Am I right or wrong here I dont know, but I feel the enemy trying harder now against us Singel Women above 40.

I feel on this frustration over the fraud-people, they who knows how to trick us and convince you and me to become the victums 🤬🤬 often through high manipulation and nagging until you or me do what they want. They don’t care how or what you actually don’t like or don’t agree with, as long as they win 🤬.

The irritation of why they looking for women above 40 and above and singel?

Cause I have been attacked twice in a month! Four times or more in a year! And it’s not just me, I have singel female friends who also been attacked like me lately 🤬🤬. Why would we be so much more attractive? Not everyone above 40 how a lot of money. Or is it becauce we are singel? Are we more attractive becauce “no one can help us to see the signs?”, or is it something totally different?

They are sadly good on manipulation those people 😢😢😢😢🤬🤬🤬.

I were unlucky that I had some money they could trick out of me 😢😢🤬🤬. Not much and luckly All places I tryed to apply for a mastercard deny me. Thank you Lord for that!!

The enemy really trying to be strong and do sabotage!!

I been feeling it off and on this last year. How the Enemy have tryed to destroy a lot of things for me. Both through work and through internet 🤬🤬🤬. It doesn’t get easier, no no the opposite! So how can we singel women above 40 stand against this shit that really is sabotage one way or the other?? Is it more common in Europe or is this *shit* then around the world? Have you, who following my blog, man or women been attacked by the enemy reasonly? And how?

Do we share this with our Church? Or just close Christian friends? What is your experience of fraud? Please make a comment 😉 not just “like” the post.

Online dating (annoying or not), part 11.

August -23. Just as I was ending my profile on the dating app I started to talk to this, well quite interesting man I thought then…

I have deleted my profile and will have a break no matter! Tired of slow Norwegian men and other fake men!! I need time to pack, move, pack up and time to settle in in my new home. If I go back to a dating app at all, well time will show. I don’t need to stress finding a man. And is everything else in my life I trust the Lord to guide me into when it’s time for a new round with online dating. I have other things in life I need to spend time and energy on.

We talked on snap and it sounded prommesing that he wanted to visit me, up to the date of his arrival – today the 8th – but he didn’t respond to any of my snap’s after 3pm. I went in to Stavanger to sign my new house contract and told him on snap that I could wait nearby the train station. Which I did for almost 2 hours!! Before I gave up 8.20pm and took the train home. He hasn’t respond to any of my snap’s for the past hour or two and now I’ll ignore him as he has ignored me! *if he realky want to visit well answer!! Ifell my mouth is dirty in words and can only use those to express my geelinhs right now; 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

It’s not the first time 😥😥😥 I hope I’ve learn my lesson!!

I am now home making late dinner and gonna draw and watch telly to calm down and txt close friends 😊.

I hope that you who following my post of this theme, have got help through my thoughts and faith. But also listening to the Lord to give you advice. I hope you will find your true one out there one day! Just remember to not stress about it, giving the Lord your heart so He can guide you and you not becoming desperate!! That’s the worst kind of singel people Christian or not!

August 29th an other deny/refusal of work…

…made me feeling low yesterday and today. But you know what? I talked out loud my frustration to the Lord and …

Some food.
Some painting.
And then application (s) 😉.
I just needed to be a bit low to be able to rise up again. With new energy and motivation ❤🙏✝️.

The Lord knows us to well to know what we need ❤😊.

Online dating (is annoying)…

Right now I am just frustrated and annoyed…You know how life can “kick your as” sometimes… My is like that today. Got very annoyed already yesterday cause of a man I’ve started to talk to on a dating app and than on messanger on Friday evening. He very keen on a date and than 24 hours later no respond at all. Why and how come? Well I don’t know. Have no clue. Therefor am I very annoyed and frustrated. An I thought if I wrote about it (and maybe someone have been where I am could give me any kind of feedback) I would feel a bit better. Because thats how I work.

And I have to say it already helps. 🙂 Just typing it helps. But offcourse if you give me any feedback I would love that too!! 🙂

Why is it so that most people on a dating app are so not polite? Just because one write something the other person you write to, doesn’t like what you wrote, than it’s fine to totally ignore that and in worst case block that person? Since when is that polite? And if you met in real life??? I just don’t understand!!

Just because you are online, does that mean you can be rude to everyone?? It’s not just on a dating app, it’s others blog or other type of social media. Since when??

I doubt you would do that if you met the person. I wouldn’t. Am I trying to be “to polite” online? Am I rased in an other world, I am not rased by to beliving Christian folks so I can’t say my childhood is or was very different than most.

How do you think about this? Do you have any experience? And what would you do?

Anyway, I got an other date, today. And I am looking forward that. We have planned to just walk along the seaside and get to know each other. I might tell you how it went after. It’s not just about to date someone to see if you fit each other for me, some of them is worth a date just to get to know the other person. Maybe I get a new friend I can hang with who knows?

I will not say “offcourse I am looking for a man for the rest of my life” because I can’t say “for the rest of my life” cause I don’t know how long I live or if I’ll meet the “right person” now or later. I think most people should use other words even if I totally understand why people use the term. I have since I moved to Norway wanted to meet a man, yet haven’t that happend. I have been living here for fifteen years in September. Maybe I haven’t been ready as a person. Whatever reason I haven’t met the “right man” yet I guess is only the lord who knows. And I have come to peace with that fact, that whenever I do meet this man, I will be ready both as who I am and as a Christian. Wheneever it happends life will be good, I will be in a good place and mostly I am not stressed about it as I actually have been… And annoying family members has been more stressed. The different between me and my family is that they have been wanting a “good man who can give me kids” without asking me if thats what I wanted. They have just been assuming that’s what I wanted because “I am a christian” or because “I am a woman”. Which sucks!! I have since I don’t know, been wanted to meet a man with kids from before and not get my own once for years and years.

