How the Lord can meet us and Heal us wherever we are when we come with Expectations.

November 12th to 18th.

I have been laying in my couch since Tuesday 7th (which you can read in the post before this one), been dizzy every day. Got an appointment with my GP on Friday (November 10th) a not so good day cause everything was spinning around. Both at the GP and after when I got home. Yesterday (Saturday) I managed to walk upright around in my home, first time since Monday 6th when I was working, but I had to support myself to walls or furnitures, dizzy every time I turned or turned my head normal = to fast.

Sunday 12th I have just been llistening to preaching from my home church on their podcast (between 11am to 12pm), about miricales when we come with expectations on what God can do when we pray.(while hearing those words I said in my head Β«I come with expectations on healing here and nowΒ»). How I felt God doing things in my head while I just listen to the preaching (I still have concussion when I type this) about healing. When I started to listen to that preaching I was dizzy in my head and I couldn’t whatch a screen and now approxy 30 minutes later am I typinging on my laptop. Doesn’t feel dizzy at all πŸ™‚ . Amen.

How God’s power can touch us wherever we are when we hear about miricales and what God can do. When we believe on what God can do when we come with expectations towards him.

Hear I am in my couch, 12:30 pm Sunday, and the dizziness isn’t so intense as it was one and half hour ago! How God can heal when I come with expectations! I am looking forward to get up, not to fast, just be careful, and believe God has heald my head. That I will be able to walk normal and not feel dizzy or that everything is spinning. I am looking forward to be able to go outdoors for some fresh air, to be able to wear my glasses I haven’t wear since Monday (trying them on right now, I think it will take a bit time for my eyes to adjust. I will not force my eyes with glasses here and now. I will take in small steps during the day).

Monday 13th. The dizzieness is gone. Thank You Lord! From dizzieness to wobbly walking indoors, stumbling on my own feets… but have been able to walk each Day since last Sunday πŸ™‚ . I managed to watch a movie on Monday with glasses on – a really good feeling – some good things has started to happend. But on Tuesday I was tired all day 😦 . Constantly tired. I even reacted on the light outside through the window. Until Tuesday I have had the blinds down cause it has been to light outside, but on Tuesday I wanted to try and get use to the light and get more daylight in.

Wednesday 15th.Today I managed to walk, wobbly, out to my mailbox and pick up the mail. A good feeling. I even went out with garbage. I was thinking to go and grab my cruches just in case I would try to go for a slow walk. But I neither got the cruches or went for a slow walk. I managed to order food from the online store (the only one who has that service where I live) with delivering on Friday. YAY.

Thursday 16th. Constantly tired again… Didn’t manged much. Sat in the couch all day. Watch some movie and series but not much. I did managed eat and drink coffee and juice othervice I was just in the couch. Got in bed around 10pm. Slept bad. We had snow coming down today, it didn’t really stay, but just the fact we had snow is happiness for me. How I “suddenly” could turn my head normally without feeling wobbly in my head – Yay! And how I have been healing in small steps! How the Lord provides for me in small steps! How thankful I am for every new Day with all “new” things I managed to do πŸ™‚ .

Friday 17th a much better day! More productive Day! I woke around 9am, had coffee and breakfast, got food delivered 10.15am. Ran the washing machine. Was creative on the floor – YAY. Went out (Yes you read right), for a slow walk in my neighbourhood. Walked approxy 20m had a break for few minutes and try to enjoy the sunlight but it was a bit to bright for me. Went on walking slowly 20 more meters, a small break counting to ten, kept walking. Repeating my 20m with a break counting to ten. Walked approxy 100m in total, up the small hill (street) from me. Standing there trying to get used to the brightness. Waited maybe 2 minutes before i walked the same hill (street) down back home repeating walking 20m with a break. I was out for approxy 15-20 minutes. Totally worth it!!

Later that Day I got more and more energy to be creative πŸ™‚ . I was creative in my couch until i Β«fell onto bedΒ» around 11pm. I was finally tired by myself – happiness!!

Saturday 18th has started good! I just had my coffee and will have breakfast just now. And I will go for a slow walk after. Imy goal is to be able to walk to the nearest grocery store, which normally take me 7 minutes one way. Which now probably take me 21 minutes and that is okay. The grocery store in just few minutes from where I normally work as a substitutet teacher and where I will go on Monday. So I have to managed this.

My goal today is to get out and walk at least twice.

And he has blessed me with new friendship and food.

He helps us when we ask for help. He is with us when we ask him to be close.

