Sharing for the first time with the world.

I have never shared this before. This is a part of my story whom I am and have become. With my background, Eating Disorder, loss of faith and becoming a believer.

Background for this specfic story; I come from a smaller county, smaller class and a teacher that didn’t aloud bollying. A small school and everyone knew about each other.  My mother was a teacher in 5th grade when I started 1st grade in the same school. I lived in this county for 6 years, went in 1st and 2nd year in this smaller school.

When I was 9 y.o. my family moved. My journey of being bullied started and at 11 y.o. my eating disorder started. My family had just moved from one county to whole new one approxy 350 km north from where I felt at home, still in the middle of Sweden. I had no friends, I was the new girl, I was different, I was taller than everyone else in the class of 20 students. I came from a Christian family, I was thin, I think everything about me was wrong according to my new classmates. At least that’s how it felt there and than.  I literally don’t know what I did or why they choosed to pick on me. I just know the facts that came with it. ED. Eating disorder, physical, mental and psycologic bulling, that no one knew about more than me.

It started for real 1988 when I was 11 y.o. the same year I got my period. The bullying & ED started. Hormons started to change me. If anyone saw something no one said a thing. I hide it well. I was “a bit lucky” because of the time fashion was big cloths – the start of the 1990’s. I could hide well.  I ate one big meal once a day, more than most. For years I didn’t eat breakfast becauce I got nausea from eating.

I think I maybe surpriced some people of how much I ate. I ate like growing boy becauce I grew quite much those years. Until I was 16, I ate less at home and more at school (Sweden has free warm meal for lunch in all schools). Therefor I could hide it at home.  I had my scouts once a week, I did sports twice a week  and two friends was what I had to hang with. Yet no one said a thing. So I guess they didn’t see it.

At age 16, I had been bullied for seven years. Seven terrible years of many bad momories. Memories I carry with me to this day. But today I processed these painful wounds.

At 16 y.o. August 1993 I moved away from home mainly cause I didn’t want to see all my classmates. I hated them and I hated myself. I didn’t wanted to live. And between september and december 1993 I tried several times to not live. I made a decition to not be a Christian and interrupt with Christians the day I moved. I had suicidal thoughts almost every day that fall. I choose to take a big distance from all kind of Christian people that August. I didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Because I was so disapointed. I started to hate all those Christians who said one thing and did the oppostie – like my own father – and from that time he wasn’t my dad anymore he was just the man my mom was married with. Biologically my dad but so much more a hypocrite. He preached out about how life should be but did the oppusite at home.

My first turn-around-point was a cold december night 1993, I had gotten hold of some very strong painkillers and some beer. Took it, fell a sleep. Woke up sitting in the bed with closed eyes yet seeing a strong light and me standing on the tip of a cliff and a hand reaching out to me. I am sure it was Jesus. I knew enough from my childhood about that Jesus could come as a strong light it’s has been describe. (I were not a believe in at that time, but that was the closest my brain could think of. )And when I actually open up my eyes, I saw puke on the other side of my room. Which didn’t make any sence it could got there. If you puke, it would be on the floor on the side of the bed! I can’t explain how it got there. But for sure it got to me. I understood that I should live.

The day after my wierd night in December 1993 I started to live, my life the way I wanted it without christian people and not letting anyone be able to say anything about me or how I look like. Yet still with ED as a part of my life…

Between 1994 and 1999 , I lived my life my way. Still hiding my ED. I was never so sick that I needed to visit a hospital, but I got to a point where I weighed just the minimum towards my lenght and BMI. This weight is 68kg (149 pound). A number that is still in the back of my head as a warning. To never get there again.

In 1999 I had a period in my life, when the ED was more and stronger than anything else in my life. A school nurse asked me “why do you have a need to get weight every week?” I knew she knew. I understood she could send me to the hospital for more surveys..nothing I wanted. So I told her. The first time ever I told an aduldt about my ED, age 22. Twelve years later from when it all started.

August 2000, I lived in the same county and municipality as my parents.   One weekend I went away with some friends – Christian friends – still not interested in what they had inside. Still cold on the inside. Still a lot of hate and dissaponitments towards parts of my family.                Still living with ED.

(Summerbreak August 2000) I recieved a bible verse that weekend, had to borrow a bible. Read it. Didn’t understand a thing. It came back three times! I talked to one of the pastors asked him what I should do and (this was during a service) and he said, “I think the Lord have giving you this verse to share” and gave me the microphone. I said “I am not a believer but I got a bible verse”.

