Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!


The phone-call about my future..

Yesterday I received a phone-call about my future. In my head I thought I would received a letter, but hey a phone-call is better and quicker.

I woke up of my phone vibrating in my bed, my consultant from NAV was calling because I send her a msg yesterday. …So today I’m sitting here in front of my lap top thinking about “who am I?” and “what is my qualities?” with my coffee on my left side of me in the mean time my cat Silver playing around with some paper. It’s not an interview it’s a small meeting with information about what they can offer and what kind of expectations I have.

Lets go back in time so I can explain what’s this is about.

SO I took a course in office and administration two years ago. A really good course I would say. I learned a lot new stuff I didn’t know and it went over 30 weeks and then it was a period of work-experience over 90 days or three months depending ho you want to express your self. I had three months of work-experience in the same building as I took the course, which for me wasn’t a problem. The problem was that I didn’t get a job there after the three months and I didn’t get the experience I needed to work in the field I wanted. I have had a year of applying to jobs with no luck because I don’t have what’s requested. But God has given me a new term of patience in my life and he let me be myself and enjoy life in a way I haven’t enjoyed it before.

So in December last year I had an appointment with my consultant at NAV about what this KVP (Qualifying Program) is and how to apply to it, what I needed from my doctor and if it was something else we needed to think of. I got the appointment with my doctor, got the paper to my consultant and the process was there.

In March I started a process to “pick up the phone” and ring all kinds of Hotel’s because that’s my dream. I want to work with booking and in the reception in a Hotel, I would fit perfect to work during the night. (For those who knows me, they would say yes, that’s where you belong. Because I am so much a night-owl.) Unlucky no Hotel’s could give me a spot. One of the reasons was they went all out on strike in April and during May. So when June came along I felt this is over and I texted my consultant and we started the process we are in now.

In the end of May we applied for me to get a spot in this Hotel, (PS: Hotel in Oslo) to have work-experience. And yesterday as I said before, I received the phone-call and will have a meeting tomorrow.




utsikt fra PS_Hotel

I am now looking forward to start asap even though I would like to have some-kind of Holiday before. Well I guess I’ll know after tomorrow when I can start and how soon I’ll have Holiday.


Temptations in my daily life.

I’ve taken this year to read more in the bible and stay away as much as possible from all kinds of sex-temptations on social media, television and books. So far so good. I wanted to see for myself if I could and how I would managed it. I am not sin-free as a Christian, I have lusts as much as any other human but I can chose to not have lust and I can chose to not get deep into it as much as I can chose to not do or eat certain things in life.

In the beginning of this year I took a stand against “sex & the city” -series just because the hole series is about sex. How to get “one-night-stand” etc. I love the series out of Carries life even if it’s not even close to the actors life. I get inspirited out of how “Carrie” writes the column and how it shows that life isn’t as easy as many other series wants us the watchers to think. But it’s a lot in this series I do not like, so therefore I stopped watching for a year, to see how I might react to it if I watch it again (now in about six months).

When I read this;

lust and normal sexual attraction are not the same thing. Lust is a form of selfishness and a dangerous ingredient to sexual temptation. Significantly, this kind of temptation can rear its ugly head both inside and outside of marriage.”

I knew I need to write, I needed to vent, I needed to get all my thoughts out somehow… So here I am writing out of my life.

So what is temptation…well everything you want to do but probably should not do. Like if you are in a relationship, you should not look at other guys/girls. You should focus on what you have! Your boy/girlfriend or husband/wife or partner you are living with or are engaged to.

I am still single but have since few years back (not all my life as most girls) got a desire to get married and the fact I want to be a mom (witch also is not something I have always wanted) (!) I do want to meet the guy that fits me, can balance me and in the end have sex and start a family. And until I meet this guy I know I have had lust (or as this line express it; “It might be more helpful to set aside the concept of lust in this context and to think instead in terms of insensitivity or disregard for the needs, preferences, and desires of one’s partner. This, is a serious form of sexual temptation”, in my life for years.