Every evening before falling a sleep have I prayed
Β«Thank you Lord today. 
Thank Lord for the healing gift, 
thank you for letting me recieve it and 
thank you lord for healing me.Β» 
And Β«I come with expectations for healing me, 
thanking you for what you do with and within me, 
thank you for protecting my brain, heart and soul.

I believe that the Lord is with me when I pray this, that he is happy I am asking for healing and not just take it for granted. I believe God want us to come with expectations when we pray so he can do more in our lifes and that we can see he is with us when we ask with expectations.

And the goal for tomorrow Sunday is at least one walk and catch the local bus to Church. If I managed that I am really Happy.

To jump – different.

To jump – different, for me doesn’t necassary mean to actually jump. In one way it is a jump. Emotional. Jump.

To dear to take the step. The Emotionals Step. The Emotional Jump. To be scared. To feel. To get into a roller coaster. To share. To be. To trust. To live. To be able to focus…

To let someone in. Let a male in (for me). To get to know me.

Something most people take quite easily on. Not me. I have burned to many bridges.

My bridges in my own life.

To jump on the emotionals train… To let feelings pop up, to trust the feeling. To trust not just the Lord.

And than comes those other things in my life… where I am right now. Am I ready? Can I ever be ready again? Or will I do the same mistakes again? Have I learned enough about me to take this jump? Do I know myself enough to do this huge thing that scares myself? Slowly is good isn’it? To figured out things on the way…

I know I have started the ride with a train. That I have jumped.

Where will this lead? Can I trust it? How do I react on my own feelings? Chaos in my head…

What I have learn so far? To trust the Lord. ❀ No matter what I feel, I need the guidance from the Lord to know I am on the right path! And from Day one I have had peace and I know from where this is for me. 😊✝️😊 To have Faith and Believe. To stay on the track with Him.

I have since Day one put the whole situation in the hands of the Lord. 😊 and He shows me daily and through the whole day that He the Lord loves me and is guiding my steps. 😊

I am trying to not doubt this thing for once. It’s hard! But I’m trying.

It’s hard to jump and not knowing the outcome πŸ€ͺπŸ₯΄. And ” they ” say it’s Love.

Whatever I feel, I need to trust the Lord. He knows whats best for me. He knows my life. He has been a part of my life for at least 13 years. He has been there in my roller coaster of feelings.

And my experence is that when I talk to Him, He is near.

Whatever I feel I know He care for me. He will guide me. He will surround me and I will be protected by His grace. And He will bless my life. ❀✝️


November 17, moms biRthDaY πŸŽ‰

The woman that has inspired me in many ways had biRthDaY yesterday. She became 79 yesterday πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰. She is ill with dementia and Alzheimer and she is my mom. She has learned me a lot of life, how cook food, how spend or not spend money. She is the person I look up to. She has been my inspiration in many ways.

Many people is surpriced she is still with us becauce of her illness and becauce she has been really sick twice in 13 months. Both times didn’t the doctors think she wouldn’t survive. But she is a strong woman. A lot of people was praying for her and she came back stronger. πŸ™βœοΈ

I am Thankful even though I have not seen her for the last four years. I love her even more now, than what I said or showed her when she wasn’t sick.

And I miss her.

I just want to hear her voice again…πŸ’–

She was the one that learned me to prepare food, wash clothes and make easy dinner with one of my brothers when I was 8 y.o. She nagged on me to clean my room as I become a teenager and she have helped me to move so many times πŸ’– (!) She has always been there even if we lived on a distance πŸ’– of minimum 350km to maximum 1200km for many years.

As long as I can remember she has been on a bycycle, to work or to the grocery store or prayer meeting. She loved to do easy exercice. She stoped using her bycycle about a year after she stoped to drive the car. We didn’t aloud her for safety of her self and others in trafic. But she’s been able to walk for many years. Even if it only were for 20minutes in the end, she walked. She had a small route she walked daily. πŸ’œ She liked to be outside, she loved the forest, she went to the forest to pick wild berries and learned me where and how to find it.

This picture is from 2011 that Summer she and dad came visit me here in Norway. That was the last time she visit me. πŸ’– Her sickness had escalated this year and when they visit me I had to enjoy every minute I got with her being able to talk and walk. I miss that part of my mom πŸ’–

Every year I pray I will have the opportunity to go and visit her for the last time before she is gone. πŸ’–

I hope I make the trip in 2020 both financial and with someone that can watch my cat 🐈.

My mom was saved as a teenager and she had a relationship to the Lord. Now I πŸ™ the Lord is with her every Day.

HaPPy biRthDaY Mom πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Love you!!

πŸ’–You have helped me in many ways in life! I can’t say it to many times, I love you Mom. πŸ’–


To be you and share your life.

