Sunday June 13th.

Life can be lovely if you just what’s just infront of you.

Right now I am enjoying coffee & oat porrage as my breakfast. Sitting in my livingroom, the radio is on my cat sleeps on my bed, the Sun is up. And I know that it will be warmer outdoors today than yesterday, which I don’t handel so well, but I can still do thing that fits me. πŸ˜‰

I have recived peace from the Lord.

Life is worth to enjoy!

Keep going, keep smiling, keep figthing for a job, keep looking for a new home, keep packing, keep living.

I have been given peace for 2021.

Okay I am gonna try to think about all things that has happend since last blog. And see if I can maybe encourage someone or however this blog ends up as.

And yes, I ended the thing with the guy in november 2020, jumped with faith into an other app of dating-opportunities in mid December. πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚πŸ€© and with all new Corona measures and rules πŸ€ͺ.

January came and past too fast. School started, still Corona but now with the two new mutations… from UK and the other from Africa.

Here in Norway we still have had the Schools open for the students up to age 19 more than less. Which means I go to work ever Monday to Friday. I travel by region bus. One of them starts in Oslo, crossing the community border into my community. Which means that it is potensial more Corona bugs traveling my way to work. ☹.

Sandvika bus hub.

We have had a quite cold Winter with lots of snow negative 19Β°C, but also 3 day’s of rain and positive degrees ☹ where the snow dicapared some places like where I live. I did managed to make a snow angel just before the rain.

February came with more Winter. Back to negative degrees. 😍. The coldest has been negative 17°C I think.

Outside my school.

I have been given peace from the Lord that I will apply for a new job (that’s starts in the autumn), after my principal said that they do not know if they can keep me. As I only have an extended one-year contract. Thank you Lord for peace.

So now I am back in a situation to search for a job, the different part is I have peace about it. Like it’s gonna be a good period of applying. I know and trust the Lord in this. Whatever door He will open for me will be good, and I will be able to get even more experence in this field.

I have also recived peace to not apply for a University.

About my future hubby, I recived peace to not stress ” he, the hubby, will come when it’s time “. 😍. I am so greatful for those things! The Lord is really showing me step by step what is on it’s way. And to fully trust that He knows what is the right thing or time will be worth the waiting on all levels!

Frozen river.

I am now typing this in my bed, the night into Wednesday 24th of February, 01am… after a great day with friends. Where I have helped them with some practical things. Including tools πŸ”¨πŸ”§. 😍😍. I am cleaning my brain so it will be easier to sleep. And hoping that someone of all of you who following my blog will be touch by the Lord through my post.

Zig-zag, sewing day.

It’s the Winter break and I have had two good day’s of sewing and hoping to finish up my ” 12 par of jeans project ” I started on in mid January.

Happiness and energyboost is the sewing for me.

With love to the all of you. And hoping the Lord will speak to everyone of you often this year.
