Digital school, December 2021

Last Friday (the 10th) we went from ” normal school day ” to trafic light green (trafic light system) becauce of the newest mutation of covid-19: Omikron. The same day we were informed that on Monday December 13 we would be on trafic light


Yellow, Which means a higher chance to get sick from omikron and 1 meter distance in the classroom and for the students and the class lesson went from 45 to 50 minutes.

Monday and Tuesday went on ” normal ” as a start. At lunch we got an email from the principal that Wednesday December 15th is back on Red.

Red means Digital school day.

But hey, we are used to those fast turns so everyone just working as much and fast as it’s possible to make the best for everyone.

2 and a half more day’s before Christmas Holiday in the School. Woho! But first a weekend! 😊😊.

I am thankful for what the Lord is giving me and how to best help the sorest students that stuggles the most, the best upfollowing I managed online 😊.