I am just whishing for a man with kids from an other relationship, sorry if you don’t like that. But the Lord have given me peace so I live with that.

Some of my bonus family totally undestands me others don’t and that’s okay. I live my life.

July 23rd, trying something new.

Hi guys ,you who following my blog. This is me. Not just text from me in person but actually few shorter videos. 😉

I want to share something with you in an other way this time.

High level of frustration…

But just the fact of sharing this with you all, the frustration is almost gone. 😊

Now I am more annoyed.

How is this related to my Christian life? Well it’s the daily life experience to deal with things in the same time talk to the Lord about it. Don’t let it sink in so it’s hurting you.

You still have the chance to recive peace in your mind before you do something stupid. I can still believe the Lord will help me and take the frustration away from my soul, brain and thoughts. 🙏.

I am not aloud to post more videos 😭 so I’ll just type what I want share with you all.

I am thankful for being a Christian becauce I can then just talk out loud my thoughts to the Lord. And knowing he listening. And that freedom is huge! Knowing He will take care of my feelings no matter what I feel. 😊. And I will do my best to have a great weekend and not just ” survive ” the weekend.

I am letting Him in to my heart, brain and soul to clean it. And knowing He still loves me and that He wants the best for me is good enough.

So what my life brings on right now is bigger challenges than I thought I needed. But it’s okay becauce I trust the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers. 🙏.

❤ to you all.

And remember to believe ✝️.

How to overcome the feelings of discouragement & which way should I go?

Frustration and stress isn’t what I need or want in this season! Yet it’s here. 😔. I struggle to find jobs, struggle to understand where the Lord want me. I struggle to see the path. The path from the Lord. What about the dream I had? What about the peace I had?

To recive a ” we choose an other person for this job ” an then stand in this, keep applying to the few jobs out there… keep praying for a new job, an interview, to understand this… is hard! I am stubborn so I will keep applying until I get a new job, it isn’t that. The issue is it isn’t so many jobs out there I can apply for.

I struggle with frustration of not understand where the Lord want me in August I don’t want to complain I just need help in prayers.

Is it me, was I wrong thinking ” this year means a big move? ” or will I actually move but maybe not to the area, county I miss and feels like home? And what about the feeling of “do not apply here xx “? How to continue applyinfor the few job that are out there? How to overcome the feelings of discouragement and which way should I go?

Today’s bible verse was a good greeting for me! Here is the verse: ” Don’t focus on what is going on around you. “ Easy? No.

How to walk with a blurry view?

How to continue in a blurry view? And see through it…

I would like to know where I am going before the Summer Holiday start in the second week of July. So I can find a new place to rent and move. I have said it out loud to the Lord. And I know He will answers my prayers, but right now I struggle to believe this. And it’s a pain in my faith and mind. 🥴😥.

Please, stand with me in my prayers of this. And if you recive a greeting from the Lord, don’t hesitate to send me the greeting. 😉


Frustration comes from nowhere most the time. It pops up. Mostly it disapare as fast as it came for me. But right now it’s still on my mind. 😐

Nothing is fun or feel positive right now. It’s more “how will I survive the rest of this month”- feeling with lots of frustration. ☹

My frustration is my life-situation. It’s the lack of getting a job. Lack of a better income. Lack of be able to have some money over in the end of the month.

The picture show my refridge. What I have and no more until the 20th this month.

I am not the kind of person that get depressed but this situation is close to that state of mind… Life isn’t easier just because I am a Christian (if you thought so). I have the same challenges in life as anyone else. I can through it on God and knowing I don’t need to think about it. Which if you who don’t believe, probably struggel with challenges.

I did struggel a lot about most thinking of economics before I started to believe on what the bible says.

I just have to trust God for a miracle to be able to take one day in the time. At least my cat’s have what they need.


Re-posted in English. An ordinary Sunday ended up being unusual.

Here I sit in my dorm and waiting for the electrician to replace a fuse ( an old fuse) that has burned. The time is around nine pm Sunday evening…


It started with one of my neighbors vacuuming as usual in the basement and the staircase down and the power went. Actually a fairly common thing in this house.


Everything is brook dark in total housing. An evil smell that has spread in the cellar in recent days. But this Sunday the power went with a “Poof” and a weird smell came stronger then before. We began to look for where “the smell came from.” My first thought was “that I have no assurance on my things.” The bad smell came from the fact that a fuse in the hood that had passed. A fire smell like both me and a neighbor in the 2nd floor of the house responded but could not see where it came from. Another neighbor from the 3rd of the house realized what was most likely to be about and was soon in place with call landlord.


Here I am now and have neither insurance nor power to check online about what insurance would cost me. Suddenly I realized that it’s more than just wise to have. I need it in every case in this house!

A few of my neighbors have little power. We also do not know how long it will take before the electrician is here to fix a new fuse. It may be that we are out of power for several hours. That means we should not take things out of the fridge or the freezer. Everything to the light I have is tea light and a candle .. not much to a room of about 25kvm..and cool it was from before, in today, so it helps little that we can not turn up the radiators .. and hungry, I start to become ..

We found out that it is very advisable to vent out the hallway in the basement so as not to breathe in the electric fire smell as it is dangerous to breathe.  During the night, the electricians came to work until around three or four seams came back. The positive is that at least everyone in the house gets involved and some ethnicity does not talk to anyone from the beginning, so you do it in this case. Oh, in my case, it will be a blog post ..


An ordinary Sunday ended up being unusual.

No power for anything .. A little frustrating and realize that I’m dependent on power and the Internet. I can not eat either as I need the stove for it ..



/Mia-Simone.Svenberg. 10 of January.2016. // 19 of November 2017