The latest sewing,  creativity & energy – May24.

I love when I have time and energy to fix what has been laying and waiting for some time!

New earnings  from upcycling paper clips & safety pins with beads from the floor in the art&craft room at work.

I am thankful for work, life and sparetime! The Lord has both showing me things in life and in dreams of my future and I keep trusting him in what will come that I yet don’t know. I enjoying every moment if I have more or less energy!  Those last day’s has been a mix of both and yet I am smiling because life is good and I am trying to embrace it as much as possible.

The Lord keep guiding my steps, give me inspiration to new things and ideas 😊. And even after a tough work day I have energy to be creative at home 😊. And interesting enough it feels like I have more energy to be creative now than when I had Silver   🤔  🤪 … maybe I was more allergic ti him than I thought…?

Jogging pants – upcycling sweaters. 🧵✂️📍📏

I got inspired from work where the pulpils in 7th grade going to start a upcycling project this week (week 5 of 2024). My udea started three weeks ago and I have used as much time as I have been able to use. Evenings and weekends, when I have been well, sewing together pa5ches to bigger patches. I have got so far now, that I can finally start to cut the pattern 😍🧵✂️.

Here is the pictures from the start;

January 11th.
January 12th.
January 14th & 16th.
January 29th.
Getting closer. January 29th.

During this Easter I managed to get sewing machine oil on the just finish pants 🤪  …

My type of Art

I have now been able to use them at work (finally) this last week.  And they are my very much favourite pants!  The benefits of sewing my own wardrobe is to sew clothes that fits me. With leg length of 91cm (35,82 inch) I struggle to find pants that are long enough and nit to lose in my waist.

Made up my mind – get healthy.

I have made up my mind to start at a gym again becauce I need it so badly. My body is so out of shape and I need my muscles back!

Walking the body warm works fine. But I still can’t do the machines I love 😥 all becauce I went to the chiropractor on this Monday (July 20.) and he actually made my back werse 😭😭.

So today’s workout is all about streching my back, hips and legs.

I could sit on this ball 4ever..

I’m in my own head when I’m at the gym. I don’t care much for the others which is a good feeling! I don’t care if someone look at me and what I’m doing.

Which right now maybe could be an issue…

Boxing corner just ahead of me.

This is my second time here. 💪💪😊 As for me as probably most people, the thing to get out is the hard part. But I have to say that today I kind of woke up with the “Exercise mood”. Which made it easier!

This is my motivation.

To be in the shape, especially my back without pain. To be able to push legs around 80-90kg. Knowing I have strong legs. Being able to push my arms on 40-50kg.

Knowing that my core muscles are back where they should be & holding me. Motivation to be able to once again be able to do push-ups & sit-ups normally. Motivation to be able to go for a run in the forest & on the runing machine at the gym without any pain in the back. That is my motivation in life.

I’m gonna do my best to reach my motivation goals. And by reaching them I need to forse myself to attend the gym at least twice a week. If I’m good I’ll go three times a week. 😊

And all this wouldn’t been able to if the Lord didn’t blessed me and my life.

I can only Thank Him. For making sure my financial situation is back on good terms. That He blesses me in other areas too. ✝️


Gym journey

This Spring has not been easy when it comes to “get to gym”. It’s been and still is a bumpy road. Just the fact that when I wasn’t sick with a cold I had other issues… Headeach or period or feeling like a big big tractor been droven over me…

If you have knowledge about fibromyalgia you know that people with that get real pain in muscles when the weather is changing. I have a light version of that (thanking God for that!) But still I get sick and can’t do a thing. :-/

But it is hope and I have faith and it’s been wores then it is today. This all effects me on when, how often or how not often I hit the gym…the only thing that gives me a physical kick in life and so much more energy then anything else..

I pray for healing and trusting God that one day this shi*t will be gone and I can do what is good for my body.


Colours in life.2.

My inspiration to colours in life comes mostly from some interior magazines.

This is my second book of inspiration, or scrap-book as most people would say, where I do my version of “the pins” you find online. I have to keep my inspiration or ideas when I find something I like. Most people who buy a interior magazines maybe keep it a month, I keep it for years. I go back and find something “new” I have not seen or maybe I did not like it when this magazine was new in my home..

Here is few pictures from my 2nd scrap-book… it’s a good mix of Christmas to how to organize flowers with candle ligths 😉…

Some ideas from my first scrap-book..

This is like a candy store for me.

This gives me lots of positive energy and it’s relaxing for me, it’s like to “go in to a hobby room” even if I just do this in my couch or sewing-corner. 😆😆😆


Summer 2016, lost sewing projects.

This blog-post will be repeated more then once but with new pictures and new text during this summer as an update of “what I found and finished up”.

I wanted to sew a skirt or a jacket but I have to keep my budget strict this month, but during my search of an interesting pattern and not to complicated I found a bag of what I thought was just fabric. But oh so wrong I was, it was a start of a par of pants I stared on I think last Summer. Linen fabric, just so nice a warm Summer! Also something I have been thinking of “do I have any linen fabric at home?” And there it was. Such a nice feeling! I think I stopped those projects most because of lacking space and now I do have just that. Space. I have a hobby-room! 🙂

So I found my iron and started the new “face” of those pants. Iron them, sewing them together as far as I manage before my back “said” pain.

So this blog will be about all kind of “lost projects” I will find in all the hidden bags or boxes of fabric, which is quite much. I’ll also try to build a cloths-hanger during June because lack of space to hang my cloths, to my walk-in-closet by re-used parts from a bookshelf from the -50’s in metallic.

Lost-and-found project 8th of June;

Linen pants a part of each other…

It start to look like pants.

build a cloths-hanger parts 8th of June;


bookshelf’s parts, drill, measure-band.




/Mia-Simone Svenberg