I read it loud and went back to my seat.                                                                                                                             “A while after came a guy – who was a part of my friends but yet he was from the States, the lord had lead him to Sweden(!) – to me and said Thank you for sharing! Those verses was to me. “I had asked the Lord to use someone, not a believer to show me why I am in Sweden and what the next is for me.”  And I know I have had friends praying for my life since August 2000, most of them haven’t had a clue what I’ve been through yet they wanted to pray for my life.

He was right, the Lord used me non believer!                                                                                                       That Sunday, was my second turn-around-point in my life from Jesus (August 2000). I said “Okay Jesus, you are real when you can use me non believer to someone who are a believing Christian.” “I am willing to start to get to know you, but don’t force me and let me be able to be in “my environment” with non believers.” My journey with the Lord started there with ups and downs!!

The path we walk in life.

And in september 2002 I made one of my biggest decisions, to start eat normal. To get in to routines of eating. 8 times during the hours I was awake. Every 2nd hour. To beat the ED. To gain weight. I used a lot of protein powder for extra good energy. (As a baby I had inherited high metabolism) and after 15 years of ED my metabolism got even higher… 🤪 therefor protein power. I alaso started to talk to two pastorol carer for a year. Can’t see that this would have been possible without the Lord and my journey with him! To not let my ED don’t rule my life anymore.

My third turn-around-point in life.  And every day is still a reminder of what, when and why I need to eat on regular times and two warm meals. I still struggle some day’s with the mental part to actually eat when I need, especially through work. But I can say, I am today free the ED in the way it was.

I have as an aduldt realized some deformed body parts like uneven breasts, one bigger fot, one longer arm as a consequence of the ED while I were growing. The fact that my ED maybe is a reason that I can’t have kids (which never been a longing), or maybe is the reason I got into perimenopause age 43… I have now accepted it all, but for years I was embarrassed about my body.

You can’t see I have had ED because I never went to far as for many others. But yet I went to far in the first place cause I started with the shit.  This shit disease have open up my eyes in the last years. And I want to study and learn more about it to be able to help other young girls and boys. I have come to the point where I can live with the side effects it has given me. And I think this is an other reason to why I like to work in the school, to be able to observe the students (kids).  I can say as I am an aduldt now, that it is a heavy disease!! It’s mental and psychological damage is clear in so many levels!! 😒

To be free from ED for me means I am not thinking of when I should eat during the hours I am awake to gain the most of energy throughtout the day, which was my goal for those 15 years in life.

But this year – 2022 – I celebrate 20 years of beeing free from ED. But I also think of it every year that past.

Still one day at the time to conquer the disease.

How other bloggers have helped me to put words on my experience of my ED since I started to blog. And this post, have taking me almost all this month to put words on how I have experience, live with ED, get out of it, start to enjoy life again, the backsides of it and how I want to live my life.

With the Lord on this Journey it will be possible to climb one level higher each Day.

Summer with Doubts & Peace.

I have been going through a summer full of different feelings. Issues to actually Trust the Lord about this situation. Learning it doesn’t help to try by myself. Only helps to Trust the Lord.

The front picture is my symbol for how narrow my space has felt. How narrow the Lord has been. How narrow my mind has been. Yet, I can only see Gods Love through this Summer for me.

3 hours of creativity the other Day this week. ❤

How the Lord has given me time to be creative to not think to much. Given me time with friends or to start at the gym, to not think to much.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for the peace in my weard situation. Only you know what I am going through. Only you can give me what I need. Only you know what’s coming. How my future look like. Only you know how to hlp me get through this. Thank you GOD for the peace, grace, patience, love you given me in this & for this. “

I use this picture to describes my longing for a man in my life. I stand on the road far away from the mountain which for me is a symbol of my future hubby/ husband.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for helping me understand on the way. Thank you GOD for given me this.  Thank you GOD for your blessings. Guide my steps. Guide my future hubby. “

My doubts is there, not 24/7, but close. Is this the right time? Is this what you wants for me? How can I trust? Well GOD has given me peace lots of it every day I doubt. ❤ Every time I wonder the peace gets bigger and deeper. And his love! WOW!!

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for this day, tmrw and the coming week and weeks. Thank you for taking care of me and my thoughts, prayers and life. ✝️ Guide him, guide me. Lead us. Bless us where we are and in what we are doing. Bless the times we will have together when that time comes.

