2021 Advent verses, December 14th.

John 8, vers 8.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
(John 8:12 NIV)

After a cup of coffee.

This morning after a cup of coffee I said to the Lord ” I have peace for Trøndelag and Rogaland ” (counties in Norway). Are these the two counties I will apply for jobs in??? Then I need a concrete answer and stronger peace over this.

Where to go.

To ask out loud helps me to, one clear my mind, two knowing He has heard my question.

So I think I will be focus on those two counties when I looking for a new job now. 😊.

To have focus. To relax. To clear my mind.

I will know quite soon if it’s right or wrong.

I would never apply for a new job without asking the Lord or without putting it into his hands. If I don’t let Him be a part of my new season how will He be able to guide me?

To have Faith in a crazy situation is something I have been through before and now it doesn’t feel so crazy anymore. I have been through this more than once and it only led to good things, a blessed periode and positive surprices. 😊 ✝️ .

To be comfort in your own decision and the peace from above. Is the key for me and I hope you will find it too.



It’s already December (!)

It’s been happening a lot since last post… time flies to fast!

It’s December first of all!

And only 1,5 week until Christmas break (!) How did this happend?

No Christmas calender yet and probobly not at all. Well I survive, will you?

It’s has been ❄every 2nd week and ☁️🌧 every other 2nd week. Kind of how it was last year this time. ☹

But the mornings and evnings has been beautiful.

I did buy a fake Christmas 🎄 tree this year. A 150cm tall tree 3rd the size from previges year.

🙂 I have been so much into my work and when I finally have had free I’ve just been relaxing and enjoying I’m free.

And with free time have I been able to catch-up with life, friends and enjoying the Winter veiw of Oslo.

And color my hair back to my absolutly colour – red.

I don’t know what the next post will be about. You just have to wait and see.


Advents calender, 21st December.

Here we go few minutes after the 21st past..

With hearts in the background I give this Bibleverses to you, from Psalm 15:1-2

Lord, who may abide in your taernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?

He who walks uprightly, and works righteouness, and speaks the truth in his heart.

What a wonderful verse. Take this verses with you or maybe read the whole chapter.


Those day’s are life.

Life goes on whatever you do in life that is fact. We do all have day’s when we have more or less things to do. We all have day’s when we do not want to do a tiny thing but we have to because we have a job or family we can not just delete. But the feeling are there.

We have day’s when we want to be more social then other day’s or when we actully are spontanious social because we met someone we have not seen in a long while.

Those day’s are life. They are there.

Do I have this life? Yes! Am I happy every day? No, but I can try to be positiv. Positiv for friends, co-workers and family or neighbors.

I went to church today and there did the pastor talk about our daily life and challenges God askes us to do for him. One of them I reflected pver was “do we see our neighbors need for things in their daily life?” Are we a part of anything they need help with? What can we do practicly for them? How do we get to know our neighbors if we do not know them?

I am lucky to know most of my neighbors where I live, because I needed to get to know them few years ago. I am blessed to live where I live. I have not earned it but God have given me that.

Have you thought about why you are living where you are living? Are you blessed where you live? Cam you get to know your neighbors? Daily thoughts in life.


Small grains of gold in my everyday life

Small grains of gold in my everyday life is small things like

Acting as a Bible verse on Facebook,

A phone-call pass from a close friend,

A feedback from a job I applied for or

A trip with my land lady at the store at a distance away.

Or that my brother pay the train ticket my way that I can join to celebrate my mama its 75th day.

Small individual things that makes your day lighter.

coffeebean cup   biltur  togreise images