Yesterday on my way home I was thinking about to write here, thinking on what to share. I did not get longer then that. The sun’s heat hit my brain, to the point that when I were home the only thing I could think of was ice cream, water and how to get my body colder. But here I am, the day after. Actually writing.

And what I want to share is a part of my daily christian life. How my work feels like a blessing and how to be a blessing to someone that is just visit your city for a Day or two. How to be you and share your life, as simple as it is. And how important it is to be you in any situation. ❀

How I on my spear-time share my life with tourist-girls, to stay in my house and sleep on my couch because I have a profile on How I through this – CouchSurfing environment – can be a blessing for those who want to have an experience of Oslo, my city, and by my faith trust God that this time with those girl who I accept to stay, will I somehow put a seed into those girls life. My simply life can be a blessing because Norway is an expensive country to visit!

Last time I had a CouchSurfer girl here is not that long ago, but I had a long break to host between august-18 to now in May-19 (!) I felt God talking to me to just say yes to her to stay with me. I did not read a thing about her when I accepted her stay. I did read on the way down town, just before I actually met her on the bus station. Thinking β€œOkay this will be interesting”, Let me be able to share something.

She arrived around 3pm a Friday, we bought a 24-hour ticket to her to use, catch the tram to the grocery-store and headed home from the rainy Oslo. Got home, soaking wet and made a warm meal for both body and stomach. She went out to explore Oslo few hours that evening. When she left it had stop raining but after a small hour the sky open and the rain came hard. I got some hours to relax my body after a β€œlong” day at work. (Long in the meaning that wrong shoes, walking a lot, rain and musical revy made by som dysfunction youth, WOW what a good Revy!)

When she got back, soaking wet one more time, we had a chat about 30minute before we fell asleep. She had noticed the words I have around my apartment β€œLove”, β€œGrace”, β€œJoy”, β€œFaith”, β€œTrustHim” and β€œBelieve” and asked me if I believed and I answered Yes, I believe in Jesus. And we talked about her background and I told here how I got back to my life in faith. I think, that I planted a seed into her mind. And I can only pray for her and that God lead an other Christian person into her life where she is now.

This is also the reason for me to have a profile in this environment, where any-kind of girls can stay for free and use money and time in the city. To explore Oslo. To be able to arrive late and leave my home whenever it fit them the next day.

God has show and given me greetings with the words β€œYour creative part will explode and I will help you to see the green grass”. I believe this blog and the CouchSurfing is two of those things this year and I am curious to see what he will do for and with me the years that are coming!


Good News 🀩🀩🀩

God has given me lots of patience over the last 8 years!

In 2011 I had to stop working because of a accident where I was working (kindergarten). I had a bad felt backwards with my back to the ground, the “forest floor”. I hurt my back badly.
I could not work for about 2 years. 😒
In 2013, February had I mine knee surgery. I had to learn to walk from scrach. Had rehab for 11month!
In September 2014, I started a coures to further educate me within Office and administration. I had a desire to use the knowledge I carried with me in this profession. Despite having two years of practice i this profession, I never got into a job…☹️
In August 2016, was the year I started to have internship/work-experience. The first lasted a year and led to another internship in a Hotel(in back office) which didn’t lead anywhere but it led to an other internship (also office). Forth time of internship, which is the one I have had until today the 28th of February.
And tomorrow 1 of March I start working, first time in 8 years!!

Woop woop. 🀩🀩🀩

I have worked hard and tried to find a Job I thought was in the right field but God showed me what He wanted for me last May (2018).
Most people and friends I know, don’t understand how I could live in this situation/ have this life. I only trusted my heavenly Father to lead my steps.
I have asked myself “what do I want to work with?” Many times in life and the answer has always ended in “I want to work with youth”.
Now I will. πŸ’–
From internship at the School (college) to job 😊 at the same School.


My blog-journey.

When I started to blog I did it clear my head, not really to get people to start following my blog for sure! But here I am, few years later with around twenty followers!

It’s been a Journey, my Journey to figure things out. A positive exploring journey. Where I have had to trust Dad’s Word to me, to listen to what He says and understand that this is what He want me to do not just for me but also for you who read.

It’s about to share the good and fun

and bad or sad

things in life.

God has given me the gift of greetings to other people. He gives me uplifting words, pictures or Bibleverses. He has also given me prophetic words back to me through friends this year – 2018.

*The first greeting I got this year was; the 28th of April.

I did not really understand, so I Said “Dad if you give me the same message 3 times I know it is from you, but you also have to show me clearly what this is about.”