I know that even after the day I got Christian those thoughts was still there mostly because no-one told me how to get them out of my life or my brain. I had to find it out of my own… I have done stupid things even as a Christian but what I have learn the last year is that, if I know I sin (as a Christian) God forgives me. How? Well as long as I know I do something wrong I can confess it with my tongue and heart. And when I confess, God forgives me. It does not mean I should continue doing it! It’s a long walk of learning!





My furnitures has arrived.

I went to Sweden Saturday the 18th of June because I had to go and get my things from the storage place I’ve used for all the years I’ve been living here in Norway (soon 9 years), if I didn’t go and get it it would have been send to a 2nd hand store which I did not want.

We left around 8:20 am from Oslo, me and two strong male friends from my Church. A trip that took longer then we thought it would take. It isn’t longer then 400km one way and it should take around 5,5 – 6 hours but it took nearly 7,5 one way. Well we had our lunch-stop at IKEA Karlstad…

IKEA Karlstad.

So we arrived to Svärdsjö, outside of Falun, Dalarna at 2 pm outside the chapel which was the storage place – Svärdsjö is really on the country side! Cozy farming area about 26km northwest of Falun. We walked around stretching our legs before we started the packing into our Van, which went smoothly even if I found stuff I totally had forgotten, we were done in 2,5-3 hours. Hit the road hungry so our first stop was for food at MAX – a Swedish burger business. Back on the road at 8 pm with the same amount of Scandinavian miles a head of us (400km).. few necessary stop’s like peeing and gas otherwise just a lot of laughs in the car. We came finally home to Oslo around 2 am Sunday-morning maximum tired after nearly 17 hours on the road. Crazy trip!But now it’s over. 🙂


MAX Falun. The Van with the “burger as a crown” was our.

Borlänge, Sweden.
Following E16 to Oslo.
“Grab a coffee” at Djurås, Dalarna.
Pasting on the road-trip..

God have prepared a lot before the whole trip started! and I have been SO blessed through the whole trip! God made me be able to borrow a business-car for free via a friend in Church only gas to pay. Strong male friends from Church and an other guy helped me unload on Monday. All this is a “WOW”-feeling for me who hasn’t a job and whom mainly just go to the gym twice a week and is home and “just being creative”. I feel blessed to have a Church with so nice and good friends that can help out in this kind of situation!

We carried it all in Monday and it look like a mountain on the middle of the floor…Luckily I can sort it out and that I have storage space in the apartment. 🙂


For the first time in my “new” apartment I finally have my table from my mom’s ant I been missing a lot to sit and be creative at, read, sewing or just write the blog-post’s. A table I in-harried from my mom’s ant in the 90’s. It’s just in-front of the window. I created a good inspiration-corner. It gives me “flash back’s” to Carrie in Sex & the City, how she sits and write her column to the news paper. It’s not near the same view but it is a window spot.

So here it is, in my not to big apartment my “creative-inspiration corner”…


I did quite much between 5 pm Saturday and 02 am Sunday morning! When I woke up Monday morning I started where I stopped. And one of the first thing I manage to do was to drag the table over the boxes in place. So nice! And in the middle of “to sort out” yesterday I had laundry Day…and it started to rain just after I had hanged my laundry out to dry in the wind… well well isn’t that life so say. 🙂

And here I am writing a blog-post on the laptop on the table. Happy feeling! But I still today have some boxes to sort out and to move away and see how much more that will go to Fretex (the 2nd hand store here in Norway).

I can only say I am blessed to live here not just because my Land Lord and Land Lady. I have been blessed in so many periods here in Norway. God is so real for me. He is a part of my Daily life and I know he provides everything in my life, both with the people I have around me and also everything that happens in my life. As I wrote higher up, I don’t have a job and I haven’t been working in the last five years and still God walk beside me in everything I do. I know that everything I have done so far has been a part of his plan for me. And God provides me with food, like dinner with friends and cloths when my finances is bad. He sorts out things in my life like I am sorting out my belongings in the boxes right now. He leads me into new social activities and groups so I can meet new people when I feel I walking around in a circle with many of my old friends. He leads me on new paths in life and what to do.

He have showed me several times during those soon nine years I’ve lived in Norway that it is here He wants me to Live and now I do not have anything left in Sweden that holds me there.

I’ll show you the creative thing I did yesterday.