My prayers; ” Surprice me by given me patince & knowlegde. “

And the Lord does!🙂😍❤✝️

God allowed me to try something I was sceptical to; Tinder. You have heard about it I know that. You can find all different types of websides or app’s to find love now day’s. So I ended up on Tinder. Where it’s a lot of weard people for sure! But it is also some, meaning few!, who are more interesting!

I’ve been chatting with few more interesting guys this Summer. I ended up with one (good!) And this guy is the one I have had doubts about. All this blog is about him and God... This guy have I prayed for since day one,and I believe God is with Him. He is still a bit of a mysterious person but GOD has given me peace about him. And I trust GOD about him. I don’t have a clue where this will go or lead but just the fact I have Peace for him and whatever happends is good enough for me. ✝️❤✝️

Our path is God’s path. He will LEAD US when WE trust Him.


35 again 😉

Last Monday I thought about how I could celebrate my biRthDaY… than I didn’t think much about it. Until May 1st when a friend asked me “what do you wish for your biRthDaY?”

My answer was “I guess with friends coming over and maybe å buqette of flowers”.

24 hours before we had 5 seasons in an hour (!). We had 🌧⛈☀️🌨 and hagel…. and I had just finished moving around my furnitures on my patio and walked my cat when this weard weather came.. see the picture below.

5 seasons in 1 hour (!)

As I started above here I had not put much thought into this day becauce of the Corona situation we have. But, I did invite my closest friends.

“You are welcome to come and celebrate me on My biRthDaY 🥳🥳. Bring what you want to eat & drink and maybe flowers. I will be awake from 10am. This is the adress xxx. Welcome!”

My fitst guest, not to close friend but she’s been my neighbour for 4 years. She came between 12 & 1pm. 🥳🥳🥳

I started to bake a cheesecake after the first visit… 🥳🥳🥳

An hour later did those 3 (of my 8est) closest friends knock on my door. 🙂🥳

🥳🥳They stayed between 2pm & 5pm 🙂💜🙂 We ate a good cake they brought. Had good biRthDaY. And I got this beautiful buqette!🥳❤

Around when they had left, ate I dinner (and nothing else) after my breakfast at 9.40am NOT good!! I was very starving.

This beautiful flower was my 3rd gift.

During my dinner the 3rd visit came 🙂🥳 also as surprice 😊😊 just like I wanted it to be. They stayed for about 25 minutes.

🥳🥳And almost an hour later when I kind of thought no one else would come the 4th guests knocked on my door and gave me something that at the first sight looked like a buqette flowers. But as more as I got the paper off I could see, it was something more soft and hairy 😄😄 it was a nice piece from a sheep to have on my bench on my patio. 💜

So, even if I didn’t think much about how to celebrate, the biRthDaY 🥳🥳🥳 became Awsome!!

I am so Thankful for my friends!! So even if we still live with restrictions from the guverment of how to act in the time of CONVID-19/ Corona, they came. ❤

35th Birthday again 😉

Pictures from my Birthday the 3rd and the continuing celebrating the 4th of May, waiting on and being with friends.


Baking the cake the 2nd of May to my collegues.

Picking wood anemone with some students on my Day to the Basar we had at the School.

On my way back home, I past those beautiful “new born buds”.

A Birthday gift, gift card, cinema ticket 😍

4th of May.

In Oslo, the National Theatret place, eating a ice cream waiting on my friends.

…the National Theatret place…

At my friends place.

Birthday dinner.

Gift and ☕ and 🎂.

Happy Birthday to me 🎉🎈🎉


Friendship, gifts, rain and inspiration.

“went to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks

I went to my Aussie friend yesterday Wednesday to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks and to give them the “Birth-annonsment” I’ve made in cross-stitching during the last month (and I haven’t done cross-stitching in ten years!). They were thankful for the gift and it was cool to see them! 🙂


I also got a gift from her

The two of us, me and my Aussie friend went to our South African friend to “say good bye, see you later have a great year”-evening with some other International friends. Thankful I went! Not just that I had the chance to meet her again before she fly’s home to her mom in South Africa in two day, I also got a gift from her. A purse. A red purse! Some fancy brand also.


Red makes me happy.

So Happy for the purse!

