Made up my mind – get healthy.

I have made up my mind to start at a gym again becauce I need it so badly. My body is so out of shape and I need my muscles back!

Walking the body warm works fine. But I still can’t do the machines I love πŸ˜₯ all becauce I went to the chiropractor on this Monday (July 20.) and he actually made my back werse 😭😭.

So today’s workout is all about streching my back, hips and legs.

I could sit on this ball 4ever..

I’m in my own head when I’m at the gym. I don’t care much for the others which is a good feeling! I don’t care if someone look at me and what I’m doing.

Which right now maybe could be an issue…

Boxing corner just ahead of me.

This is my second time here. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😊 As for me as probably most people, the thing to get out is the hard part. But I have to say that today I kind of woke up with the “Exercise mood”. Which made it easier!

This is my motivation.

To be in the shape, especially my back without pain. To be able to push legs around 80-90kg. Knowing I have strong legs. Being able to push my arms on 40-50kg.

Knowing that my core muscles are back where they should be & holding me. Motivation to be able to once again be able to do push-ups & sit-ups normally. Motivation to be able to go for a run in the forest & on the runing machine at the gym without any pain in the back. That is my motivation in life.

I’m gonna do my best to reach my motivation goals. And by reaching them I need to forse myself to attend the gym at least twice a week. If I’m good I’ll go three times a week. 😊

And all this wouldn’t been able to if the Lord didn’t blessed me and my life.

I can only Thank Him. For making sure my financial situation is back on good terms. That He blesses me in other areas too. ✝️


John 15 verses 16-17.

Thoughts after house church meeting on zoom, June 6th. Where the theme was John 14 & 15. And those who were leading the house church a couple they started to read those chapters each by them selfs and than together. This was as much as I recall of what I manage to follow before I ” fell out “..

I started to read JOHN 15 and I kind of fell off or out of the ” meeting ” while I read v. 8, v.16-17 and v. 26. They spoke to me. In different ways. How the Lord is Vine and I am a branch (v.8), How HE chose me (v.16-17) & at last HE will send the Spirit & Truth to me (v.26).

Does it speak to you? What are your thoughts about this?

What is my thoughts about the fruit that John is talking about? Have I (you) been in a situation where the Father (the Lord) is the gardener and cuts of the branches of mine that doesn’t produce fruit?

Maybe. I can’t recall any situations right now. But I probobly have. How will I otherwice grow as a Christian person? How does he do it? How does he cut the branches while I still live? Well he doesn’t do it physical it’s a metafor or picture. And what is the fruit? How do I know it is a fruit from the Lord?

I recall one of the others talk about how they were thinking of the fruits. Like being a helping person or testify about what I/you belive. How Jesus is a part of my/your life.

Am I that kind of person, that talks about what I belive to those I meet? No, and I have never been. But I have a tattoo that for me is my testify of my faith. I have chosen to do it this way mostly becauce I have easily to chat with new unknown people.

In John 15 vers 8, Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remaine in me and I in them, will produce much fruit.

How to stay and be the good branches? How to produce more fruit? That is my questions after reading this. How can I produce more fruit in my life as a Christian while I am who I am? He is the vine I am the branch. 😍 ✝️

In John 15 verses 16-17; You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.

HE, Jesus chose me. ✝️

He chose me to Love each other!

To do things out of love, no matter what it is You do for others.

John 15 vers 26; β€œBut I will send you the Advocate β€”the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”

This vers talked to me in the way that ” the advocate will come to me from the Father.. ” Whatever happends I will be able to recive this as a believing Christian. I need to seek and read and talk to him who chose me. He has given me this. He has given me the Spirit of thruth! WOW what a gift to recive!! This is big!

How I sharing my faith with those I meet daily. As I wrote above, I have chosen to do it by tattoos (I will finish the one tattoo I started on in 2008 (P.U.S.H.)). Which for other people is just a symbol or letters has a bigger and deeper meaning for me and I know what it stands for and than I tell them my story. How I became a Christian and how those 4 letters is how Christian people around me prayed for me. How theirs prayers became my new path in life. The continuing of this tattoo is F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God. My way to the Christian I am today.



Oh my, it’s been forever since I wrote here. πŸ˜£πŸ˜• It’s been happening so much… Where shall I start?

Gathering boxes for the move.

I’ve moved. From Oslo to BΓ¦rum, HΓΈvik = West of Oslo. It’s closer to work from here. The 21st of March with a blessing of friends helping me. We made the whole moved in 3,5 hours!

From March 16 have I had homeoffice πŸ πŸ’». All becauce of CONVID-19. All schools in Norway closed March 13.

Went and bought some flowers for my outside, b4 the Easter.

This week we just past 6 weeks (!) with homeoffice / homeschool.. The last two weeks I’ve been 2 hours at the school (my workplace) in combination og homeoffice, to help students that struggling the most with the digital homeschool situation. It’s been working fine. 😊

It feels good to help those who struggle the most. πŸ’œ


Here comes some pictures from this periode and my new neighbourhood.

The street to the train station.
My cat-boy Silver exploring the parkinglot.

After the move, I felt like I was swimming in piles of laundry. I still almost all the durty sheets unwashed. 😣

But how lovely it is to dry the laundry in the garden when it’s sunny!

To live where I live includes a lot of work in the garden, which I like. It’s like therapy for me. And It’s easy to spend two hours outside and not just take care of all the trees but also talk to the Lord.