Coffee cups with painting before they got into the Owen.


Like life’s staircase…

Here is my inspiration in life to get up every morning, to do what I manage, to live, to get through the day. My staircase..




The gym.
Silver – my cute cat.

Life on a stick, isn’t that what the saying says? It’s a short line and expression of how life is…

Life is like a staircase. You walk up and some days you walk back. But to get up to the top is the best, because there you’ll see what’s hiding from you. You’ll see the light, all the things you know and don’t know.

It’s been almost three months of searching on my own to find a place where I could have a new work-experience, with no luck. It’s been a journey of it’s own. It’s been fun most days.I challenge myself and made it. But I have now come to an end and gonna apply for part-time jobs which is what I can manage with this body today. If I in the future will manage a full-time job is not in my head right now, but will see maybe I’ll be there again. I hope so. Right now I just need to focus on the gym twice a week and then get in to a good job-routine with structure.

I am still walking my staircase. It’s an interesting climbing to reach my future. And I am still looking forward to see what this year have to give me and what it will bring me even after five month into 2016. I am still as curious what new things I’ll learn on the way!

So today is the first day in three months I am gonna look for and hopefully apply for a job. In the meantime my consult at NAV will try to help me to get me a work-experience place that can lead to a job. So every day I have enough energy I’ll look for a job and I’ll have my breaks, I’ll find something that fits me! I haven’t given up! I see the light in the tunnel.


Joy, Grace, Love and Patience.





When I was a teenager, I think I was around 14 y.o. was I on a camp for Christians teenagers and during this camp we had prayer and worship in the morning and in the evening. And one of those evenings someone prayed for me with words “you gonna be a prayer woman”. That line of words have during all my years been in the back of my head even those years when I didn’t wanna have anything to do with Christians or believe on God.

prayer woman

Few years later, I think it was in 2002 an other person prayed for me in an other situation and gave me those words “God gonna use you and your creative gifts to reach others”. That is also something I have been wondering about. How will God use my creative gifts to reach others? But I have to say, that after I came back to God and been climbing my latter to be who I am today. God started to show me how to use my creative gifts after 2007 until today. He is really using my creative and visual gift in the that when I pray for someone God most the time gives me a picture, a verse or just a line of words, that for me most the time it doesn’t mean much for me but I know that it means a lot for the person. I have received so much feedback of all the things God have given me to others. I know today, this is one of the gifts God have given me.

And few weeks ago (2016) when I was praying for a friend in my house church (cell-group) I received what I think is the prophetic gift. Which for me was both scary and wonderful! (Maybe this was an answer of what friends have telling my?) I started to dig to learn more about this. I shared it with two of my best Christian friends about what I felt and received and how I could found out more in the bible and how could I learn more about as a dispel and curious Christian? One of my friend she is in a bible-school in the states this year and her respond was easy, «I’ll send you a book about this» and she did. (Which I am reading now to learn more.) My other friend who also is in USA (living there right now) she said I’ll pray for you and ask God to show you more. And God has been answering my questions along since that day! Every time I asking God of guidance He is there and let me cry out in his presence and fill me with more love, grace and joy in my life.

He is there to fulfill what he started. He has a plan for my life and journey. He knows what he is doing. He has control! And I just want to learn more about what he has for me.

It is with Joy I am learning more about this.

It is by Grace I live.

It is by Love God makes my day.

It is by Patience I get through a hard or heavy day in life or that I still don’t have a job to go to.

It is by Patience from God I get through everything in life.

He has promise me to be here for every step I take and he is!

To received a gift from God and learn about how to use it is a journey it self! It takes time to understand and it takes time to understand how to use it and when. But it is with Joy! I am curious to learn more and I can only wait and see what more God has for me in this.


It is a journey!


Thoughts in and about life.

Different thoughts has past my brain the last two weeks about what I could write as a blog this time. Thoughts like how my moving-day went, how it is to do a re-start to get to the gym again, what my thoughts are if a guy shows me interests and how I react or not react to how fun it is to have enough space and a cat. I am not sure yet how this blog will end, but it will be one. Maybe a bit more random blog then most of them.