A week ago when I met her she asked me if I would like some more movies at home. Well I can’t say no to watch a dvd-movie or more. I like to watch something else I haven’t already seen three times! So when I arrived to her (yesterday) she say, hey before I forget “here is the movies”.

it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven

Some hours later I was heading home, got a ride with two friends heading the same direction it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven during the time we where all inside, so it was a bit of a chock that the sky “was open” and it poured out on us. On the way home-ish in the car it was really bad raining! They left me in a spot close to my regular bus. Oh so wet I went in few minutes! I would say I was wet through all my cloths. Anyway, I made it home. I don’t know how you are when you been out in the rain you didn’t know of to come. But I am like this, If I get soaked wet I really want to watch a movie. Doesn’t really matter what time of the day it is. I think I was home around 11pm, and in the mood to watch a movie! That I did. And of all the movies I could choose from I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Fun movie! And you can learn something from it too.

“even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!”

I guess it gave me inspiration to see if I had something I could give away, because that was what I did (even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!). It is so often that I see something in my wardrobe and think “when did I use this the last time?”.  I have to say this is the first time in a very loooooong time I’ve done something just because I just seen a movie!

And I did find cloths I haven’t used in a long while and today it will go and put into the 2ndstore – Fretex container. What a good feeling when it’s more space!


What a good feeling to give away.


Thoughts in and about life.

Different thoughts has past my brain the last two weeks about what I could write as a blog this time. Thoughts like how my moving-day went, how it is to do a re-start to get to the gym again, what my thoughts are if a guy shows me interests and how I react or not react to how fun it is to have enough space and a cat. I am not sure yet how this blog will end, but it will be one. Maybe a bit more random blog then most of them.


The moving-day went well and we were done after four hours of carrying all my stuff from the basement to the attic. 60 stair steps up and down.

A good workout that day!


I had to put my cat Silver in the bathroom until we were done, just so he would not be in the way. I do not think he was happy with that, but SO happy when I let him out.

It was kind of cool to watch Silver when he starts to wander around, a discovery tour of the apartment nosy as he is (he is a cat). But it was not as popular from his his side when I started moving furniture. But then here one and a half weeks later, after we moved in here, he is as usual. He feels at home.


An other thing that have past my brain is how grateful and thankful I am for the moving! How thankful I am to have such a good bunch of friends that could help me with my moving. I feel blessed for those friends.

I am also thankful for my land lord he is a great man! He has blessed me every-time I am late to pay my rent, only late because I have not received my monthly money from the government support-system.

I am so blessed to live here! In so many ways. Good neighbors. Generosity from neighbors etc. The house it self is not in the best stand but the neighbors are awesome! Easy to talk to and get along with.


It is definitely more space for Silver too, which is the noise of his play I wakes up to around 02.30 am… but he also sleeps on top of my legs when he sleeps a hole night.


He loves to sit in the window when it is open by approximately 10 cm. He does not try to get out but love to smell everything he’s not used to.

He is so curious to watch what happens in the courtyard. For example, he likes to sit and watch when Greta (landlady) runs out her car from the garage, walk out of the car, shutting the garage door and go back to the car to then reverse out of the courtyard. This takes maybe 5 minutes, but Silver find it so funny to watch.


As I wrote above have I thought about how I react and what I do if some guy trying to show that he is interested in me. I have been hurt before as many others, and I think that I would love to just drown in his eyes whenever the guy trying to get in contact with me. But I also know that if it is other friends around I don not dare to do drown. I know that’s the only thing I would love to do, to sit there and just sink into his eyes.

The look of love.

So how do I react then?

Well I trying to meet his look for few seconds and then I go back to the others like nothing Happened. But inside of me I am happy and insecure of «is he really interested in me?»

I know me. I need something specific from the guy to understand he is interested in me. Like a card with few words, text-MSG with a smile of love, coffee-date or similarity were he put words on what he thinks or likes with me. And the best is also if that also fit’s him as a person to do.


Why am I so sky when it comes to like someone? Why can’t just be myself when I am such an outgoing person the rest of the time? Why is it so difficult to see how love looks like in different people? And why is most Christian guys so careful and slow?

I mean it is great they are careful to make sure but how am I supposed to understand what a guy means when I need some specific words or «hands up» to understand. I am not that kind of girl that analyzes every tiny word or detail or eye-contact that a guy do or say. No. I am to realistic there. I see the situation and try understand the situation and if I don’t understand I leave it to God.

The things that helps me is bible verse like those (below)…



