Christmas “. Why?

I am curious about what you think, please write your thoghts if you like this post.

I have to say I have been like this since I were a child, so those thought are not new. I don’t say I don’t miss having “my own family and spend time with them” even during Christmas or any other Holiday. I guess I am saying I like my Quality time to do what I like 😉. Anyway, I am never alone cauce the Lord is always with me no matter where I am or what I do 😊✝️.

Maybe you work this weekend, then you are with co-workers, not alone all the time yet you will have time to be alone and / or a chose to be with your loved once. Maybe you don’t have a family and spend most of your days alone and need to spend time with friends this weekend, then do! As long as you enjoy it ❤. We all have different life and we all have different needs in life and it’s okay 😉.

So back to the first line of this post remember to enjoy this time of Christmas alone or with friends or family. Do it your way and Enjoy it.

Merry Christmas!

12th of December, -22.

Words from the Lord.

Today I have been thinking of the word grace. How we use it and how we use it. Mostly “we can recieve grace from the Lord “, but how can we use it in our daily life as christians? Well, I think that by being thankful for what the Lord is doing in us every day we recieve grace and by grace we can reach our co-workers in a higher level then they understand. So, what is my piont? Well, I say pray for your co-workers every day and the Lord can do miracles.