The moving-day went well and we were done after four hours of carrying all my stuff from the basement to the attic. 60 stair steps up and down.

A good workout that day!


I had to put my cat Silver in the bathroom until we were done, just so he would not be in the way. I do not think he was happy with that, but SO happy when I let him out.

It was kind of cool to watch Silver when he starts to wander around, a discovery tour of the apartment nosy as he is (he is a cat). But it was not as popular from his his side when I started moving furniture. But then here one and a half weeks later, after we moved in here, he is as usual. He feels at home.


An other thing that have past my brain is how grateful and thankful I am for the moving! How thankful I am to have such a good bunch of friends that could help me with my moving. I feel blessed for those friends.

I am also thankful for my land lord he is a great man! He has blessed me every-time I am late to pay my rent, only late because I have not received my monthly money from the government support-system.

I am so blessed to live here! In so many ways. Good neighbors. Generosity from neighbors etc. The house it self is not in the best stand but the neighbors are awesome! Easy to talk to and get along with.


It is definitely more space for Silver too, which is the noise of his play I wakes up to around 02.30 am… but he also sleeps on top of my legs when he sleeps a hole night.


He loves to sit in the window when it is open by approximately 10 cm. He does not try to get out but love to smell everything he’s not used to.

He is so curious to watch what happens in the courtyard. For example, he likes to sit and watch when Greta (landlady) runs out her car from the garage, walk out of the car, shutting the garage door and go back to the car to then reverse out of the courtyard. This takes maybe 5 minutes, but Silver find it so funny to watch.


As I wrote above have I thought about how I react and what I do if some guy trying to show that he is interested in me. I have been hurt before as many others, and I think that I would love to just drown in his eyes whenever the guy trying to get in contact with me. But I also know that if it is other friends around I don not dare to do drown. I know that’s the only thing I would love to do, to sit there and just sink into his eyes.

The look of love.

So how do I react then?

Well I trying to meet his look for few seconds and then I go back to the others like nothing Happened. But inside of me I am happy and insecure of «is he really interested in me?»

I know me. I need something specific from the guy to understand he is interested in me. Like a card with few words, text-MSG with a smile of love, coffee-date or similarity were he put words on what he thinks or likes with me. And the best is also if that also fit’s him as a person to do.


Why am I so sky when it comes to like someone? Why can’t just be myself when I am such an outgoing person the rest of the time? Why is it so difficult to see how love looks like in different people? And why is most Christian guys so careful and slow?

I mean it is great they are careful to make sure but how am I supposed to understand what a guy means when I need some specific words or «hands up» to understand. I am not that kind of girl that analyzes every tiny word or detail or eye-contact that a guy do or say. No. I am to realistic there. I see the situation and try understand the situation and if I don’t understand I leave it to God.

The things that helps me is bible verse like those (below)…





Single or Get Married? Part one of three.

I am reading a book about this subject right now because I am interesting about the thoughts and mind. I want to get married. I don’t want to be single for the rest of my life. I have had my own struggle with this for some years. For many years I didn’t wanna get married for the course of get my own kids, no, I wanted to get married and then see if I/we could adopt kids. But during the last 4 years God has helped me to change my mind in this. It has been a struggle for me to come to the point I am today but probably worth it.

And during the Christmas holiday (December-15) God spoke to me about this much stronger then I have felt before. I got a longing desire from God to get married. I’ve got a desire to become a mom, a wife, have my family. And this is big for me.

In the book the writer talks about how we can’t really expect the «old style» any more about «how to sit and wait for the right one to show up» It doesn’t look like that in 2016! If you and me have a desire to get married we have to start looking for someone that are in our network and «qualifies» our personality. We have to be doing things and not just wait. Because if we wait, we will probably be waiting for the rest of our life.

It’s not just “what I want in your personality” its also to be able to see “what can you live with” and “how can we compromise each and an others issues?”.

Ask, Seek & Knock

To want to get married is a decision in life. It’s just like to be in-love with a person, it’s a decision you take. It is like if you or I want to take an education, we look for the right one, we apply and we starts it. Its a bit the same with I want to get married.

I am active.

I don’t just sit and wait.

