How to Listen to God…by the devotional.

If we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake.We do all the talking and we don’t actually listen to him. But our relationship with God is meant to be a two-way conversation. 

In Proverbs 3:1-10 it says… ‘ My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.’

To write down thoughts that come into my mind that may come from the Spirit of God. In a media-saturated age we have many voices that come to us on TV, radio, the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email and text message. We have the voices of family, friends and colleagues. And sometimes we have the voice of Satan tempting us to disbelieve God’s word and to doubt that God has our best interests at heart.

How do you hear the voice of God in the midst of the noise and distractions of life?

I hear my Lord in prayers and worship with other Christian people. That’s also how He share what he wants the other person. To help he/she to understand what the Lord is trying to say wants for that person. Most the times I feel the Lord use me and my gift to reach this other person when he/she has a hard time to understand it is from the Lord, what the he/she has asked for. But can’t hear the Lord for all the noices in the head or in the background in her/his life. Very related to hear the lords voice.

Sometimes the Lord talk to me through pictures, other times through a bible vers. Most comman I hear the Lord talk to me with simple Positive and Encourging Words to reach the other person to recive.

We all need to learn our way how the Lord is talking to each of us.

If I don’t have the oppurtunity to be in worship or praying with other Christian people, I go for a walk to clear my brain to hear better. I rather have a noicy sea or a forest around me to hear the Lords voice than a city. But lately I have also heard his voice through music, pod cast’s. Very few times through a dream. And recived a message from Him.

He’ll use the same ways we use! We just need to be open for it.

John 15 verses 16-17.

Thoughts after house church meeting on zoom, June 6th. Where the theme was John 14 & 15. And those who were leading the house church a couple they started to read those chapters each by them selfs and than together. This was as much as I recall of what I manage to follow before I ” fell out “..

I started to read JOHN 15 and I kind of fell off or out of the ” meeting ” while I read v. 8, v.16-17 and v. 26. They spoke to me. In different ways. How the Lord is Vine and I am a branch (v.8), How HE chose me (v.16-17) & at last HE will send the Spirit & Truth to me (v.26).

Does it speak to you? What are your thoughts about this?

What is my thoughts about the fruit that John is talking about? Have I (you) been in a situation where the Father (the Lord) is the gardener and cuts of the branches of mine that doesn’t produce fruit?

Maybe. I can’t recall any situations right now. But I probobly have. How will I otherwice grow as a Christian person? How does he do it? How does he cut the branches while I still live? Well he doesn’t do it physical it’s a metafor or picture. And what is the fruit? How do I know it is a fruit from the Lord?

I recall one of the others talk about how they were thinking of the fruits. Like being a helping person or testify about what I/you belive. How Jesus is a part of my/your life.

Am I that kind of person, that talks about what I belive to those I meet? No, and I have never been. But I have a tattoo that for me is my testify of my faith. I have chosen to do it this way mostly becauce I have easily to chat with new unknown people.

In John 15 vers 8, Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remaine in me and I in them, will produce much fruit.

How to stay and be the good branches? How to produce more fruit? That is my questions after reading this. How can I produce more fruit in my life as a Christian while I am who I am? He is the vine I am the branch. 😍 ✝️

In John 15 verses 16-17; You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.

HE, Jesus chose me. ✝️

He chose me to Love each other!

To do things out of love, no matter what it is You do for others.

John 15 vers 26; “But I will send you the Advocate —the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”

This vers talked to me in the way that ” the advocate will come to me from the Father.. ” Whatever happends I will be able to recive this as a believing Christian. I need to seek and read and talk to him who chose me. He has given me this. He has given me the Spirit of thruth! WOW what a gift to recive!! This is big!

How I sharing my faith with those I meet daily. As I wrote above, I have chosen to do it by tattoos (I will finish the one tattoo I started on in 2008 (P.U.S.H.)). Which for other people is just a symbol or letters has a bigger and deeper meaning for me and I know what it stands for and than I tell them my story. How I became a Christian and how those 4 letters is how Christian people around me prayed for me. How theirs prayers became my new path in life. The continuing of this tattoo is F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God. My way to the Christian I am today.


HaPPy New Year – Walk in Faith.

I want to share this. And experence I’ve just had. How the Lord answering when I trust Him and when I walk in faith.

I just have to use this picture again.

I was contacted by friends to me about the place they renting right now. It’s a bit outside on the West side of Oslo but still closer to my work. Before I had resinged my rented place. (!)

They told me they gonna move into the house they bought two years ago. Which means that the place they renting will be emtpy and they thought about me.

It’s a good two room with kitchen and livingroom and a space outdoors, which could fit me and my cat 🐈.

It made me think a bit more on “what does the Lord want for me ” rather than “what do I want”.

Since I moved back to Oslo 8 years ago I always wanted to move out of Oslo cause I am not a City girl!


I talked with the Lord a lot(!) in a short week.

“Is this the right place?”, “is this a part of what God put on my heart about twenty years ago?”, “Am I ready?”

I have had friends with me in prayer if this was what God wants for me.

It is an apartment next to a Mission center so it comes with some tasks. It didn’t make me unsure. It actually made me more sure that if the Lord opened up this door He knew and knows why.

So, this Tuesday I went there for a interview-chat. I met two older men in theirs 70’s and they did interviewed me! Than they asked me to go next door – to my friends “for a visit” and check the house propper and ask them questions.

After the interview they told me they gonna talk to the rest of the Mission center board.

On Thursday January 9, one of men texted me “We have decided to offer you the caretaker possion & the caretaker’s recidence”.

= that’s our prayeranswer!

P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happends.

To trust Him & Believe.

To put my life in His hands was the key.

He has a path for me and if I don’t trust Him to open up or close doors he can’t use me.

F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God.



Do you trust Him or do you rather making your decitions?

Do you dare to always trust Him?