But it’s also so much beautiful things like those buds.

Today is 1st of May.

Yesterday evening was rainy, continuing the whole night and I think it still was raining this morning while I was sleeping.

It’s Labor day today in Norway, stores are closed, people are out and I am gonna explore more of my neighbourhood and beach area.

I started my day with coffee & breakfast and listening to my favorite pod cast with two famous people in Sweden. #wahlgren&wistam. I love it becauce it’s funny and I guess it’s becauce it’s Swedish.

Time to log out and let you read.


Prayer answers 2020.

I have recived prayer answers since January this year. One by one over two months. ✝️

It has been both prayer requests from years ago and newer requests. And the Lord is just opening up new doors and windows.

HE who knows my life knows when and what I need!

I have put my life and requests in HIS hands. I trust HIM. Cause I know HE wants the best for me.

This vers came on my email today; As you reach out for wisdom, you will gain the insight you need on financial issues.

And it is just like that!

My financial situation has been a struggle for years! But the Lord has started to Bless me and my financial. ❀✝️


Fully Rely On God. To rely on the Lord is the key to recive answers cause he knows my life.

This is one thing I just have to trust our heavenly Father. My broken teeths. πŸ˜•


Pray Until Something Happends. Becauce if I don’t pray nothing will happen.

P.U.S.H. & F.R.O.G. goes hand-in-hand in my life. I even have my own reminder of p.u.s.h. as a tattoo on my leg. πŸ˜‰

Key words; trust and let him guide your steps.


Time with a friend.

To share life with a friend once in a while. To grab a coffee or a cup of tea. Take time – make time.

My challenge this year is to be more social with friends after work. I have not had that kind of energy before and I am doing my best to force myself to more social after work. How can I do that?

Today Tuesday I woke up one hour earlier than normal and I’ve been tired all day and I said to myself that “it’s better to go and grab a coffee with my friend and stay at home and fall a sleep in the πŸ›‹”

I went, and I am happy I did!

To share time, life, thoughts and things we Christians experince is both encourging and good to do. To listen to the other person. To just be in the situation.

To talk with the Lord and ask for what I wish for in life after the meeting was also something we talked about over the β˜•. And I reminded myself to do that. And asked to be reminded about it every day. Becauce it doesn’t matter where we talk or when as long as we do it! ✝️

To take time is to care for the other person.


HaPPy New Year – Walk in Faith.

I want to share this. And experence I’ve just had. How the Lord answering when I trust Him and when I walk in faith.

I just have to use this picture again.

I was contacted by friends to me about the place they renting right now. It’s a bit outside on the West side of Oslo but still closer to my work. Before I had resinged my rented place. (!)

They told me they gonna move into the house they bought two years ago. Which means that the place they renting will be emtpy and they thought about me.

It’s a good two room with kitchen and livingroom and a space outdoors, which could fit me and my cat 🐈.

It made me think a bit more on “what does the Lord want for me ” rather than “what do I want”.

Since I moved back to Oslo 8 years ago I always wanted to move out of Oslo cause I am not a City girl!


I talked with the Lord a lot(!) in a short week.

“Is this the right place?”, “is this a part of what God put on my heart about twenty years ago?”, “Am I ready?”

I have had friends with me in prayer if this was what God wants for me.

It is an apartment next to a Mission center so it comes with some tasks. It didn’t make me unsure. It actually made me more sure that if the Lord opened up this door He knew and knows why.

So, this Tuesday I went there for a interview-chat. I met two older men in theirs 70’s and they did interviewed me! Than they asked me to go next door – to my friends “for a visit” and check the house propper and ask them questions.

After the interview they told me they gonna talk to the rest of the Mission center board.

On Thursday January 9, one of men texted me “We have decided to offer you the caretaker possion & the caretaker’s recidence”.

= that’s our prayeranswer!

P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happends.

To trust Him & Believe.

To put my life in His hands was the key.

He has a path for me and if I don’t trust Him to open up or close doors he can’t use me.

F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God.



Do you trust Him or do you rather making your decitions?

Do you dare to always trust Him?


35th Birthday again πŸ˜‰

Pictures from my Birthday the 3rd and the continuing celebrating the 4th of May, waiting on and being with friends.


Baking the cake the 2nd of May to my collegues.

Picking wood anemone with some students on my Day to the Basar we had at the School.

On my way back home, I past those beautiful “new born buds”.

A Birthday gift, gift card, cinema ticket 😍

4th of May.

In Oslo, the National Theatret place, eating a ice cream waiting on my friends.

…the National Theatret place…

At my friends place.

Birthday dinner.

Gift and β˜• and πŸŽ‚.

Happy Birthday to me πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰


The Spring of 2019.

The Spring of 2019 has arrived.

One sign of Spring is that Silver is curious on what’s outside and I let him explore.

Other signs are all the new buds, pollen and flowers.

New walking paths for me with the students I work with.

Melting snow.

Coffee, or the first Ice cream or the first Strawberries for the season.

Even Silver likes Strawberries.

The morning light… 😊 even though some mornings still have negative degrees.

The fresh colours.

It’s all new again.

The contrast between durty soil and green leafs.

The bright morning Sun light.

The new life in the nature is conrast to all the snow we have had and that makes me happy!

How a tree can grow out of a rock..

And all of this is made by our heavenly Father. He knows his thing about Colours, Fashion, Nature and what apeels to us human.