Its not just the thought about «Yes I want to get married one day» well you might but it can take some longer time then you probably wanted. No, it is a decision «I want to get married» to start the process in your mind and soul, doing, acting and living!

Its How you Think about it.

It’s not just something that will just happen. It’s about you and me. Do I / you want to get married? If yes, then we have to something about it. We have to start talk about it like we talk about other normal things with our friends. We should not be afraid of talking about things we have on our heart with friends.

I think that if we talk more about this it want be so hard, tricky or awkward and both girls and guys will not be so sky or embarrass about the subject and actually ask someone out.

Whats the worst answer you can get? A no? 

Sometimes I think we all are to fast to say those words “no I don’t think we fit each others”. How and what are you grounding this on? Have you seen that much of the persons personality that you know what God’s plan is?



This is my thoughts, what are yours?


My journey those 8,5 years in Norway.

It’s taken me all those years I have been living in Norway to understand why God wanted me to live here in Oslo and not on the countryside or in a smaller city. It has been a journey of its own to understand and to grow into. I can’t say I love Oslo, today but I can say I have started to understand what God wants for me in Oslo.

I grow up on the countryside in Sweden, and I have never been comfortable with the thought of «be living in a city». But here I am. I have started to like the thought and I think its more to come on that area.

I have been given pictures about my life here in Oslo during the last five years I have been living here since I moved back from Stavanger on the west coast. Pictures about whats gonna come in the job-area, how to live, were to live and even “the big thing” about marriage. Not who I am gonna marriage but more about to be married which for me is a bit scarring in the same time as I am exited to that. To get married and have a family. That’s my future and it’s not now which in one way is a relief…on the other hand I am looking forward that day with Joy!

I am still a learner of what God wants to give me in my daily life, by friends, through Church and HouseChurch and by my family. And I am willing to learn. As most people you do want to grow as the person you are the same with me. I love learn new things in life and about life. I love to be challenge so I can grow and I also like to get feedback on what I am not doing so well, so I can work on that to to better or be better.

If you have a job, mostly you get feedback on what you are doing right or wrong but as a job-searcher you don’t have that kind of feedback. It makes a bit harder to know how to be better.

God have showing me why I live in Oslo right now and why I shall stay. This is a for me an interesting path to walk on, to learn more about and get wisdom about. He has showing me by giving me “Passion on my heart” for teenagers, more love to teenagers, to focus on the next generation in different areas. I still don’t know where and how I am gonna use my knowledge. I just know this is from God and it will be a part of my future here in Oslo somehow.

I have been asking God about jobs outside Oslo area and clearly received pictures (because that’s how God is given me feedback) of different areas of Oslo where God wants to use me. He has every time drawn me back to Oslo when I have prayed about it to get wisdom, he has drawn me back to Oslo as “my city” where I shall work and live.

I think one of the clearest answer was when I got an offer to switch apartment in the same house I live in, after months of asking God for a new apartment that was a current size and not to expensive. Only God knew what I needed and he open it up for me exactly when I needed it as most.

So now I move in April this spring! I do it in faith.

To understand this has taken me few months… and it’s worth it! So even if I still don’t have a job I know where God wants me. And I just have to keep trust him for my future.

I am exited for what this years has to come with. I am still as exited as I was in December about this year! Exited about what God will do in my life. Exited to see how he will guide me, bless me and make my path during my walk.


Social Media Fasting.




I have been a part of a New Years festival here in Oslo, Norway and been challenged to have Media fasting. I will have it once a month and I am gonna do it from Facebook, Instagram and my blog. I will do it for a whole week every time. I will start the 4th of January.

For me is it more to be aware of life.

To be still.

To be here.

I will have more over to actually meet friends more regularly, be with God and work out twice a week. And read more good books, eat more fruit and less sugar and probably something more. To be able to have other experiences in life then be more addicted to the social media I have around myself.

It is not one of this New Years Resolutions, no.     My New Years Resolution is to not eat sugar at least the first 100 days but hopefully for the rest of the year or at least less sugar and to do more things that is good for my body and soul. To be aware of where the sugar is.

Cutting back on sugar has more benefits than just weight loss.

Cutting back on sugar has more benefits than just weight loss.