*The second greeting came in June and *the third in November.

All with the same message:

“I will make your Creativity bigger”.

Was I or Am I up for a new challenge?

In November and December I started to see clearly and understand what Dad wanted for me and this blog. When more and more of you who are now following my blog. I understood this is my challenge, my gift from Dad my Lord. This is what He wants for me.

This is the greeting “I will make your Creativity bigger“.

To share.

My Dad, our heavenly Father, has spoken to me, to share my Christian life, my Daily life to inspire others. To follow Him and let Him guide me.

I do not know my future but I know He will guide me and give me the right words.

I am not good to read the bible… But Dad has pointed this out to me;

“You are willing to hear my voice and do what I ask you to do, which for me is better then to read and not understand the words.”

Not that I don’t want to not read the bible. No no no. I want it but I fall a sleep ☹️ no matter what time it is. It is all about to get good habits. Which for me is to read through the Bible-app and read uplifting week-plans.

So now I’m looking 4ward to next year and the year after that! With Dad and this blog. 😊

I wish you all a Happy New YearπŸŽ‡, Happy lifeπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰, a good relationship with Dad our heavenly Father where ever you are around the 🌏🌎🌍.

I will Try to post more often then until December-18, which was special. I hope my blog will be full of inspiration and that you will let your network know about me, if you like it. πŸ˜‰


Advents calender, 21st December.

Here we go few minutes after the 21st past..

With hearts in the background I give this Bibleverses to you, from Psalm 15:1-2

Lord, who may abide in your taernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?

He who walks uprightly, and works righteouness, and speaks the truth in his heart.

What a wonderful verse. Take this verses with you or maybe read the whole chapter.


Advents calender 18th December.

Psalm 33:1-5

REJOICE in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.

Praise the Lord with the hatp: Make melody to Him with an instrument of ten strings.

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

For the worf of the Lord is right. And all His work is done in truth.

He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.


Advents calender 17th December.

Here is the verse for the 17th, Monday.

Psalm 17:5;

Uphold ny steps in ny paths, That my footsteps my not slip.

I believe that our Lord, Heavenly Father and God, always will protect my feets. That whereever I go He will not let my footsteps slip. Whatever I do He is there. 😊


Advents calender 16th December.

Here comes the verse for Sunday, 3rd advendt, from Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in ny mouth.

To have Faith and stand in Faith. To praise Him who I believe on.


Advents calender 15th December.

Here comes the verse for 15th of December …

Proverbs 10:7;

This is about being wise or a fool.

I’m trying to understand the verses before and after … I do not get it, sorry

Maybe you who following my blog does, and if you do pls make a comment. πŸ˜‰


Advents calender 14th December.

An other day of a lot I did…

Met my shoe doctor, got my new “Winter shoes”, took the train to the course I_m in (to get back to work). Was walking and eating in negative 8Β°C.

Sat down inside, searching for jobs btw 10am – 12:30pm, had lunch, catched the tram home forty min later. Got Home, switched shoes, socks and out again.

To meet a girl-friend and do dine xmas shopping and catch-up over a good strong coffee/chai latte.

Back home around 5:30pm completely exhausted. Tired brain and body! I did not do much but I did take both my cats out for a walk, which isn’t normal!

Here is Silver 🐈 boy exploring the snow ❄️ for the very first time. .

And, here is the verse of Friday the 14th;

Proverbs 13:14

The law of the wice is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.


Advents calender 13th December.

This Day startet earlier then all other days. I had an interview 0800 am. Had an americano and a safron bun at a coffee place for breakfast,

07:48 am startet I to walk towords the school for the interview.

Rush back to the School I have my internship / work at.

Was thinking I have to remember to blog this evening.

In all this, the 13th of December is the Day we celebrate the Lucia day. Lucia stands for lighting up the dark Winter.

Came Home normal time. Got my second coffee, started to vacuum clean, made dinner, fed the cats and on my way to the bed I saw my advents calender thinking, I am not awake anymore I just need to sleep and did not blog.

So here is the verse from the 13ths.

Proverbs 10:29

The way of the Lord is strength for the upright, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity.


Advents calender 11th December.

As you seen I like to have different backgrounds of “today’s verse”. Today it’s needles πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ because I am working with a zipper.

When you walk your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.

It is so good to know that when I run ny steps wont be hindered 😊 or stumble. God is watching our steps no matter running or just walking. 😊


Advents calender 10th December

Sorry that the verse of 10th of December coming today the 11th. I was a bit to tired and honnestly, I forgot.

Proverbs 4:5b

Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

A good reminder to us all.