I actually started yesterday on the 31st of December 2015 when I went down to one of the sports stores by buying a fitness ball for my back. I will use it instead of a chair. To get my back into the right balance and to build up the core muscles. It actually helps me.



To inspire others and find inspiration.



A friend of min told me she got more inspired to pick up her writing after I told her about my writing. I like to hear thing like this, that my creativity inspires others.

I got more inspired to write after that.

When my friends tell me that they get inspired of my creativity in life or small things I share with them about life. My first though is “how do I inspire you with my life?” then I think “well I guess that is a good thing”. And when I talk to my nearest friends about this, most of them says “its just how you live that inspires me”.

How do we get inspire in life and what inspires us? Well I know that we all find inspiration in thing we like. Like colors, cars, flowers, interior, houses, garden, music, words, life, nature and more. But how do you make that as a part of your life?

When I, like yesterday was on the beach and read one of my favorite books I had the sea on my left side where I was sitting, heard the water moving and made waves. I got inspired to go and find “floating timber-wood” along the water edge and bring home. And there I was walking around to find those good “floating timber-wood” and I got inspired to pick up some blue shells lying on the beach and bring home.


I get inspired of a lot of different things in life. It can be like yesterday, by the water or to walk into a store full of colorful fabrics or interior store. Its rare that I buy something, but I get home full of ideas in my head with everything I’ve seen and I most the time make something out of what I have home.


And I think its the same for most people. You all get inspired of something in life and you try to do something else out of it. It can be to write about it, paint it, write music, to sing or something else. And I wish you all find your way to be creative in the way that fits you.


Summer rain and reflectations from a preaching.

summer rain 2Today when I woke up I thought this day will be nice maybe some clouds and maybe maybe some sun. Now its this light rain – summer rain. The sound is lovely. I wish I was inside an caravan and not sitting in my bed. Its so much more cozy in a caravan! Well well.

I went to a meeting in an other church then I normally goes to yesterday. FCC – Philippine Church in Oslo. As normal as any other Church I’ve been to the last 8 years of my Christian life. The preaching was in English (also normal for me) and about Submission in our Christian life.


1.Submission is about to honoring others (Romans 12:1) – Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Are we honoring others? If not, why? The preacher said, “we are all rebellions inside” we want to do it our way first. If not my words or will goes first am I not willing to change just so your will gets through. That’s maybe how most people thinks and acts today. How sad if we can’t honoring others.

2. Submission is about putting others first (Philippians 2:4) – not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. How often are you putting others first? – serving others sincerely.

If you working in a office or some other place, do you putting your colleges first in order to do your things first? Do you serving others sincerely ? I like to help other people first when I know I can. I would love to be more awake about this in my life because it is important. I don’t need to put myself first. I know me but mostly I do not know the others need i life as long as they do not tell me.

In my church I serve others first, I have been doing the same task for years and sometimes I think I want to something else so I can grow as an person and to be able to serve God in something else. But I am still doing the same. What do I try to say here? Well I think it can be a challenge for other people in church to see or maybe even understand when its time to move on to other tasks. They think you doing such a good job and don’t see why a new task would be good. I think its human to think like that, so maybe we Christians need to seek God more on this part. To serve others does not always mean do the same thing every Sunday year after year.

3. Submission is about denying ourselfs (Mark 8:34-35) – hindrance in discipleship is making myself first. “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

Do you deny yourself or just other? Have you picked up the cross? How do we deny ourselves in our daily life? I can deny my sins every day and ask for forgiveness but I think its hard from day to day. I want to. I have taken up my cross and I really trying do what God wants me to do.

I don’t know if its easier to get closer to God if you have a job with routines or if you just have to decide when you take time with God. I have been struggling with “PT” – private time with God since I got saved. For me is it easier to talk to God all the way during a day, pray on the bus on my way to work and read the daily verse online.


A month ago when I still had a good routine every day, I did my things to get up of the bed and catch the bus. My routine was to read the bible-verse on the way to my work place. So when I then didn’t have that routine any more it slipped out of my life.. I know I need routines to get around in life including to read the bible. So my daily life today is not as I want it. I applying for jobs a struggle itself. But I do have a positive mind and hope and faith of a new job soon.